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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

[QUOTE="One Mean Ghost]


Eclipse gently wrapped a foreleg around Steelheart to help her stay calm. "I hope they get here soon too..." He murmured, though something in him told him that Firecracker was going to do something reckless... The battle with Mephisto was looking more and more inevitable... As it stood now, Eclipse was the only one that could hold the Dragon's gaze, but the effort drained his magic considerably. No doubt Mephisto would not make the same mistake he did before, in which case there was a very real possibility of Mephisto simply outlasting Eclipse's magic.

Of course, there was no way he would outlast the magic of Eclipse, and two flutter pony infused with half of Anda's soul. But then again, Mephisto had an army of soulless minions at his beck and call. He didn't want to get Steelheart involved in any fighting, but frankly, he needed her by his side if they were to have any chance.

Right now, he wanted to go out and find Firecracker and Steelheart himself, but he couldn't. Rosy was one of those his home recognized as friendly. It would take him at least an hour to overwrite that spell and lock her out, and in the meantime, if he left she could just waltz in here and take Steelheart. Well, provided Lavender Moon didn't roast her in the process, but the threat was still there..

---At the Horseshoe---

The unicorn was startled when the window shattered, and in that momentary shock it was struck by bolts of magic that knocked it into the wall. the chains around Sparky vanished when the Unicorn's focus was broken. The unicorn slowly stood up, a sadistic smirk across his lips. "well well.... This will save us a lot of time.. You came to us... Come with me, Firecracker... Lord Mephisto has plans for you... Of course, if you resist... Tilly may get a bit roughed up..." He snickered walking slowly towards Firecracker.

Iden charged and tackled them,he didn't take kindly to ponies who ruin his cover and hurt others who help iden.iden then lifts themself and the pony in the air,along with chairs and other items,all the floating items then fly towards the pony.iden won't let this go unpunished.
The air was heavy with magic. Anypony in tune with the arcane forces may have noticed that feeling of stagnant magic in the air. It had been there for a good few minutes, simply hanging in the air. However, out of nowhere, the intensity skyrocketed. What once would have felt like a dull pressure, like a blanket over one's body, became pressing and soon almost painful. Even those not very in tune would have felt it. In the span of a few seconds, it had changed. The air crackled and fizzled with energy. Unlike the aforementioned stagnant magic, this crackling was new. At first it was just a noise, then magical sparks shot through the air. They increased as the already gusty wind grew to almost storm like intensity. There was a brilliant flash of light, and like that it was over. It had ended as quickly as it had begun.

In the center of where the magical burst had taken place, now stood two ponies. Both seemed exhausted and startled at the same time. Both had fresh, bleeding wounds, though the ash-grey pony had quite a few more. They were panting, legs seeming to hobble under their own weight. They both looked around them in confusion.

"By my troth, thou didst succeed!" The grey one exclaimed, though he still looked around in confusion. "Though... prithee, where hath thou broughts us?"

"Methinks this beith a place of which I wit not." The red pony grinned. "Mine spirit hadst been flighty." The ashen pony looked with something resembling shock.

"Doth thou speakst forsooth?"



Midnight visibly tensed at the name Nightmare Soul.. "Well.... shit just got real then...." she took a deep breath, clearly unnerved by the mention of Nightmare Soul. "Is there any other craziness going on that I need to know about? I'd like to get my full dose of crazy out of the way early so I can address it as we go..." She remarked looking at Fang. She didn't know about Mephisto yet, or the threat he posed..

"If they want to attack during the ball,t hey'll find it impossible to get close... I've only met one person who can set up better barriers than myself, and that person is not in the Empire. Where is it to be held? I need to get started if I'm going to make a suitable barrier" She remarked, her demeanor suddenly very serious...

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower looked back at Sotil, quirking an eyebrow. Granted, she's heard stories of stranger things happening in Equestria . . . Not to mention the entire mess that was Discord's escape not all that long ago. Even after the Elements put things back together she was left cleaning her shop for over a week. Shaking her head she continued down the road at a steady canter.The blasted feeling of dread continued to hang in the air, despite all the bustle and excitement for the ball that night. It was almost like she was the only one to pick up on it.

But now there was something else . . . .

An unnatural heaviness hanging in the air . . .

She was forced to shield her eyes as a bright flash erupted in the middle of the street. Now what was going on? Some kind of over enthusiastic mage? Teal eyes studied the pair that had appeared in front of her. I swear on the sun itself, if Discord somehow got out again . . .

