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Fandom My Little Pony Brave New World.

As the three entered the abandoned house, down a nearby hall, two small teal blue glows could be seen slowly approaching were they were.

Shadow Fang

There were many times were Fang had been thankful Thestrals were born with natural nightvision. Tonight was no exception seeing as how the house was nearly pitch black. Even with their enchanced sight it was difficult to see in some places. A frown formed on Fang's face as the faint light caught her attention. Discovered already? Her crimson hues narrowed into a glare at the approaching soldiers. A narrow hall such as this one wasn't exactly an ideal location for a battle. Being in the front of the group, it was likely that only Fang had been seen.

And she intended to keep it that way.

'Take Midnight and go check the rest of the house. I'll catch up after taking care of these two.' She knew all too well it likely wouldn't be a simple battle. But she managed to bring up a quick illusion that should have been enough to mask Indicus and Mdinight's escape.
The two guards kept moving forward in the dark house, but luckily for Fang, they took a turn into a door on the side of the hallway, not noticing Fang, Indicus, or Midnight as they kept on their patrol somewhere else in the house. The hallway that the two guards had originally walked from was odd, for right up to the point that the guards could be seen by Fang, all that was there instead of the rest of the hallway was a wall that was slightly out of place.
Indicus was about to do as Fang said before the guards turned away from them. He saw the sudden wall from where the guards came from. 'Seems that won't be necessary, you and Midnight should check for any switches magical or otherwise I'm betting crystal magic will be needed once more. I'll make sure patrols don't get a drop on us.'
In a soft shy voice she replied "..Thank you." as Eclipse got settled in.

As he comforted her, Steelheart began to feel herself nodding off.

It had been such a long and crazy day that no pony could blame her for being exhausted.

Thoughts of what tomorrow could bring plagued her weary mind as she tried to settle down in her bed.

But Eclipse's presence helped her to remain calm.

It didn't really matter if her eyes were open or closed, so she shut them and turned towards in Eclipse's direction.

She sighed contently and halfheartedly joked "Today certainly has been..eventful."

Adjusting her head to be more comfortable she added " And to top it off, who would have thought my sister would come to take me home."

A concerned frown began to tug at her lips as considering " But .. What if she had come a day or two sooner?.. Would I have gone?."

The frown deepened as she went on " What if I was late in arriving when you tried to leave town?..Would you have..Left me behind?."

What brought about these thoughts at a time like this, who could say.

Perhaps it was the fact that she was finally safe to consider such things.

Perhaps it was concern for what would have become of Hast were things different.

After all, at least one of the threats was after her blood.

Or perhaps.. It was the idea of never seeing Eclipse again finally caught up to her.

Even with her eyes closed a small tear could be seen welling in the corner of her eye and her voice showed signs of distress.

"Grandmother once said fate is like a prism, the first path of light is the past..Unchangeable, but critical to the present..The present was like the gem it's self.. Something beautiful and to be cherished but ultimately refracting the future.. The future then can take thousands, even millions of possible paths and reflect just as many possible outcomes.. "

Her strange musing came to a head as that single tear raced down her cheek in a shimmering glow like that of pure magic.

She then opened her eyes revealing the same brilliant glow as when she was using her healing magic.

Though she had no focus to them, she lowered her eyes and quietly remarked " I.. I don't want to think the future like that.. I don't want a future ...Without you."

As Steelheart spoke, he, for once, was at a loss for words. Of course, he had never planned on leaving her behind.. He would have come back immediately after the ball to see her again, but that point was moot now anyway... He could only listen quietly as she talked about what Anda used to tell her. When he saw a tear rolling down her cheek, his heart almost broke right then and there... Nothing in this world could hurt him as much as seeing her cry..

" I.. I don't want to think the future like that.. I don't want a future ...Without you."

A soft smile crossed his lips now. He gently brushed away her tear, staying close to her as he gently rested his hoof on her cheek to turn her gaze back up to him. Even if she couldn't see, he wanted her to face him. "Then I won't allow such a future to come to pass" He murmured, gazing into her eyes as they shined with such brilliance... "If that is your wish, then I will always be by your side Steelheart, This I promise you" He murmured softly, resting his forehead gently against hers so that his horn wouldn't accidentally poke her. "Because... I don't want a future without you either" Eclipse added in a soft voice, his eyes slowly closing as he stayed so close to her.

The thought of a future without her had always scared him. Even before his identity as Eclipse was revealed, he already felt that way. She was his heart, she was his whole world. There was no doubt in his mind or his heart that she loved him. The only question remained was how she felt about him... Did she think of him as a close friend, or did she see something more too? After all, neither of them had summoned up the courage to actually say those three little words yet...

