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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Princess Celestia

Celestia continued walking, unconsciously being drawn towards two strong source of magic. One of them felt vaguely familiar, a calming presence almost. "Your analysis is a likely scenario, Arc." She mused, catching sight of a wall of fire nearby. "As for what happened, my flames purged the battlefield while Luna's shadow ensured none escaped." This was a side to the princess that hadn't been seen in hundreds of years. She always preferred the more diplomatic approach to issues, resolving matters without bloodshed. But when push came to shove, she was just as capable in combat as her sister.

The trio stopped before the flames as the Alicorn studied them for a moment. She reached out with a hoof and touched the flames, letting them curl around her for a moment. "Dragonfire," She murmured, "Impressive they were able to weave spells into the flames as well." A highly advanced user in pyromancy. Could it have been the Kirin involved in Equinox? But she was so young . . .

Moving around the flames toward voices, Celestia froze. Her eyes widening slightly in shock as she stared at the dark Alicorn among the others. "It can't be . . ."

Shadow Fang

Fang couldn't stand to look at Eclipse and the others as they approached. What Midnight - no, Luna- had said before they were attacked still bothering her. Eclipse being related to them made plenty of sense, sure. But it only made her failure sting that much worse. "E . . . Eclipse" She managed a low voice, gaze turned away from him. "I'm sorry . . . I'm sorry I-" She froze, having caught sight of a familiar white figure nearby. Fang dropped into a low bow, it was practically instinct at this point. "Your majesty," She stammered.
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Spyro looked over to the new arrivals and gave a nod to princess Celestia. "Celestia." Spyro said to her with respect. "What brings you to Hast this early?" Spyro asked her, and then he noticed something odd with the other two with her. "And why are those two wearing different armor then your usual royal guards? The armor they are wearing seems, a bit older then what the royal guards wear now."
As iden was walking down a road he saw a dim glow,when he got closer it was a protective fire and thee ponies in the distance.iden's curiosity got the best of him as he started sneaking forward.getting slowly closer to the group and the fire,iden used shadows and alleys to make his way over to the fire and the ponies there.while he was moving he bumped into a garbage bin which fell over,spilling its contents.

(Iden is still disquised.)
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Sotil, this whole time, had been sitting at the small stand he had set up, diligently working on his recent commissions, completely ignorant of the world around him. He didn't notice any passerbys that didn't directly speak to him to get his attention, nor did he notice the passing of time, something that often happened as he worked on things that showed up in his mind so well.

"Oh, it looks so grand..." He says as he holds up a smoothed out blackened crystal before setting it down, pulling out a small, fine tool to begin putting in pinpoint sized holes, a small set of silvery crystal bits sitting at his side as he awaited adding the desired details
While waiting for everypony to get in place Shina suddenly felt somepony messing with her fire. Shina suddenly snapped toward the disturbance in the flames her antler glowing to part them again with a quick whoosh. It was likely only due to the disciplined training of a skilled marital artist that she didn't simply fire a blast of flames at the princess. However the flames that appeared at the tip of each branch of her anther seemed to indicate she was ready to. It might almost have been pretty, like some kind of candelabra a top her head, if not for the deadly look in her eyes.

Though she didn't know the white alicorns who'd joined them Shina had seen her in the form of statues and paintings. She'd even seen entire temples dedicated to her and a darker colored alicorns. They reminded her a bit of the dragon shrines back home but that was neither here nor there. In a more formal setting Shina might have bowed or paid some kind of respects, but at this moment Celestia was just another distraction from Shina's new self appointed mission. Save Firecracker.

"Can we just go already!?" Shina snapped a bit harsher then she might of meant to. At this point Shina was about ready to snatch her sword, weather Eclipse was done hilting it or not, and simply go after Fire on her own.
Arc and Silver were completely overwhelmed. Was that another alicorn? WAS THAT A DRAGON?! They felt exhausted as they became stricken by severe sensory overload. Yet ironically, through all of the chaos, Arc heard a trashcan tumble over in an alleyway. He sense the princess was busy for now, so he decided to go investigate. Silver would act as his time period ambassador while he checked it out, he supposed. It was with those thoughts that he slinked off into a nearby alley where he'd heard the sound. There, he saw a simple pony. He shrugged, turning to leave before he felt it. The warm glow of a rune. His shifter detection room was glowing, meaning a shifter was nearby. And there was only one creature nearby.