So much for tea.

Shadow Fang

Fang let out an almost defeated chuckle as Midnight asked about any other problems headed their way. "Gods, I wish the Empire was our only problem . . . but no, apparently there's another dragon headed this way. He's called Mephisto and thing's actually capable of attacking your own soul." She shook her head, almost pacing now. "The Empire . . . isn't going to outright attack the town. They can't risk killing the two they need to bring back their master. Mephisto and his puppets, however, aren't afraid of straight up attacking."

The mare stopped before looking out the window. Hast seemed so peaceful, but the little town could very well become a war zone before long. "We have wards set up all around town. They'll let us know if any Empire agent is dumb enough to set foot in Hast. It's Mephisto's goons we don't have a sure . . ." Fang felt a familiar tug in the back of her mind; a ward had been tripped.

"Fuck me," She growled before bolting outside and taking to the air. Whether or not Midnight wanted to get involved any more than she was, was going to be up to her.
It had been a week since Zikari had stayed. He had to leave and soon departed on his boat back home. Nostalgia did the everyday things for a pony her age, hoping one day she would get a spark of excitement in her life.
KageYuuki said:

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower looked back at Sotil, quirking an eyebrow. Granted, she's heard stories of stranger things happening in Equestria . . . Not to mention the entire mess that was Discord's escape not all that long ago. Even after the Elements put things back together she was left cleaning her shop for over a week. Shaking her head she continued down the road at a steady canter.The blasted feeling of dread continued to hang in the air, despite all the bustle and excitement for the ball that night. It was almost like she was the only one to pick up on it.

But now there was something else . . . .

An unnatural heaviness hanging in the air . . .

She was forced to shield her eyes as a bright flash erupted in the middle of the street. Now what was going on? Some kind of over enthusiastic mage? Teal eyes studied the pair that had appeared in front of her. I swear on the sun itself, if Discord somehow got out again . . .

So much for tea.
Sunflower would notice some peculiar things about the pair. Aside from their fresh wounds, some very severe, they were also wearing peculiar clothing. The red unicorn pony wore a sort of leather garb with strange and ancient runes etched onto it. The leather shielded the barrel, though it left the legs widely unguarded. The ashen earth pony had a very different outfit. He wore golden armor, much like the Royal Guard outfit in color and even lightly resembling it in appearance, with notable differences. The facial armor completely surrounded the eyes and ran down the whole of the neck, surrounding it as well. There was a plate of armor at the top and underside of his barrel, with rods attaching the two to each other. The hoofpieces were the same as the modern guard uniform, but from there were multiple golden rods, almost resembling vines, snaking up the cannon, knees, and forearms. This outfit also had some runes on it, though not nearly as many as his friends. The outfit was clearly made to defend attacks with wide AOE, such as slashing and slamming, rather than stabbing. It was lighter, but a tad less protective as a result.

The two continued to bicker and question, not even recognizing the stunned stares of those around them. Their tongue was that of an old one, not used widely in around 1000 years, and they were speaking it as if it was their natural tongue.

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As all of this went on outside of Eclipse's house, Spyro's room was dead quiet. Inside, the room was scattered with glowing black or white books, scrolls, and a few maps of Hast and the surrounding area with X's on them, scribes, and question marks. One of the maps were shredded to pieces out of frustration. On the bed, Spyro slept soundly, not moving a muscle as what looked like dark mist was coming off of him and surrounding the bed. Where Spyro's mind was, is unknown, but known. So close and near that one can reach out and touch it, but so far that not even the strongest telescopes can see it. Where Spyro's mind was is a place that the greatest philosophers and scholars say it is a myth, but every dreamer says it as true as the princesses. This place, is known as the Spirit Realm, a place were knowledge bleeds showing clips of the past.

---Somewhere in the Spirit Realm---

Spyro kept walking forward through the seance of war and peace he has already saw, to some new ones. These visions held events of the ancients first fights, to the recent times of peace and understatement, along with some new things like Eclipse's fighting and peace, to Lavender Moon, who had caught his eyes when he saw her combat, and her moments of peace. Spyro's horn glowed as he reached a cliff, and when he reached the end of it, new land formed under his hoofs, making a bridge as he walked his way up to what looked like a floating island with a large glowing black cage. As Spyro approached the dark cage with the bridge behind him disappearing, he could only glare at what was in the cage that has caused him so much pain and torment. This being, is none other then the dread dragon himself, Nightmare Soul. Nightmare Soul is of a average sized dragon, with him being completely made of shadows, with cyan blue eyes looking almost like Nightmare Moons.

