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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

KageYuuki said:

Sunflower Fields

The mare gave an audible snort. "You two do realize I can hear you, right?" They weren't exactly being subtle about their distrust. Oh if she could knock some sense into these two . . . They wouldn't even know what hit them. "And do you honestly think a Changling would be foolish enough to approach two armored stallions?"

Sunflower shook her head, walking past the duo. "Come on, I saw a doctor's office down this way."
"A changeling?" Silver said.

"I believe she means Shifter," Arc said, "Or at least what we call a Shifter." Silver nodded in comprehension before looking confused.

"Wait. You claim a Shifter would not approach two armored stallions? What have they acted like in your experience? Armored stallions would be one of their primary targets."

A harsh voice clawed its way into Inden's mind. It was buzzing and angry, its words dripping with venom. 'I trust you with a simple scouting mission and what do I find you doing? Playing Princess with a foal in the middle of nowhere.'

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower shook her head, "This isn't the time or place to attempt talking about such a thing. Excluding the ones that have completely gone mad, they would never outright attack anyone. They're not strong enough." Her teal eyes looked back at them, surprisingly harsh compared to moments ago. She only studied the pair before turning back to the road ahead of her.
The two looked at each other in disbelief.

"Not strong enough?" Arc whispered to Silver. Silver seemed thoroughly confused.

"Outright attack?" Silver responded. "They would lose against us, but not any soldier. And they'd likely attempt to assassinate us. I must find out what's going on." Silver began to walk ahead to catch up with Sunflower as Arc called out to him.

"I wouldn't do that, she seemed particularly angry." Silver continued heedless.

"No, I must understand. You must be mad. What do you mean, 'they aren't strong enough?' What about the destruction and death they've caused in the war? This place is to the Northwest, or so you say, so surely you've seen this massacre with your own eyes!" @KageYuuki
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KageYuuki said:
A harsh voice clawed its way into Inden's mind. It was buzzing and angry, its words dripping with venom. 'I trust you with a simple scouting mission and what do I find you doing? Playing Princess with a foal in the middle of nowhere.'
Iden flinched,they knew they were in trouble.since this was telepath,iden was able to speak."sorry,I ended up crashing here,I was trying to gain trust of the local population so I could keep moving to the crystal empire."iden pauses for a moment."would you like a full report my queen?"
The voice was silent for a moment, but the anger could still be felt. 'Very well, what's your report then?' It was clear the Changeling queen was anything but convinced of the drone's attempted excuse. He should consider himself lucky she couldn't kill him from where they were.
KageYuuki said:
The voice was silent for a moment, but the anger could still be felt. 'Very well, what's your report then?' It was clear the Changeling queen was anything but convinced of the drone's attempted excuse. He should consider himself lucky she couldn't kill him from where they were.
"There seems to be a large conflict going on as there is a group kidnapping a pony and thier family,there was also talk of a dragon coming.and there is a celebration happening soon which celestia and Luna are attending."he pauses for a moment."and I think the foal I have befriended has a father who is high in command,but this may not be true."iden was hoping that was enough to please her,he got so far,he didn't want it to end now.
---At the Horseshoe---

The unicorn smirked as Firecracker agreed to surrender. "Very well... have it your way..." his horn glowed and a portal opened next to Firecracker. Tilly, still chained up, was thrown through to crash next to Sparky. Before Firecracker could say a word, the Unicorn kicked him through the portal, screaming as the contact burned his hooves. The protection charm Eclipse had put on Firecracker before made touching him agony for Mephisto's minions.... But that wouldn't save him from the Dragon himself...

Firecracker would now find himself in a giant cave... "welcome Firecracker..." a low rumble shook the cave as Mephisto stepped into the light, his pure white scales shining in the light as he towered over Firecracker. He was several times bigger than any building in Hast, and even his aura gave off the impression of terrible power.

"It's a pity we won't get to talk much... but I have a little deal to uphold.. I hope you understand... this is just business..." He snickered, a grim smirk crossing his lips as a clawed finger touched Firecracker's horn, destroying the protective charm Eclipse had placed there. "Look on the bright side... You're going to be a Father... "Mephisto laughed as his eyes suddenly began to glow. There was nothing Firecracker could do as his very soul was pulled out from his eyes. This pale, ghostly silhouette was pushed into a small jar nearby before it was levitated carefully into a massive mountain of jars in the corner. All of the souls Mephisto had liberated, hundreds of thousands of souls....

