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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Assailant said:
Silver watched on in silence. He didn't understand anything that was going on. Another Alicorn was unheard of, though he supposed not impossible. After all, if two sister alicorns could emerge from nowhere to rule a nation, he supposed it made sense for a third to exist. But... who is this Mephisto? What happened to the Princess of the Night? Who is Shadow Fang?
All of these questions ran through his head, though he was completely silent as he watched the Princess go about her business, personal as it seemed. He was very glad Arc had wandered off. He was worried that Arc would begin asking questions, and at a time like this that seemed hardly appropriate.

Arc thought for a moment. "I'm not sure if now is the best time just yet. Princess Celestia is dealing with someone, and something tells me it just might be personal. I dunno. Either way, last thing we need is him yelling 'Shifter!' Right next to the Princess. You know how it is."
'Yeah,but what should we do then,with them that's probably all the action.unless you want to head to the crystal empire with me and hang out,When I have breaks.beacuse I can't stick around..hast?yeah that's it,forever.maybe you could go out after and let him know I'll be coming?'iden was running out of papers,they would have to buy more tomorrow.
Arc noticed Iden running out of paper and, using his alchemical spells, separated the graphite from the paper. Combining this with some of the contents of the nearby trashcan, he created a second pencil which Iden could use. Now he had a second pencil and more clear sheets of paper. "I dunno, I'd have to run it over with Silver. We're both kind of in this together now, so we have to-" He then heard the sounds of fighting and instinctively went into a defensive stance, looking around to locate the source. "Are the shifters attacking?" He asked as he looked over at Iden.

Silver swiftly pulled out his sword and prepared as he heard fighting. He would not move until commanded by the Princess, but he couldn't help but look around warily as he was ready to fight at a moment's notice. "What is going on?" he muttered to himself.
-With Eclipse's party-

Steelheart again cringed as Shina took such an impatient and angry tone with everyone.

But she knew down in her heart that she ( or at least her sister) would be very much the same if they took a loved one away from them.

As she hugged her and began to run off, Steelheart raised a hoof in a vane attempt to catch Shina.

Realizing that she had failed to stop her, she again turned to Eclipse for answers.

As Eclipse dawned his armor Steelheart couldn't help but smile proudly.

While she was blind to see it, she was very much aware of what was going on.

She had always thought of him as her knight in shining armor, but now his look fit the bill.

Lavender Moon on the other hand could only let out a 'wolf whistle' at the sight.

While she respected that she was her sister's stallion, she still could appreciate an attractive south pony.

As the group set off towards the hills Steelheart could feel a sharp ache in her heart.

A kind of throbbing pain that she had only felt once before..

When Maphisto had attacked Lavender Moon.

Lavender Moon looked over to her sister to see her wincing in pain.

A pain that she felt in sync with her, but was able to hide much better.

It would seem the very presence of his vile magic was enough to bring pain to the flutter pony who as they often said were "more magic then mare"

Lavender Moon tried to call get Eclipse's attention, but before she could Spyro announced that the second prong to the attack had shown it's self.

To this, she so was only able to comment "för fan skull"
As Silver looked around, and arrow went flying pasty his head and embedded itself in a wall nearby. The arrow had a crimson red substance coming off of it that dripped onto the ground. When the crimson red substance hit the ground, the grass the substance touched shrived up and died upon contact with it.
-In the Hills of Hast-

As the flames and rock hit the dark priest he shrieked and melted quickly.

But not into blood and gore, but rather into a fine mist.

The mist was red and glinted with black specks of what looked like Obsidian.

Was this..'creature' even a real pony?

Rosy stood in shock as her dress burned around her.

Mouth agape, and eyes wide she was stunned at not only the gall this pony showed in burning her gown, but to call her out on her 'love' for Firecracker.

When she finally was about to speak she began to breath deeply.

Her chest heaved as she struggled to speak through the shock and anger "...You... You... YOU BI---TCH!"

As she screamed loud and long a shock wave of magic burst in every direction.

While Shina was strong enough to stand her ground, it sent stones and plants flying everywhere.

As she held that note a crater began to spread underneath her.

