My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

Dahlia smiled. "It's okay, I'm a pro at getting great parking spots!" She exclaimed. Grinning ear to ear, she circled the lot and came to the front just as a truck pulled out of the first spot, closest to the mall. "Voila!!" She said happily, pulling the tiny Neon right into the abandoned spot. "Did I tell you, or did I tell you?!"


Emily was relieved when Hanna released her vice grip. She had the sudden urge to run. To leave the house and not come back. She wondered if the little girl would chase her down or not... She slowly started backing down the hall, turning on her heel and retracing her steps, trying to find the way back out of the house. She reached the door, flinging it open and half-jogging out. She turned back to see if Yuzuke's sister had followed her, but when she turned back around she ran into Yuzuke himself. What was it with her today!? She was knocking into people left and right! She quickly pulled away, her face turning pink, and tried to maneuver around the bassist.
Dylan had that mischievous smirk on his face, signaling he was up to no good as always when he watched a wild Emily appear and smack right into Yuzuke. I might just have a little fun, he thought. He was remembering the last time he encountered Emily in that restaurant, Cerulean Wolf. She had gotten the last word, which he wasn't very happy about. Though Dylan was just deep in his thoughts earlier, it left him in a more...aloof and apathetic mood. Perhaps he could get his energy back by teasing somebody.

Dylan placed his hands behind his head. "Well, if it isn't Miss Grey. Who knew you'd be so kind as to visit," his voice was ironic, and his green eyes held a bored glaze in them.
It was Leigh's worst nightmare, he had guests in an unclean room and Hanna had just latched down on to that unbreakable grip on his fingers. 'I'm a terrible host!' he thought to himself, no matter who it was, someone new to the house had to be treated with proper house hosting etiquette, something Leigh seemed old fashioned about though not in the sexist way it used to hold. Hanna pulled Leigh away from hiding behind the fringe doors, he just managed to get the two sodas back in hand and kick the door closed behind him, despite the fact that Leigh often lifted the many weights and used the punching bag out in his back yard often Hanna had an iron like grip, he thought if she seemed much stronger because of a type of placebo effect mixed with the girls determination to lead people, there was no lie that her grip was strong but her strength seemed almost unnatural.

"What?!" Leigh muttered in confusion. He quickly got down on to one knee and whisper to Hanna covering his mouth from the side with his hand, "But she is the enemy, if I play guitar for her then she might try to break my cool and laugh at me! Not only that we don't know much about each others playing styles and skill, she might return to her friends claiming she was at my place on a recon mission and spill our secrets so they know just how hard they need to train to get better then us!" Leigh exaggerated his points jumping straight to the worst. Leigh, still oblivious to many of Hanna's signs of obsession such as the way she gazed at him then let out a cool sigh of relief, he was glad that this was happening today, of all days; if his mother were here instead of at her boyfriends she would certainly pick a fight with Leigh and humiliate him purposely in front of his guests, she may be a nice person in some ways but Leigh never got to see her nice sides, ever.

Leigh noticed Dylan walk in and pushed the Cherry cola his way, "Here you are." He added quickly. Leigh quickly stepped towards a bench covered in dirty dishes and leaned against it blocking everyone's view from it, in the process he managed to draw Hanna along a step or two, a rare feat.
"Impressive!" Nelly grinned and clapped her hands cheerfully. "You're amazing!! I'd never be able to find a spot like that!" To tell the truth, she wasn't even able to drive yet. Nelly was too scared to drive a car, she didn't trust them. It was too different from the horses. A horse would never run into a pole and crash, like a car did. It was safer, she though. Way safer. And horses were way better than cars. The bad thing is that she couldn't just go around riding horses in any place.
Hanna was dazed as Leigh whispered to her and she sighed shakily, blocking out his words quite easily. It was every girls dream to have their idol right there in front of close she could almost bite his nose. Of course being 11 years old some boys still had the cooties, but Leigh was not one of them. He took showers, she could smell it.

