My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

Yuzuke sighed and stopped eating, rubbing his hands against his thighs. Ever since the band started Yuzuke always felt like the best thing to do in their free time was practice. Yuzuke was a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to practicing or getting better at something, so he always found that he had to be sort of a Debby Downer at times like this. Even when the boys were doing something purely recreational he always had this nagging voice in his head that said they should be practicing... or maybe that's just schizophrenia.

"You know what I'm gonna say, besides since when do I do anything you consider fun?" He asked, giving them an embarrassed smile.
"My fingers could use a stretch anyway." Leigh said happily. Leigh flagged down the waitress that got their order and asked for the bill, she came back only a minute later placing a piece of paper on our table. Leigh looked at the price and threw in his share, he added a five dollar tip before stuffing the paper with the band name suggestions in to his wallet.
"R-really?" Yuzuke asked, surprised Leigh actually wanted to practice. For once he didn't feel like a kill joy and held back the urge to hug Leigh. He fished into his pocket for his wallet and threw in the rest of his weak supply of money. Unlike most other kids Yuzuke still got an allowance, and a lousy one at that. His parents were very stingy with the money they had even though they could probably afford to burn a lot of it. Once again, for some strange reason, Yuzuke's curiosity turned back to the girls and he sighed, stuffing his wallet in his pocket once again.

"So when is that birthday party?" Yuzuke asked, taking one last sip of his soda before it was carried away.
Emily made it to the music room and was glad to see that her bass was still in the exact spot she'd left it. She hated to leave it at all, much less for the amount of time she had today. She didn't know what she would do without it... Maybe get another cat... She thought. She shook her head and blushed, realizing she'd zoned out. She picked up her bass and a moment later stopped. "Oh no!!" she exclaimed. "I have to go!" She'd forgotten about meeting her mom out at dinner, and she still had to go home and drop off her guitar first. "I'm really sorry, guys. I forgot about dinner with mom... I promise I'll make it up to you!" Her face flushing an awkward shade of strawberry, she packed away her bass and moved the heavy amp into the storage closet before telling the girls goodbye and taking off.

She's gonna be totally upset! Emily thought as she ran outside. She dashed down the sidewalk, her heavy guitar bouncing uncomfortably with each step. She hoped it wasn't getting too banged up in her gig bag. She looked down at her cell phone as she ran, peeking at the time and hoping to make it to the cafe by 6 when her mom would be there.
"Five days, if I remember correctly," Dylan said. He pulled out his beat-up wallet from his pocket and tossed his share of money to the center of the table like Leigh and Yuzuke did. The pay he for from working part-time at an autoshop fixing cars wasn't too bad. The job was alright, except the part where he got oil or some sort of dirt on his face when he wasn't careful. Dylan glanced at the both of them. "Before you say anything, yeah, I know it's a short notice. But think about what the rewards of performing well will give us," he told them.
"Assuming we perform well." Yuzuke murmured and let his elbow rest on the table, cradling his chin. He and the others had experience when it came to playing live but it seemed that once again Yuzuke had to prepare himself for standing up on stage. Event though he was the bass player he still got a lot of unwanted attention when people couldn't tell him and Leigh's instruments apart. The only thing that would make things worse was if he sang. Speaking of which...

"Will you be singing, Leigh?" Yuzuke asked.
"Yeah, unless you want to take a shot?" Leigh noted with curiosity. Only five days, Leigh was getting pumped with a hint of anxiety, there was no room for stage fright from Leigh. Leigh tapped a beat in to the table using his fingers, the beat sounded more like just randomly placed taps, Leigh thought about the time with out worry for the first time in a week, his mother would usually be getting home at this time but she had told Leigh she was staying at her new boyfriends for a few days.
When Dylan heard Leigh brining up the subject of Yuzuke singing for their gig, he lightly shook his head to him with advising eyes. As if saying, 'Don't make him too nervous about it, now'. Knowing Yuzuke since childhood, Dylan acknowledged his friend's most distinctive trait: the way Yuzuke easily got stage fright or whenever he got the center of attention. Then again, it could build up a hell lot of confidence for him, he thought. Dylan put his hands behind his head, easing his shoulders. It's not like he could speak for Yuzuke, so he waited for his answer.
(Hey I have work so I can't always be on. I will try to be better.)