And her phantom horn summoning a vortex of mist to envelop her.

Finally she fell silent, but when she did she had a wicked look about her.

Her hair now raven black and here eyes full of that dark mist.

She radiated an aura of magic that matched Shina's in it's distortion of the air.

As she walked closer to Shina she Sneered and angrily demanded "Tell me tramp pony, how long have you known Fi? have you spent your whole life knowing his hopes, his dreams?"

Ripping a tree from the ground with her magic she held it aloft before going on " Only to be cast aside like a piece of trash"

Slamming it to the ground next to Shina she was giving her own warning.

As the tree burst into flames she spoke over it's roar " Or are you just the first pretty face that decided to seduce him on this OUR most sacred of days?"

Only a few feet from Shina, she was clearly not backing down, but she strangely didn't strike first either.
Assailant said:
Arc noticed Iden running out of paper and, using his alchemical spells, separated the graphite from the paper. Combining this with some of the contents of the nearby trashcan, he created a second pencil which Iden could use. Now he had a second pencil and more clear sheets of paper. "I dunno, I'd have to run it over with Silver. We're both kind of in this together now, so we have to-" He then heard the sounds of fighting and instinctively went into a defensive stance, looking around to locate the source. "Are the shifters attacking?" He asked as he looked over at Iden.

Silver swiftly pulled out his sword and prepared as he heard fighting. He would not move until commanded by the Princess, but he couldn't help but look around warily as he was ready to fight at a moment's notice. "What is going on?" he muttered to himself.
'It would not be one,they are more isolated now.'iden was also in a defensive position,they were ready to fire magic at any attackers.,go to silver and tell him I'm coming over,or tell him a ally is coming and flash the symbol,i will wait a couple minutes before coming out of this alley.see you there.'
Spyro said:
As Silver looked around, and arrow went flying pasty his head and embedded itself in a wall nearby. The arrow had a crimson red substance coming off of it that dripped onto the ground. When the crimson red substance hit the ground, the grass the substance touched shrived up and died upon contact with it.
Silver recoiled as the arrow whizzed past him. He turned to see a pony notching another arrow. He quickly charged it, ready to dodge at any moment should the pony fire again. "ARC!" He yelled out, hoping his voice reached the unicorn.

Mrjenkins said:
'It would not be one,they are more isolated now.'iden was also in a defensive position,they were ready to fire magic at any attackers.,go to silver and tell him I'm coming over,or tell him a ally is coming and flash the symbol,i will wait a couple minutes before coming out of this alley.see you there.'
Arc nodded before running out of the alleyway and spotting Silver. He quickly ran over to catch up, shooting a laser at the offending pony to hopefully throw off its aim or slow down its notching (presuming the laser didn't hit) so that Silver could reach it unabated.
The pony didn't care for the laser and tried to fire her arrow only for the laser to hit her before she fired. When she fell backward, the arrow fired up in the air and came down onto her chest and through the heart. Shortly after that an odd glow in her right eye left with her mumbling aloud. "Thank ... you." She said as she died
Assailant said:
Silver recoiled as the arrow whizzed past him. He turned to see a pony notching another arrow. He quickly charged it, ready to dodge at any moment should the pony fire again. "ARC!" He yelled out, hoping his voice reached the unicorn.
Arc nodded before running out of the alleyway and spotting Silver. He quickly ran over to catch up, shooting a laser at the offending pony to hopefully throw off its aim or slow down its notching (presuming the laser didn't hit) so that Silver could reach it unabated.
Iden sat down and started to wait,there wasn't much to do while waiting,there is a rat to chase,maybe change his disquise,or even just plain sit,yeah..sitting is good.iden enjoyed sitting and doing nothing,he is usally doing a task for chrysalis or working on realitshonships,or just dealing with life.it was rare for iden to have a seat and do absolutely nothing.but he had to do somthing soon,which made him slightly unhappy.so iden decied to stay a little longer,and eventually longer,maybe a minute or 4 passed.its time to head out.iden got up and walked out of the alleyway and flew over to silver and arc.when he landed he faced silver and showed him the symbol.they had a battle to do.
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Silver, right before he could stab the pony, was shocked by the laser hitting her. As her death scene played out, Silver frowned while Arc caught up to him.