"Valokein zek, welcome back to my hofkiin, my home." Nightmare Soul said in a deep voice as his eyes glowed brightly. "What brings you here to my suleyksejun, my realm?"

"Cut the act Nightmare Soul, you can't tempt me." Spyro said glaring at him.

"Aw, you wound me Spyro, what would I gain from tempting you." Nightmare Soul asked as he looked as innocent as he can be.

"You know what you can gain." Spyro said as his horn glowed, cheeking Nightmare's seal.

"Come on Spyro." Nightmare Soul said as his voice became softer, and the shadows he was made out of morphed into an exact replica of Fang. "Don't you want to save your sister Spyro, to stop all of this? Why can't you trust Nightmare Soul. Why do you make me suffer?" Nightmare Soul asked, sounding exactly like Fang.

"Your tricks are flawed Nightmare, Fang would never trust something like you." Spyro said as he ignored Nightmare Soul who morphed back into his dragon form.

"I try to give you happiness and peace, yet you through it back at me? Why? Can't you look past your self and see others emotions?" Nightmare Soul asked as his eyes glow increased.

"No. I can care less of what you want. All you want is to destroy everything." Spyro said as he finished with cheeking the seals and started to walk away with the bridge reforming so Spyro could get off of the floating island and return to his body.

"I will get out Spyro, and when I do, you body will be mine. All you care for will die like you sister Sapphire did." Nightmare Soul growled. When that comment left Nightmare's muzzle, Spyro paused for a second. "You can run Spyro, you can hide, you can fill your world with happiness and love, but it will all come crashing down. Who, or what would love something like you, something branded by War himself. Answer me that" Nightmare Soul asked. Spyro didn't respond and walked away heading back to his body in the real world and leaving Nightmare Soul's question unanswered.

(Info on the Spirit Realm: This place is an odd one. No laws of the world exist here in this place of floating islands and an endless fall. In this place, everything is unstable, and can change from water being like land, and the land being like water in some areas. The list of weirdness and oddities carry from simple, to down right creepy. If one goes here enough times, they can adjust to the oddness of this place, and can even be semi connected to the Spirit World, allowing them to reach other islands by making temporary bridges.)
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-In The horseshoe-

Before Firecracker could even have a chance to react what looked like princess Celestia had transformed into some kind of pony he had never seen before.

It's magic was strangely powerful but he didn't care as long as he was helping him to rescue his family.

When the kidnapper mentioned harming Tilly however everything changed.

Now he was faced with an impossible decision: risk his adoptive mother being harmed, or give himself freely to a trap.

Before he could even think, the strange 'help' reacted sending it's self, the attacker, and large amounts of furniture into the air.

As the attack on the kidnapper continued Firecracker rushed over to Sparky and asked " Where's aunt Tilly?!"

As the scared colt pointed a shaky hoof to the kitchen, Firecracker helped him up and rushed to the next room.

When he burst through the door a sight greeted him that was worse then finding a Timber Wolf.. An empty room.

Tilly was gone, and the only thing left was her apron with a dagger pinning it to the table.

A clear message showing who was in charge.

Sparky could only whimper "m..Mamma?"

It was then he felt cold hoof on his shoulder, without a word, he knew it meant his time was up, and it was time to make that impossible choice.

His head lowered, as he squeezed Sparky's hoof tight.

He sighed and focused his magic; he had never used telepathy before but he had to try for Sparky's sake.

"..Eclipse.. I don't know if you can even hear me.. But I'm sorry. I'm about to do something very dumb.

I hope you can forgive me for this.. But she is the closest thing I have to a mother, and I gotta go after her.

Don't worry about me, I have no plans on dying here, and I still have my ace in the hole.."

Looking over at the trembling colt he smiled to himself knowing he was doing what his heart told him was right.

He focused again, his horn glowing a copper color as he went on " But this foal.. please, if you have any real power save this foal.. he's right here.. Damn it he's right here."

Gritting his teeth he finally spoke audibly " It's me you want right? Fine, a pathetic trap for a pathetic unicorn. I'll go with you, but you have to let them go. You don't need collateral if I surrender."

A look came over his face that had never been shown before.

A blood lust that flew in the face of everything he stood for as he warned " But I swear to whatever gods you may fear that if you lay one hoof on them I will hunt you down to the seventh pit of Hell to drag you back and make suffer"

Sunflower Fields

"Uh, hello?" Sunflower's eyes narrowed slightly as she studied the bickering pair. This had to be some kind of crazy joke, right?

