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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

Indicus shook his head and before removing the power drawing rune cast a shield spell around himself and the magical array so if it did blow up or some trap triggered he would be the only one affected. Once he was finished he then started to remove the rune making sure to remember every step of the process something that was often harder then making a rune itself. The process took only seconds but to him time stretched and it felt like an hour, once he was done the power drawing rune faded and he let out a breath but kept the shield up even strengthening it in case a delayed trap was set.
With the rune disabled the wall started to glow brightly and let out a small flash as the illusion dissipated into nothingness. Behind the false wall was a small hallway that went about two feet in, and in the back of it was a switch.
Indicus seeing that a trap did not trigger let go of the magic powering his shield and looked down the small hallway. "Well that went better then I expected. Well now we have a switch and a decision."

Shadow Fang

Fang gave a short nod seeing the small hallway and switch before them. "He's going to want info, they have to be hiding something important in there . . . " She closed her eyes in thought for a brief moment. "It's likely another passage. If it is, Midnight, will you use your shards to get an idea of how many's in there? Maybe a physical description if possible? Knowing these guys their officers are likely the ones in hiding."
Zikari nervously stepped out of the boat, dizzy. He fell over on the ground, his flank sticking in the air. "Ugh..." He mumbled, as Nostalgia ran up to him "Oh my gosh you came!" She yelled happily. Zikari gulped "Mmhm....." His tongue fell on the side of his chin. "Uh, are you okay?" Nostalgia looking at him, concerned and confused. Zikari shook his head. Nostalgia began the long expedition to her home, dragging Zikari by his saddlebag strap. After about 30 minutes, Zikari stood up. "My hair is messed up." He frowned. Nostalgia panted "THATS what you're worried about?" Zikari chuckled nervously, smiling a small smile. Nostalgia sighed "You're lucky you're my friend." Nostalgia turned her face on him and began marching the rest of the way to her home. "Wait up!" Zikari yelled. Nostalgia continued to walk to her home, stomping almost. "Overreact much?" Zikari mumbled, then they finally were home. "Drop your bags in the second bedroom." Nostalgia smiled. Zikari nodded and did so. The beginning of craziness.
Shina's tilted her head in confusion giving an odd look at the mention of Kalvins. It was probably obvious she had no idea how hot that was till Firecracker clarified. She wasn't sure exactly what temperature phoenix fire burnt at, or dragon fire for that matter. But they were both pretty dang hot.

"The forge back home held up to my dragon fire, but phoenix fire is far more distinctive and unpredictable." Shina comments, a bit worried herself how the furnace would hold up to the magic. Best case scenario it would hold up long enough to forge the sword, worse case Konton might explode the place. Shina had already decided she'd have to be the only one in the forge till she knew it was going to withstand the flames. The fire of an explosion wouldn't harm her, and her scales would be enough armor against flying shrapnel, or so she hoped. Though she wasn't sure how easy it would be to convince Firecracker that was the best way to test it.

Deciding to deal with the issue when the time came Shina eased her way out of the furnace with Fire's help. Despite her worries his confidence brought a smile to her lips. Having the help of a more scientific mind did ease her own. Magic and fire Shina could handle, but when it came to numbers and alchemic reaction she was happy to leave that half to Fire.

Fixing up the forge didn't take nearly as long Shina had expected. She took sometime selecting what tools she'd need. Mostly hammers and things for pounding the metal. However Shina had completely skipped over any tools needed for handling hot metal, apparently planning to hold it with her bare hooves. It was simply easier that way, afterall she didn't have to worry about burning herself.

Once the place seemed to be in working order Shina gave a weary sigh. With a light smile her attention turned to Fire. Seeing his nervousness however caused her head to tilt curiously, till she seemed to realize what he had. Her cheeks suddenly blushing Shina's gaze turned in embarrassment as she replied. "Yeah...probably." Shina agreed, though she hadn't really thought on where they'd rest until now. She'd assumed fixing the forge would take all night, but now having finished sooner then expected she was unsure weather to suggest heading back to Tilly's or simply staying there.