"What's going on?" Arc asked. Silver shook his head.

"I don't know, fighting just spontaneously broke out. I think this is that soul control thing the Princess was talking about. Some kind of mind control at least."

"Like a shifter mind control?" Silver shook his head and closed the mare's eyes. He stood up and looked over at Arc. "I found Iden," Arc said suddenly. Silver seemed shocked. "He'll be meeting us in a few moments and assisting us in combat." Silver reluctantly nodded. When Silver saw Iden's symbol, he grimaced but nodded his acceptance.

"They're under some sort of control, acting without their free will," Silver briefed. "I doubt we can get through to them, so the best we can do is simply kill them mercifully. I know that might be hard for you, shifter." Despite his clear disdain, that was as bad as it got. In battle, personal relationships didn't matter. There were allies, enemies, and civilians. An ally was an ally, no matter how much one distrusted their kind. Silver stuck to the princess, covering her flank while Arc looked around. He too stuck with Silver. Silver was the sword to Arc's shield. Together they were unstoppable, but separate them and battle would be much more difficult. They would stick by the Princess's side unless commanded otherwise.
Assailant said:
Silver, right before he could stab the pony, was shocked by the laser hitting her. As her death scene played out, Silver frowned while Arc caught up to him.
"What's going on?" Arc asked. Silver shook his head.

"I don't know, fighting just spontaneously broke out. I think this is that soul control thing the Princess was talking about. Some kind of mind control at least."

"Like a shifter mind control?" Silver shook his head and closed the mare's eyes. He stood up and looked over at Arc. "I found Iden," Arc said suddenly. Silver seemed shocked. "He'll be meeting us in a few moments and assisting us in combat." Silver reluctantly nodded. When Silver saw Iden's symbol, he grimaced but nodded his acceptance.

"They're under some sort of control, acting without their free will," Silver briefed. "I doubt we can get through to them, so the best we can do is simply kill them mercifully. I know that might be hard for you, shifter." Despite his clear disdain, that was as bad as it got. In battle, personal relationships didn't matter. There were allies, enemies, and civilians. An ally was an ally, no matter how much one distrusted their kind. Silver stuck to the princess, covering her flank while Arc looked around. He too stuck with Silver. Silver was the sword to Arc's shield. Together they were unstoppable, but separate them and battle would be much more difficult. They would stick by the Princess's side unless commanded otherwise.
Iden was annoyed when they mentioned that I could be hard for them to kill mercifully,but let it go beacuse they had a fragile alliance and were in combat.iden was unsure as to why they were attacking these ponies anyways,but did not question it.they helped defend the princess,while also defend silver and arc.but iden kept thier distance,they did not want to get to close to the princess,even in a disquise.
Suddenly a pulse of cyan blue energy took over the pony's body as she got back up like a puppet with both of her eyes glowing this time. Carelessly she tore the arrow out of her body without flinching, notched the arrow again and aimed it at Silver again, mumbling. "I'm ... sorry." she said with a tear running down her face.
Arc reacted quickly, shielding Silver with a spell. "She's conscious!" Arc yelled. "Subdue her!" After she fired her arrow, Silver would close what little distance remained between them and attempt to knock her out with a swift and hard punch. It would hurt like hell, but she'd survive. Perhaps a minor concussion and a dislocated jaw.
When Silver delivered the hard punch the pony's head jerked to the side violently. However she did not go down or even flinch, even though her jaw was dislocated, with several bruises marring her face. She then raised a dagger that was glowing a blue color.
When she looked back to take her swing, the mare would've swung at a Silver who was already punching once more. In actuality, Silver had jumped backwards. After swinging through the illusory Silver, thus being off balance due to hitting nothing, the real Silver would follow it up with a buck to the face. This was a subduing method used only on the most resistant of enemies. Her muzzle would shatter, her skull would likely fracture. She'd be on the edge of death itself, if not already dead. But if a punch like that doesn't even faze her, he'd have to take drastic measures.

