My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

Leigh began nodding his head to the beat, it sounded good and would be great to work with the song. Leigh began thinking of a tune he can play that would go well with the song, he held Junior in his arms firmly and quietly and lightly tapped his hand on the guitar with the tempo. Leigh quickly turned one of the knobs on his amp, the result would produce a deeper and more distorted strum, used in a lot of the slightly heavier grunge songs. Leigh enjoyed and beat and waited to see if Dylan would be able to add.
Dylan listened to Yuzuke play his bass and Leigh with his guitar, then decided the right time to jump in. From his drums, he incorporated a low rumbling beat of fours. One two...three, four. One, two...three, four, he repeated in his head, letting that rhymn sink in and he allowed his hands to do the work. It sounded as if the drum set was groaning awake, and it was badass in Dylan's opinion. Dylan added on one more beat to his rhythm, and turned to glance at Leigh, signaling his turn to sing the lyrics he talked about before.
Leigh strummed his guitar swaying his body with the tempo, he then took a step closer to the mic and began singing the lyrics Dylan had thought up. "These people don't think we can do things right, these are the windows to our soul, we'll walk through the night! They call us weak and I know your future's meek, but I don't give a shit, since I know we'll be a hit." Leigh sung forcing his voice louder and with more emotion as he sung the last few words.
When Dylan heard Leigh become louder at the last few words and he thought of it as his cue to make his rhythm faster and more pronounced. It was like Diana had a voice and was getting mad, in a way somebody would say, 'Call me that again and I'll kick your ass' and be on the verge of punching another. Which described Dylan's short temper a lot.

As he played he wondered it Leigh was going to start conjuring up his own lyrics, since what he had just sung wad just Dylan's rough draft.
They kept the tempo steady after the lyrics and thoughts flooded through Leigh's mind on what to produce in to the mic next. He couldn't find anything worth adding and the thoughts caused him to slow the tempo of his instrument for a split second, he quick got back in pace and wrapped his mind on the flow of the instruments. "Open your eyes and the mind will follow, I know this might be hard to swallow, so open your ears so I can shout this crystal clear," Leigh sung taking a quick pause then rolling on to Dylan's lyrics again.
Yuzuke had to bite his lip so that he wouldn't start laughing in delight. This was all working out so well. It was almost like those movies where someone starts to sing and suddenly everyone on the street knows the choreography and lyrics in the background. Like an unplanned flash mob that's so ridiculously impossible that it sounds cool. He went with them for as long as they could, and after it seemed that three minutes had definitely passed he let out the laugh he was holding in and looked at his band mates excitedly. "Do we have ourselves a party song?" He asked, happiness making his voice a pitch higher.
"Sure as hell we do, that was awesome," Dylan liked how their silent communication between each other proved to be really useful when they performed a song. Great minds think alike, he thought as his signature confident smile grew on his face. "The crowd is gonna love this song," he twirled his drumsticks triumphantly.

"Good work, guys. Now what should we title the song?" Dylan questioned. Sometimes bands had titles for songs that didn't make sense at all with the lyrics, so Dylan wanted something that corresponded with how the song sounded like and what emotion was put forth to it. "Would Wrong be a nice one or what,"
((Wah, I keep missing your replies!! Then, when I finally spot them, it's been a long while.. SORRY! DX))