Before she could decide a knock at the door drew a startled gasp, well more of a sequel really, from her lips. Shina's fuchsia eyes looked first to the door then to Fire, hoping perhaps he might know who would be out at such an hour. The hammer he levitated quickly answered that question. For a few intense seconds she watched Fire creep toward the door.

Hearing Tilly's voice Shina exhaled in relief, not even realizing she'd been holding her breath. She couldn't help but giggle a little at Tilly and Fire's conversation through the door, a bit unsure her self what Tilly considered decent.

As usual Shina greeted Tilly with a polite bow of her head. As the plump mare spoke with Fire, Shina listened in curiously. At first she wasn't really sure what Tilly could have brought to turn Firecracker's face so red. But the more she listened the redder her own complexion grew.

Shina found herself breathing another sigh of relief when the door fell shut behind Tilly. Still blushing Shina glanced at Fire, simply laughing as well. "We could walk her back if you like?" Shina offered not only a way make sure Tilly would make it home safe, but also an easy way to avoid having to spend the night in the same room if he wanted. In truth Shina found herself a bit torn on weather they should stay or leave.
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Midnight nodded her head, a few tiny, almost imperceptible shard fragments breaking off to scan ahead. Her eyes glowed faintly as she used them to see what was in front of them. "Oh this isn't good... One minotaur, a unicorn, a changeling.... and a small dragon... We should leave... now... Something is very much wrong here... It's the Marauder King.... Shade... Heart Breaker... Captain Scarlet too... No, this would be biting off way more than we can chew" Her eyes returned to normal as she abruptly cut off connection with her crystals before they could be noticed.

"It's not just who they are... but for some reason It was almost like Scarlet was a part of all of them... I don't know why, but I don't like this one bit.... We're outnumbered, and I really don't like the prospect of fighting a group like that without a plan..." Midnight murmured, motioning for all of them to head back up the stairs. Whatever was going on here, it was big, and it was sufficient to make Midnight cautious...
Having been out at sea for a while,iden sticks a pole through the wheel of the boat to keep it going straight,they then went up to the crows nest and picks up binoculars,iden looks through them and spots land.becoming excited iden rushes down and takes out the pole,and speeds up the ship,heading towards the land at an unsafe speed.
Quickly tossing 'the box' in a near by waist basket Firecracker quickly agreed " Your right, sense we're done here we should head back and make sure she is safe."

It was clear by his tone and gestures he was simply looking for an excuse to side step the elephant in the room.

after rushing to gathering up Konton and what little they had brought with them they set off to catch up with Tilly.

It didn't take them long to catch up, as the round pony wasn't the fastest.

As they approached, Firecracker called out "Tills, Wait! we're coming to"

With a bright smile Tilly replied "Awe, my two little ponies wanted to see me home safe? "

With no concern for personal space she proceeded to pinch both of their cheeks.

It was clear that it had become very late as the busy town had finally began to quiet.

After a quiet walk through the streets they finally arrived at Tilly's home.

As they walking inside Tilly sighed and suddenly apologized "I'm sorry to ruin your big night bubby.. I just I didn't wan't you to end up like."

Firecracker's expression turned strikingly sour as he spoke with pure venom in his voice cutting Tilly off "Like my parents?"

Sighing in frustration he walked away from her and Shina and in a defeated voice added "It's been a long night, i'm heading to bed. "

Tilly could only turn to Shina and explain "I'm sorry miss Shina.. Fire doesn't have the best relationship with his parents."

shrugging she felt a bit guilty for upsetting him as she went on explaining " He doesn't have any relationship with them to be honest.. I raised him from a colt. ."

Never one to leave well enough alone, she had to go on saying " He..wasn't exactly 'planned'. And it kinda got in his parents way of a career on the stage. . you know it's sad, they never once even wrote him."