Arc grit his teeth as he turned and quickly created a shield around Iden, preventing him from running. "I'd hoped, what with the time period, that Shifters would be gone. It seems I was wrong. Any last words you'd like to get out before you're eradicated?"

-In the hills of Hast-

As Rosy's finally opened her eyes she approached the alter with Firecracker always exactly in pace with her steps.

As they did the, the skies again roared in anger: the second bell to toll in the unholy union.

As they reached the alter the 'minister' asked "Are you finally ready to get everything your heart desired?

However Rosy seemed strangely sad as she replied " .. I am."

Setting down the box containing the bracelets the dark priest slowly walked up to the bride to be.

His voice seemed was deeper then before, carrying a strangely alluring quality as he asked " Is Something wrong?"

Rosy looked up her eyes no longer able to cry but still full of pain as she replied "Look at him..he's just a doll, a puppet on a string. Forcing him into this.."

Her eyes faintly showed the colors they once had before she traded her soul away as she finished saying "This isn't right"

The dark priest sneered for a moment before asking "Right?.. Was it Right that you were born with a barren womb?"

He began to circle her and speak in a harsher tone with each question " Was it right that your only love abandoned you to find the adventure and joy in life that was rightfully yours? Was it right that he left you to pine for him sum 8 years before returning with an exotic trophy mare on his hip?"

Rosy could only close her eyes tightly as his words began to burn into what was left of her heart.

Now right in her face he continued to berate her " 'Right' is the power to change fate, and it is decided by the strong. Lord Maphisto has granted you the power to do this, why is beyond me.. He even has the power to grant you that which you desire above all else in this world."

Leaning in he whispered into her ear "..A child"

With that a look of shock took over her face as her eyes flew open.

Gone was the pale traces of color, or even the cold gray from before.

Now only the blood red filled her eyes as she could only nod her head in agreement.

And with all the grace of a bride Rosy approached the alter and lifted her own vale.

She had forsaken everypony and everything.

She would take this cup and become the dread mother with her soulless groom.

As the dark priest took his place as well he cackled in his throat as he began " Dearly beloved.."
Assailant said:
Arc and Silver were completely overwhelmed. Was that another alicorn? WAS THAT A DRAGON?! They felt exhausted as they became stricken by severe sensory overload. Yet ironically, through all of the chaos, Arc heard a trashcan tumble over in an alleyway. He sense the princess was busy for now, so he decided to go investigate. Silver would act as his time period ambassador while he checked it out, he supposed. It was with those thoughts that he slinked off into a nearby alley where he'd heard the sound. There, he saw a simple pony. He shrugged, turning to leave before he felt it. The warm glow of a rune. His shifter detection room was glowing, meaning a shifter was nearby. And there was only one creature nearby.
Arc grit his teeth as he turned and quickly created a shield around Iden, preventing him from running. "I'd hoped, what with the time period, that Shifters would be gone. It seems I was wrong. Any last words you'd like to get out before you're eradicated?"

Iden was shocked when they saw a pony and were trapped,iden tried to escape by using a shockwave spell to break the shield,but it did not work.then they turned to face thier trapper.wait.. Was that who they thought it was?,iden madea symbol with thier magic to arc,to see if it's really them.

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Arc looked for a few moments, observing the symbol before grumbling and lowering the shield. "Convincing last words," he said as he thought for a moment. To think that the agreement transcended time itself was really a rather impressive thought, especially given how fragile it was to begin with. "So I guess you're Iden in disguise, right? Or maybe one of his allies?"

