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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Sotil blinks and turns his head to look over at Sunflower, the stallion actually having recognized the voice coming from behind him. He gave a smile towrad the familiar mare "Oh, hello...Uhm." He blinks and looks down at the small workstation he's set up with his mobile shop "Maybe I did sleep...I don't quite remember." He says toying with the blue necklace dangling from his neck "I sleep so little that it all kind of...Well, just passes by without me realizing..."

He stares at his necklace a moment before shrugging and smiling to her "What about yourself, miss Fields? Did you sleep well? I certainly hope me clambering all my tools into my room last night didn't wake you, or anything...I've been yelled at for that before, hehe..." He holds a small smile, one that seems more strange than anything as he continues to fiddle with that shiny necklace on his neck. "Oh! You said you wanted to see some of my work, yes? I happen to be working on a commission!"
-In Eclipse's Chambers-

Lavender Moon Turned away for a moment to collect herself.

She couldn't believe she allowed him to see her in her moment of weakness.

She took a few deep breaths before speaking again. "/ Part of me wants to call you a fool.. To laugh in your face and remind you what a dark and terrible place the world is. How it is a world where an entire race of pony can be considered less then worthy, and brought to near extinction for the sake of one Stallion's greed../"

She sighed and turned back to Eclipse, her eyes tired and defeated, but strangely full of hope as a weak smile creased her lips.

She spoke in a likewise tired voice " /But that is a pony I do not know.. My sister is right, I do not know myself anymore.. I will try very hard to find the mare I once was.. for her sake.. And for yours.. After all, It seems I will become your sister in due time/"

Taking a few steps towards the door way she stopped cold, and in a last ditch attempt to save face she took a stern tone and demanded one final thing "/Oh, and tell any pony that you saw me cry, and I will make you cry much louder/"

-In Tilly's home-

Catching a face full of pillow Firecracker couldn't help but laugh and cover his head with it.

It was as if he was jokingly hiding from 'the wrath of Shina'.

But after a few seconds of nothing happening, he peeked out to see her reading a strange letter that came with a large box.

He couldn't make out a word of it, but then again it wasn't addressed to him anyway.

Stranger still, there was a hidden message that when Shina read it, it caused her to blush and pause for a moment.

Before Firecracker could ask about it, she levitated a gorgeous dress from the box.

Firecracker could recognize the patterns from a few of his older manuscripts, though they differed greatly from the ones form Brayjing.

He could only assume it had come from one place as he marveled "Wo--ow, Did this come from your parents? It's amazing. The design, the color."

He could tell just by looking at it this was no normal dress.

" This.. this is something very special isn't it?. Something important." He said as he used his fore-leg to crudely fix his own hair to show reverence.
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Sunflower Fields

Sunflower quietly chuckled, waving her hoof slightly. "I couldn't hear you at all from where my room is. But yeah, I didn't sleep too bad." She offered a soft smile, "Thanks for asking." With her curiosity piqued, Sunflower moved closer to look at the commission he'd started on. "Oh wow, I don't think I've ever seen crystals like a few of these." The one that caught her eye in particular was almost black. But the moment the light hit it, colors danced within its dark walls. Like a nebula in the night sky.

Midnight would love something like that.

Eclipse laughed softly at her threat. "/You know, you already sound like my sister/" He remarked softly as he gently nudged her as he came up next to her. "/I saw nothing, I know nothing/" He recited with a subtle, brotherly smirk at her as he walked up the stairs back towards the main area. Once he opened the door and stepped out from the barrier he had placed around this room to keep Steelheart from discovering his surprise, his whole body jolted as if hit by a shot. He almost fell to his knees but he leaned against the wall, his eyes wide as sweat beaded his forehead. His horn and eyes suddenly glowed as a pulse of magic went out and he looked around frantically, looking at a wall as he shook his head slowly. "No.... Damn it Rosy.... what have you done?..." He gasped as he shook his head, the glow dissipating.

He took a deep breath, rubbing his forehead. "Mephisto... I will make sure you pay for this a million times over..." He stomped his foot for emphasis. Mephisto's aura was all over her Soul... He just couldn't figure out what Mephisto must have promised her in order to get her to do something so terrible...

