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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Mrjenkins said:
The changeling jumped.they hope thier queen will not punish them."I am sorry my queen,that was a mistake on my part,I shall find a ship immediately and head to target location.i will not fail you again my queen."iden did not want Csharree taking thier mission,iden was already moving towards the docks as they talked to thier queen.
As they were walking down the road they tried to talk to thier queen once more.'excuse me my queen,I'm sorry for asking but you never told me what to do when I make it to the crystal empire'iden said truthfully.hoping they won't get yelled at some more. @KageYuuki
Outside of the dragon fire that surrounded the forge, a shadow raised itself off of the ground and formed into Spyro. Spyro looked around for Indicus and Fang but couldn't find them. "Indicus, Fang, I'm near the forge, where are you two?" Spyro asked them telepathically.
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Eclipse couldn't help but smile at Lavender Moon's slip of the tongue. He kept his wings tight to his side as they galloped through town. For most, running with another pony practically attached to their hip would be a little difficult, but for Eclipse and Steelheart, it was something they had grown so used to it was as easy as breathing for them. After all, whenever they were together they were practically fused at the hip so the Alicorn could guide the blind Flutter Pony around. Even now though, he made sure Lavender Moon wasn't more than maybe two steps behind them. When he said to stay by his side, he meant it in the most literal sense. He knew full well what Mephisto was capable of, and getting separated was exactly what that damned dragon wanted them to do.

As they arrived at the Horseshoe, Eclipse saw the broken window and shoulder checked his way through the door, finding Tilly still chained up near Sparky. For these two, it would be the first time seeing Eclipse without his cloak. His horn glowed as the chains broke away from Tilly's form as he approached them with Steelheart and Lavender Moon on either side of him. "Are you both alright?" He asked, his distinctive voice immediately making it obvious that he was the one they knew as Sky Chaser. If they doubted it at all, the fact that Steelheart was stuck to his hip would make it readily obvious. After all, he was the only one that ever guided her around like that.

He just hoped that the others were alright and on their way to the forge... They couldn't afford for any pony else to fall into Mephisto's clutches...

--------NEAR SUNFLOWER FIELDS----------------

"Why.... the year of the Dragon... of course..." three voices spoke in eerie unison as they rose from portals in front of Sunflower Fields and the two time-displaced soldiers. "I swear... what is with you and Luna and your disguises?...." they shook their heads disapprovingly. "Oh well... disguise or no, You will be coming with us" They advanced towards her, the one in the Middle met her gaze, and at once Sunflower Fields would feel her very soul being burned from the inside, just as Midnight Song/Luna had not long before.

The one saving grace is that only one member of this trio could channel Mephisto's Soul Torment at any given time... With numbers on their side, the Trio were incredibly dangerous... But without that advantage.....
Mrjenkins said:
As they were walking down the road they tried to talk to thier queen once more.'excuse me my queen,I'm sorry for asking but you never told me what to do when I make it to the crystal empire'iden said truthfully.hoping they won't get yelled at some more. @KageYuuki
The voice was silent for a moment. 'It seems you failed to pay attention to your briefing . . . Oh, but how to punish you for such foolishness? To think you were recommended to me . . .'
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Shadow Fang

Fang slowly shook her head, not even able to meet Indicus' gaze in his attempt to comfort her. "Midnight . . . wasn't even real." Her voice was soft, hard for even her partner to hear. "This whole time . . . to think that this whole time Her Majesty was . . ." Fang shook her head again. "And now that bastard has her!"
KageYuuki said:
The voice was silent for a moment. 'It seems you failed to pay attention to your briefing . . . Oh, but how to punish you for such foolishness? To think you were recommended to me . . .'
'If you need to you may my queen but I don't even remember there being a briefing.'iden said,he had a minor case of animesia from the crash.sometime lady puck isn't on your side,and that's usally the case if your a changeling.iden was now trying thier best to remember the briefing.they slowed down so they can think.
Indicus continued to sit beside her, he could barely hear her whisper but was able to catch the words but did not let the surprise of the revelation show. "Then lets meet with the others and let them know what's going on so we can get her back."

Sunflower Fields . . . ?

The instant the Soul Torment had struck the mare, she collapsed to the ground screaming and writhing in agony. Silver grabbing her and pulling her away so that eye contact was broken managed to release the spell for the time being. She gasped and coughed, her entire body seeming to flicker after Silver lay her back down. "Soul magic . . " Her entire body shook from the lingering pain as she pushed herself back to her hooves.