Indicus waited for the order to start their mission he suppressed his anticipation and kept himself still but with a friend in the clutches of an enemy as well as Princess Luna the one who supported him after he lost his squad and first love it was hard to keep a calm demeanor and his mind and sword thirsted for blood that would certainly await him, the burden of his heritage coming back in full force. "So how do we plan to find Firecracker and get rid of any of Maphisto's minions? Preferably without too much of an extended fight that would leave us vulnerable."
-at the forge-

As Shina burst from the forge she demanded satisfaction.

Not being in on the telepathic conversation it was a shock to say the least.

To see her in such a stark contrast to the respectful quiet mare from before was jarring to most.

Tilly could hardly believe that it was the same mare she saw last night.

Timmid and embarrassed easily.

At first it frightened her.

She worried that she had some how gone crazy and was going to attack.

Though with the day she had it was no surprise for her to be a bit paranoid.

She had never experienced anything like the events of today.

She wasn't on Equinox and had always loved in a quiet peace .

Sparky however was in agreement.

He wanted to hunt down and save his cousin right away.

But reluctantly agreed to stay behind.

Tilly asked much the same question as she settled in at the forge "miss Shina, Firecracker needs you to. Please help find him.

Lavender Moon could see her frustration and could sense the urgency but still found time to joke "Eastern mares.. Them I like. Much fire in their belly. Not like southern fillys. All sunshine and rainbows."

Steelheart on the other hand only cringed in fear.

At first it seemed like it was fear of Shina but even after Shina calmed down to a degree she still looked very uncomfortable.

Finally she spoke in a tiny voice Eclips.. Shina..something bad is about to happen. Something very wrong.

It was then another pale of thunder rolled in the distance.

As it did, the blind pony turned her 'gaze' to the mountains in the distance

Pointing a hoof to a peak where the clouds swirled around she added "there..it feels like something bad is going to happen there..

I'm sorry, I know it's not much help.. "

She had no idea how spot on she was as she shyly trailed off. She was distracted by both stress and the confusing magics all around her.
Assailant said:
Arc looked for a few moments, observing the symbol before grumbling and lowering the shield. "Convincing last words," he said as he thought for a moment. To think that the agreement transcended time itself was really a rather impressive thought, especially given how fragile it was to begin with. "So I guess you're Iden in disguise, right? Or maybe one of his allies?"
Iden nods,and his name comes up next to himself,to show that they are actually iden.

Iden was wonderkng why they went missing for so long,but that does not matter now,iden takes a couple steps forward and the name changes to a small silhouette of silver appears and a question mark next to it,iden was wondering where silver was.
Arc nods back to the way he came out from. "He's back there, meeting some people." Arc thought for a few moments as he looked over Iden before grinning. "Gotta say, it's surprising no one's off'd you after all these years." Of the two of them, Silver and Arc, Arc was more tolerant. Iden, Silver, and Arc had a... long history, even longer now he supposed, but Silver was always a bit more... wary of Iden than Arc was. It's a long story. "How's your end of the bargain holding up?" @Mrjenkins
Assailant said:
Arc nods back to the way he came out from. "He's back there, meeting some people." Arc thought for a few moments as he looked over Iden before grinning. "Gotta say, it's surprising no one's off'd you after all these years." Of the two of them, Silver and Arc, Arc was more tolerant. Iden, Silver, and Arc had a... long history, even longer now he supposed, but Silver was always a bit more... wary of Iden than Arc was. It's a long story. "How's your end of the bargain holding up?" @Mrjenkins
Iden pulls out a paper,and starts writing on it,after a small bit they hand it to arc.'it has been doing fine,but recently,chrysalis sent me on a mission to spy on cadence in her empire,so she may have a better chance to pose as her,but I have crashed,here,and so far.i have no way to get to the empire.and I forgot to mention I am a high rank in the hive.