Mephisto was always a demented creature. He preyed on those who were at their lowest, those desperate enough to do anything. They were seldom ever truly bad ponies he corrupted. Mephisto had a silver tongue. If somepony wanted something bad enough, he could convince them to do ANYTHING for it. It was how the vile dragon gained power and his armies of soulless minions...

The question is, what was his intention behind killing Zaka and Syble... What threat did the two of them possibly pose to him?! It didn't make any sense... No... wait... It made perfect sense... What better way to demoralize everypony than to kill a few of them using one of their own as a pawn? Using Rosy... If she joined in the fight, it would make them all reluctant to fight all out for fear of hurting her... Damn it Mephisto!

But the question remained, just what did she desire so much that she would... Oh no...

Eclipse's horn sent out another pulse, this time a message to Firecracker...

"Firecracker, wherever you are, get to my house NOW. You're Mephisto's first target. There is no time to explain, just get here, NOW. Bring Shina and your family with you if at all possible. Do not talk to anypony, do not tell anypony. Only bring Shina, your aunt, and her son. No pony else. Hurry!"

At the Horseshoe, Three unicorns walked in, paying no mind to 'Celestia' but two split off to go to the kitchen as one stalked slowly closer to the colt... The two opened the door to the kitchen without a word, approaching Tilly. "Are you the mare known as Tilly?" The two asked in unison as they split off to move to either side of her.

Midnight couldn't help a wolf whistle as she saw Fang stretching out. "You are no longer allowed to wear that cloak. You aren't allowed to hide that from me anymore." She teased bumping her side playfully against Fang's. "So... Just what do you have in store for us today? More excitement, or is today going to be a day for relaxing?" she asked curiously. She didn't know everything that was going on, so how could she realize just how terrible things were going to get in a short time....
Indicus felt a strong pulse of magic specifically Sky Chaser's magic if that were the case something was wrong not wanting to go inot action without a clue Indicus sent a telepathic message to Sky Chaser using the telepathy spell and a guidance spell to follow Sky Chaser's magic. "Sky Chaser, Eclipse what ever you answer to I felt a pulse of your magic mind telling me what's happening?"
Releasing the magic levitating the kimono Shina let it fall back in to the box. Turning her attention back to Firecracker she gave a shy smile still blushing a bit. "Just a little something for the Winter's ball." She answered, the ball having been so far from her mind she'd almost forgotten about it.

"It is... A bit much though, I think." In truth she wasn't even sure just how formal the ball was meant to be. Regardless of weather the kimono was too lavish or not Shina knew it would look nothing like the dressed the local mares would be wearing. Though she wasn't normally so self conscious about such things Shina didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb. Though on the other hand, such garments didn't come cheap and she would hate to waste such a gift.

Shaking off her current train of thought Shina put her mind to more urgent matters. "We should probably head to the forge soon." She was eager to get the sword made. Their new enemy could strike at any moment and the last thing they needed was to be defenseless when it happened.

Shadow Fang

Fang blinked at the sudden whistle, feeling her face growing hot. "Unfortunately, my scars tend to get a lot of negative attention." She muttered as the large crystal from last night appeared in front of her, cloak still intact. "Oh hey, it actually worked." Fang stopped as Midnight asked what the plans for the day were. Her ears fell as she sighed, "You're already too involved, it's not like I could hide it from you . . . "

She looked up at Midnight, her eyes having lost the light from just moments ago. "That group that was in the house we checked out last night . . . they're going to be attacking tonight, during the ball of all things. They found a way to resurrect their leader," Fang visibly shuddered and swallowed hard. "A . . . a dread dragon named Nightmare Soul." She still shook, just the thought of seeing that demon again . . .

Fang closed her eyes, turning her head away from Midnight. "The moment they bring that . . . sunvaar back, he'll try get Nightmare Moon at his side. With the Sisters nearby . . ." She slammed one of her front hooves against the floor shattering the nearby crystal. "Ruth!"

Monster . . . dammit
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Sotil chuckles, the stallion pulling out a chunk of olive crystal, as well as one that seemed like it was almost clear gold "Oh, yes...Most ponies don't know just how diverse crystalline colors really are." He adds while reaching over to bump the pitch black crystal "Including black...There are crystals of all kinds in terms of color, consistency, clarity...It's quite amazing how deep their world runs."