Without his soul, Firecracker would be little more than an obedient puppet... "Now, Firecracker... you belong to Rosy.... And thus, my deal is complete" He snapped his clawed fingers as the soulless Firecracker was sent through another portal to wherever Rosy was. Was a soulless Firecracker really what she wanted though?

"Now.... for some real fun... I hope you're ready Luna..."


Not to be left behind, Midnight Song flew after Fang. "I told you before, you aren't leaving me behind" Midnight called as she kept easy pace with her. She shuddered suddenly. "I realize that we're going somewhere the Empire is, but above and beyond that, I've got a REALLY bad feeling about this" Midnight murmured as she stayed close to Fang.

She hoped Sunflower would stay safe... She had a sneaking suspicion that whatever was causing this bad feeling would affect her as well...


Eclipse jumped when a telepathic message reached his mind. He stomped his hoof in frustration. "Dammit Firecracker...." He hissed, looking between the two Sisters to Spyro. "Mephisto got to Firecracker.... That bastard used Firecracker's family as hostages...." He gritted his teeth, knowing that Firecracker was in deep trouble now, and there wasn't a damn thing he could do to stop it.

But one thing was certain, they needed to regroup. "We can't stay here anymore... Mephisto's out to pick us off one by one.. If we stay scattered, he's going to win... We need to gather up everypony else.." He closed his eyes, using the protection charm he placed on everypony to find out where they are. He bit his lip when he realized he couldn't find Firecracker anymore.... He just had to hope the unicorn was still alive..

"First, we need to get to the Horseshoe and get Tilly and Sparky. I owe Firecracker that much... From there.. Spyro, get a hold of of Fang and Indicus, get them to us yesterday before Mephisto can get them in a trap... Shina's at the forge... doing what I have no idea, but it's probably important, so once we've got everyone, that's where we're going."
He informed the sisters and Spyro.

"I need you both to stay close to me. No matter who or what you see, do not leave my side for anything, can you both promise me that?" He asked as he looked from Steelheart to Lavender Moon. He would need both of the sisters in order to stand a chance against Mephisto. If Mephisto could kill or separate one of them.... All would be lost....
Spyro gave a nod to Eclipse and got up from his seat and gave a quick salute to Eclipse. "I'm on it, they can't find what they can't see." Spyro said as he turned into a cloud of shadows and went into the shadows in Eclipses house, going off to get Fang and Indicus.

"Fang, Indicus, stop whatever you two are doing. Listen, we have a new target, and that is Mephisto, meet up in the forge, or let me know your position and I can grab you two quickly."
Spyro ordered them telepathically as he made his way outside.
Indicus changed direction for the forge having saw the building on one of his walks through town. "Understood." Indicus pushed himself to fly as fast as he could and a couple moments later he saw the forge and landed the landing was a bit rough but manageable once he landed he dispelled the wings once more and waited for Fang.

Shadow Fang

Fang glanced back at Midnight as she quickly caught up. She caught glimpse of Indicus following behind, but the sheer difference in strength and flight experience would make it unlikely for him to just catch up to the pair. "Midnight, if I wanted to leave you behind I probably could have." The Thestral's ears rotated this way and that in search of any incoming threats. "Yeah, I can't shake the same feeling . . ."

A powerful beat of her wings brought her to a stop, hovering mid air. 'He's already on the move . . .?' She looked to the mare beside her, "Change of plan, Mephisto's on the move and he's a much bigger threat than the Empire is right now."
Mrjenkins said:
"There seems to be a large conflict going on as there is a group kidnapping a pony and thier family,there was also talk of a dragon coming.and there is a celebration happening soon which celestia and Luna are attending."he pauses for a moment."and I think the foal I have befriended has a father who is high in command,but this may not be true."iden was hoping that was enough to please her,he got so far,he didn't want it to end now.
'You fool,' The Changeling queen hissed. 'Staying there with the Sisters will only give us away too early. They can't know any of us have set hoof outside of the Badlands.' It was almost as though she was standing right behind him, the anger was so thick. 'Perhaps I should have entrusted such a vital mission to Csharree . . .'
KageYuuki said:
'You fool,' The Changeling queen hissed. 'Staying there with the Sisters will only give us away too early. They can't know any of us have set hoof outside of the Badlands.' It was almost as though she was standing right behind him, the anger was so thick. 'Perhaps I should have entrusted such a vital mission to Csharree . . .'
The changeling jumped.they hope thier queen will not punish them."I am sorry my queen,that was a mistake on my part,I shall find a ship immediately and head to target location.i will not fail you again my queen."iden did not want Csharree taking thier mission,iden was already moving towards the docks as they talked to thier queen.
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-Somewhere on the outskirts of Hast-

After having poisoned her two dearest friends, Rosy ran off to a secluded wheat field outside of town to be alone.

