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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Indicus readied his blade and it glowed a pale red showing that it was enchanted, he looked at the two that the princess put himself and Fang in charge of. "You two keep them off our backs." With a smirk he looked at the charging crowd then back at Fang. "Lets do this then." He then moved in making sure that he was close to Fang and the others as he moved.
Assailant said:
Silver and Arc gave the Princess one more curt salute before running over to Indicus and Shadow Fang. Or at least, who they were pretty sure were Indicus and Fang. They wondered, while they were doing so, if Iden would join them or if he'd found an enemy of his own to battle. Though they were still paying attention, their minds were swimming with the thoughts of all that had happened in the past few minutes.
@KageYuuki @Shadow Dancer @Mrjenkins
Having found no enemy,iden ran up to the group,iden didn't see a point in writing as he could be attacked while iden was,so he waiting for one of them to say what is going on.as long as they got away from the princess.they were fine.

Princess Celestia

Shadow Fang

Celestia let out a low snort at the sudden reinforcements, smoke coming from her nostrils. She'd taken on far worse odds before, but right now she'd rather be joining the others in rescuing Luna. The tip of her spear glowed white hot as she lunged, thrusting it towards the abdomen of the Minotaur in front. Any others that drew close would either taste a gout of fire or feel her searing wing blades. It may have been a few hundreds years since she was last in battle, but she'd be damned if she allowed herself to grow rusty.

Fang nodded, glancing to the two the Princess had ordered to their side. "Those archers and mages need dealt with, I'm going to handle air combat for now." With that she took to the skies, wingblades wreathed in crackling energy colored purple and green. A telltale sign of a dark magic user.
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They both nodded to Shadow Fang as Arc created a shield, protecting them from the first volley of arrows. Arc turned to Iden by his side. "Don't look into their glowing eyes." As he said that, he quickly covered Iden's eyes in case him saying that prompted Iden to look. "Really, don't look." While Arc was focusing on the shield, Silver watched Fang command dark magic. He was skeptical of the authenticity of Fang's morality if she was a dark magic user, but if the Princess trusted her than so did Silver.

"Iden, I'm going to attack from afar. Since my magic will be focused on ranged attacks, I'd like you to disguise yourself as Silver the moment I drop this barrier. Combined with the brief flash I'll create with doing so, hopefully that will disorient them enough that you can reach them with ease. Watch out for their arrows, by the way, they're laced with something. Aim for the targets shooting at the sky. We need to gain control of the air if we want to reclaim the town. Got it?" He turned back to Silver and Iden.

Neither Silver nor Ace really was in charge of one another, though technically in this situation Silver had authority over Ace. In reality, if one of them had a plan they'd say it, and the other would follow along unless they had a better idea. As such, Silver simply nodded his consent.

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@Mrjenkins @Assailant @KageYuuki

"Okay then." Indicus looked at the three with him, "You three do what you do best but lets try not to lose each other." Indicus then ran towards the enemy using his wings for speed and his fangs extending from the promise of plenty of blood, the first enemy he met a Minotaur quickly received a slash to the back of his heel then when he was down took a blade to his face. Then Indicus moved to the next enemy in much the same manner killing quickly, a task made easier because of the poor quality or lack of armor.
Assailant said:
They both nodded to Shadow Fang as Arc created a shield, protecting them from the first volley of arrows. Arc turned to Iden by his side. "Don't look into their glowing eyes." As he said that, he quickly covered Iden's eyes in case him saying that prompted Iden to look. "Really, don't look." While Arc was focusing on the shield, Silver watched Fang command dark magic. He was skeptical of the authenticity of Fang's morality if she was a dark magic user, but if the Princess trusted her than so did Silver.
"Iden, I'm going to attack from afar. Since my magic will be focused on ranged attacks, I'd like you to disguise yourself as Silver the moment I drop this barrier. Combined with the brief flash I'll create with doing so, hopefully that will disorient them enough that you can reach them with ease. Watch out for their arrows, by the way, they're laced with something. Aim for the targets shooting at the sky. We need to gain control of the air if we want to reclaim the town. Got it?" He turned back to Silver and Iden.