Nelly nodded and grinned, "Sure! We can practice! After all, it's only a practice, we don't need the full band to-- aouh!" She jumped when she heard the cellphone ringing. It startled her, and she felt kinda embarassed for it, so she scratched the back of her head. "O-oh, it's Em." The girl blinked and tilted her head, curious to know what her calling was about.
"'Wrong'" Leigh repeated to himself. Leigh honestly had no idea what to title the song, it certainly had the right vibe and sounded pretty cool. "Wrong sounds good to me." Leigh added. He took a big gulp of his Pepsi Max before looking over Junior for imperfections, the only imperfection was a dent and scratch on the bottom corner of the body of the guitar from when it was knocked over in the past, besides that the Fender was perfect.
Yuzuke grinned childishly. Wrong, it would certainly prove a point. There were so many things about the fact that they had almost perfected their first song that made him excited. Thoughts ran through his head and he struggled to single one out of the pack. Just then his phone vibrated, and he jumped since it was in his back pocket and he was sitting on it. He groaned and pulled the phone out of his pocket. It was a text from his sister, Hanna. He scanned it and sucked his teeth, standing up and rubbing Elizabeth with his thumb. "I've got to take my sister for the rest of the afternoon." Yuzuke announced, slipping his phone in his gray sweater pocket this time. "I hope you don't mind."

((At first I thought Leigh was saying "Wrong", like saying no to Dylan's idea. xD ))
((So did I until I saw those ' ' marks :3))

Hearing Yuzuke's news of departure, Dylan shrugged his shoulders as if it couldn't be helped. It was a very common gesture for him. "Do what you gotta do, I guess," he told him. He knew Yuzuke well enough that he wasn't the type of person who easily decided things. People boss him around, and it made Dylan's knuckles really itch to punch something---or someone. Comparing the two, they are exact opposites but best bros. Dylan is a indifferent hothead who's temper can easily explode, while Yuzuke was timid and more like a watcher than a partyer like Dylan. Which was fine, because not everyone had to be the same.

"We'll see you later then?"
Yuzuke had been inspecting Elizabeth when Dylan asked his question. He looked up, flushed, and stammered a little. He was sure he looked like and idiot and decided to say what he was about to say to Leigh, but his eyes made Yuzuke look at the floor instead. "My sister...really wants to see you, Leigh. I think I'll be back." He muttered.

Ever since the start of the band Yuzuke couldn't shut up about it to his sister, Hanna, who was extremely bossy for an 11 year old. Like he and Dylan she had a quiet friend named Maya who could burst into tears at a moments notice. Yuzuke told the both of them about the band and finally Hanna could take no more. She snapped and yelled at Yuzuke like she was an old woman yelling at her grandson. The vocabulary was way too colorful for someone her age and Maya ran out of the house crying, Yuzuke himself had tears in his eyes. Seeing how she had hurt them she decided to redeem herself and go to see this so-called amazing band. She was only just doing this so her mother would give her dessert later in the day, Yuzuke soon found out, because if she left her brother sitting there shocked she would have been punished. Anway, when she finally saw the band play she took a special interest in Leigh and his guitar playing. After a while they switched roles and all Hanna could talk about was Yuzuke's band...or the members actually. You know what, who was he kidding, she talked about Leigh. The information she managed to gather about him was a bit scary and intrusive so he didn't want her around him anymore. Seems like now it can't be helped.

"I think she wants you to sign her glasses or something." He added. He was reminded of Knives, a character from a comic series he read called Scott Pilgrim. Knives was Scott's bands biggest fan and Hanna would be theirs.
Dylan couldn't help but chuckle a little, when Yuzuke said his little sister wanted to see Leigh. "Have fun being with your fan girl," he said teasingly. He heard the stories from Yuzuke of how much his sister endlessly talked about their band---and especially about Leigh. At least they got one fan girl to spread the word about them to more people, which was an advantage but it was almost creepy how enthusiastic Hanna was about them.
Yuzuke didn't want to say any more about his sister and packed up Elizabeth as quickly as he could, almost making the same mistake with the amp that he did earlier. Once she was in her black bag and over his shoulder he stuffed his hands in his pockets and waved a quick goodbye to his bandmates before leaving the basement and the two boys. His house wasn't too far away in this small neighborhood and it would probably be a couple minutes walk until he got to his house. He looked down at his feet as he walked, humming their new song. He began to wonder what song the girls were doing and whether or not their song was even a good enough one to sing at the party. He shook the thought out of his mind, remembering the enthusiasm that all of the boys felt during and after the song. In all of his daydreaming Yuzuke hardly noticed that Hanna was right in front of him and he bumped into the little girl, her head to his stomach.