Sitting down at the table she remarked to herself " I thought my sister Molly was better then that.."

Shadow Fang

Fang tensed as Midnight told her what she was seeing . . . She knew those four before Midnight even mentioned the nicknames they'd earned a reputation with. Some of the strongest agents the Empire had under their control. For them to be here . . .

This was very bad and about to get that much worse.

"Midnight's right," her voice was barely above a whisper as she started taking a step back. "We have what we came for, we need to leave before anyone catches on that we're here." This was not a fight the three of them were up to handling at the moment.
Sotil would have now finally emerged from his room at the Inn, the stallion sighing softly and rolling his neck as he quickly made his way outside "I always lose track of time when I do that..." He says quietly, making his way onto the streets and over to his cart. He soon begins rummaging around, looking for something specific before he pulls out a customized saddlebag, one made specifically for his profession.

With a quick pull of straps and clicks of locking buttons, he would soon be on his way, Sotil forcing a smile on his face as he begins exploring the streets, looking for a spot that seems like it gets well enough traffic.
There was the sound of two ponies talking to each other as they neared the false wall. Though they didn't sound like they were talking to just themselves. With a small click, one of them hit the button and opened the false wall, both of them getting ready to head down into the basement with their right eyes still glowing the same teal blue color.
Realizing too late that they were going to fast,iden tries to stop the ship,but it was no use as it was about to crash.iden flew off the ship and watched as it crashed onto the land and shrapnel flys in several directions,one of them hitting iden right in the chest,which was enough to get them to fall to the ground next to the crashed ship.iden winces and looks around.seeing is any pony was around and was unlucky to get hurt.
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Though she was beginning to get use to Tilly's mannerisms Shina's cheek was still a little sore when they arrived at Tilly's house. For a brief second Shina wondered if they should explain what they had really been doing at the forge, after all Tilly really had nothing to apologize for. Shina was suddenly snapped from her thoughts at the sound of Firecracker's voice. Those fuchsia eyes widened with a bit of shock. She'd never really seen Fire upset like that before.

For a second Shina felt compelled to follow Fire, wanting to comfort him in some way. However she decide it probably wasn't appropriate to follow him on his way to bed. Giving a weary sigh her attention turned to Tilly.

Hearing about Fire's parents Shina's gaze lowered. As crazy as they were her parents had always been there for her. Even after being away from home for so long she still kept in touch with them. She couldn't imagine simply being abandoned by them, or how much it must of hurt.

Unsure of how to respond Shina was silent for a moment before giving a faint smile as she tried to lighten some of the glum in the air. "Well, you do not have to worry. I am too afraid of what my father might do to Fire, to let something like that happen." Shina attempted to joke. "Plus this one is enough of a foal." She added nodding back at the sleeping phoenix perched on her back.

Shina's gaze shifted in thought as an almost hopeful possibility came to mind. "Do his parents still contact you at least? If not it is possible that something may have happened that kept them from returning?" She suggested still struggling with the ideas of somepony just abandoning their foal.
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Indicus decided not to question Midnight or Fang on their ability to take on these new opponents and with the guards coming their way they had to hide fast as the ones who were talking to them would know something was up if they were suddenly quiet. "Well you two may hate me for this." Indiucs whispered and thought at the same time before forcing them all to meld with the shadows around them. To anyone not used to being in a shadow meld they would be a bit dazed by the sudden shift and ability to see anywhere there was a shadow all at the same time something that helped Indicus scout many rooms undetected in the past. As for Indicus well, he would feel the strain of using the advanced shadow magic spell on three people at once.
The two soldiers, the first one a earth pony and the other one a unicorn, had made it into the basement, still continuing their conversation. "So the leader from the Order is still here? Never thought he would be crazy enough to stay. He knows we have his blood, and all we need is that one girls blood." The first soldier commented, looking to the other.