Carol shook her head. She had some weird bandmates that was for sure. Not that she wasn't use to them. She smiled to herself. At least they sounded amazing together and they worked well as a band. So she could forgive them since they usually looked past her quirks. Carol took off after Nelly, ready to be playing again. She felt an itch in her arms to start banging around, but she controlled it for once. No reason to get them in trouble by causing "too much unholy noise".


Carol seated herself at the drumset, ready to begin, when Emily spoke. She had to go? Damn today was just not their day at all. "Well then you have to buy us dinner," she called to her friend, half-joking. She turned back to Nelly.

"Should we practice still?"
Yuzuke looked from Leigh to Dylan and back over and over until finally settling his gaze on his hand. He had a nice voice but he couldn't imagine actually singing to a crowd. His knees began to shake just thinking about it. What if he forgot the notes? What if he forgot the lyrics? Most likely he would freeze up and forget both. "Never. Never ever for as long as I live on this earth." Yuzuke stated resolutely, shaking his head vigorously. "Or if it snowed in July, or if pigs flied! Never." He emphasized.
Leigh felt for the guy, he shared similar issues but on what seemed to be a load smaller scale. "Well if you ever want to sing during practice don't be afraid to do it, We're a band after all so we can trust each other and avoid judgment." Leigh added hoping to lighten Yuzuke's mood. Leigh's gaze turned to one of the open windows, on top of Dylan's truck he could see a single crow standing alone, it's black feathers stood out in the small beams of setting sunlight that peered through the darkening clouds, the image sparked an idea for two band suggestions, feeling awkward about the idea of just blurting them out he jotted the two titles down on the paper, then placed it back in to his wallet.
Dylan listened to Yuzuke's repeatedly refuse Leigh's offer, and with huge emphases. He was passionate about not having to sing. Dylan shrugged his shoulders as if it couldn't be helped. He didn't really blame Yuzuke, it was just the way he was. "Well, that decides that then? Leigh, you're gonna be the lead singer---your usual role," Dylan said. Dylan wouldn't even suggest himself being the singer for this gig, he never even tried or knew what he sounded like.
"Nope nope nope." Yuzuke insisted hurriedly to Leigh's reassurances. For Yuzuke it wasn't a matter of judgment as much as the eyes just staring at him, expecting something. Yuzuke began to feel a little dizzy and closed his eyes momentarily. He cleared his throat as the world seemed to turn underneath his eyelids. "What'd you write down?" Yuzuke rasped.
"Just another two band name suggestions, 'Lone Crows' and 'Black Crow'." he replied. He took another look at the truck as the crow began flapping it's wings leaving the trucks roof. Leigh always had a fascination with crows and would often feed them at the park he'd visit to watch the clouds.
Dylan spotted the winged creature that Leigh had spotted outside, perched on the roof of his truck. Dylan watched the crow with hatred and disgust in his eyes. "F****** crow..." he muttered under his breath. He never knew why he despised them so much. Probably because of the way they can crowd over people and look like they know everything about a person by just staring with beady dark eyes. Dylan just felt like crows were his natural enemy---besides the sun and the color pink. When he was a kid he was attacked by a flock of crows, and though the pecks of their sharp beaks hurt, it only stung for a short period of days.