Neither Silver nor Ace really was in charge of one another, though technically in this situation Silver had authority over Ace. In reality, if one of them had a plan they'd say it, and the other would follow along unless they had a better idea. As such, Silver simply nodded his consent.

He nods and waits for the barrier to drop.but quickly rights somthing down and shows it to silver.'What happens when you looks in thier eyes?do you turn to stone or somthing?'that was thier only qiestion,they wanted to know what happens,it made them curious.but it does not mean they will do it.iden glances at celestia and is glad that she either didn't notice them or didn't care.
"Not sure," Silver simply responded as he watched the barrier with anticipation. "As best I understand it, you join their legion." He waited for a few moment as another volley of arrows struck the shield. As it made contact, there was a flash of light signifying the barrier going down. With that, Silver burst towards them. The speed at which he moved was immense as he began cutting down archer after archer.

The modern Equestrian Royal Guard couldn't compare to the Old Equestrian Military, from Silver's age. That was through no fault of their own, of course, and really they were lucky. The Average Royal Guard has done nothing more than maybe stop a petty thief at worse. The world was a peaceful one in general. In Silver's day, however, even civilian life was quite dangerous. The shifters were everywhere, and most civilians knew some form of combat. The best among the royal guards might make a decent fight against an average Old Equestrian soldier. But Silver and Arc were the best even in their day. Every armada had its flagship, and if one was to discount the Princesses, Silver and Arc were the flagships of the Equestrian Military. The speed, grace, and brutality with which they moved was exceeded only by the Princesses.

It was with such skill that Silver cut down archer after archer as they pathetically failed to put up a fight. Their bodies and minds simply weren't trained for such combat.

Meanwhile, Arc created a magical bow and arrow to shoot with. The bow and arrow were made out of pure mana and the arrow radiated fire, or at least mana that looked like fire. As he shot, he made a trail of energy which collided at high impact into his enemies.

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Celestia's spear missed its mark due to a swing of her enemy's scythe. Though the weapon met its end after colliding with her own. The creature roared in rage before charging her, only to run right into her blade. A blue mist escaped his eye before his body burst into flames from her magic.

Meanwhile Fang seemed to dance in the sky as she dove and spun, cutting through airborne enemies before they could land a claw on her. Mist escaping every fallen foe before they crashed into the ground. A blast of dark magic collided into a minotaur before he could bring his warhammer down on Indicus' back. The great warrior had been sent tumbling to the side, he was slightly dazed, but not done yet. Sure, her partner may have made a considerable number of fuck ups in the past couple days, but that didn't mean she was going to leave his back unprotected.

Though currently, the Empire was testing the waters. They needed to get a feel for their target's before engaging full force. Sure, some pawns would be sacrificed. But that mattered little in the end once their master had been freed. Atop roofs, mages charged bolts of lightning before sending them racing towards the turned backs of Arc and a disguised Iden.
Assailant said:
"Not sure," Silver simply responded as he watched the barrier with anticipation. "As best I understand it, you join their legion." He waited for a few moment as another volley of arrows struck the shield. As it made contact, there was a flash of light signifying the barrier going down. With that, Silver burst towards them. The speed at which he moved was immense as he began cutting down archer after archer.
The modern Equestrian Royal Guard couldn't compare to the Old Equestrian Military, from Silver's age. That was through no fault of their own, of course, and really they were lucky. The Average Royal Guard has done nothing more than maybe stop a petty thief at worse. The world was a peaceful one in general. In Silver's day, however, even civilian life was quite dangerous. The shifters were everywhere, and most civilians knew some form of combat. The best among the royal guards might make a decent fight against an average Old Equestrian soldier. But Silver and Arc were the best even in their day. Every armada had its flagship, and if one was to discount the Princesses, Silver and Arc were the flagships of the Equestrian Military. The speed, grace, and brutality with which they moved was exceeded only by the Princesses.

It was with such skill that Silver cut down archer after archer as they pathetically failed to put up a fight. Their bodies and minds simply weren't trained for such combat.