But something had clearly changed.

The once petite earth pony now towered over Silver, her eyes hardening into a harsh glare. "Demon..." Her voice rumbled like distant thunder as she began to stalk back out of the alleyway. The ground beneath her hooves charred with every step. "To think you had the nerve to believe you could get away with harming any of my little ponies."

The unicorn trio would soon find themselves enveloped in a golden aura as they were lifted from the ground. Sunflower's once curly mane and tail had become longer, now suddenly rippling in an unknown wind. The teal color was beginning to blend with the colors of a sunrise, pinks and violets streaked through the ethereal hair. Without giving them a chance to react a powerful blast of mana sent all three puppets rocketing in different directions. Wings and horn were now visible as the angered alicorn watched the three attackers fly off. She couldn't do battle in the middle of town. Not to mention these two needed their wounds tended to.

What would have felt like just an hour ago for the stallions, the same alicorn would have stood before an army clad in golden armor. They would have followed the Solar Goddess' orders to charge for the final battle. But now here she stood; no crown, no golden peytral, not even the shoes she was often seen wearing in court.

"Are you two alright?" Celestia asked as she studied the pair, concern now lacing her features.

Shadow Fang

Fang was reluctant, but she slowly nodded and stood. "Spyro's probably still waiting for us by the forge," She murmured in a hollow voice before spreading her wings and taking off. The flight itself would only take a minute before the pair would touch down beside Spyro. "Where are the others?" She asked, warily eying the flames. "And what's the deal with this?"
"Eclipse has gone with Steelheart and Lavender Moon to get Tilly and Sparky from the Horseshoe." Spyro said "As for that," Spyro then gestured to the dragon fire around the forge. "It is Shina's doing. I know this since I can feel her magical energy on those flames."
Their eyes widened as they stood frozen for a few minutes in shock before bowing to her. "Princess!" Silver exclaimed. He considered apologizing to the princess for having been so hostile to her not long before, but he sensed that was not the proper response at the moment. "Of course we are alright your highness, Morphus himself could not strike us down. But what those ponies... nay, those creatures did to you. Are you alright, Princess?"

While Silver was saying this, Arc was thinking. Morphus... the Shifter king... this is it. Could my theory be correct... could we really have time traveled? If we, in fact, did, than he likely has not been around for hundreds of years. Watch her reaction, Arc. This is the final confirmation. For a moment, Arc considered the possibility that perhaps this Celestia was actually a shifter, but decided that was improbable. She hadn't given off the distinctive flare that all Shifters did when they changed. This more closely resembled illusory magic, albeit highly advanced.


Princess Celestia

The alicorn let out a slow sigh before nodding, "I'll recover in due time." She glanced in the direction one of the puppets had been sent. But to think there's a soul magic user on the loose. She shook her head slightly before looking back to the pair. "Those 'creatures' as you called them are ponies who've had their souls stolen." There was so much to explain, not to mention figure out. Where to even start.

A golden aura enveloped her horn before washing over the pair. Healing spells took considerable time and a lot of mana, she couldn't afford one right now. This instead was designed to sooth pain and replenish stamina. A spell her brother had developed, but she and Luna perfected. "Forgive me for not revealing myself right away to you. I had my own suspicions to confirm."
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The pair hadn't noticed how sluggish and in pain they were until it was gone. They felt revitalized and strong. Arc considered using a healing spell now that they were enabled, but elected not to for the same reason Celestia did.

"Of course, Princess," Silver said dutifully. He was always the one that obeyed the Princess without thought or consideration. He certainly was a good little soldier. However, Arc was more curious. He had often been reprimanded by his friend, as well as other officers, for questioning the Princess. He never disobeyed her, of course, but his innate curiosity and lust for knowledge could have him asking questions he likely shouldn't.

"Had their souls taken?" Arc said. He thought for a few moments. "I've never heard of soul magic? I have theoretical knowledge of all arcane disciplines, yet I've never even heard of this." @KageYuuki
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Princess Celestia

Celestia sighed and shook her head, "There are many forms of magic you would have never heard of, and for good reason. Soul magic is inherently dangerous to both the user and it's target." Her expression darkened, "What you saw a moment ago was only a glimpse of what this magic is capable of." She turned to leave, they needed to get out of the center of town should those puppets show themselves again. She needed to get a hold of Luna and explain the situation. This magic user could not be allowed to live any longer than they already have.