He reaches into a nearby bag, pulling out a clean, mahogany wood box, one that seems like it's in much better condition than it should be for a traveling merchant, as if it was polished every day over and over. He opens it up to reveal a pair of specialized horseshoes, covered in sharpened blades, and seeming to have a strange writing along those finely smoothed edges

Sunflower Fields

She slowly nodded as Sotil talked a little about the crystals. Bringing out the best in gemstones was always a difficult task, the slightest mistake could ruin the entire result. Sotil seemed more than capable when it came to such a craft, anyone could tell just from seeing many of the finished pieces laying out. "I may just have to get on the list for a commission from you," Sunflower said with a light chuckle.
Sotil chuckles softly "Then tell me the details...I'll write it down and get right to it. It's pretty common for me to have long lists of commissions, and I usually get them done on time, since I sleep so little." He grins, slicing each of the crystal chunks he pulled earlier in half with ease using the sharpened tools he brought out before

He looks over his shoulder to her as he separates the halves "Shape, color, type of jewelry you want slotted...Heck, I can even give it a minor enchantment" He says proudly before turning back to push the two differently colored halves togeher

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower nodded, looking back at the dark crystal she'd seen earlier. "I think she'd like a necklace the best . . . " The mare blinked before looking at Sotil. "An earth pony weaving enchantments isn't exactly common. Where'd you pick that up from? What can you even do?" You tend to pick up a thing or two living nearby Canterlot's Academy for Magic. While earth pony's learning how to use magic wasn't unheard of, it was certainly a rarity. Most just tend to label it as something only for unicorns and leave it at that.
"Well, technically, it's not me directly." He holds up his hoof, showing the bladed horseshoe adorning it "It's these. My family put together a way to control the residual magic within crystals, manipulating them into what we please in terms of effects...The crystal's color affects the magic within, which means that the color can either strengthen or weaken whatever enchantment I put on it." He smiles and places his hooves down onto the chunks from before, pushing them together slowly, and...Conjoining them? "I can turn them into miniature heaters, or coolers, light sources, batteries, and even make them absorb light."

The crystals meld together as if they were made of gel before clearly hardening once more into their previously solidified state. "I can speak for days about crystals and what they're capable of...I guess it's a good thing this ended up being my talent, or I'd not be able to concentrate on whatever I was stuck with."

Sunflower Fields

Teal eyes intently studied the tools being used by Sotil. Runic magic was certainly not beyond the capabilities of earth ponies. Some of the greatest advances made in that field were by them even. Outside of stars, Midnight always had a fascination with lesser known forms of magic. She could talk your ear off about them if you let her get started. "It's probably because it's your talent you've been able to learn so much about them." Sunflower shrugged, "Granted I'm not a cutiemark expert."

Her focus moved back at the display. "My friend Midnight's talent is all about telling stories about the stars. She loves the night more than anything because of it. That black crystal over there, when the light hits it, it kind of reminds me of a nebula." She looked back to Sotil, "Other than that being the main focus, and the necklace being silver, I'll leave the rest for you to decide. I trust your decisions." Sunflower gave him a smile, "Cost shouldn't be an issue, I've been looking get a special gift like this for awhile."

That feeling of dread crept back into her mind. Why couldn't she shake the feeling something horrible was headed their way?
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Sotil smiles and looks at the runed blades of his tools, the runes glowing gently before he put them down, his necklace actually glowing dimly as the tools did "Let me think..." He says quietly before picking up the dark crystal and holding it up "We make...We make this its own little constellation! Make it look like the night sky." He says before putting it down and pulling out small chunks of shimmering white crystal "I can chip off pieces of this to put inside, and they will even twinkle in the right light!"

He chuckles a bit, holding his necklace as he thinks "And...And the chain...I can make it black as well, but replace some of the links with silver for the same thematic pattern!" He grins and lets go of his necklace to clap his hooves "Oh, how I love detailing out an order~"

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower gave him a bright smile, "That sounds perfect, she'll love it." The mare was glad she'd let him think of a design. With this being his field, he was able to come up with something far faster than she ever could have. "You're already in the middle of a project, so there's no rush for this." Another cold breeze made its way down the street as she turned to leave. "Hope that wind dies down before the ball tonight . . . if you don't need me for anything else I think I'm going to go look for a place that sells tea. That sounds pretty good at the moment."
viska said:
-In the horse shoe-
Tilly smiled brightly and replied to the note " awe, you poor dear. Let me get you some honey drops and tea. Maybe that will help your voice."

