My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

Leigh grabbed a nearby chair and sat down watching the exchange, party to imply he wanted no part in the verbal exchange but also because he found the scene genuinely entertaining, of course Leigh was rooting for Dylan in his head however. Leigh wondered how long the exchange would go for in the hope of delaying Emily form what ever she rushed in here to do. He watched Yuzuke walk of and couldn't help but laugh a little, luckily it was after one of Dylan's snappy lines making it seem he was laughing at one of Dylan's comebacks.
Dylan simply laughed as Emily squirmed away from his arm. "And you're a kind lady yourself, Your Royal Majesty," Dylan's voice was bitter. He motioned his hand to the left side of his chest and bowed in a sarcastic and belittling manner. "Seeing as how amazingly smart you are, I assume you already heard of that party coming up. Both of our bands were asked to perform," he said.

"Though I'm not a fortune teller, I can already tell you this...the crowd will like us much better,"
Emily knew of the party. They'd been planning for it for a while and doing twice as much practice as usual to prepare for it. It was exhausting, but it would all be worth it. She smirked a little when he bowed. "Well, at least you know your place, I'll give you that much. I have things to do, and I'm pretty sure you were just leaving. You might want to get to practicing, it sure will be embarassing to lose potential fans to a bunch of girls." She winked and pushed past him, brushing her hair behind her shoulders again as she walked up and asked for a table.
Dylan smirked as she walked away, having their verbal brawl end. I'll get the last laugh next time, he thought. The girl did have a fire in her, he couldn't deny that. He turned to Leigh, expecting him to be right behind him. But Leigh had been sitting at a table, simply listening to Dylan and Emily both without his realization.

"Well, that takes care of that. C'mon, let's get Yuzuke and get outta here..." Dylan said to him.
"Fine by me!" Leigh added getting up and fixing the chair to it's rightful place. Leigh stretched his joints when he stood up taking in a deep breath then sighing quietly as he exhaled. Just seeing the opposition made Leigh want to practice more.
Almost at the same instant the door closed Yuzuke let himself laugh. It was a weaker laugh than he expected and suddenly he felt the need to cry. "Yup. The meat." He whined. As a kid he never had this kind of reaction to something like meat before so he immediately assumed it was a psychological thing. That would make total sense if it were true. Maybe it was the nerves from seeing one of the girls and actually coming face to face with competition that was driving him into these mood swings. That actually made more sense in his head than eating some bad food. He had never been able to handle intense things very well and just recalling embarrassing moments, thinking about singing and seeing a girl drove him mad.

"Whatever it is, I hope I'm not pregnant." He muttered. He opened the door again and was glad to see that Dylan and... Emily was her name? They were finished with their verbal fight and Leigh looked like he was about to leave. Yuzuke ran up to them and smiled. "How'd that go?" He asked Dylan.
Dylan smiled. "Ah, it was no big deal. My ego's still the same. I'll show her up next time I see her though," he said, folding his arms. Having that verbal fight was kind of amusing, it was fun to search for her nerves and just hit them to see how'd she'd react. At least she didn't cower and simply walk away without response, that would've been too boring. Dylan was an instigator, he wouldn't deny that, honestly.

"We gotta leave this joint. It reeks of that girl," his snicker followed after his words.
Emily looked at Yuzuke as he passed her by on the way to the exit. She tried to give nothing more than a sideways glance, but as soon as all the guys were unable to see her face, she blushed cherry. She'd tried her hardest to hold it back during the argument, since it was so hard for her to communicate with people in the first place. She kept her head down as the hostess led her to a table to wait for her mom to show.
Before the boys left Yuzuke took one last look inside the restaurant to say goodbye...for now. It would drive him crazy again as soon as Dylan became hungry, and Yuzuke began to think of it like an ex-wife. This made him feel a little better and he was about to leave when Emily caught his eye. She was looking down and the part of her face not covered by hair was a bright shade that didn't match any normal skin color. This look was all too familiar to Yuzuke and he smiled. She's a softy, he thought. Good job taking on Dylan then. With that he stepped outside and took in huge gulps of air, the girl leaving his mind with every blessed exchange of oxygen with carbon dioxide.