Midnight didn't need to be told what to do. A few small crystals flew forward, checking ahead. "looks like there's a switch in the wall..." Midnight whispered, carefully moving forward as a crystal checked around the corner where the guards had went before she moved over to the wall.

In the side of the wall was a small hole, just barely big enough for a hoof.. Midnight took a breath and slowly stuck her hoof in. She could feel a button, and pressed it, the wall slowly sliding away to reveal a secret passageway. She glanced back at Indicus and Fang, motioning for them to follow as she made her way into the strange passageway that revealed itself.

For somepony with absolutely NO training in covert ops as far as Fang and Indicus were aware, Midnight was surprisingly good at stealth. It was almost like she either knew her way around, or she had done this before... Either way, there was definitely more to the Mare than she was letting on.

Shadow Fang

Fang gave Midnight a slight nod of approval as she sent the shards ahead to scout for them. She hadn't tried to work with them just yet, just not having time to do so. So it was best to leave it in the hooves of someone with a little more experience. Granted at the rate Midnight was going she was going to have to have a little chat later, see what she can find out about this mare's past.

Who knows, maybe she'd end up with a new skilled operative under her wing.

Following after the mare, Fang descended the stairs and into the basement. A frown once again appearance on her face. Save for dust, cobwebs, and the few odd pieces of furniture the basement appeared to be completely empty. "Why the hell would they hide something empty?" The Thestral murmured, looking around. "There has to be something in here."
Indicus followed the group keeping an eye behind them and when they all were in he closed the passage way and marked the entrance for later. He did not want other patrols to become suspicious about why it was open for no reason and find them before they could do anything. Once he was at the bottom of the stairs he looked around at the nearly empty basement before opening himself up to the flow of magic causing his eyes to glow black like the color of his magical aura. He looked around again this time seeing the aura's of Fang and Midnight along with a trail leading up the stairs with a mix of two colors that more then likely belonged to the patrol that past earlier.

As he looked he spotted a faint glow on a wall behind a group of stacked chairs something that he was lucky to have caught. "What do we have here?" Indicus then proceeded to remove the chairs from against the wall and take a closer look, switching to aura vision and his normal vision to see what was on the wall

Over the years Indicus had learned to appreciate his teacher's lessons from when he was younger and the constant badgering for him to learn to not only sense magic but see it, an ability anyone with any sort of magic could learn with enough training and practice but was not very often taught even by the school for gifted unicorns as it took a lot longer to learn then a spell with a similar effect and most would not need to see subtle differences in magic that the spell could not show.

Done remembering the past Indicus shook his head and resumed looking at what looked like runes.
Shina could only blush and giggle playfully at Firecracker's reasoning. "If I had known I would be using it so much I would have studied harder." She mused admitting to what might prove to be a bad study habit.

The mention of nobles drew a somewhat nervous giggle from Shina. Rubbing the back of her head the young mare seemed to let whatever thought it had brought to her go. Having never been one to brag Shina rarely ever mentioned her social status. Though what she did share about herself might have been enough to piece it together. The daughter of the emperor's head guard Shina had been a common sight among the emperor's court as a young filly.

Once Fire had finished with the letter Shina levitated it in to the air when he offered it. Her fuchsia eyes fixing on the rolled up parchment Shina focused fire a second before the paper suddenly erupted in fuchsia flames. The ashes if the magically burnt parchment were immediately picked up on a breeze that would carry them directly to Tilly. Once blown before her the ashes reformed in to the rolled up parchment that fell from the air to land at Tilly's hooves.

Once the message was sent Shina turned her attention to Konton. He looked about ready to fall asleep. She hoped a quick lullaby would do and he wouldn't be bugging her for a story as well. Her gold hooves gently clicked against the stone floor as Shina moved to stand beside work bench Konton hand found to sleep on.

Of course Shina's common was no where fluent enough for something like singing so she did so in her native tongue. Her voice was surprisingly haunting for a lullaby, but still soft and delicate.

"Suimin, sukoshi Fenikkusu, soshite, anata no tsubasa o ori, chīsana akai fushichō berubetto no me de. Uta ni nemurimasu haha tori no suingu no su o fuddoko de kanojo no chīsana ichi ga arimasu. Au~ei asoko auto watashi wa sutā o sanshō shite kudasai, gin'iro no hoshi chirinchirin to naru no uta to, sofuto Ro ni rakka watashi wa sore ga yobidashite kikimasu yobidasu to suzu sotte yoru. Mado kara gekkō wa, kimasu ritoru-kin gekkō kiri no tsubasa o mochimasu. Subete wa shizuka ni shinobiyorimasu, soreha tazunemasu. `Kare wa nemutte imasu nemuru to yume hahaoya ga utainagara? ' ... Shikashi, suimin, sukoshi Fenikkusu, soshite, anata no tsubasa o ori, ritoru aka hato kanashimi ni shizunda me de. Watashi wa utatte inaidarou ka? - Watashi wa suingu gozen, sanshō shite kudasai - su o fuddoko dārin ga arimasu."