Ever the 'big mamma' figure the round pony remarked on her way back to the kitchen, "And don't you lift a hoof. I'm doing fantastically well in Mr. Zakka's kitchen, and your not feeling well.

It would seem that Tilly's maternal instincts were confusing an alleged backfired spell with a cold.

As she disappeared back into the kitchen The young colt sparky stayed behind.

Taking a seat right next to 'Celestia' he sat with his bowl of oatmeal and happily scooped some for 'her' in a spare bowl.

As he happily ate he mentioned " Your real good at pretend. Mamma is completely fooled."

With a short laugh he assured " Don't worry, I won't spoil your game. But can I play to? I wanna be a royal guard. Mamma is always going on about how handsome and strong they are."

Sparky had always been an observant foal, even to the point where some thought he would get his cutie mark for it.

Perhaps it was just the innocents of a child, blind to prejudges that could see through form and shroud.

-In Eclipse's Chamber-

Lavender Moon could only bow her head in silence for a moment.

It was hard for any of this to sink in, let alone all of it, and yet she had to accept it.

She didn't want things to change between her and her sister, but she had to face facts.

Whether she liked it or not, her baby sister had grown up, and discovered love.

While she couldn't ask for a better Stallion to pursue her, she still hated every part of it.

As she stood there in silence her hair slowly fell to obscure her face.

short *Sniffles* could be heard escaping the silence as the proud pony fought to save face.

Finally she spoke in her native language "/ It's sad... I am actually jealous of you. I had hoped to always be the glint of her eyes..But now you have given her more then I ever could.. And to give her sight?.. I never thought such a thing possible. . You would truly be giving her the world../"

A soft *Plit* could be heard a single drop struck the ground from Lavender Moon's obscured face as she went on

"/..Please, promise me this.. Once this is over.. Once she can see. Show her all the good things this world has to offer.

I don't want her to believe that there is only darkness left.. I don't want her to become..like me./"
Iden was confused on why they were going to be given tea for a 'backfired spell' and is also suprised the colt knew that they weren't who they were,'Celestia' give a slight desperate nod.iden starts wondering what will happen if they kept fooling evreyone.iden would have to do princess stuff,and they don't know much of that,and what if the actual celestia shows up? Iden would be screwed.but they have to keep going regardless.at least they are being treated well instead of how they would be treated if they didn't have a disguise.
He smiles and gives her a wave "Do be careful while you're out! In my experience, something weird and unexpected always makes its way to town when you're nonchalant...Look out for, uh, what was it..." He claps his hooves together a bit "Uhmmm...Ah! Jaguars in tornadoes!" He says, as if it were something he's seen before before returning quietly to his work
-In Tilly's Home-

Firecracker Smiled as he to just remembered why he came back to Hast in such a hurry to begin with.

A warm blush began to creep onto his face as he began to feel things looking up for a change.

However, this was not to last..

The Moment he heard Eclipse's voice ringing in his head he knew something terrible must have happened.

As the listened to his dire message a wave of horror began to wash over his him.

His joy, along with much of his color began to drain from his face as a horrible choice lay before him.

Save everyone, and forsake the weapon that could turn the tide of the inevitable battle.. or head to the forge and endanger them to a threat they didn't even know was coming.

Without warning he immediately sprang to his feet and searched the house shouting " Sparky?... Tilly?! Any pony?!"

As he searched he came across a small note on the table explaining that they had left for the horseshoe earlier that morning to prepare for it's catering .

He began to sweat as things became even more urgent " Oh no.. this is bad, very bad."

Rushing back to the room where he and sparky had spent the night.

Scooping up his saddle bag with his magic his goggles fell out of them.

When they hit the ground with a metallic *tink* a targeting reticle broke off from the right eye piece.

Immediately he was reminded of the events in Equinox and the similarities to the events in Hast.

What if he was really killed this time, or worse at least in his eyes; what if he was forced to take another life?

As the curricular target piece rolled along the floor his eyes fallowed it as sweat beaded on his brow.

The targeting reticle finally came to rest at the foot of a stuffed toy of Sparky's.

looking into the dolls eyes he saw reflecting back in him the image of his family, and he knew what he must do.

He gathered his resolve and within minutes burst back into the room where Shina was wearing his goggles as a proud head piece.