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Like Eclipse, Celestia was forced to take a calming breath before donning her armor. The golden plates flashed in the sunlight, a dark red sun had been emblazoned on the peytral. Like her brother's, one of the many enchantments woven into the metal allowed her to fight at full strength without harming her allies. Proof of this could be seen as her mane and tail took on the appearance of wild fire, her eyes a deep crimson. "Arc, Silver," the princess' voice had taken a commanding tone. "The dread dragon Mephisto is the originator of Soul Magic, do not engage him directly. Avoid eye contact with any puppets if possible, or else you'll be caught in his spell."

Fang slowly straightened, nodding to Indicus. "You still have my wing blades and armor in your pocket dimension, right? I'm going to need them."

The arrow that nearly hit Silver caught the groups attention.


Fang slowly shook her head, recognizing the arrow. "No, your majesty, Nightmare Empire."

Burning eyes snapped towards Fang, "They're involved too?"

"I can't say whether or not they're working with Mephiso, I've yet to see any of them being puppeted by him."

"Good . . ." Celestia turned towards the pony Arc and Silver currently battled. 'I don't know how the Empire's involved in all of this,' She spoke telepathically to her brother, 'But they'll burn for even getting involved . . .' Seeing the usually calm and collected Celestia out for blood was a rare sight, one that many preferred to never see. But Mephisto thought he could get away with kidnapping her sister.

Now him and every fucker involved was going to burn.

The attacking mare would find her dagger striking a shield instead of armor if she even tried another swing following the buck to her muzzle. A barrier had been erected around the new puppet. She wasn't given a chance to escape as her form was engulfed in white hot flames, burning until nothing but ash and molten metal remained.
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Shina did little more then flatten her ears to Rosy's scream. For a brief second Shina's gaze shifted to Firecracker's soulless form. Her antler glowing she placed a fire shield around him, a sphere of fire that surrounded him completely but somehow did not burn him. The fire shield would however incinerate any debris that might fly his way, effectively cutting him off from Rosy was a nice bonus too.

Despite the flames on her body and in her eyes Shina stood easily calm as Rosy approached. If the dark mare's words had any effect on the kirin she did not show it. For a long moment Shina simply glare in to Rosy's eyes the fire in her eyes looking as if it were trying to burn in to Rosy's very soul.

"How dare you speak of his dreams when your actions tonight would have ripped them all away." Shina finally spoke her voice dark and cold. "To love is to give, but you only wish to take from him. Love is placing another's happiness before your own. I would rather see Fire live free and happy then force him to be at my side. That is what true love is. But I waist my breath telling you this, for you have the heart of a genma. You should be grateful my father is not here to claim your soul, for I am the Onimusha's daughter!" Though intimidation was a good way to throw a weak minded enemy of their game name dropping eastern ponies to western ones probably didn't mean much. But in her current state Shina didn't seem to be thinking to clearly.

As she spoke her final words Shina reared up on to her hind legs. Holding out her right hoof the blade on her back flew in to it. As the sword landed in her hoof Shina's rage finally peaked and for a brief instant she was reminded of when she'd defeated Konton. There was a strange spark within her and suddenly a new fire erupted around her. The fire that made up her mane and tail in this state seemed to grow longer and darker. Her fire mane and tail seemed to be constantly changing directions, sometimes cascading delicately down while other times flaming straight up at completely random seconds. The most notable display of this new fire was a pair of large wings made purely out of phoenix fire.

As Shina came down she swung the sword in her hoof aiming straight for Rosy's neck without hesitation. As she swung the blade so to did those flaming wings flap forward sending a torrent of fire out in front of the kirin.
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KageYuuki said:

Shadow Fang

Princess Celestia

Like Eclipse, Celestia was forced to take a calming breath before donning her armor. The golden plates flashed in the sunlight, a dark red sun had been emblazoned on the peytral. Like her brother's, one of the many enchantments woven into the metal allowed her to fight at full strength without harming her allies. Proof of this could be seen as her mane and tail took on the appearance of wild fire, her eyes a deep crimson. "Arc, Silver," the princess' voice had taken a commanding tone. "The dread dragon Mephisto is the originator of Soul Magic, do not engage him directly. Avoid eye contact with any puppets if possible, or else you'll be caught in his spell."