Sleep, little phoenix,

And fold your wings,

Little red phoenix

With velvet eyes;

Sleep to the singing

Of mother-bird swinging

Swinging the nest

Where her little one lies.

Away out yonder

I see a star,

Silvery star

With a tinkling song;

To the soft dew falling

I hear it calling

Calling and tinkling

The night along.

In through the window

A moonbeam comes,

Little gold moonbeam

With misty wings;

All silently creeping,

It asks; "Is he sleeping

Sleeping and dreaming

While mother sings?"...

But sleep, little phoenix,

And fold your wings,

Little red pigeon

With mournful eyes;

Am I not singing? --

See, I am swinging --

Swinging the nest

Where my darling lies.)

((Translator messed up the spacing and I was to lazy to fix it. >.>))
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-in the forge-

Firecracker couldn't help but watch in awe as Shina sang.

He had heard many performances from Velvet Rose and other singers, but something about her voice resonated with him.

While he didn't understand the lyrics, he felt almost entranced by the melody.

As the song came to an end Konton had fallen asleep.

The poor bird having just as long a day as the rest of them.

He almost looked harmless all fluffed up and sleeping.

Firecracker couldn't help but feel a sense of peace himself.

Sighing contently he smiled and spoke softly so as to not wake up Konton

"your such a good mom."

Walking up next to her he brushed against her side and leaned into her slightly.

Like a proud father looking over their sleeping child.

Unable to help himself he joked "you know I think he has my mother's eyes."

Quietly snickering to himself he took a moment before adding "As for our little project.. The crusable anvil and most of the tools are in pretty good shape. But I don't know the first thing about what kind of heating and folding configurations we are gonna need."

Turning to her with his confidant smile he asked "ready for a long night?"

- at Eclipse's house-

Steelheart pressed her forehead against his and with a heavy blush burning her cheeks she whispered "That is my dearest wish.."

She then wrapped her forlegs around him and for the first time hugged him gently.

As She held him close her thin butterfly like wings slowly and silently beat giving away her nervousness as she stammered " I..I..Eclipse I.."

She sighed defetedly unable to speak her mind.

After all, she understood very little of these feelings she was having.

She decided to simply hold him in silence until she soon fell asleep from exhaustion.

Her warm glow and now still wings giving it away.

Shadow Fang

The dark teal runes glowed faintly in response to Indicus' magic. They slowed their shifting and swirling, soon rearranging themselves in a more readable formation. The matrix for this particular spell was and old and complex one. Which raised the question, just what was the Empire hiding in here? Despite the spell's archaic design, it was well reinforced. A ward and illusion combined into one to make a sturdy wall and deterrent for would be intruders.

Breaking such a spell may require knowledge on older magics. Or perhaps some blind luck.
There would be a quiet squeak coming from the entrance to the mountain town, alongside the gentle clopping of approaching hooves adding noise to whatever ambiance the night might be providing at the time.

Sotil, a blue stallion, would be the source of said noise, the craftspony hauling a cart full of various provisions and such being pulled behind him. He stops right at the entrance to look over the town for a moment "Figures I get here later than I expected to..." He says with a sigh to himself "At least I'm not days late again..." With a soft grunt, the stallion pulls forward once more, proceeding into town with his cart, ready for the experience that yet another town could provide him
In the town, BlueGrass, a young turquoise mare is out shopping along with her best friend/ pet baby moose, Bluto. "Ah, such a nice day, well, it's chilly and I'm here shopping. Bluto, it's going to be fun, I heard that its going to have a winter ball soon. I have to get a dress at least for the ball." Bluegrass is excited yet wondering if it's going to be good since it going to be her first time.
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Indicus looked at the rune and spell matrix trying to see if he could recognize any of it and it seemed to have familiar bindings for illusion, and wall ward though he did not know much else besides the small fact that it was very old magic one that felt familiar but foreign at the same time. There was also the question on if it was made to react as it had to certain magics or magic in general.

"Hey everyone I think I found something interesting, runes created with an old magic some sort of illusion and ward combination seeing as the oldest magic I know is blood magic I was wondering if you two could get anything from this rune."

Shadow Fang

Fang moved closer towards the wall, focusing to try and see the runes. They were faint, but she could at least see them. Indicus was right though, this was old magic. At least according to the books in the Order's archives. She had a lot of time to kill while mending from her first clash with Nightmare Soul, the tomes seemed like a decent time waster. "If I'm remembering right, this is something that draws power from the world itself. There's a very advanced mage with them . . ." She couldn't help but frown at the thought. "It's been awhile since I've seen the tome on it, but it's a matter of finding and removing the rune for drawing power. That should disable it and let us through."