Ps:where were you two all this time?you have no aged at all since last time we have met.'
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"Crystal Empire, huh?" Arc said, assuming that was what Iden meant. He didn't know who this Cadance was, but he knew that the Crystal Empire was one of the first large allies of Equestria. Originally, anyway. "I hope they took care of the Sombra fellow. I heard he was causing some trouble up there." He thought for a bit. "Good job about the rank, hopefully that will make the mission easier." He then sighed. "As for where I've been... evidently in a battle against Morpheus, we accidentally traveled through time. We just arrived about... half an hour ago, I'd say."
Assailant said:
"Crystal Empire, huh?" Arc said, assuming that was what Iden meant. He didn't know who this Cadance was, but he knew that the Crystal Empire was one of the first large allies of Equestria. Originally, anyway. "I hope they took care of the Sombra fellow. I heard he was causing some trouble up there." He thought for a bit. "Good job about the rank, hopefully that will make the mission easier." He then sighed. "As for where I've been... evidently in a battle against Morpheus, we accidentally traveled through time. We just arrived about... half an hour ago, I'd say."
'How did you do it?'iden wanted to know,it would be great to travel through time.'but besides that,there was rumors of a dragon around here.i would be careful.'iden didn't exactly like dragons,they are usally rude,selfish,and would most likely roast you alive.iden never really saw a good dragon,and they do t think they ever will.'and we've been isolated for a while,so I have no idea what happened with sombra.'
"I saw the dragon. She seemed a tad cranky, but nothing too bad." Dragons were a curious case where he came from. Originally they were hunted, for any reason from glory to sport to heroism. However, after they'd formed their own nation of sorts, they became recognized as more than wild animals. Hunting them for sport or recreation of any kind was forbidden, however if a stray one caused too much trouble they were still okay to be killed. Not like it was easy or anything though. "As for time travel, even if I truly understood I wouldn't divulge. As it were, I don't fully understand. A magical surge corresponding to favorable conditions, as best I can tell." @Mrjenkins

Eclipse looked at the blade as it hovered before him, his own horn glowing as his magic took over holding it. "It's been awhile since I've done any kind of work with a sword, but I should still be able to manage....." He closed his eyes, his horn glowing brighter as a solid diamond came up from the ground with another one in tow. the smaller one cut the larger one to the right shape before he fitted the handle to the blade, some fine ribbon wrapping around the diamond handle for grip. "There... that should be able to withstand the magic this sword holds.." He remarked, returning it to Shina. Diamonds were one of the few things that could actually survive getting hit with phoenix fire, so it was no small wonder he would use that for the handle...

"there..it feels like something bad is going to happen there..

I'm sorry, I know it's not much help.. "

Eclipse looked to where Steelheart was pointing, his horn glowing as his eyes did as he Soul Searched in that direction. Sure enough, Rosy was there. Doubtless wherever she was, is where Firecracker was, even though Firecracker couldn't be seen on Eclipse's soul search anymore. He didn't even realize his little sister was coming around the fire as he spoke again.

"Steelheart, you are a bigger help than you know." he smiled, gently nuzzling her cheek reassuringly. Despite all of his years, and all of his training, there were plenty of times when Steelheart knew things before he did. He had, on several occasions, reminded her of that fact, but she was always so modest...

"Rosy is under those clouds.. No doubt Firecracker is with her. Rosy has been manipulated by Mephisto, so she isn't the mare you remember. However, there is still the possibility we can bring our Rosy back, remember that. We just need to find a way to break Mephisto's hold on her..." He opened his mouth to continue when he heard another voice that stopped him cold..

"It can't be..."

Eclipse didn't have to look up. Spyro announced who it was, and Fang's bow dispelled any doubt. When his head turned he was face to face with his little sister. Well, she wasn't exactly 'little' anymore... He smiled a little sheepishly. "Hey Celly... Long time no see huh?...."

He had hoped he would have some time to actually plan what he would say to his siblings when he got to see them again, but instead, he was caught completely offguard and all he could manage was that lame line.