"Walk with me," The princess' voice had taken on a commanding tone.
Arc and Silver both saluted, used to their war days where everything from the princess was met with either a salute or a bow, before tagging along. Silver followed along thoughtlessly, while Arc continued to think. She didn't react negatively, thus condirming time travel, though she didn't react positiviely either. While time travel is seeming progressively less likely, the possibility hasn't been entirely ruled out yet. Keep paying attention to any hints that might confirm or deny such a possibility. Of course, he was paying attention. Depending on which way this conversation went, he might learn about a forbidden magic that few others have ever learned! Of COURSE he was excited! Even if that wasn't the way the conversation went, those ponies were clearly very dangerous and malevolent, so he'd need to know the situation. He asked no questions, simply waiting for her to elaborate in whichever way she deigned necessary and right.


Princess Celestia

The group traveled down the road in silence for a few minutes. Being lost in thought Celestia barely noticed the stares and bows coming from the shocked citizens of Hast. "Arc Light," The Alicorn looked back over towards the wary mage. "Out of all the loses that were suffered during that battle, the two of you were the only bodies no recovered. Care to report on what happened?" To say the princess had an incredible memory would have been an understatement. To recall such a minute detail from a battle that occurred over five hundred years ago . . .

Though she'd picked up on a few tricks over the many years.
Silver looked over expectantly at Arc, expecting him to respond, as Arc recalled the battle. It wasn't really that hard. The epic and bloody battle, easily the most bloody of the battles though not necessarily the most horrifying of them all, had only happened about a half hour ago for them. "Well... As you know, we were assigned to battle King Morphus while the Magistrate prepared a spell to destroy him." The Magistrate was a legion of powerful wizards. They also ruled some of the legislation. At the time, Celestia and Luna had been much more inexperienced at ruling a kingdom, so the task of governing was split among multiple bodies. It was this war, in fact, that consolidated ponies' faith in Celestia and Luna. Despite it being a bloody and atrocious war, seeing their own princesses battling alongside them did wonders to the spirit of the soldiers, and they returned home to their families praising the glory of the princesses. "When the spell was launched, we were caught in the crossfire. I attempted to shield myself and Silver Duty and warp away, and for all intents and purposes we seem to have succeeded."
-In the horseshoe-

Neither Tilly, or Sparky could believe their eyes.

They had never seen what 'Sky Chaser' looked like under his cloak, but this was something so out of left field it was practically coming from the right.

For a moment the two thought it had to be sompony else, but seeing Steelheart with him the way she always was solidified it.

But how could he be such a magnificent Alicorn? Was this still the same story teller from the past ten years?

Being only nine, Sparky had known him his whole life, but never seen him like this.

To make matters stranger still He seemed to have a second flutter pony with him who looked very much like Steelheart.

She had a strange air about her though, as if she was unapproachable and cold.

Unlike Steelheart who always seemed like a pony you could run up and hug.

Aside from looking a bit older and a few coloring differences she could almost be her twin.

As the stunning shock wore off Tilly came begging to Eclipse "They took my little Fire.. He gave himself to buy my safety and those monsters took him."

Her eyes filled with tears as she pleaded; while it was true that Sparky was her only true child by blood, she raised Firecracker from the time he was very young as her own.

The very idea that as a 'mother' she could do nothing to save her 'child' tore her apart.

She would have given her life for him without thinking, but she never wanted him to do the same.

She quickly broke down into tears, unable to explain any farther.

Less hysterical the Tilly, Sparky was able to run right up to Eclipse and re-stated "Some bad guys took cousin Firecracker! They tied me up and were gonna hurt mamma, but Cousin Fire came smashing in the window like daring-do. "

His eyes began to wander as his memory trailed off. "Then my friend ..changed.. and. Saved me..but"

He seemed a little distressed for the first time.

Was it the gravity of it all setting in?

Or perhaps he just felt worried about his new friend's change.

He felt confidant that 'Sky Chaser' could save his cousin, but what about that strange pony he had only just met?

Interrupting the colt Lavender Moon interjected "This is very bad. If they have Värde (Valor) then they have already stripped one of the Elements of Redemption from the playing field.

Regaining his attention, Sparky only tilted his head and replied to her remark "The bad guys stole more ponies?"

Stepping forward Steelheart replied in a soft melodic voice. "..No Sweetheart, let me explain."

Even though it sounded like the coo of a dove, it somehow took every pony's focus

Her eyes once again took a soft glow that she displayed when her powers manifested as she sat down between the two of them.

