My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

"Of course, their style of playing is something I idolize." Leigh noted with a grin. The band was a favorite of his, the crazy long instrumentals and little vocals made reading to their music easy. He grinned at the idea of playing but a part of him was worried, they were known for working some long and insane instrumentals for all their instruments.
"Well, then let's practice the hell out of this session," Dylan said. He already had his drive of motivation, and that was to show everyone how great a band they were at the party coming up---plus getting the entire bragging rights and rubbing it in that Emily girl's face. Just to show how wrong she was about them. "All set," Dylan told his two friends, softly tapping on one of the drums.
Yuzuke didn't bother tuning Elizabeth since it wasn't long since they had left. He pretty much had the notes for that song down and he sort of felt bad for Leigh. The guitar playing was pretty intense, but he had faith in his new friend. He was also very happy that both boys agreed to play the song he suggested and he gave Dylan a thumbs up.
"I'm ready and I'm set!" Leigh noted. Leigh ran his fingers over the frets he'd be playing, he had practiced the song by himself on guitar once before making sure to write down the tabs so that he'd remember them easier. The song was long but Leigh felt at his best when he was moving his fingers from fret to fret quickly. "I don't remember all of the lyrics, but I remember most of them. So I wont be able to sing them all out." Leigh admitted shamefully. He had practiced the guitar but not the lyrics, though he knew what he remembered due to singing along to them when ever he put their album CD in. "It wouldn't be the same if you didn't tap us in Dylan." Leigh said shining a smirk to the drummer.
Dylan returned the lopsided smirk he received from Leigh. On a stage, drummers don't get much attention since they were always positioned in the back, so he felt appreciated when Leigh considered how Dylan normally began their practice with the tap of his drumsticks. The three if them, bros and bandmates. It was a cool bond in Dylan's opinion, because he knew he could trust them to watch his back, and he'd do the same.

"I gotcha," he assured. Dylan twirled his drumsticks as he raised them to the air. "One, two, three...!" he counted with each tap of the drumsticks.
Yuzuke would never say this but those moments right before you play, when everyone is smiling and excited, he felt a little sad. He would always briefly wonder what their futures would be like. Kind of like when your life flashes before your eyes only he wasn't seeing his own past, he was seeing his band mates future. He tried to make up happy endings for them even though he knew that (hopefully not!) at least one of them wasn't going to make it in this harsh world. He hoped for their sake it was him.

He shook the sad thoughts out of his head and waited for his and Dylan's turn to join in. There was about a 45 second intro with just Leigh and he took those moments to cheer himself up. He played fluidly, standing close to the amp so he could hear the strong, resonating bass in the background. The song was a bit sick, but easier to decode than most other Tool songs. It was about how, even though no one will admit it, everyone is highly entertained by all of the deaths and tragedy shown on the news. Playing with the others like this felt like they were all connected in some strange way.
Leigh began playing the intro chords to the song with no problem. He began to feel that rush as the song progressed and he hadn't noticed a single mistake in his placing. Taking a note from his earlier realization about style he would swing his arm with more style bringing it up and down more than usual while rocking his body in to the styled strums, he ensured to only attempt moving from his normal stance during easy to play chords. Leigh vibrated the strings forcing the sound form his guitar to trail out longer with out plucking the strings, then the music flowed full force in unison and (in Leigh's opinion anyway) they sounded great!
Dylan beated the drums, staying in rhythm and tempo, but at the same time an adrenaline rush courses throughout his body. It helped him play more smoothly, his head softy nodding with the beat. Dylan's foot was stepping against the pedal with a bit more force, to get that resonate low sound that helped carry out the rest of the drum's pitches. Dylan was in sync with the others, listening for their instruments as well to hear it all come together to how the song was supposed to be.