Meanwhile, Arc created a magical bow and arrow to shoot with. The bow and arrow were made out of pure mana and the arrow radiated fire, or at least mana that looked like fire. As he shot, he made a trail of energy which collided at high impact into his enemies.
Iden bolted out and starting taking out anything that was not on thier side,and were shooting in the air,they were more tank oriented then agility,as they smashed and crushed thier enemy,they even used one of them to track the others,eventually the pony slipped from iden's hand and fell onto another one,iden walked up and crushed both of thier heads.being a changeling who survived the battle against the guards back then meant they were strong,but they were weak compared to silver and arc,maybe even some other guards.nlw that iden thinks about it,if they didn't make the alliance,they most likely would have perished.but iden put those thoughts aside for now as they attacked thier enemy.

(I'm having a bit of writers block,and I am tired,so sorry if the post was crappy)
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Indicus noticed the enemy that Fang kept from crushing him and nodded towards her and put his blade through the stunned Minotaur after awhile he shifted to a biped like stance holding his blade in his hooves balance was no problem as he had trained fighting on his hind hooves for years and used the natural magical grip of his hooves to put more force in each swing and make it harder for him to be disarmed he wanted to find a spell to take the general form of the human Indicus and his namesake from Thalem's history if only for the agility it would give him, he had complete reference via drawings and descriptions but that was a thought for later he immediately went back to killing the 'soldiers' fighting them.
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The eyes of any soldier whose head was still intact began to glow. Slowly these new puppets stood, gathering any weapon if they had it before advancing on the small group. This wasn't the work of Mephisto, that much was obvious through their glowing blue eyes. This was Scarlet's work, and it looked like she'd gotten better at controlling multiple puppets at once. With renewed vigor these puppets launched another wave of attacks.
Silver turned to see the arrows heading towards Iden and Arc. He quickly yelled "Arc and 1L 6!" Arc swiftly makes a magic shield behind himself and Iden as the arrows bounce harmlessly off the walls. They'd set up a system of callouts for swift deflection and counter-attacks long ago, and now could almost work as one unit. Silver jumped as the corpses began getting up once more, and Arc shot one of them in the head with his arrow which caused its skull to break and collapse.

"I am not very fond of this type of magic," Arc said as he went up to support Silver. "Can't say it isn't interesting though." Silver glared at him, as if to say Not now! As they turned to battle their reanimated foes.
Assailant said:
Silver turned to see the arrows heading towards Iden and Arc. He quickly yelled "Arc and 1L 6!" Arc swiftly makes a magic shield behind himself and Iden as the arrows bounce harmlessly off the walls. They'd set up a system of callouts for swift deflection and counter-attacks long ago, and now could almost work as one unit. Silver jumped as the corpses began getting up once more, and Arc shot one of them in the head with his arrow which caused its skull to break and collapse.
"I am not very fond of this type of magic," Arc said as he went up to support Silver. "Can't say it isn't interesting though." Silver glared at him, as if to say Not now! As they turned to battle their reanimated foes.
They gave a slight bow of thanks before iden kept snwas the most action iden had in a very long time.they buck one of the reanimated and accidentally caught thier hoof on a caught on a pole and fell,or their face took the blunt of the fall so they were disorientented as they got up.they made they started to get behind arc and silver and some cover so they could recover a little bit.thier head was bleeding but it iden was not able to tell. they sat down behind some cover ,thier disquise disappeared and iden started trying to heal thier head wound.(it's not serious but it's Not fine either,it's in between.)iden would attack any of thier foes with magic who attempted to come over and attack them.

Princess Celestia

Shadow Fang

Fang growled at the sight of the bodies being reanimated. Since when was Scarlet able to control so many at one? "Take the heads of any you kill!" She yelled to the others before pushing herself out of the range of a griffon's talons. Horns glowing once again, the Thestral vanished from sight. It seemed she'd quickly gotten the hang of casting illusions through her crystals.