"Watch it Koto-pukey." She snapped. Yuzuke had earned that nickname because when he was very small he used to throw up when he got any kind of nervous or embarrassed. Even though they had the same last name she thought it was fun to torment him anyway. "Come on, let's go." She walked past him and in the direction of Leigh's house...even though Yuzuke had never walked her there himself. A shiver ran through his spine as he imagined his sister walking to his house nightly in this same, sure fashion. She bounced as she walked, her jet black hair bouncing with her. She had a little pink backpack with all sorts of cute designs and stickers slapped onto it and dirt smudges. Yuzuke followed her, wondering what kind of horrible surprises for Leigh she was keeping in there.

((Waiting for Naguru))
((I'm still waiting for teh drummer but I'll make a post anyway lol.))

Emily smiled as she talked and walked down the sidewalk. She figured the other two were probably talking it over. Knowing them, they were still practicing. But they needed to get out and do other things together every once in awhile, too, or it would become only about the music rather than a band of friends making their own way in life. Not that it wasn't good to be all about the music, but they'd miss out on other things in life.

Walking along, she looked to the other side of the street. "What the..." She mumbled. The other bands' bassist was over there, walking with what looked like a very young girl. Maybe a sister or something... Did the two bass players really live this close together? Or maybe they were going somewhere else. Either way, she tried to put it out of her mind and kept walking, waiting for a response from her friends.

((Now waiting on responses from either girl or Uncultured if they choose to have Yuzu notice her))
Leigh added his good byes then thought about what Yuzuke said, Leigh knew about Hanna's 'enthusiasm' for the band and himself but he didn't pick up on it as much as the other guys had and as such in his view she was a normal little sister, bossy and sometimes mean to her older brother but cutesy, innocent and supportive of her favorite music. Leigh had sometimes thought what it'd be like if they were a boy band instead, the idea was terrible but even worse he thought about their image in the public, the idea of obsessive little girls scared Leigh somewhat. Leigh liked the idea that Hanna wasn't in to the usual 'music' for her social group, however Leigh has always had a questionable side to his view on her, sometimes her questions seemed a bit personal to him directly rather than the band and it wasn't something he was used too.

Leigh had gotten up, crunched up his empty soda can then took a basketball shoot to the small empty trash can in the corner of the room. He got up and began his walk back to the Kitchen to grab another soda, he switched the lights on, "Want another can of Soda?" Leigh shouted back down the hall.
Yuzuke followed his sister slowly, letting her yap on and on about whatever the heck she was talking about at the moment. Suddenly his sister halted and Yuzuke jammed his knee into her spine. He jumped back and winced, ready to take a beating or be tackled to the ground and put in a headlock so he could say sorry as many times as she wanted before she was satisfied. Instead Hanna stood on the street unphased and clutched her shoulder straps attentively. It looked extremely adorable and Yuzuke smiled down at his sister. "What is it, Hanna?" He asked her.

She wrapped one of her small hands around two of Yuzuke's fingers and began to pull him away. It was moments like this when he noticed his sister was extremely short for an 11 year old girl. He followed her happily...until he looked up and noticed the girls walking ahead of him. He stopped walking and shook his head. "Hanna no no please." He protested. Hanna continued to pull him forward despite the fact that he was 120 pounds of skin and bone. He continued to fight back but it was no use, his sister was way too strong.

Hanna walked up to one of the girls and pulled at her pants. "Hey lady." She cried up at the girl.

((Don't want ya to be bored. ^^))
"Sure, Leigh! Hit me up!" Dylan shouted back. He got up his seat, abandoning Diana for a bit to lean against the wall he clutched his now empty can of cherry Cola. At times when he was alone for just a moment like this he gets in thought and feels like wandering off somewhere else since nobody would be there to watch him. Dylan had an adventurous and carefree spirit like that. His first instinct was to reach somewhere high.