As she ruminated on what she had done, she could feel her sins crawling on her back.

But if was far too late to go back.

Her friends, her home, her career, these were all gone now.

The only thing she could look to was her promised 'reward'.

As Firecracker's body was unceremoniously dumped near by, Rosy jumped up from the stone she was sitting on.

A twisted smile began to creep across her face as she walked towards him.

She seemed so delighted to see the pale unconscious horse, that to any onlookers it would be a disturbing sight.

In a soft loving voice she beckoned " wakey wakey sleepy head.."

Firecracker, or at least his body, lurched unnaturally to it's feet.

Bowing his head he spoke in a flat whisper " Yes mistress.."

Rosy only giggled and replied coyly "Mistress? oh my.. Lets save that talk for the honeymoon shall we?"

she had completely lost touch with reality at this point actually smiling and laughing after having killed her friends moments before.

Was it the shock of her crimes, or had Miphisto done something to her mind?.. Or was she truly this far gone..

Her beaming smile turned to a wicked smirk and she looked him up and down like some kind of prize.

She spoke with a bitterness to her voice as she remarked " How about Honey? or whatever you called that little tramp you brought into town, Hmm?"

Having never given Shina any pet name the puppet was at a loss for what to respond.

It only stayed there motionless and silent.

Rosy grew angry with him and shouted "Well, go on speak up!.. No.. call me something else. Call me a new name.. call me beloved.

Firecracker's body only nodded compliantly and said plainly "..Yes, Beloved.."

Rosy clapped her hooves and again was delighted as she heard him say that.

She didn't seemed fazed by his lack of personality at all.

That was until she looked into his eye; they were empty and gray like a lifeless doll.

No longer the olive gold eyes she dreamed about in her restless sleep.

She could feel the twin lines the streaked her cheeks begin to burn as she again could feel the weight of her sins begin to crush her.

A panic began to set in, but only for a moment before a blood read aura began to surround her.

The dark mist like aura was seeming comforting as she calmed down and remarked " Well, I'm sure I'll get use to the changes.. After all, Love is about compromise. Isn't it Fi?"

Firecracker could only nod and agree "..Yes Beloved."

As he spoke another pale unicorn stepped through a portal of the same color to Rosy's new magic.

He was dressed in robes resembling that of a minister's, only black with white trims and strange symbols along it.

"Rosy looked over to the new arrival and remarked cheerfully " oh good your here. Come along Fi Darling, we have to get a move on."

Looking back towards the puppet she could see the hill where Highwind forge stood in the distance.

She somehow knew that's where Shina was as she leered at the hill as if to spite it.

She spoke with a strange echo as if it rang in one's head rather then heard with the ears "We wouldn't want to be late for our wedding. "
-In Eclipses home-

At first Steelheart was hesitant to leave feeling that the only place they would be safe was in there.

That feeling quickly gave way to dread as Eclipse himself said it was not.

She instinctively took a few steps back to try and process everything and to somehow get away from it.

Suddenly Lavender Moon rested a hoof on her shoulder and struggled to speak in common "Syster..There are bigger things then us right now."

Switching back to Flutter she chuckled for a moment and remarked

"/Besides, you have two of the best guardians this side of the grove at your defense./"

Steelheart took some comfort in this, and was able to move forward towards the door.

When Eclipse spoke
"I need you both to stay close to me. No matter who or what you see, do not leave my side for anything, can you both promise me that?"

For once Lavender Moon simply complied saying "Ja, you guide min Syster, I'll take the rear. Anypony tries anything and I will make them a barbed Q."

Tilting her head Steelheart asked as they all headed out the door and began to gallop " You mean Barbecue?"

Midnight tensed up visibly at the mention that Mephisto was on the move... She looked away, biting her lip a little as she murmured, more to herself than to Fang.. "I thought my brother dealt with him years ago...."

Before Fang could process this, assuming she heard, a bolt of magic crashed into Midnight from below, knocking her out of the sky and quite some distance away. Portals opened up around her as the three Unicorns appeared all around her, one still having their hooves badly burned from handling Firecracker. They circled around her like Sharks, speaking in that eerie, unnerving unison..