The rooftop mages and archers found themselves lifted from their perch in a golden aura. They weren't given a chance to respond as their bodies were crushed in Celestia's telekinetic grasp, the remains reduced to ash before even hitting the ground. Sure, she could have incinerated all of the Empire's soldiers and ended it then and there. But doing so without damaging Hast required a considerable amount of time to set up. Time wasn't something on their side at the moment.
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Indicus took Fang's advice and started to kill each soldier and then cut their head off if not lop off their head to kill. It made things slower but it was worth not having to fight enemies over and over again.
The glowing eyes of one of Scarlet's puppets locked onto Indicus. The moment the two made eye contact a voice crept into his mind. 'Why do you fight your own family? You're a true creature of the night. Come join your family . . . No longer worry on slaking your thirst for blood.'
Iden was going to ask for help to thier queen.but realized that they would get untimely punished and probably killed.iden could not heal naturally so they needed help from some other pony.iden went out of thier cover and used thier Magic like a laser pointer,trying to get arc to look thier way,iden was planning for arc to help them with the heal spell,just enough to get it to stop bleeding.

Indicus spoke back to the voice. Who ever birthed me left me at an orphanage when I was less then a year old, I never knew them. My only tie to Nightmare Soul is my vampiric nature, you nor any of the Nightmare Empire are family. Indicus cut the head off the puppet and whent back to fighting.
Arc looked around as Silver began stomping on the heads of the puppets, crushing them as he aimed to kill them before they could get up. Once they inevitably did, he began stabbing their heads and cutting them off. Any puppet who was downed without destruction of the head had said body part promptly crushed. Arc noticed Iden's wounds and groaned a bit. Not by any fault of Iden's, of course, but it was an inconvenience. Without the runes that Silver or Arc had, healing Iden would be more difficult. "Heal 3, C CR!" He yelled out. Silver nodded as he cut one more puppet down and ran over to Iden. Arc pushed Iden behind some cover without hurting him while Silver paced around them, covering them from any puppets that came to near. Arc began crafting a healing spell. Due to the time constraints, it wouldn't fully heal him. But it should numb the pain and stem the bleeding, at least.
Assailant said:
Arc looked around as Silver began stomping on the heads of the puppets, crushing them as he aimed to kill them before they could get up. Once they inevitably did, he began stabbing their heads and cutting them off. Any puppet who was downed without destruction of the head had said body part promptly crushed. Arc noticed Iden's wounds and groaned a bit. Not by any fault of Iden's, of course, but it was an inconvenience. Without the runes that Silver or Arc had, healing Iden would be more difficult. "Heal 3, C CR!" He yelled out. Silver nodded as he cut one more puppet down and ran over to Iden. Arc pushed Iden behind some cover without hurting him while Silver paced around them, covering them from any puppets that came to near. Arc began crafting a healing spell. Due to the time constraints, it wouldn't fully heal him. But it should numb the pain and stem the bleeding, at least.
If iden could speak,they would have told silver and arc thanks,iden was going to owe the. Somthing after all of this,while they were bien healed they started to think why they ha net been using thier armor,it was stupid of them to not use it,it's why they had the wound on thier head,stupid things lead to stupid mistakes,next time they will be sure to remember thier armor,so somthing like this would not happen again.when arc finishes they would get up'thanks'theucquickly wrote on a paper.as they got up.
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"We'll leave defending Hast to my Sister and the others. They can handle the Nightmare Empire. We need to get to Shina. We have to try and save Rosy if we can" he took off once more with the two Flutter Pony, glancing back at the others for just a moment before he was set on his course. He knew his little sister was a capable warrior. Although he hadn't seen her fight before, he had heard the stories. She had turned into quite a warrior in his absence....

Just as he came over the crest of the hill, he saw Shina and Rosy already going at it. In the clearing was a fireball he could only assume Shina was using to protect Firecracker. His horn glowed as his magic forced the two apart, putting a wall between them. "Rosy!" Eclipse's voice boomed in a commanding tone that put the "Royal Canterlot Voice" to shame.