In a commanding voice he called out "Shina, your right. The sword must be forged.. But something is terribly wrong. my family may very well be walking into a trap meant for me.. Please, get to Highwind forge and start work on it. I will join you as soon as I can. run as fast as you can and do not stop for any-pony on your way. "

It was strange to see Firecracker giving orders like that, and in such an convicted way.

As soon as he spoke his peace he turned and in a much more loving voice added " .. I love you."

Without a moment more he headed for the door only pausing to snap a broom at the head.

With a few practice swings of the handle it was clear he intended to use the training Shina had given him.

His plan was simple, get the two of them to safety, then join Shina at the forge.

He felt that if any of the four of them would be safe to travel alone, it would be her.

As he raced through the early morning streets of Hast he was plagued by visions of his home town burning.

The idea of this quiet mountain town being turned into a hellscape like on Equinox was almost maddening to him.

The visions were so vivid at one point he tripped and rolled several times before coming to a stop.

As he struggled to his feet he could feel eyes all around him.

But not the eyes of the few early ponies getting things ready for the ball.

He could feel the malice in the air.

Shaking off his fear he resumed his dash to the horseshoe, hoping to whatever higher power would listen that he wasn't too late.

-In the horse shoe-

As the strange unicorn entered Sparky got up from his seat and stood in front of 'Celestia' as if to guard him/her.

when the stranger got too close to him he commanded " Halt! as a member of the royal guard, I command you to stay away from the princess !"

It wasn't clear if he was showing bravery, or simply trying to continue playing the game he established with the changeling.

But either way it was a dangerous move to stand his ground rather then run.

In the kitchen Tilly could only perk her ears and raise a curious eyebrow at the question.

While she wasn't made aware of the threat she still felt there was something not quite right about those two.

She slowly began to back away as she faked a smile and responded nervously " Why Yes I am.. But if your looking to place an order I'm afraid I'm closed for the day. Gotta a busy day getting ready for tonight's event. Which reminds me"

Peering over her shoulder she tried to see if she could spot Sparky, but the door had been closed behind these pony.

Slowly moving towards the door she went on saying " I.. I should really take my foal to the park for some fresh air before the event."

-In Eclipse's home-

As Eclipse came back to his senses from messaging Firecracker Steelheart was standing right in front of him with a concerned expression.

Resting a hoof on his chest to try and comfort him she asked "What's wrong? are you ok?.. Is something wrong with Rosy?"

It was perhaps a stroke of dumb luck that she was unaware of what happened.

But luck, much like the day, has a way of unraveling quickly.

As she spoke Lavender Moon's eyes began to glow with a brilliant Indigo light.

it was so bright that it blotted out her normal eyes and when she finally spoke it was not her own voice.

The voice was deep, and powerful, and carried a commanding tone.

It was so different that it was startling to hear such a deep, reverberating boom come from a dainty mare.

It was the voice of Anda's dragon form, her spirit of destruction that Lavender Moon had inherited.

With less consideration for the feelings of other then Steelheart's side it spoke-

/"The dread dragon has claimed her soul.. The mare you called Rosy is no more.. She traded everything for the love of a family..

First she will take her prize.. The one called Firecracker.. Then she will rule over her farce of a brood as The Dread Mother.

An obsessed general.. With an unyielding army driven by a godlike monster.. This does not bode well.. You have but one corse of atction.. She must die before she can rise to power.. / "

Steelheart raised a hoof to her mouth and could only whisper out "No..No It can't be true. We can't hurt Rosy"

The uncaring spirit replied
"/would you damn us all Renhet?/"

Turning her unsettling gaze to Eclipse she asked /".. And what of you ånger?"/
Closing up the box for now Shina's ears perked hearing Firecracker suddenly rush from the room, calling for his aunt and nephew. For a second she glanced back at Konton, hoping he might somehow know what was up. The young phoenix looked just as confused though, even lifting his wings a little in what looked to be a shrug.

A sense of dread washed over Shina hearing the urgency in Fire's voice as he searched the house for Tilly and Sparky. Perhaps he'd sensed some kind of magical disturbance she hasn't? Whatever it was Shina wouldn't waste time questioning it, but rather simply trust in Fire's urgency.

Turning to case after him Shina nearly ran in to Firecracker when he came back in. As much a warrior as she was a mare Shina simply gave an understanding nod to Fire's instructions. Before he could leave though she rushed to him hugging her forelegs around him for a second. "I love you too. Please be careful." She replied softly before her endearing expression faded in to her sharply focused and determined "game face."