"Though there's not much of a difference in the way they look, I prefer ravens. Just saying,"
"Which one of those birds mean someone is going to die?" Yuzuke asked, following his band mates gaze towards the car. Crows and vultures and ravens (oh my!) no matter what kind of bird it was, if it was somehow connected to horror movies or the occult Yuzuke hated them. He got out of the booth and stretched his stiff legs, ready to walk out of the restaurant and to the car. His knees popped and he sucked in air through his grit teeth. "Ah, that was bad." He moaned and continued to stretch more until every bone in his body ached. At this rate he was going to be 23 with arthritis.
Dylan stood up as well. "Well, that was a damn good meal," he patted his almost satisfied stomach. "After I get a few other snacks I'll sleep this off," he said. "But practice is a good idea before that," he walked toward the exit, waiting for Leigh and Yuzuke to come along. "Well? C'mon," a big yawn followed after Dylan's words. "Take your sweet old time," he added, voice soaked in sarcasm.
Emily finally made it to the restaurant where she was meeting her mom. Hopefully she'd beaten the older woman here! Then she'd really be impressed. She swung the door open, walked in as quickly as her petite frame and short legs could carry her, and ran smack into Dylan, stumbling backwards.
Dylan felt someone's rather small body collide into his back, and he moved forward but kept his footing. He sharply turned, brows furrowed. "Hey, watch where you're going---oh, it's you," his face turned from annoyance to arrogance. He recognized the girl's face, her name was Emily, one of the members of their rival band. "What a coincidence. We were just leaving," Dylan said. "So how's that practice going for you? I'm sure everyone will just love your songs about daisies and unicorns," a lopsided smile grew in his lips.
Yuzuke considered scolding Dylan for being rude to the competition, but he had remembered the speech Dylan had given him a while back about intimidation and "getting the upper hand". Apparently being rude to other people was the way to do it. This was something Yuzuke would never understand but was willing to go along with if it made his friends happy. He recognized the girl as his female counterpart in her own band and he stood a little behind Dylan so he couldn't see him flash the girl a kind smile and a wave. He had never heard her playing before, but this instrument connected them in an unspoken way and he was willing to accept it. She did look in a hurry though and he wondered if she were here to see someone.
Leigh laughed at Dylan's rude attitude, he thought his joke was actually pretty funny. "Hiyo!" Leigh shouted slightly from the table as he got up from his seat making sure he didn't leave anything behind on the table. Leigh took a spot in the line now forming behind Dylan with Yuzuke, the Leigh was all for bad mouthing to comp but he didn't like doing it in public, it was something that always made him feel uneasy.
Emily tried not to smile back at the guy's bassist. He seemed friendly enough but she had to remain strong and seem unbothered by them. She crossed her arms. "Well I'm sure that people will enjoy our songs, at least WE practice on occasion." She scoffed. "How's your music coming along? Can't wait to hear yet another boy band griping about not being able to get laid." She brushed her long ash blonde hair over her shoulder. "I see you guys are practicing really hard."
Yuzuke snorted audibly and turned away from the rest of them, breaking away from the line. It was horrible of him to laugh since he agreed that they should be practicing but this whole exchange was funny to Yuzuke somehow. It had to be the meat, he was going insane. "I'm going to the bathroom." Yuzuke told the wall, his voice cracked with laughter and he went off quickly. If he was going to save the bands reputation he had to get out of there. The smells of god-knows-what in the restrooms was a lot better than the smell of cooked animal surrounding him.
Dylan knew Yuzuke thought something was hilarious since he practically ran off trying to stifle his laughter. Dylan's brow slightly twitched in reaction to the girl's snappy comment. His smile held more of an annoyed than narcissistic look now. "Ha! You're funny," his smile fell into a straight line as he said it. Dylan put his elbow on top of her head, to imply how short she was compared to him. "How ironic that you're telling us how hard we're practicing, but in fact, you're in the same place we are," he remarked. Dylan felt good giving comebacks, his mouth was the very thing that got him into physical fights. Though he wasn't low enough to hit a girl---Dylan appreciated fair fights.
Emily moved from under his arm. "Please don't get your slacker germs on me," she said. "We've been practicing the whole day, and the girls are still practicing as we speak. The only reason I'M here is because I'm meeting someone. Who knew I'd be unfortunate enough to bump into you 'kind gentlemen'." She laughed sarcastically. She was mentally proud of herself. Not only was she talking to someone other than Nelly, but she actually had decent comebacks for once.

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