"Tell me.. is this really what you wanted? Did you really sell your soul for nothing? What did Mephisto promise you? Firecracker? A child? Maybe both? Do you not realize that you are getting none of those things?" Eclipse asked as he watched her, his gaze unreadable. "If you think that's Firecracker, you're wrong. Mephisto didn't give you Firecracker. He gave you a puppet that looks like him. That puppet can never love. The thing that made it Firecracker is gone thanks to Mephisto." Eclipse began as he walked calmly towards Rosy.

"Do you really think that this Firecracker would clap for you when everyone else is silent?" He asked, calling her mind to when she first sang in public... She had, of course, told him that story herself once upon a time... "That puppet can only do exactly what you tell it to do. That isn't love. that puppet can't love you because the soul is gone. Firecracker is GONE. If you continue on this path, you aren't trying to love him, you're trying to OWN him. All you will make him is a piece of property. Does he really mean so little to you that you would do that to him?" He asked. "Have you completely forgotten what love is? You of all ponies?" Eclipse asked.

A slow clap answered him, a massive portal opened as a gigantic white dragon emerged, standing many times taller than any building in Hast. "OH that is just precious, Eclipse..." Mephisto snickered, still continuing his slow clap. "You're trying to save this wretch by appealing to love? Do you realize how foolish you sound? Love is a fickle emotion. You ponies always make such a fuss out of it, but that single emotion is so weak.... It's so easy to turn a heart of love into a heart of darkness. All it takes is a little heartbreak and suddenly a good little pony can become a demon spawned in the darkness of their own heart." He laughed, his voice rumbling and causing the earth to shake just a little bit.

"After all, all she wanted was to be a mother. Just a little prodding in the wrong direction and she willingly murdered two of her friends just for a chance to fulfill that dream. Do you see now just how weak love is? How easily love can be turned into hate?" He held out his palm, a portal opening there as Firecracker emerged from it, still a soulless puppet. Shina's fire may have covered him, but a portal on the ground could bypass it...

"All of this fuss over one rather substandard stallion. I wish you could see how tortured his soul is right now. It keeps trying to escape its jar. It's so adorable. It thinks it has a chance of escaping and stopping all of this" Mephisto laughed dropping Firecracker's body on the ground. "He gave himself up because he loved his family, and look where that got him. Love makes you weak, Eclipse. As long as you've been alive, I thought you'd have learned that. Oh well. Maybe you'll learn your lesson in the next life." Mephisto shook his head casually flicking Firecracker's body back and forth along the ground.

"I must say... those Nightmare Fools did quite a good job making this all so easy. It's amazing what a bunch of imbeciles will do when they think they've got a chance.. All I had to do was tell them it would take the magic of a Creator level spirit to revive their leader. Of course, they figured out that Anda was such a spirit. Too bad the fools can't process basic math. Steelheart's blood wouldn't be enough. She's only got half of Anda's spirit in her. They never had a chance" Mephisto snickered. "Oh well. I don't much like the prospect of sharing in my victory, so I think it's time to cut loose the excess vermin...." Mephisto snapped his claws..

Back in Hast, thousands, no, hundreds of thousands of portals opened up all over, and Nightmare Empire forces found themselves immediately under attack by Mephisto's soulless army... As Celestia knew, any one of them, at any time, could channel a soul torment. Eye contact was potentially deadly...

Mephisto smirked down at Eclipse as the Alicorn gritted his teeth, his mane flaring dangerously.

"I will make you pay for this, Mephisto... For all the ponies you've hurt... for all the lives you've ruined.. I will make sure you burn..."

Mephisto clicked his tongue, shaking his head disapprovingly. "Now now, I would watch what you say. I've still got another trump card" He held out his other hand, still rolling Firecracker's lifeless body around with the other as a cage appeared from a portal. Luna was inside, her eyes closed tightly and fresh wounds all over her body. Luna, thankfully, had closed her eyes tightly from the moment she was captured. She had remembered her brother's advice on dealing with Soul magic, even thousands of years after the fact.

"So now, Eclipse. What are you going to do? Are you going to continue this fight and let me destroy this body and your dear sister, or will you surrender?" Mephisto asked, picking up Firecracker in his massive claw, slowly starting to squeeze as the puppet cried out in pain.

"Don't do it, Brother! Please! He will destroy everything if you don't stop him!"