Dylan ducked under the garage door, eyeing the roof. He observed the house, looking for a path to get there. He spotted some bricks on the side of the house, plus some thick ivy by it. Jackpot, Dylan smirked. As if he were born doing this, he easily grasped his hands upon the bricks and nimbly ascended toward the top. He pulled himself up once his hands felt the rough texture of the roof. Dylan stood up, looking over the horizon and the other tops of houses in the far distance. He smiled, a gust of wind picking up.
Emily stopped walking when she felt something pulling her pants. No... SomeONE. She turned and looked down to see the little girl from earlier. "Hey, lady!" The girl said. Emily tilted her head to the side. If this girl was here, then... Emily followed the girl's arm up, seeing someone else's fingers in her hand. "Oh..." She said. It was the guys' bassist. She tried her best to look like a total badass like earlier, but the younger girl was adorable and it was difficult to be rude. "Um.. Hi." She said. She didn't want to say much. For one, she didn't know what to say, having exhausted all her comeback energy on the jerk earlier. For another, she had no idea what this girl wanted, or why she dragged over what appeared to be her older sibling. "Uh hey, Carol, I'll call you back." She quickly hung up the phone and stuck it back in her pocket.
Hanna raised one eyebrow and Yuzuke braced himself. He knew she was going into her little mode and he would probably regret all of this later. Hanna let go of Yuzuke's fingers and he stepped back little before Hanna shot him a glare and he stopped walking. He wondered how her husband was going to feel living with her when she got older, although he was pretty sure she would blackmail someone into marrying her. Probably Leigh.

"I know you're the lady from that...girl band." She wrinkled her nose in disgust and waved her hand to the side like the thought of a rival band was revolting. "I just wanted to let you know that, since my brother is too much of a sissy to grow a pair, I'm his spokeswoman. And I say brace yourself." Hanna still had a babies voice and a faint Japanese accent and she sounded a lot cuter than she probably wanted to. The look she was giving Emily though was menacing. The kind of look a kid in a horror movie gives you when she's about to hold a grudge. Yuzuke on the other hand swayed a little when she said he couldn't "grow a pair".
Emily snickered, trying to hold back, but couldn't and burst out laughing. She laughed so hard she started feeling tears well up in her eyes. Wiping them away, she decided she couldn't take anyone seriously anymore. First the guy from the band went and called her out, and now a little kid? This was too much. She looked up at Yuzuke. "Now you got little kids standing up for you? That's adorable." Her stomanch started to hurt from her giggles, so she toned down a little bit. "Shouldn't a bunch of guys in high school be recruiting fans a little... Older?" Her cheeks blushed a little from having to once again try to keep up a conversation, but she tried to ignore it and pretend it was from her laughing.
Yuzuke groaned and held his heading in his hands when Emily started to laugh. He wasn't asking for this. He was just an innocent kid. Right about now he could curl up in bed with Elizabeth and eat chocolates and drink warm milk even though for some reason chocolate milk was just out of the picture. How could they be related and such polar opposites? If Dylan hears about this it was surely going to be the end of him.

Hanna on the other hand narrowed her eyes and stood on her tip-toes, not afraid to grab onto the girls shirt for support. "At least he has fans." She hissed menacingly.

((Legendless is pulling out of the rp guys. Anyone else know where we can find a female drummer?))
((Aww whaaat? That sucks /: ))

Emily raised an eyebrow when the little girl grabbed her shirt. She gently pried her fingers open and lowered her back onto the ground. "Says a kid who's just as in love with her brothers band as she probably is with Justin Beiber. Long story short, little kids don't count. They don't know what music is." She looked back up and thought Yuzuke looked like he was about to puke. "You aren't gonna faint, are you?" She asked. Hopefully it's him that faints first instead of me... she thought. She could totally handle this.
((At the moment I'm still trying to think of who could fill in the spot :/ I don't know many people either))

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