. . . Right?

Well if it was a joke, it was a damn elaborate one. Their armor was too real. Not to mention their wounds. Granted they didn't seem too fazed by them. The one was a unicorn, perhaps a master illusionist? Though seeing as the two arguing stallions seemed intent on ignoring her not many questions were going to get answered any time soon. "Sun and Moon will one of you two explain yourselves!" Sunflower suddenly snapped. Granted, the unusual pair may not take somepony saying the domains of the two goddesses all that lightly...
The two look in confusion at Sunflower.

"Coz? Dost thou knowst the woman's words?" said the Ashen pony. The red unicorn shook his head and thought for a moment before his horn lit up. The light spread between them, and with a faint flash it was done. The two looked at each other. "Did it work?" The ashen one said.

"Maybe," the red unicorn said before turning to Sunflower. "Um... hello? Can you understand me?"
As the sound of metal pounding metal rang through the forge a startled gasp left Shina's lips, dropping the hammer in her hoof to the floor. However it wasn't the sound that startled her, but rather something she felt. For a second her gaze turned toward the magical disturbance as if trying to see it through the wall and all the buildings and terrain in the way.

As disciplined as she was it was difficult for the young kirin to focus on her task. Though she knew the sword might prove to be a necessary weapon against either dragon who threatened them she couldn't shake the feeling that the battle had already begun. And here she was, a skilled combatant locked up safe and sound in the forge, and unable to protect anypony.

Shina gave a quick shake of her head trying to shake off these thoughts. Picking up her hammer and placing it back on the anvil Shina used her magic to levitate the steal back in to the furnace to heat it again. She didn't want to cut corners and risk making the sword too weak, but the longer it took the more anxious and worried she grew. The core steel needed to be folded several more times to remove imperfections, then she'd need to do the same to the outer layers of steel before forging them together. Then there was a little more folding and the shaping and the sharpening. Shina hadn't even thought of what she'd make the hilt out of yet.

With a heavy sigh Shina levitated the steel core back out of Konton's flames and back to the anvil. Her immunity to heat and fire allowed her to hold the growing metal with her bare hooves as she began to fold and pound the steel again. She didn't even break a sweat. Sweat was a bodies way of cooling itself, but being unable to over heat her body had no need for it.
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Sunflower Fields

The mare quirked an eyebrow, looking between the two. "Yes, I can still understand you . . . Now, could one of you explain just what's going on? Or would you prefer to bleed out in the middle of the street?" It seemed that she wasn't always the bright and cheery earth pony when something got in the way of her morning tea. Not to mention whatever sense of dread continued to linger over the entire town.
At the mention of their wounds, the two ponies looked down at their bodies briefly, but kept their eyes on her. They stared at her almost suspiciously. "Still understand? Curious than that you can understand our language, yet not speak it. Or choose not to do so." They ran their eyes over her, studying her. "Tell us... where are we?"

Sunflower Fields

It seemed any remaining possibility of this being some kind of joke died as the paired eyes her like she was some kind of Changeling. Honestly, after all of the crazy events that had hit Canterlot in the past year alone she'd considered moving to someplace more quiet.

And Hast no longer fit that description.

"You're in a small mountain town called Hast."
"Hast?" The ashen pony asked, turning to his friend. "Arc, do you know of a 'Hast?'" Arc thought for a few moments.

"Can't say I do, Silver, though I never was the best at Geography." Arc thought about what to ask. "What nation or union is this town a member of?"


Sunflower Fields

Sunflower watched the pair go back and forth for a moment before sighing, "Hast is a small town near the Northwest border of Equestria." She glanced around, only a few of the initially staring ponies remained. Though none seemed to be in a hurry to intervene on the situation.
This seemed to startle the two of them greatly. "D...- Did you say Equestria?" Silver asked in confusion.

"Hast definitely is not a primary settlement of Equestria," Arc said. "Just by looking at it, one could tell this city rivals even the likes of Canterlot in its majesty, though that may be a slight step too far, yet regardless. This would be a capital settlement, yet I know of none named 'Hast.'"

"Perhaps she is a poorly informed agent," Silver said with a glare. though Arc shook his head.

"TOO poorly informed."