"I don't know but it makes our lives easier. Captain Scarlet wants him captured to make things easier for us." The second soldier replied. "Some scouts and agents in the town have put some sort of tonic that Heart Breaker made for them on their weapons, calls it Noctis Somno. Supposed to knock him right out." He finished, looking over to were the lever is, and noticed that the illusion was gone. "What happened to the illusion?" He questioned.

"Well, well, well, looks like someone is here. Captain Scarlet, we have a breach." The first soldier said to himself, but oddly enough he didn't look like he was talking to himself. "Got it. She and the others will be up here soon, look around before they get here. Stay near the door so they don't escape, other guards have already been notified and are searching or are putting the place on lock down." The first soldier said to the second soldier, who walked over to the door and stood in front of it with his horn glowing, scanning for intruders that might try to slip by him.
-In Tilly's House-

Tilly could only giggle to herself as Shina explained the reason they wouldn't be doing anything frisky in their alone time.

When it came to her question however, the joy in her eyes turned to somber contemplation.

As she turned back to Shina the expression on her face was that of bitter sweet, as she let out a soft sigh " Your such a sweet girl.. I can see why my little Fire is so crazy about you."

Glancing over to the hall the Firecracker had gone down she couldn't help but sigh again as she went on "The truth is I've heard from Molly when Fire was in the hospital.. It was the first time in about seven years.

Turns out she had heard about him receiving honors from the princesses for his actions in Equinox.

I wrote her back about his condition and I haven't heard from her in six months."

A pained anger began to mar the normally joyus pony's face as she went on " You would think she would come see her own foal in the hospital. For the love of the goddesses, he could have never woken up!"

Tilly then raised a hoof and went to bang it on the table; only stopping inches from the table when she realized she would wake up the sleeping phoenix.

Taking a moment to collect herself she turned her attention back to Shina.

A weak, almost fake smile returned to Tilly as she explained "It may be better if you and Fire just forget about Molly and Sun, and focus on the future."

Tilly had no idea just how important the very near future would be to the two of them.

With the Winter's ball practically here, and the ever present threat of the two dragons.

It was difficult to wrap ones head around how a mother could be so indifferent and cruel to her child, but it was something very real in the world.

Whether it was his father's influence on her, or by her own lack of heart, it was clear that his parents simply didn't want him.

It was these abandonment issues and lack of self worth that drove much of Firecrackers life.

Always striving for perfection in every field he undertakes, while never feeling like he reached these goals.

A life in the arts, seeking to impress some invisible parental figure.

It was sad to see such a negative driving force influence some pony's life so completely.

After a short while Tilly stood up from the table and headed towards the adjacent hall saying "Fire is right though, it has been a long night. You really should get some rest sweety."

Her voice was loving, but somehow empty of emotion; like some one comforting another at a funeral.

Looking over her shoulder, she looked at Shina and said in hushed voice " I'm so glad my little Fire found some pony to fill the void in his heart.. Please..please don't hurt him. He's hurt for so long as it is.."

Without even giving her a chance to respond Tilly walked on to her bedroom, leaving Shina alone in the silence of the kitchen.

it seems her cryptic plea was meant to be rhetorical.

-In the streets-

Seeing that Bluegrass was too distressed to hear him Zaka could only sigh as she ran by and carry on his evening with Syble.

As the evening carried on the two partners decided to part ways and enjoy some alone time to calm down from the events of the past day.

Syble had arrived at the beach just in time to see the wreckage of ship still scattering.

Never one to panic, she simply lit another cigarette, and ran down to the beach.

In a commanding voice she called out " Hey! Is any pony alive out there!? "

Syble may have seemed cold, but really she was just a very hard pony to shake.

Zakka on the other hand being a bleeding heart decided to walk the streets of Hast and contemplate how things would be if any harm was to befall his home.

Spotting a new face setting up a cart, he couldn't help but walk up to introduce himself.

There was always new faces coming and going this time of year, but the idea of a new vendor peaked his interest.

He didn't keep his family bar in business by not making connections when and where he could.