Being blind it didn't matter who she faced, so she simply spoke to and empty corner of the room.

She sighed as she planned her words very carefully " Your Cousin Firecracker is very special pony.. In fact, a lot of the pony I know are."

Trying to find a way to explain the graphic events of last year in a way a child could understand she went on "He is one a few pony that have more then one name. He got this name from my grandmother.. She was very angry at the world once.. and He and his friends gave her reasons to believe that the world was worth saving.

The way Steelheart spoke was like a mother telling a bed time story.

It was soft and soothing, it would almost lull a pony to sleep in spite of the situation.

Turning her blind gaze to Tilly the warm light from her eyes calmed her Hysteria as she fell silent in awe.

Smiling serenely she went on "When my Grandmother..Passed. She gave each of these pony a new name in our language.

This was to grant them a small, but unbreakable connection to the magic of the Flutter Pony race.

Thus the Elements of Redemption were born.

Turning back towards Eclipse's direction she added "And continue to be born in the hearts of pony willing to prove that the world is a beautiful light filled place worth protecting and cherishing."

The Grace of the goddess Anda shown in Steelheart as she comforted the two pony.

in spite of the chaos that was practically raining down on their heads, there she sat; as serene as a flower in a meadow, as calm as a still pond.

Sparky sat there starry eyed listening to every word as the calming warmth of her magic drifted in the air like a summer's breeze.

However, this calm was not to last as Lavender Moon again Called attention to the severity of the situation.

"Well said Syster, but we really must go, we have what we came for, now we must hurry on. If the dread dragon picks even one more of us off we stand little chance of recovering the balance of power."

Tilly pleaded one final time with Eclipse, her eyes seeming to beg as only a desperate mother could "Please Sky Chaser, I know it's not my place to ask this to an Alicorn, so I'm asking this of an old friend.. Please save my little Fire bubala. He risked it all to save me and my baby."

Princess Celestia

Celestia remained quiet as Arc relayed the events of the battle. She slowly nodded once he'd finished, "I see . . . but for a teleportation spell to cause a jump in time . . ." The princess mulled over the possibility of such a thing occurring. "I may have to look into this later, I'm sure my student would love looking into such a mystery as well." She knew Twilight would be thrilled to study such an unusual magical phenomenon. From when Arc and Silver had come from, a princess taking another pony into their tutelage was practically unheard of.

"I suppose that may explain how Morpheus survived the initial blast then."
-Somewhere in the hills of Hast.-

On a smaller remote peak near Hast a blood red portal opened with a pale of rolling thunder.

It was almost as if a dark wedding bell ringing out to let every pony know the ceremony was about to begin.

As the three pony walked through the portal tendrils of the mist hung onto Rosy as if trying to call her back within.

As they approached a stone alter a statue a phantom horn appeared on Rosy's head of the same color as her new-found powers.

As the translucent horn glowed brightly the dark mist swirled around it until it eventually grew large enough to envelope her.

After a few seconds the mist melted away to show that Rosy had done a bit of a costume change.

She now wore a crimson bridal gown with raven black trim, and a long train baring the mark of her new master.

The mark seemed to glow with a faint light as if a runic glyph.

Her vale had was lined with baby's breath ghost berries, and nightshade flowers.

And her body was adorned with what looked like a golden ribbed corset.

It was a strange combination of classical beauty and sinful seduction.

Was this Maphisto's way of mocking the sanctity of marriage, or Simply the dream gown of a demented mind?

Overhead what few clouds in the sky began to stir around the hill in protest to the event on this, the towns most sacred of days.

As the 'minister' held up a large box containing two bracelets, a wicked toothy grin stretched across his face.

In a hissing whisper of a voice he asked "Shall we begin?"

Rosy only lowered her head to drape her eyes in her vale and replied " I have waited my whole life for this day, let me savor it a few more moments."

An internal conflict still stirred in what was left of her heart, but her path was set.

All she could do was drag her hooves.
Both of them were in shock, though admittedly for different reasons. "You have a pupil?" Arc said in shock. If he was to be honest, he was somewhat jealous. Granted it had never been a dream of his to be taught by the Princess, as that simply never happened in his time, though if it were to happen now... "If I might toss out a basic theory of my own," Arc said, "As you may recall, the nature of the spell was to be absorbed by his innate magic, thus overloading him and essentially destroying him from within. This was done so that he could not block the spell," he said. "I believe it is possible that I might have absorbed part of that energy and used it to piggyback, thus greatly intensifying the temporal properties of teleportation. The shield I had used may have protected us from external forces, allowing us to survive all the unexpected variable thrown our way. That may also explain why he survived, as a portion of the energy was divided to us."