"Adventure awaits?" Yuzuke said. It sounded more like a question as he was unsure of what the boys wanted to do now.
Exiting the aroma of roasting meat made Dylan feel disappointed. " much as I hate to admit it, Emma or whatever her name is was right. We only have five days until the party," he said. "Besides, you were going to suggest practicing anyway, right?" he glanced at Yuzuke. When Dylan got to his black truck he realized there was a splatter of bird feces across the windshield. Most likely from that crow earlier. "Damn crow..." Dylan ran a hand through his hair, getting into the driver's seat.

"We can practice unless either you have other suggestions?" Dylan said. He didn't like being the serious one in the group. But if somebody told him they believed he wasn't capable of something, Dylan would immediately get that motivation to prove then wrong. Plus, bragging rights was on the line.
"The only exploring I want to do is the musical kind with my guitar." Leigh added enjoying the cool breeze pressing his black shirt against his body. Leigh thought about the other aspects of playing live, the music is what drew people in but how you played it and what you did on stage is what made people remember you. Leigh was thinking that he should start practicing different stances while playing and holding his guitar, Leigh took slow relaxed strides towards the truck and hopped in ready to leave.
"Well alright then, Jimi Hendrix, let's go practice." Yuzuke was actually very happy that for once his idea to practice was not shot down. He thought that maybe the argument had sparked something and they wouldn't want to practice anymore. Steam would be let off elsewhere while Yuzuke complained as usual about not "taking the initiative to" blah blah blah.

Yuzuke got into the back of the car and made all of his safety provisions before leaning forward as far as he could to ask Leigh something. The crow poo surprised him for a second as his brain registered that it didn't belong there, but he only wrinkled his nose at it and turned to Leigh again. "Can I have that list of band names and the pencil?" Yuzuke asked.
"Sure." Leigh replied. He pulled out his wallet then went through it once more to get the pencil and the correct note. After a minute of opening folded paper then folding them once more to find the right paper he handed the items to Yuzuke then slid his wallet back in to his pocket. After that Leigh buckled up, rolled the window down and place his chin on his palm gazing at the scenery. If he wanted to put it in to words, it would likely be some dark and lame poem like on the many other pieces of paper.
Dylan put the truck in drive, getting out of the parking spot and into the streets again. He yawned loudly, something he never did on purpose, it was just a normal thing with Dylan. It signified that after he ate something, he was either getting sleepy, or wanted more food. Which was most likely the second one.

"Yeah, what are the names we got so far," Dylan said to them both, when Yuzuke mentioned their band name choices.
Emily's mother walked in as the guys walked out. She quickly located her daughter and went to the table. Emily gave a soft smile as she greeted her mom.

An hour or so later, Emily's mom had to go back to work. "They're sending me out of the country again... Milan this time." She told Emily. The teen faked a smile. "That's cool though. I wish I could go." Emily's mom patted her hair. "Maybe next time, ok?" She asked. "You have school. I can't pull you away from that." Yeah, Emily thought. Plus the party is in a few days, can't miss that.. Mrs Grey left the restaurant after paying the bill, and Emily started the long walk home.
"Black Heart, Pandora's Box, Night Glass, Working on the Sabbath, Loathing Leviticus, Lone Crow and Black Crows if I'm not mistaken." Leigh spouted from memory, he had a knack for remembering things he wrote down himself. "Might as well scratch the last two out, the crows haven't been nice to us, they don't deserve any part in our band title." Leigh spoke jokingly while looking at the nice present left behind by the black feathered bird.
((Sorry for the late reply, again! I was hoping that Legendless would reply, so I waited.. it seems that I waited for too long x.x))

Nelly was still on the music room. Even without Emily, she would still practice. It wasn't the same thing, sure, but it was still Nelly and her guitar. After all, in reality, playing instruments is a job between the musician and the instrument. Played along with other musicians, the sound would get richer, but each played had to concentrate on their own instrument.