In his usual crafty voice he greeted Sotil "Well hello there. Always nice to see a new face in Hast. a bit late to be setting up though isn't it?

Or is it early? I never can tell when I stay up all night like this."

Zakka could only laugh at his own dumb joke as he waited for a reply.
Indicus mentally cursed his stupidity but did not have any time to dwell on the fact, currently he was responsible for all their lives. Indicus looked at the unicorn at the door and at the other one hoping to find a way to get past them without risking the unicorn detecting his magic and trying to force him out. Indicus knew he could resist but it would sap time and mana to do so and he was hoping not to dip into his blood pool too much defiantly after he learned in the archives that the first Vampires were technically created by Nightmare Soul as some of his best assassins and spys, Indicus knew it would do no good to give away that part of himself defiantly after his mistakes and Fangs shaky trust with him.

(Honestly wanted to make the whole vampire thing a whole hell of a lot more relevant)
A trap door opened up on the floor with a click, and out of it came a minotaur. This minotaur appeared to be slightly taller then a normal minotaur and wore what looked like scrap metal and heavy cloth all over him with a hood over his head and goggles covering his eyes with more cloth covering his mouth and lower face. he also had a giant claymore sword on his back around the same size as him. "Find those intruders yet?" He asked in a muffled and scratchy voice.

"Not yet, but they are somewhere in the building." The first soldier said.

"Keep looking, Shade is in the main hallway, Heart Breaker is outside making sure nothing gets out, and Captain Scarlet will be here in the next minute or so, with her here, she'll find them in no time with a quick scan in each room, got it?" The minotaur asked.

"Copy that Marauder King." Both soldiers replied with them both leaving thee room, leaving the Marauder King alone.
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viska said:
-In Tilly's House-
Tilly could only giggle to herself as Shina explained the reason they wouldn't be doing anything frisky in their alone time.

When it came to her question however, the joy in her eyes turned to somber contemplation.

As she turned back to Shina the expression on her face was that of bitter sweet, as she let out a soft sigh " Your such a sweet girl.. I can see why my little Fire is so crazy about you."

Glancing over to the hall the Firecracker had gone down she couldn't help but sigh again as she went on "The truth is I've heard from Molly when Fire was in the hospital.. It was the first time in about seven years.

Turns out she had heard about him receiving honors from the princesses for his actions in Equinox.

I wrote her back about his condition and I haven't heard from her in six months."

A pained anger began to mar the normally joyus pony's face as she went on " You would think she would come see her own foal in the hospital. For the love of the goddesses, he could have never woken up!"

Tilly then raised a hoof and went to bang it on the table; only stopping inches from the table when she realized she would wake up the sleeping phoenix.

Taking a moment to collect herself she turned her attention back to Shina.

A weak, almost fake smile returned to Tilly as she explained "It may be better if you and Fire just forget about Molly and Sun, and focus on the future."

Tilly had no idea just how important the very near future would be to the two of them.

With the Winter's ball practically here, and the ever present threat of the two dragons.

It was difficult to wrap ones head around how a mother could be so indifferent and cruel to her child, but it was something very real in the world.

Whether it was his father's influence on her, or by her own lack of heart, it was clear that his parents simply didn't want him.

It was these abandonment issues and lack of self worth that drove much of Firecrackers life.

Always striving for perfection in every field he undertakes, while never feeling like he reached these goals.

A life in the arts, seeking to impress some invisible parental figure.

It was sad to see such a negative driving force influence some pony's life so completely.

After a short while Tilly stood up from the table and headed towards the adjacent hall saying "Fire is right though, it has been a long night. You really should get some rest sweety."

Her voice was loving, but somehow empty of emotion; like some one comforting another at a funeral.

Looking over her shoulder, she looked at Shina and said in hushed voice " I'm so glad my little Fire found some pony to fill the void in his heart.. Please..please don't hurt him. He's hurt for so long as it is.."