Rushing out the door behind Firecracker Shina charged straight for the forge. Avoiding the distraction of other ponies was fairly easy considering she didn't really know anypony who'd try to stop and chit chat with her. The distraction of the ball preparations didn't hurt either, though there were a few spots along the way that she had to dart in and out between ponies moving through the streets, even leaping over somepony when she grew frustrated with the slowly moving crowd. Her fast pace made it difficult for Konton to stay perched on her back so he flew over head, very confused as to what was going on.

Arriving at the forge Shina paused just outside the door. Turning to face away from the forge her eyes closed for a moment to focused her magic. Her antler began to glow as a ring of dragon fire suddenly erupted in a circle around the entire forge. Hopefully Mephisto's minions wouldn't somehow be immune to dragon fire. Should the dragon himself show up her connection to the fire was strong enough to alert her should anyone try to pass through it.

As Konton came to land on Shina's back he seemed to hide behind her head, cowering a bit from the massive amount of dragon fire around them. "I will not let it hurt you." She reminded her adopted child. Giving an almost playful smile she added. "You ready to burn some things?"

Konton's attitude lifted noticeably hearing this. He loved burning thing! And his mother so rarely let him. It wasn't like anypony was using the things he'd try to burn, or at least not at the moment he wanted to burn said things.
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Eclipse met Anda's gaze as he always did, with no fear, as he would look upon any equal. A small smile crossed his lips. "/Why do you ask what you already know? The fact you called me ånger instead of 'south god' is evidence that you know my intentions already./" he remarked watching her. "/If Rosy can be saved, I will save her. If she is beyond any hope of redemption, then I will do what must be done to protect everyone/" he concluded, his expression serious once again.

Eclipse, better than anypony, knew what it was like to have to live with horrible things you have done in the past. He was proof that redemption was very much possible, hence why Anda herself dubbed him ånger. For him to answer any other way would show he didn't deserve that title.

It seemed that Eclipse was the only pony not affected by Anda's presence. Her commanding tone bore no power over him, as it did to others. He respected her, but he did not fear her as others did. "/For now, all we can do is wait and hope that Firecracker and Shina make it back here safely... IF they're captured, this will get much, much more difficult.../" He mused looking towards the door.... They should be here any minute.... Any minute....

Unless Firecracker had decided to do exactly what Eclipse would do in his situation....

---In the Horseshoe---

The two confronting Tilly smirked in unison. "Do not worry, our associate is tending to your foal. He will be joining us shortly.. You should be more concerned about yourself..." Their horns glowed as chains flew from everywhere, wrapping around Tilly and binding her in place. "You'll be coming with us.... Lord Mephisto has use for you...."

The one in front of Sparky just shook his head. "I have no interest in an impersonator. You on the other hand, I will be taking with me..." his horn glowed as chains like what wrapped around Tilly flew from all directions and wrapped around the foal. The unicorn jerked its head, the chains yanking Sparky off his hooves to the ground. He snickered as he started to walk towards the kitchen with Sparky dragging along, in chains, behind him.
-in Eclipse's house-

The spirit of Anda having been satisfied with Eclipse's answer departed from Lavender Moon and with it, the radiant cobalt light.

Steelheart felt some comfort in Eclipse's confidence but still struggled greatly with the idea of harming Rosy.

She could barely fathom the idea of her becoming a threat.

In all the time she had been in Hast she had only known Rosy to be a sweet and motherly mare.

She became angry once in a while, but it was never something that would be considered 'evil'.

As she thought about this is reminded her of the other ponies of Hast.

She remembered her assignment in town and gasped "Eclipse, what about the town's people?! They don't know anything about this. They are all in danger, we have to tell the council ."

Lavender Moon only shook her head and in a flat tone replied "it may be best if they don't know . panic is a deadly force to deal with .

Steelheart was clearly becoming stressed over the whole situation but there was little that could be done.

Trying to distract herself she remarked "I hope Mr Firecracker and Shina get here soon."

Little did she know that Firecracker wasn't heading for safety, but rushing headlong into


As he had almost reached the horseshoe he could hear Sparky cry out "hey, what are you? Oof!. Mamma, Fire, help!"