Of course, it was the same thing he said every time he came back from a long trip... And Eclipse was the only person to EVER call Celestia Celly.... (Sounds like 'silly', hence why no one else uses that nickname..)
Assailant said:
"I saw the dragon. She seemed a tad cranky, but nothing too bad." Dragons were a curious case where he came from. Originally they were hunted, for any reason from glory to sport to heroism. However, after they'd formed their own nation of sorts, they became recognized as more than wild animals. Hunting them for sport or recreation of any kind was forbidden, however if a stray one caused too much trouble they were still okay to be killed. Not like it was easy or anything though. "As for time travel, even if I truly understood I wouldn't divulge. As it were, I don't fully understand. A magical surge corresponding to favorable conditions, as best I can tell." @Mrjenkins
'Yeah things changed a lot from then,anyways,it could be a one in a million chance of that happening again.but then again I'm no scientest.'there seems to be a long pause before he wrote again.'should we go meet up with silver?i neat they will be surprised to see me.'he wrote down,knowing silver was the more unwary one.
Shina's frustration only grew as the two siblings were reunited. "There is no time for this." She muttered to her self before holding out one of her forelegs, a signal for Konton to land on it. As the phoenix's came to perch on her leg Shina held him up so she could speak to him eye to eye.

"Tilly and Sparky are a part of our family now. Remember, we always protect our family. Stay safe and I will return as quickly as I can." These were probably the gentlest words she'd said through this whole ordeal, but once said the raging kirin looked ready to kill again.

Shina threw her hoof up to toss Konton in to the air. Flames still flickering at the tips of her antler it glowed again dispelling the ring of dragon fire. Konton in turn lit his entire body with phoenix fire. Diving through the air he pulled up just in time to keep from hitting the ground. Skimming just above the ground Konton flew in a circle around the forge igniting the ground to form a new ring of fire. Unlike Shina's though the ring varied greatly. Where Shina had managed to make a neatly consistent fire about two feet wide around the forge, Konton's was anywhere from one foot to five feet thick and was constantly changing. It seemed the phoenix had enough foresight to only put the ring around the forge leaving the other ponies outside the ring so as not to have to make them an opening.

Once Tilly and Sparky were safe Shina levitated the sword to her back once Eclipse had finished the hilt. With no sheath or scabbard Shina simply held the sword in place with her magic. Rushing over to Steelheart, Shina gave the flutterpony a quick hug for the information she'd given before simply taking off. She didn't seemed to care if the others were ready or not, if they could not keep up she'd simply rush in alone.

Without looking back Shina charged toward the mountains her already fire colored mane and tail turned to actual fire. Her fuchsia eyes were also replaced by fire burning in their sockets, though it didn't seem to hinder her sight any as she darted around and over obstacles in her way. The phoenix fire sword in her back didn't seem to be reacting well to the dragon fire on her body. The blade sparked and flared now and then, though Shina simply ignored it, to focused on her current goal to care.

By the time Shina reached the top her rage was clearly effecting her magic. Where she came from dragon fire was a protective force, inspiring pace and order, where as phoenix fire was pure chaos. In her current state Shina's emotions seemed far more attuned to chaos. Without fully realizing it Shina was walking a very dangerous line between two opposing types magic.

When her flaming eyes fell upon the scene at the hilltop Shina reacted with what little restraint she had left. With out a word Shina announced her presence by sparking a fire at the end of Rosy train. The flames quickly shot up the dress burning the fabric to ash in a matter of seconds. Shina had only enough mercy to keep the fire's heat just to the dress so that Rosy herself would not be burned.

"I make this offer only once so listen well. Join me in defying your master and free Fire's soul! Refuse and I will purity your black heart in hell fire if I have to. You selfish little meinu (bitch). How dare you claim to love somepony when you clearly have no regard for his happiness!" Shina's voice echoed across the hilltops in a strange rumble that somehow resembled both the roar of a dragon and the shrilled cry of a phoenix.

"If you are truly ready to dishonor him like this then you clearly have no love for anypony but yourself!" With her last few word Shina reared up on to her hind legs stomping her forehooves back down with her last word. Where her hooves hit the ground fire suddenly erupted shooting in a straight line across the ground going straight for the false priests alter. When the flames hit the stone it nearly exploded in to molten rock, the lava flying at the dark priest, trying to take him out in a rather gruesome manor. No doubt showing Rosy what her fate would be if she tried to challenge the fiery kirin.