"Silence you..." Mephisto hissed, slamming Luna's cagae into the ground and holding his foot just over it, the cage bars starting to bend under the weight... Time was running out for both Luna and Firecracker.... "Time's up Eclipse... Make your choice...."
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On a hill littered with the dead body's of Mephisto's minions, a dragon wearing pirate captain gear was glaring out on the town as her puppets were being attacked. This dragon had one eye that was cyan blue while the other was covered with a eye patch. She also had scarlet read scales on the webbing of her wings. This Dragon is none other then Scarlet. Be hind her was Shade, The Marauder King, and a unicorn wearing a hood and leather armor that was a white color. The unicorns name is Heart Break. Scarlet didn't look back as she said.

"So, that fool thinks he can just do this?" She asked aloud as she violently kicked one of the corpses at her claws. "Were pulling out, I new it would be a good idea to install listening enchantments around Hast." She said aloud as she tore a portal open, and walked through it with the other three. As she did this, across Hast explosions happened everywhere as the Nightmare Empire purged any existence of them being in Hast. in Hast and out of Hast the Nightmare Empire agents went through portals that opened up long enough for them to escape. Any body's that were left behind after Scarlet and her forces had made their escape had an enchantment on them activate that made them burst into flames.

Were the Nightmare Empire had their artillery, it was either taken back to their H.Q. or destroyed. The bases in Hast were left in flaming remains as the Nightmare Empire got rid of any evidence that showed they where ever in Hast besides the few eyed witnesses that were left. In a total time of one minute, the Nightmare Empire had left Hast completely with no physical evidence they were ever there. In total the Nightmare Empire had lost about eighty soldiers, who's body were now burning in intense flames, out of the hundreds of soldiers they had, with some of Mephisto's minions getting caught in the explosions or fire.
Spyro growled a bit as he disappeared through one of his portals, and a few seconds later he reappeared in a odd armor set. Instead of what he usually wore, this armor was an obsidian black and covered him head to hoof in this armor, but the odd part about this armor was that the helm that came with the armor looked like a dragon with it's maw open showing Spyro's face. Spyro's tail had the armor going over it and made it look like the tail of a dragon.

"I don't know weather to thank you for getting rid of them, or to hate you for what you have done." Spyro said as two clubs made of solid black stone apeared in Spyro's magical grasp. As Spyro did this the shadows around Spyro rose off of the ground near him and became so thick that you can't even see past it no mater how good your eyes are in thee dark. In less then a second the most weirdest thing happened. The thick shadows made their way to Spyro's eye's, covering his vision in darkness.

Just what is Spyro doing getting rid of his vision like this?
Indicus noticed the bodies with heads rise and immediately closed his eyes instead using a magic sense to fight Mephisto's minions he was slightly slower but he was still effective. as he fought he thought back to the puppet speaking to him he presumed it was Scarlet but he questioned how she knew he was a vampire and why she decided to play recruiter towards one that was set against the Nightmare Empire and in a situation he had no issue with blood. He figured it may not be the last time he heard from her.
The wound had been healed sufficiently on Iden. The wound would still need to be treated later, but it was now numbed and stemmed, so he'd be safe for a bit. Silver bucked a puppet back onto the ground, as its skull crushed and it fell on the ground. He turned to fight the next enemy, before the puppet he'd killed suddenly exploded. He flew back in shock and grunted as he got up, only to see another puppet explode. Then another... then another...

"Arc!" He tried to think of the callout for a situation like this, but his muzzle flopped open and closed for a few moments as he realized there was nothing for this. "Explosions," he said lamely. Arc looked around and quickly covered all the bodies in a shield as they each exploded, containing all their explosions. He fell to the ground, panting and sweating when it was over from magical exertion. Just in time, too, as more enemies came walking through portals.

"You... have got... to be... kidding," Arc panted in exhaustion. Silver dutifully covered Arc to make sure he could recuperate.

"I'll cover you, but I don't know the extent of their forces," Silver said. "Rest as you must, but get up soon. We must aid in the retaliation." Arc nodded, but continued panting.

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