"well well... that's quite a disguise you've got there... I'm sure it would fool even somepony that that served you for years.. but you cannot hide your soul..."

"I don't know what you're talking about" Midnight hissed, her eyes darting around to the three as her shade crystals glowed on her forehead.

"You really commit to the whole act, don't you? Even using a different sort of magic so even those who know you wouldn't be able to recognize it... Why don't we have a look at who you really are!" they laughed as one stared directly into Midnight's eyes. She screamed and dropped to the ground, writhing in agony as her soul was burned... Her body seemed to flicker before her disguise fell away...

What remained was no Bat pony... It was the Goddess of the Moon herself... Princess Luna...

When her disguise dropped, so did the Soul Torment... She gasped for air, shaking from the pain as she forced herself up to her feet... "You will pay... For a thousand moons I will make sure you suffer for this..." She hissed, rage filling her eyes. It had taken her years to track Fang down after her abrupt departure. She was finally starting to make up for lost time, and then this had to happen...

Pissed wouldn't begin to describe how she was feeling right now...

Her horn glowed as she sent one of the trio flying through a tree with a blast of magic. As she tried to turn, however, chains wrapped around her, binding her as a portal opened up below her, dragging her down as she tried to fight against it. It all happened so fast, there was nothing Fang could do... Even as fast as she flew, she couldn't make it in time. Luna cast one last look up at her, tears streaming down her cheeks as she came to realize her situation..

"I'm sorry...."

Those words just barely escaped her lips as the portal closed over her, the unicorns quickly darting into portals of their own...

Luna was gone.
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Sunflower Fields

Teal eyes studied Silver closely, like a disappointed mentor looking over their student. "Equestria hasn't seen war in over two hundred years. It's been far longer since there was a Changeling hive powerful enough to even try something like that." Sunflower looked back on the road ahead of her. "Honestly, if you're going to try a joke like this get your history straight." She gave an annoyed snort after the last statement.
Silver seemed shocked for a moment before gritting his teeth.

"Silver, don't-"


"There he goes." Arc sighed. While he was curious as to what was going on, his friend did need to learn some tact. Oh well, hopefully answers would be given. Silver stepped up and jabbed Sunflower in the chest.

"I don't know who you think you are, or what you're saying. My friend and myself just appeared from a battle with the Shifter king! Many friends of mine died, and yet you have the audacity to claim I am joking!" Despite what he was saying, he sounded very genuinely furious.

Shadow Fang

A Thestral's hearing was about as keen as any Pegasus', it had to be if you expected to hear while midair. That being said, their eyesight is where pegasi found themselves outclassed. Picking up Midnight's mumbled sentence was easy enough for Fang. She frowned a little, studying Midnight. "Your brother-?" Fang didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as Midnight was shot from the sky. "Midnight!" Folding her wings, she dropped closer to the ground to search for the source of the attack. Diving headlong into danger would be suicide right now.

There was nothing there, not even traces of the attacker's magic remained. Fang's eyes widened, Mephisto's puppets could used portals to appear and disappear at will. "Shit, Midnight!" Powerful wings propelled Fang in the direction her friend had fallen. Bursting out into the clearing she froze, her eyes widening at the shaky form that pushed herself back to her hooves. Standing where Midnight should have been was the Lunar Goddess herself.

What came next happened faster than Fang could react to.

Before disappearing in the portal, Luna looked her right in the eyes. "I'm sorry...."

Fang wasn't thinking. She only reacted as she dove for the alicorn, crashing into the unforgiving ground just as the portal closed. The Thestral tumbled away before finally coming to a stop. She winced as she slowly pushed herself back up. "Lu . . . Luna?" Her voice wavered as she looked around. "Midnight . . .?"

Silence . . .

She was alone.

Fang had failed again . . .

Tears bit at the corners of her eyes. Gritting her teeth, Fang slammed her forehooves onto the ground. "DAMN YOU!" She roared, her voice echoing slightly around her.
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A relieved sigh fell from Shina's lips when she finally felt the core steel was folded enough to hold up for at least one battle. Now she could begin elongating and flattening it in to a rectangular sheet. This brief moment of relief quickly faded as Shina levitated the piece of metal back in to the furnace.

Though she had no idea why Shina suddenly felt her stomach twist in to knots. She felt inexplicably sick and nearly threw up as a sense that something was terribly wrong washed over her. As hard as she tried to convince herself she was just behind paranoid Shina couldn't shake the feeling. This was taking too long. She needed to get out there!