Shina stood awaiting Rosy's reply, the ground before her scorched and charred. Slowly the angered kirin began to walk forward, walking down the burnt isle she'd made. The air around her warped and distorted with waves of heat. It looked as though she were hot enough to burn a pony to ash simply by standing next to them.
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Princess Celestia

Shadow Fang

Any sense of formality vanish as Celestia practically lunged for Eclipse. The white Alicorn nearly knocking him over as she wrapped her forelegs and wings around him in a tight hug. Between the magic, sheer presence, and of course the little nickname of his there was no denying it really was him. She stammered for a moment before the questions came tumbling from her mouth. "Where were you all this time? What brought you back? Why didn't you tell us?"

Celestia stopped the moment the angry Kirin blindly took off. Just from how unstable her magic had become grabbing Shina in a levitation spell may have ended with her blindly attacking her own allies. "No, we can't talk now." She released Eclipse, taking a step back as her horn began to glow. "There's a soul magic user that needs to die before that."

In a bright flash three chests appeared. One white with golden trim bearing the mark of the Sun. Another deep blue adorned in platinum wearing the mark of the Moon. The last one was black, gold and platinum accents decorating it. Eclipse's mark could be seen on the lid. "We improved the enchantments on your armor, just in case..." Celestia let her voice trail off before shaking her head. She turned to face the Thestral whose crimson eyes were still turned towards the ground. "Shadow Fang, correct?" She offered a smile, "I hope my sister wasn't too much of a hassle . . ." Her voice trailed off as she scanned the nearby area for Luna's form. "Where is Luna? She's been practically glued to you ever since she spotted you."

Fang cringed, she wished she disappear from everyone's expectant gaze. "I'm sorry . . ." She whispered, "I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop them..."

Celestia's expression darkened. "What happened?"

Fang closed her eyes, shrinking away slightly from the Alicorn. "Mephisto..."
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Silver watched on in silence. He didn't understand anything that was going on. Another Alicorn was unheard of, though he supposed not impossible. After all, if two sister alicorns could emerge from nowhere to rule a nation, he supposed it made sense for a third to exist. But... who is this Mephisto? What happened to the Princess of the Night? Who is Shadow Fang?

All of these questions ran through his head, though he was completely silent as he watched the Princess go about her business, personal as it seemed. He was very glad Arc had wandered off. He was worried that Arc would begin asking questions, and at a time like this that seemed hardly appropriate.

Mrjenkins said:
'Yeah things changed a lot from then,anyways,it could be a one in a million chance of that happening again.but then again I'm no scientest.'there seems to be a long pause before he wrote again.'should we go meet up with silver?i neat they will be surprised to see me.'he wrote down,knowing silver was the more unwary one.
Arc thought for a moment. "I'm not sure if now is the best time just yet. Princess Celestia is dealing with someone, and something tells me it just might be personal. I dunno. Either way, last thing we need is him yelling 'Shifter!' Right next to the Princess. You know how it is."

Just for a moment, the air itself seemed to feel heavy when Eclipse finally found out that Mephisto had taken his youngest sister hostage. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. "It's a good thing you brought my armor... I'll need it if I want to fight all out.." He murmured as his horn glowed. His armor rose out of his chest and fixed itself to his body. The armor was black like the knight with golden accents that shined like the sun itself. First, his legs were adorned in armor, then a regal breastplate, and lastly, a might warhelmet with a crown permanently affixed to it.

It was no wonder only Celestia knew just who Eclipse was. After his battle with Discord, after which he disappeared without a trace, the creature had systematically wiped all mention of him from texts. Of course, his writings on soul magic survived long enough for Umbra to abuse it, but once they were destroyed, so was the last direct mention of Eclipse anywhere. With that gap in information, many, many things about Equestria's history was mixed up.