Hell yeah, Dylan thought triumphantly. This was a perfect streak in this song so far.
The song ended on a strong note from all three boys and Yuzuke was surprised it was all over. Momentarily he had thought he was missing notes and began to blush a crimson red color, but it turned out the others had stopped playing too. The song had been over so soon for them when they had actually been playing for 5 minutes, the typical length for a Tool song. Yuzuke grinned and turned sideways to look at both Dylan and Leigh. "That. Was." Yuzuke was at a loss for words and trailed off, letting them fill their opinions in the blanks.
"Kick ass!" Leigh shouted. It was the only words that could come to his mind, he enjoyed the thrill of hitting different frets in a fast pace and getting them all correct but the rush was so much more satisfying when a band where each member provided their own compliment to the music to make something that sounds great as a whole. Though the long song had taken a toll on Leigh's right arm, a point in the song required him to strum the strings very, very fast and Leigh wasn't used to putting that kind of pressure on his arm. "I needa take a break before we do anything else." Leigh noted taking a seat.
"Yeah, that was a really badass practice song we just did," Dylan agreed, running a hand through his hair as his bangs fell in front of his face again. "My arms and and feet feel all hyper but tired from all that," he squeezed his left arm a bit. "Yo, Leigh, you have any soda?" Dylan said, he could go for a cold caffeinated drink. It was something really normal for Dylan, to drink soda more often than any other beverage, really.

"Cherry cola for me, preferably,"
"Sure thing," Leigh opened the door connecting the house and garage, it lead in to a hall leading to the rest of the house, he walked through the dark home through a door at the end of the hall to the right. Leigh flicks on the kitchen light to see a pile of dirty dishes, it seemed his mother and her boyfriend were the only people who ate here yet she expected Leigh to clean up after them, he walked over to the fringe and opened it, inside were a row of canned sodas from Lemonade, to Pepsi(And max), Normal coke, vanilla and cherry. Leigh noticed someone had put a label on his last Pepsi max, 'Ken' it read; "Haha, no." Leigh said to himself ripping the label off and grabbing the Pepsi for him. The asshole always thought he could push Leigh around from a position of authority claiming that Leigh had to 'respect his mothers wishes' and she idolized the fat slob. Leigh grabbed a Cherry coke as well, "Yuzuke, do you want anything? Choices are Lemonade, Cola, Cola Vanilla, Cola Cherry and Pepsi." Leigh shouted from the Kitchen.
Yuzuke perked up when he heard his name coming from the kitchen and shook his head, even though Leigh couldn't see it. He didn't feel comfortable yelling in other people's houses but it would be rude not to answer. He hoped Leigh's mom and her boyfriend weren't home and he cleared his throat before yelling, "No thank you!". Unlike Dylan he was not comfortable with two sodas so soon. He cracked the fingers of his strumming hand and stretched his hand out. Strumming a bass was a little different than a guitar and he found that despite all they moved around he could get stiff pretty easily.
(But I did reply. You just didn't see it)

Carol looked at Nelly expectantly. She waved her sticks in front of her friend's face. Maybe she shouldn't have been late. But it was too late now. She sighed heavily.

"Hey are you listening to me? I asked if you wanted to practice even though Emily had left? If not then I should probably get back home, but I'd rather practice with at least one of you," she said with a small smile.
Emily pulled out her cell and checked the time. "Ughh." She groaned. "It's still so early!" She called the girls, wondering if they were still practicing.

((whoever wants to reply first is the one she called lol))
While waiting for her friend to reply to her question, she let out a small "eep" when something went off. She hurried to dig her cell out of her pocket, the music she had selected rather loud and obnoxious to some people. She saw it was Emily.