It was then that finally Silver spoke up. "Morpheus survived the attack? What followed our disappearance?"

Eclipse couldn't help but feel a momentary sense of calm as Steelheart told the story. Then again, she always had that effect on him. As Lavender Moon reminded them all that they needed to move, Eclipse nodded his head. The only real safe place in Hast was still his home, but to send the two there alone would put them still at risk. Not to mention, Rosy was able to get in still, as he had not had the time to modify the barrier protecting it. "you two will need to stay with us. We can't run the risk of Mephisto reneging on his word to leave you two safe." He remarked before Tilly pleaded with him once more.

"Tilly, please don't look at me or think of me any differently. I'm still the same old pony and I'll do everything in my power to bring Firecracker back safely. Of that you have my word." he rested his hoof gently on her shoulder so she would know he meant it. After all this time, Eclipse had never once broken his word to anyone in Hast. "And since you now know what I am.. I think it's only fair you know my real name is Eclipse... Though Sky Chaser still works" he looked to Lavender Moon, Steelheart, and Sparky.

"Let's get going. I doubt Mephisto's going to give us much time to breathe."
He made sure Steelheart and Lavender Moon were right next to him as well as Tilly and Sparky before they set off for the forge. His mind was racing as he tried to figure out a way to recover Firecracker. Mephisto took Firecracker for Rosy, that much was painfully obvious. The question now, was where would she take him....He didn't have the faintest clue...

At long last, they arrived at the forge. When he saw the fire, his horn glowed as he sent through a telepathic pulse to the mare inside. "Shina! Let us in. Mephisto's already started to move. He's got Firecracker!" There was no time to delay. He had a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach that things were about to get a whole lot worse...
Indicus looked at the ponies that just arrived, before looking back at Fang with some concern. He hoped she could stay calm when they got close to being able to rescue the princess then there was the others and telling them.
Mentally Shina made a promise to herself to make a stock pile of phoenix and dragon fire weapons in the future. She knew she'd cut corners on this sword, no pun intended, but it only had to hold up for one battle. After that she'd have time to make a proper sword or two. Despite all her rushed work and heart ache of worry the sword was nearly done. All layers forge together to form a blade that was strong enough to hold an edge while still flexible enough to block a hit with out breaking.

Once heated for the final time Shina held the growing blade a moment as it cooled. She'd noticed, much like the sword her father had made from her dragon fire, that even after the metal was cooled it still had a red and orange color to it. The sword looked like it was still red hot, the phoenix fire having somehow changed the metal. If anything it was a good sign the sword had picked up some kind of magic during the forging process.

As she inspected her handy work a voice in her head suddenly drew Shina's attention. Neither the telepathy nor who it came from were of any real surprise to Shina. After all weren't alicorns expected to have crazy amounts of magic? But hearing the last bit of what he had to say the sword fell from her hooves landing with a loud clank on the floor.

Rushing out the door Shina stopped just at the edge of her fire ring. Though the flames were so thick no normal pony could see through them Shina could see the others gathered outside of the flames as though the fire was little more then a window. Her antler suddenly lit up as the dragon fire parted to create an opening.

"Where is he?" She said quickly, her voice almost booming somehow. In her pupils flames could be seen clearly burning in her eyes as things like rage and anger tried to take hold. Shina's magic had always had a strong connection to her emotions, the main reason she was usually so calm. But now she looked ready to charge head first into battle like some kind of war horse of legends.

It seemed Shina wasn't waiting for an answer. "Konton!" She called back over her shoulder. "Bring the sword!" Without hesitation the fire lighting the furnace in the forge went out and the young phoenix came flying out of the forge with the red and orange blade in his talons. Dropping the sword Shina caught it with her magic levitating it over to Eclipse. "Can you magic me some kind of hilt on this?"

Again not waiting for an answer her sharp fuchsia eyes turned to Tilly and Sparky. "You two should probably hide here. I will leave Konton to protect you." Her gaze then turned to Konton as he came to land on her back. "Tilly has been kind enough to let us say with her, so please behave for her. When I leave I will dispel the ring of dragon fire. You will need to create a new barrier with your own fire. If anypony tried to enter your barrier... Burn them."
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