Prior to Equestria's founding, when the three tribes of pony were still at odds, Eclipse had formed the Order as an organization designed to create peace, and hopefully unite the tribes. As its leader, he personally faced off against the Dread Dragon Mephisto, and bested him in a battle of wits. It took every last ounce of magic Eclipse had to restore the souls and magic that Mephisto had stolen, such that the dragon was able to escape before Eclipse could deliver the final blow. Eventually, his plan succeeded, and peace came over the new nation of Equestria, as its people unanimously declared Eclipse to be its King, due in large part to his victory over Mephisto. Back then, of course, his sisters were still little fillies, certainly not set for leading a nation. As King, Eclipse rearranged the stars themselves into constellations, and served as the sole responsible party for raising the Sun and the Moon. When the Sisters came of age, each of them took half of his duty. Celestia took the day, and Luna took to the night. Although all three siblings were incredibly close, Luna in particular was very much attached to her older brother. She loved looking at the constellations he had painstakingly arranged, and she loved the mystery of the night. With his siblings raising the Sun and Moon, Eclipse focused instead on developing more magics, most notably the Soul Magic he now uses so frequently, just in case Mephisto ever decided to rear his head again.

Around that time, Eclipse took on his first and only pupil, the legendary Wizard Starswirl the Bearded. The two of them developed countless magics that still find use today, though Eclipse gave all of the credit to his prodigious student. He engaged in countless battles, repelling changelings, fighting wars as need be, and he even defeated Tirek, although Discord modified the history books to give the sisters credit for it later...

In the battle against Discord, Eclipse had Discord on the ropes. The creature's tricks did little against Eclipse, and it seemed as though Eclipse would prevail. Just as Eclipse was set to deliver the final blow, Discord opened up a portal and threw Eclipse into an alternate dimension... At the time, dimensional travel was nearly impossible. Even Eclipse and Starswirl hadn't yet perfected the spell to do it.

Eclipse would spend the next thousand years jumping dimensions with an imperfect spell, until by pure luck he found himself back in his own dimension. When he got back, he found his name stripped from history, and found out that his youngest sister had gone crazy and had been banished to the moon. Ever since Discord had tricked him, he had felt that he had failed his sisters. Finding out this detail about Luna had confirmed it in his mind. Even though he returned ten years ago, he couldn't bring himself to face his sisters.

So he had taken up the name Sky Chaser, and had been content to live out his days in Hast until Mephisto reared his head.. Now there was no more hiding, he had to fight once more. As for what happened in those other dimensions... It should be noted that he wasn't nearly so scarred the last time Celestia saw him..

Eclipse in armor was like a blast from the past. Of course, the armor was more to protect those around him than himself. It allowed him to unshackle his full power without crushing those around him from the pressure. He walked calmly over to Shadow Fang, keeping Steelheart and Lavender Moon right next to him. "It is not your fault Fang. Mephisto has likely been carefully planning this for thousands of years... For now, we must focus on getting our loved ones back. Make no mistake, that dragon will not walk away alive from me a second time.." Eclipse growled before looking to everyone gathered. "Let's go. First, we'll see if Rosy can tell us where that bastard has hidden himself.. Make haste." He turned his head in the direction Shina had run, taking off at a gallop with both Steelheart and Lavender Moon practically glued to his hips.
Spyro started to run after Eclipse, and when Spyro caught up to him and said. "Eclipse, while I was in the Spirit realm, I found that Mephisto's army can be knocked out. Anything that can feel pain can be knocked out. If you want to do this with the least amount of blood shed, I recommended that you use blunt weapons. I also got some bad news. I saw a bolt of lightning go up in the sky earlier, that means the signal for," Before Spyro could finish explosions could be heard off in the distance, along with sounds of battle could be heard throughout Hast. "There is your bloody bad news! The Nightmare Empire has started their invasion!"
Indicus stayed near Shadow Fang and heard the fighting in the background. Now they had a three way battle against two different enemies. "Seems its time to fight." Indicus said as he looked at his blade inspecting for damage before re-sheathing it. "I'll stick with you Fang where you go I go."

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