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Inside of Spyro's room, the mist surrounding him started to dissipate as Spyro's eyes snapped open. Spyro suddenly dissolved into the shadows in his room and reappeared in the center of it with his horn glowing as all of the books, scrolls, and maps went from being scatter all over the room to being put into a organized way by or on the bed. After Spyro organized the room he once again melted into the shadows and slipped right out of his room, and made his way to the kitchen in Eclipses house. When Spyro got there he reappeared and looked around the room for something to eat and found some cereal that was edible for him since being part dragon he couldn't eat things like grass, hay, or flowers. In a short moment Spyro had his breakfast ready and began to eat.
viska said:
-In The horseshoe-
Before Firecracker could even have a chance to react what looked like princess Celestia had transformed into some kind of pony he had never seen before.

It's magic was strangely powerful but he didn't care as long as he was helping him to rescue his family.

When the kidnapper mentioned harming Tilly however everything changed.

Now he was faced with an impossible decision: risk his adoptive mother being harmed, or give himself freely to a trap.

Before he could even think, the strange 'help' reacted sending it's self, the attacker, and large amounts of furniture into the air.

As the attack on the kidnapper continued Firecracker rushed over to Sparky and asked " Where's aunt Tilly?!"

As the scared colt pointed a shaky hoof to the kitchen, Firecracker helped him up and rushed to the next room.

When he burst through the door a sight greeted him that was worse then finding a Timber Wolf.. An empty room.

Tilly was gone, and the only thing left was her apron with a dagger pinning it to the table.

A clear message showing who was in charge.

Sparky could only whimper "m..Mamma?"

It was then he felt cold hoof on his shoulder, without a word, he knew it meant his time was up, and it was time to make that impossible choice.

His head lowered, as he squeezed Sparky's hoof tight.

He sighed and focused his magic; he had never used telepathy before but he had to try for Sparky's sake.

"..Eclipse.. I don't know if you can even hear me.. But I'm sorry. I'm about to do something very dumb.

I hope you can forgive me for this.. But she is the closest thing I have to a mother, and I gotta go after her.

Don't worry about me, I have no plans on dying here, and I still have my ace in the hole.."

Looking over at the trembling colt he smiled to himself knowing he was doing what his heart told him was right.

He focused again, his horn glowing a copper color as he went on " But this foal.. please, if you have any real power save this foal.. he's right here.. Damn it he's right here."

Gritting his teeth he finally spoke audibly " It's me you want right? Fine, a pathetic trap for a pathetic unicorn. I'll go with you, but you have to let them go. You don't need collateral if I surrender."

A look came over his face that had never been shown before.

A blood lust that flew in the face of everything he stood for as he warned " But I swear to whatever gods you may fear that if you lay one hoof on them I will hunt you down to the seventh pit of Hell to drag you back and make suffer"
iden decides that the stranger had enough punishment,iden changes into a random pony and sits outside,thinking about how the captive thing will work out,iden will most likely help but they are still unsure.

Indicus also felt his ward trip and was quick to get himself armored up and armed before summoning his wings and chasing after Fang heading towards the breach. "Fuck this soon?"

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower slowly shook her head, sighing in annoyance. "I'm really not sure what's gotten into the two of you. I live in Canterlot, Hast doesn't even begin to compare." Teal eyes studied the pair closely, "Blood loss must seriously be messing with the two of her or . . . . something. Let's get you patched up before you drop." Was it bloodloss? Were the two stallions simply crazy?

Or had somepony been sampling the wild mushrooms in the area . . .?
"Doesn't even compare?" Arc asked in confusion.

"She must be mad," Silver said as he turned to Arc. Arc absentmindedly nodded, but seemed to hardly register the words as he thought.

"The northwest border, did she say? But than... how is this town not in ruin? Or at least in despair? Or even cheering? Anything but this... placenscy."

"I told you, she's mad," Silver said. "However, that means she can't be a Shifter, can she? They'd never have such a stupid agent. We accept your offer," Silver ended up saying as he turned to Sunflower, Arc nodding his agreement.

Iden becomes bored of sitting around and starts walking in a random direction,disquised as a Pegasus.

(I decided to add a pic this time so yay here it is.)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.1dbe8dab60969f4b82e7581041906281.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.1dbe8dab60969f4b82e7581041906281.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Sunflower Fields

The mare gave an audible snort. "You two do realize I can hear you, right?" They weren't exactly being subtle about their distrust. Oh if she could knock some sense into these two . . . They wouldn't even know what hit them. "And do you honestly think a Changling would be foolish enough to approach two armored stallions?"

Sunflower shook her head, walking past the duo. "Come on, I saw a doctor's office down this way."

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