Fang slowly straightened, nodding to Indicus. "You still have my wing blades and armor in your pocket dimension, right? I'm going to need them."

The arrow that nearly hit Silver caught the groups attention.


Fang slowly shook her head, recognizing the arrow. "No, your majesty, Nightmare Empire."

Burning eyes snapped towards Fang, "They're involved too?"

"I can't say whether or not they're working with Mephiso, I've yet to see any of them being puppeted by him."

"Good . . ." Celestia turned towards the pony Arc and Silver currently battled. 'I don't know how the Empire's involved in all of this,' She spoke telepathically to her brother, 'But they'll burn for getting involved . . . Seeing the usually calm and collected Celestia out for blood was a rare sight, one that many preferred to never see. But Mephisto thought he could get away with kidnapping her sister.

Now him and every fucker involved was going to burn.

The attacking mare would find her dagger striking a shield instead of armor if she even tried another swing following the buck to her muzzle. A barrier had been erected around the new puppet. She wasn't given a chance to escape as her form was engulfed in white hot flames, burning until nothing but ash and molten metal remained.
Iden yelped as they saw celestia wanting blood,this scared them,they backed up slowly,and when they considered that there was enough space between them,iden looked around for another target.iden didn't want to do nothing now,he wanted to do somthing.but he needs to find somone first.they quickly glance around and looks for a target to attack.

@Spyro @Assailant @KageYuuki
The mare didn't get back up since her head had let out a sickening crack from the buck to her head. Suddenly the same cyan blue energy appeared, but this time it was leaving the mare's body from the her eye's, nose, and mouth. This left black marks that were ice cold along were the blue energy had moved on the mare. The blue energy had then dissipated into the air, leaving the mares broken body to finally rest from what she had been forced to do.
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Indicus took them out Fangs weapons and armor of his pocket dimension and gave them to her before activating the runes causing black wings with a mist coming of them to appear on his back. Figuring the dip in power was worth the extra maneuverability and slight intimidation as long as he did not get hit in the wings then he would be fine and if he did well he would find out how much it hurt. "Ready when you are."
The mares body let out that strange blue aura as it fell, only to be melted in mid-fall by the Princess's magic. To most, this was a frightening sight. Silver, however, had gotten used to it. Back where he was from, this was how she acted most times he saw her. That or as a diplomatic leader. The caring pony he'd seen earlier, while not uncommon to see from her, was much more uncommon where he came from than it was in the modern day. He sighed, somewhat saddened by the death of someone who had no control over theirselves. However, he didn't dwell on it. He turned and saluted to the Princess, acknowledging her order about not looking into their eyes. Arc did the same.
The sound of boots could be heard as a pony and a minotaur were heading to where the princess was. When they showed up they seamed to be wearing pirate gear oddly enough. The minotaur pulled out a scythe while the pony got a rapier sword ready, though they both had their right eye glowing.
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Princess Celestia

Shadow Fang

Celestia turned towards the new threats, white fire burning behind her eyes. "Arc, Silver, you two will join Shadow Fang and Indicus in securing the village. Be sure to pay attention to their orders, they know how to deal with the Empire." The ground burned and charred beneath her hooves as she stalked towards the pair, "I will join you two shortly." A glowing halberd appeared in her magic grasp.

It only took Fang a moment to secure her armor, giving Indicus a short nod to say she was ready. Her crystal horns already beginning to glow.
Silver and Arc gave the Princess one more curt salute before running over to Indicus and Shadow Fang. Or at least, who they were pretty sure were Indicus and Fang. They wondered, while they were doing so, if Iden would join them or if he'd found an enemy of his own to battle. Though they were still paying attention, their minds were swimming with the thoughts of all that had happened in the past few minutes.

@KageYuuki @Shadow Dancer @Mrjenkins
The two got ready to charge, not showing any hesitation when they rushed forward shouting. "For Captain Scarlet!" As they rushed forward, more pony's, minotaur's, and a few griffin's rushed forward out of hiding and joined the two, forming a large group as they rushed forward. Some unicorns were further back behind the large group, preparing spells or raising their bows.

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