"Em's calling," she told Nelly, before answering it, "Yes this is the someday famous drummer Carol Stonworth. What can I do for you?"
"Hello, someday famous drummer Carol, this is someday famous bassist Emily. Would you and someday famous guitarist Nelly want to meet at the mall and go do someday famous girl stuff?" She smiled so big that it probably was able to be seen through the phone.
Leigh marched down the hall with the two soda's in hand killing the lights on his way, Leigh handed the cherry cola to Dylan than sat down next to Junior. For a moment he scratched the remainders of the label stuck to the can all the while thinking about his hatred for his mothers new boyfriends, he wasn't very bright, hell even saying that was a compliment and lacked a clear understanding of human behavior, to him the only thing important was himself and he would yell, curse and take low shots(vocally) until he got his own way like a big child. Three times Leigh had counted that he came close to rushing at Ken to put him in a hospital because he would insult Leigh attempting to use it as a weak point against Leigh's mother, who would just shrug off the insults. Leigh's biggest issue, and he was worried that this would effect the band, was the way he kept anger bottled in until he exploded. It was something he always had at the back of his mind, *Drip drip* droplets of moisture fell from the can and on to his knee, they were cold and it snapped him back to reality, his thoughts had strayed to that dark place and he hated that, he was free tonight, no use in wasting it by being depressed. "So Dylan, didn't you say you had an idea for a new song? I'd like to hear it if you don't mind." Leigh spoke in a softer tone then was usual for him. Family always has been and remains to be, his biggest weak point.
Dylan noticed Leigh was talking a lot softer than normally for some reason. He took a sip of the cherry Cola, letting ou t a satisfied aah before answering. "Well I got a rough draft for the lyrics, but you guys know I can't do those on my own, but this is what it sounds like," Dylan cleared his throat, remembering thr first part of his draft.

"These people don't think we can do things right, these are the windows to our soul, we'll walk through the night. They call us weak, and I know your future's meek. But I don't give a shit, since I know we'll be a hit," Dylan said those lyrics normally, he wasn't the kind of person to really sing anyhow. "Haven't decided on how it should sound when you sing it, Leigh. But that's what I got so far,"
Yuzuke didn't know Leigh well, but he knew that it wasn't normal for someone to stay quiet and look so melancholy for that long. He wasn't the kind to pry but he also wanted Leigh to cheer up a little. He was distraught when a conversation had started before he could figure out how to do that, but decided to go with it. "At least it won't sound anything like the kind of music Emily described." As far as offering more lyrics, Yuzuke had nothing. This wasn't the kind of song Yuzuke could help with, but he would try anyway.

((I'm thinking the bands will get recording offers at the party. Right?))
((Hmm yesh if you want that to happen you did make this roleplay after all xD [waiting for Naguru]))
"I like the lyrics so far, As for how it's sung, I'm sure I can work a good grunge vibe on to it." Leigh reassured. "If we ever wanna branch out it could also work for a Nu-Metal type song." Leigh added. Leigh began thinking of different chords that might go well with the song trying to work a good tune in his mind.

((Sorry, I spent all day yesterday with my family so I slept through the usual posting hours.))
((Well I don't want it to just be my choice! Doesn't matter if I made this, if you guys have a better idea then shoot c: I'll let you post first moonlit~))
((Thanks :3 [sorry, late realization of new post]))

Dylan nodded, taking mental note of Leigh's suggestions. "What about order of sequence and all that. Maybe the song should start out with a bass, normally it gives the song depth," he nodded his head toward Yuzuke. "Bass, drums, then guitar possibly? When it comes to sound guitar is brought out most," Dylan said. He wasn't sure on the melody yet---maybe he could find inspiration somehow.
Yuzuke began to wring his hands together nervously and was about to protest. A bass line first would mean the audience was looking at him and nodding to whatever beat he was putting forth. He was getting much unwanted attention, and that was unacceptable. He stopped himself because he knew he would not be contributing to the band and would probably only be a pain. Besides, when they went big there was enough room for equal attention for all three of them. The rebellious one, the guitarist (who also has a heavenly voice so he doesn't even need a personality, he's lovable by default) and the shy one. Chances are Yuzuke would faint with the fans that met him, if that time ever came. He nodded and picked up Elizabeth.

"I think I have an idea. How's this? Add on if you can." He positioned his fingers on the first fret, took a deep breath and began to play. He was playing at a normal tempo, the bass running throughout the quiet basement with a strange sort of authority or intimidation to it. The beat didn't have a happy-go-lucky kind of tone or a lets-cut-ourselves kind of tone either. It was one in the middle, like a mix of resilience and not giving a shit. At least, that's what he hoped it sounded like. The only reason he was able to pull this out of his hat was because the woman who taught him how to play the bass said that if he could successfully write his own tunes then he was definitely on the road to success. He had played this since he was 8 years old.

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