In a near panic Shina came up with what was quite possibly a very stupid idea. If there was no time to finish the sword maybe she could find another way to fight with phoenix fire. Konton was still too young to follow her in to battle, but maybe Shina could use the flames herself just as she did dragon fire. However just like anypony with magic hers was linked to her very soul, and so to was her dragon fire. To be just as connected to it's very opposite, phoenix fire might result in burning her very soul apart.

As the metal began to glow again in Konton's flames Shina stepped over to the furnace. Her fuchsia eyes started deep in to the flames, focusing on them. As she studied the phoenix fire, it's flames somehow more red then normal fire, Shina also focused on her connection to the ring of dragon fire she'd placed around the forge. Could she change it in to phoenix fire? Shina watched how the chaotic fire rolled and formed in very random patterns, it's color and intensity. She tried to make her dragon fire match what she saw in Konton's phoenix fire.

Shina's fuchsia eyes stared intensely in to the fire for a few minuets before her gold antler began try glow. Suddenly Shina felt a sharp and searing pain at the root of her antler. From that point a burning sensation washed out over her entire body. It only lasted a second, but it was a pain Shina had never felt before, not even once in her life. The young kirin gave a sharp cry of pain that rang out through the forge, even seeming to be projected further by the ring of fire outside.

It was over as quickly as it had happened. Shina found herself wide eyed and trembling on the floor of the forge. What had she done? Had she even done anything at all besides discover a new form of pain? Wait was that what burning felt like? Is that what her enemies felt when she killed them!?

Hearing his mother's cry Konton's fire suddenly went out as he dove out of the furnace to throw his wings around his mother, squawking with worry. Slowly sitting up Shina gave a dazed shake of her head to regain her senses before comforting Konton. "I am fine." She tired to reassure Konton, though it was hard to do when her voice was still weak and shaken.

"We must keep going." Shina insisted as she forced herself to her hooves. Checking her fire outside with her mental link to it Shina could tell it was still dragon fire. It would seem she'd done nothing but discover what fire felt like to everypony else.
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Sunflower Fields

Sunflower's nostrils flared in an angered snort. "Look around you," she gestured to the houses and ponies around them. "Does this honestly look like a town in the middle of a warzone?" She stepped around Silver, clearly not intimidated by the stallion. Though she seemed to regain her composure, "There is no war, soldier. The war with the Changelings ended over five hundred years ago."
"I was just there!" Silver yelled in response. He would not dare take this woman's lies and mockery. He was a soldier, damn it, and an honorable one. He would not be made a spectacle of like this! "I fought the Shifter king personally! Arc and myself were just killing them! We've been fighting them for a year now! You mean to say that it was a lie?!"

While Silver was fuming with anger, Arc seemed more contemplative. His hoof was on his chin, as clearly he was deep in thought. "He doesn't lie," Arc said in a respectably more calm tone than Silver's. "We WERE just there, these wounds are proof of that. But you said that the war with these... changelings ended 500 years ago?" Arc thought for a few more seconds. "I don't suppose... it couldn't have... pray tell, what year is it currently?"
Indicus noticed after a few short moments that Fang was not there and detected some strong magic and quickly darted to the source seeing Fang with her head hung low and across the link he could feel traces of sorrow. He quickly made his way to her. "Fang what happened, what's wrong?"

Shadow Fang

Fang was quiet for a long while, her expression a cross between trying not to cry and trying to burn a hole into the ground through her glare alone. "They took her," she said finally, her voice wavering. "That . . . bastard took her and there wasn't a damn thing I could do!" Her voice raised to a yell towards the end of her sentence. Fang's ears fell as her voice lowered once more. "I failed her . . . she needed me and I failed . . . Why can't I protect her?" She gritted her teeth, "Why, dammit?"
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Indicus sat down next to Fang somewhat unsure of what to say about Midnight's capture, he saw a bit of how they talked and flirted he did get a bit Jealous of Midnight but always had reminded himself of his own screw-ups and to be honest they weren't bad together. "I guess I could give some bullshit of it will be alright and we will get her back guaranteed, but then I would be lying because I don't know if it will be alright cant make that promise." Indicus sighed, "But what I can say is that I'm here and I will damn well do my best to be here for you and that means I will help you get her back, hell you only can fail if you give up, besides she's a tough mare I'm sure she'll be there when we come to get her." Indicus somewhat cringed at what he said but it's what he knew. He sat there in silence after speaking.

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