Without even giving her a chance to respond Tilly walked on to her bedroom, leaving Shina alone in the silence of the kitchen.

it seems her cryptic plea was meant to be rhetorical.

-In the streets-

Seeing that Bluegrass was too distressed to hear him Zaka could only sigh as she ran by and carry on his evening with Syble.

As the evening carried on the two partners decided to part ways and enjoy some alone time to calm down from the events of the past day.

Syble had arrived at the beach just in time to see the wreckage of ship still scattering.

Never one to panic, she simply lit another cigarette, and ran down to the beach.

In a commanding voice she called out " Hey! Is any pony alive out there!? "

Syble may have seemed cold, but really she was just a very hard pony to shake.

Zakka on the other hand being a bleeding heart decided to walk the streets of Hast and contemplate how things would be if any harm was to befall his home.

Spotting a new face setting up a cart, he couldn't help but walk up to introduce himself.

There was always new faces coming and going this time of year, but the idea of a new vendor peaked his interest.

He didn't keep his family bar in business by not making connections when and where he could.

In his usual crafty voice he greeted Sotil "Well hello there. Always nice to see a new face in Hast. a bit late to be setting up though isn't it?

Or is it early? I never can tell when I stay up all night like this."

Zakka could only laugh at his own dumb joke as he waited for a reply.
Iden makes a bright green glow with thier horn to show that they were there,They became glad that someone passed by and noticed the wreck.if no one would have came by they probably would have drowned,beacuse one of thier hoof's is stuck under some wreckage,and they were close to the water.iden knocks on some wood next to them for reassurance.

Sotil would suddenly lift his head up as he heard a voice, and quickly realized that it was addressing him. The crystal cutter blinks and turns his head to face his new company "Wha?...Oh! Oh, hello there!" He says with a smile before realizing he himself actually didn't really know what time it was...Sotil wasn't good with time, especially since he didn't quite sleep "I...Guess it might be considered early to some? I'm not quite sure." He says as he lays out a soft cloth, gradually dotting it with crystals of various sizes, shapes, and colors.

He seemed distracted as he did so, the stallion almost forgetting somepony else was there. "So, what brings you about the streets at this time, sir?" He asks with a clear smile "And would you be interested in some hoof-crated pieces?"

Shadow Fang

This wasn't the first time Indicus had merged her with the shadows so they could avoid danger. But that didn't make it feel any less weird for her. Just the sensation of becoming a living shadow wasn't something she could find words to describe. But it wasn't something he'd be able to keep up for long on all three of them. It's a good thing this place is so dark. She spoke to the other two with telepathy. It was really the only way they could communicate in this form and it took the place of speaking anyway.

We can't afford to be spotted by any of them. We need to get out of here before Scarlet shows up . . .
The Marauder King looked around the room, walked away from the door, and started to look around the room while he waited for Captain Scarlet. He started to look under the old furniture or behind the old cabinets to try and find anyone hiding.
'I know.' Indicus then directed his thoughts to Midnight, 'Midnight I'll tether you to myself for the sake of urgency seeing as I don't know if you can move very well in this form.' Indicus now having Midnight tethered to him started moving bypassing the unicorn and his scan spell with ease and making his way carefully to the building's exit before his magic depleted too much from keeping two others in shadow form or Scarlet found them.
Close to the exit of the building, a changeling stood near the door in a black cloak with the hood up, with twin daggers on his side and some rope on his left side. He also was wearing a black scarf that was warped around the lower part of his face and had sunglasses on that were covering his eyes. This changeling is only known for his killing method on all of his targets, which all involves his targets hanging upside down in their own room, dead, with several slash and stab wounds. Known by the homeless to a few of the nobles, it was Shade himself. Shade was scanning the area around the door to make sure them. Suddenly, he stopped scanning around the door, and walked into one of the other hallways to try and find the intruder, thinking to himself that if the intruder does get out, Heart Breaker would see them and take them out.

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