The problem was, she didn't know where to even start with this.

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower's ears were pinned back as she moved along the town's streets. Even though the sun had already set, Hast was still bustling with activity. It was about as one would expect to see just days before their biggest event of the year. And with the rumors about the Two Sisters attending the ball, everypony was in decorating overdrive. So much trouble and fuss over the diarchs of Equestria.

Now normally, Sunflower would be in a rather upbeat mood as she investigated the various shops. But after being ditched by her friend for a pony she'd just met . . . she wasn't exactly in a celebratory mood. Lousy starbutt even left me with the bill . . . A low squeak reached her ears as she looked up to see a fellow earth pony pulling a rather heavy looking cart into town. Just judging by his mark, could he be some kind of jewelry maker looking to sell his wares to the ball goers?
The blue stallion continued to pull his cart along, producing a grunt now and again as he had to occasionally put extra effort into the admittedly poorly balanced cart; it certainly wasn't going to break down any time soon, but, it was a tad difficult to pull because of his poor placement. Sotil figured that either everyone was asleep, or simply on another end of town at the moment, so, currently, he figured he had no onlookers, or anything of the sort, so he began to whistle a tune to himself, soon turning into a bit of quiet singing

"A lone man by the seashore, at the end of days gazes the horizon with sea winds in his face..." He then hums a bit after the short line, his head still forward as he finds a comfortable and consistent pace along the road
Now knowing what he needed to find it made the process of figuring everything out quite a bit easier. "Well knowing that I believe that I can find the rune, see I have one such rune on my back to be able to transform part of my mana pool into that of a Pegasus allowing me to fly." Indicus looked at the runes and found the rune he was looking for. "There you are. Everyone get back I don't see any trap wards that can activate but there may be one I don't know about, I rather not get all of us hurt if that is so."

Indicus waited for the others to get back before he would proceed.
BlueGrass is out of the town, looking for Bluto. Even thought it is nighttime, she using her magic on her horn to light up. 'Bluto......Bluto...where are you...." BlueGrass try to look for him. Back home, she forgot to lock the gate so that Bluto won't run around in the nighttime. "Bluto!" She calling him as she run around looking.

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower quietly listened to a few bars of the surprisingly chilling melody. It was foreign to her, unusual consider you hear just about every kind of music in Canterlot. Shrugging it off, she trotted over to him. "Looks a little heavy, need a hoof?" She asked as her teal eyes studied the off balance cart he was pulling.
"Tempest tossed islands, seasons all the sa--Ah!" Sotil jumps a bit in surprise, though, not very far, since he's hooked to the cart "What? Oh-oh hello!" He says embarrassedly, clearing his throat as he looks around, acting as if he wasn't even in the midst of singing, but also hoping there weren't even more around that happened upon the oblivious stallion

"Ah, uhm..." He quickly catches his composure, hoping the soft darkness of the night was hiding the light blush on his cheeks "He-Help? With wha...Oh, right." He looks back at the cart, which wasn't anything fancy. A simple wooden cart with four wheels and steel bands to help keep anything from falling apart "No, I...I have it, thank you." He gives her a faint smile, not quite used to being approached before he's even set up "And hello, by the way...Sorry for the jump, I, uhm...Didn't know you were there, hehe..." He stares forward for a minute, the blue necklace hanging around his neck jingling lightly with his movement "...I'm in Hast, right? I don't want to sound silly, but, I've had that issue before."

Sunflower Fields

The white furred mare couldn't help but quirk an eyebrow at the skittish pony. "This is Hast alright, here for the ball I'm guessing?" She gave a slightly annoyed toss of her mane. Blasted curls just loved to try and get in her eyes. "Everything I read about this place said it's a sleepy little town," Sunflower shrugged, "Guess whoever wrote that never visited around the Winter Ball."
Sotil gives a grin "Good! Good, I didn't take any wrong turns this time. I ended two towns in the wrong direction one of the times I was doing this." He stops and stares at her for a moment "Winter, uh...Winter Ball?" He asks with a tilt of his head "If I say yes, I'm not going to be made fun of right? I've...Never really been within limits of this place, so, yeah. I've never heard of it...I was just pointed this way, and followed the directions given. But, a Ball sounds like a prefect time for me to have arrived!"

Sunflower Fields

Sunflower gave a soft chuckle, "I'm not trying to trick you, from what I've heard the Ball's supposed to be the biggest event of the year here." She offered a friendly smile, "I'd say it's about as good of a time as any to arrive. Sorry for startling you back there. I'm Sunflower by the way." She offered Sotil a hoof.

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