Hearing this Firecracker jumped through the window poor Eclipse had fixed just the other day and and readied himself for whatever he may find.
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viska said:
-in Eclipse's house-
The spirit of Anda having been satisfied with Eclipse's answer departed from Lavender Moon and with it, the radiant cobalt light.

Steelheart felt some comfort in Eclipse's confidence but still struggled greatly with the idea of harming Rosy.

She could barely fathom the idea of her becoming a threat.

In all the time she had been in Hast she had only known Rosy to be a sweet and motherly mare.

She became angry once in a while, but it was never something that would be considered 'evil'.

As she thought about this is reminded her of the other ponies of Hast.

She remembered her assignment in town and gasped "Eclipse, what about the town's people?! They don't know anything about this. They are all in danger, we have to tell the council ."

Lavender Moon only shook her head and in a flat tone replied "it may be best if they don't know . panic is a deadly force to deal with .

Steelheart was clearly becoming stressed over the whole situation but there was little that could be done.

Trying to distract herself she remarked "I hope Mr Firecracker and Shina get here soon."

Little did she know that Firecracker wasn't heading for safety, but rushing headlong into


As he had almost reached the horseshoe he could hear Sparky cry out "hey, what are you? Oof!. Mamma, Fire, help!"

Hearing this Firecracker jumped through the window poor Eclipse had fixed just the other day and and readied himself for whatever he may find.
Before iden was about to help the foal,but then a pony leapt through the window,shocked for a moment.looks at the pony and then the foal.they revealed themselves and fired multiple bolts of magic at the kidnapper.iden then picked up a chair with magic and tried to smash it on the kidnappers head.
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Making her way in to the forge Shina took Konton straight to the furnace. Looking back at Konton she nodded toward the furnace as spoke. "I need you to make your hottest flames in there. If it does not break I need you to heat some metal for me. Can you do that for me akachan (baby)?"

Konton tilted his head curiously as Shina spoke. This was defiantly a new game, but he wasn't quite sure what the goal of this game was. More eager to please his mother then he was to question her the young phoenix hopped in to the furnace. At first he glanced around the small dark space before his entirety body suddenly lit up in flames. Konton's shape soon disappeared as the fire around him grew to thick and bright to see through.

Shina cringed a little hearing the stone furnace cracking both old and new cracks began to light up the outside of the furnace as Konton's fire glowed through them. Despite the cracks the furnace somehow remained standing.

Shina breathed a small sigh of relief that the furnace didn't explode under the pressure. Heading over to a shelf of steel bars Shina picked out a soft low carbon steel to begin folding the sword core. She knew from the beginning that this would be a rushed job, and there was no way around that, it still felt somehow wrong. Back home sword took weeks to make, and was treated as an almost holy ritual. This would defiantly not be a sword that would live up to her father's standards, but hopefully it would still be strong enough to take down a dragon.

Eclipse gently wrapped a foreleg around Steelheart to help her stay calm. "I hope they get here soon too..." He murmured, though something in him told him that Firecracker was going to do something reckless... The battle with Mephisto was looking more and more inevitable... As it stood now, Eclipse was the only one that could hold the Dragon's gaze, but the effort drained his magic considerably. No doubt Mephisto would not make the same mistake he did before, in which case there was a very real possibility of Mephisto simply outlasting Eclipse's magic.

Of course, there was no way he would outlast the magic of Eclipse, and two flutter pony infused with half of Anda's soul. But then again, Mephisto had an army of soulless minions at his beck and call. He didn't want to get Steelheart involved in any fighting, but frankly, he needed her by his side if they were to have any chance.

Right now, he wanted to go out and find Firecracker and Steelheart himself, but he couldn't. Rosy was one of those his home recognized as friendly. It would take him at least an hour to overwrite that spell and lock her out, and in the meantime, if he left she could just waltz in here and take Steelheart. Well, provided Lavender Moon didn't roast her in the process, but the threat was still there..

---At the Horseshoe---

The unicorn was startled when the window shattered, and in that momentary shock it was struck by bolts of magic that knocked it into the wall. the chains around Sparky vanished when the Unicorn's focus was broken. The unicorn slowly stood up, a sadistic smirk across his lips. "well well.... This will save us a lot of time.. You came to us... Come with me, Firecracker... Lord Mephisto has plans for you... Of course, if you resist... Tilly may get a bit roughed up..." He snickered walking slowly towards Firecracker.

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