"Alright.." She whispered and put her guitar aside.
((Thanks for wanting to include every one at least! :3 Also pretend the others are crossed out xD ))

Yuzuke smiled and didn't do as Leigh said, because the ideas weren't half bad in his opinion. On the other side of the sheet he re-wrote all of the names that they had come up with in a column. Randomly he picked the number three, mostly because there were three boys in the band. He went down the list and crossed off every third band name until he came to the last one un-crossed. He wrote it on the back in case the others wanted to decide on a name the other way, but Yuzuke wanted to save himself having to choose between two choices and potentially be on a friend's bad list for a while. After quick crossing and double checking he came up with this:

Black Heart

Pandora's Box

Night Glass

Working on the Sabbath

Loathing Leviticus

Lone Crow

Black Crows

"Looks like from here on out we're the Black Crows." Yuzuke called out from the back seat. "Unless you guys want to be a democracy and vote on it, because in that case it's just you guys."

Dylan breathed in. "Black Crows?" he repeated. He would suck it up for now, they both clearly knew he hated those that kind of bird. So no point in complaining. "I would've preferred Night Glass, but y'know, whatever," Dylan shrugged his shoulders. "I can swallow Black Crows as a band name, I guess," he said to them. "But Leigh, what do you think. Black Crows or Night Glass," he questioned. "I don't think you put in your choice yet,"
"I'm sorry Dylan but I'll have to go with Black Crows, though put it this way; when we're famous and they make a documentary about us and they raise the band title to question, you can bad mouth the feathered creatures on television." Leigh reassured jokingly. Yuzuke's method was probably best, Leigh was sure that we all had our preferences on a particular name so picking one from other means could result in fights. "You could use the fame to produce your own movie; Dylan's War on Crows! I'd watch it." Leigh added imagining an epic movie poster with the slogan 'One man, one baseball bat, two hundred crows!'. Although he was worried Dylan might think he's making fun of him so Leigh left it at that.
Dylan laughed, imagining what Leigh was talking about. "Haha! I'd like to see myself doin' that, beating the hell out of those crows," he smirked. He considered the part of being asked the question of Black Crows as their band name, which seemed amusing. "I can live with that," Dylan told them. Though, that doesn't reduce my hate for crows, he thought. "We're back here again, guys," Dylan added, seeing Leigh's house.
"Home sweet home." Yuzuke muttered. The boys spent so much time at each other's house that it was almost like they all lived in the same place. Yuzuke's little sister always wanted to tag along to join their "slumber parties" but really all they did was stay up all night doing whatever they felt like. Besides he wouldn't let her get away with calling them sleepovers, the nerve of that little girl! He held out his hand to give Leigh back his note and pencil and sighed. "Practice time."
"Yep," Dylan parked in front of the garage, and got out of the truck. Walking into their usual practice room, Dylan took the seat of his drum set. "Oh, how I've missed ya, babe," he said to his instrument. Dylan let out a laugh, twirling the pair of drumsticks between his fingers

He looked up at Yuzuke and Leigh as they reunited with their musical instruments. Yuzuke with his bass named Elizabeth, and Leigh with his guitar named Junior. Dylan had a name for his drum set; it was Diana. The D stood for drums.

"So. What song are we going to do," Dylan questioned.
Yuzuke flashed Elizabeth a warm smile and put her on, plugging her into the amp like she was fragile. Out of the restaraunt, leaving his ex-wife, and almost like he was reuniting with his girlfriend. He tried to think of songs that had a strong baseline, which was a little selfish he had to admit. After a couple of seconds his face lit up. "Have you guys ever heard Vicarious by Tool?" He asked.

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