Having blocked out his words she grabbed his fingers a little tighter and inspected his shirt. "You should still play." She insisted stubbornly.
Dahlia hopped out of the car excitedly, grabbing her bag and locking the doors behind them. She checked her phone for potentially missed texts. "Hm, nothing from Em yet. Shame! She's gonna miss out on giant soft pretzels and smoothies!!" She giggled a little as they walked into the mall.
"Well, that's not entirely up to me. I can't risk giving away band secrets, other wise I might get kicked out." Leigh muttered over exaggerating the point in a hope to appeal to her childish side. Suddenly a barrage of ideas filled Leigh's head, he thought of so many things he could lie to her about, like the possibility that playing a wrong note that is too high pitched might make everyone's ears bleed, but this wasn't his sibling and he felt it would be wrong to take advantage of her young impressionable mind like that. He was sure that Emily didn't want to watch any of them play just as much as she didn't want to be there, which was a pretty obvious conclusion to come to just by judging her situation. "This could be holding Emily up, what if she wants to go buy shoes, or perfume, or what ever girls buy." Leigh added whispering to Hanna. He was hoping she'd give in, if not then it was certain; he'd never change her mind and he would have to come up with something else or just play his guitar.
Emily heard one of the boys speak up and turned to see Dylan. She'd just had an argument with him earlier, was he really all riled up again already? She unwillingly turned around and faced him, trying but failing to put on the same brave face as earlier. She didn't like that their second time around today was taking place at Leigh's own home, once again with only herself there, and it would probably end with them making her leave one way or another, not like she didn't want to get the heck out of there as it was. "Well, you could probably tell it wasn't MY choice to be here." She said, meaning that obviously she was dragged here by Hanna. "But you know, I guess someone has to see what crummy competition we're up against..." Her cheeks blushed the slightest bit, easily noticeable, but she turned her face away in some uncharacteristic attempt at being snooty.
Hanna jut out her lower lip and looked up at Leigh. She was getting nowhere with him and usually would keep pushing, but for some reason Hanna knew when to stop for once. "Fine." She said, letting go of his fingers and stepping in front of him, holding her arms up for him to pick her up. He could make up for disappointing her by letting her get a whiff of his hair (and possibly a couple of locks).

Yuzuke noticed that Emily was avoiding Dylan's eyes, just like she had avoided looking at him at the restaurant. He was going to comment on it to throw off her game but nothing serious was happening at the moment so he left it alone. Besides, he wanted to know how someone vaguely similar to him went about winning fights.
Dylan saw the color growing on Emily's face, and in reaction to it he raised his right brow. In comparison to their first argument with each other, she seemed different too. In a sense that her face wasn't as sassy as it was past time. He folded his arms. "Ooh, y'know, that didn't seem to hurt considering the fact that it isn't true," Dylan answered to her. "We're gonna dust your band at the party, just wait and see," he said, stepping up to her. In reality, Emily's lack of fiery comebacks was making this boring for Dylan. Almost to the fact he didn't feel like dealing with her.

"Might as well run along back wherever the hell you planned to go," he motioned his hand as if trying to shoo away a creature. "That is unless, you're secretly one of our groupies and you wanted to see somebody," he rolled his eyes.
Leigh let out a long exhale of air, if he could exhale words this one would read either 'relief' or 'safe'. He picked up the girl with ease, he had his weights to thank for that. Leigh did his best to keep view of the dishes covered and not swing her backpack around to hit the handing light fixture which Leigh could touch with only the slightest stretch. It was at this point, with so many people in his house he realized that this place probably originally housed tall hobbits. Hoping to keep Hanna's attention away from the flame war that may just be beginning Leigh turned his attention to Hanna's backpack. "What's in your bag?" Leigh asked while holding the girl.
The blush faded, and snappy Emily came back. She wasn't about to let someone insult her like that. "Oh, yeah, I'm one of the groupies standing in a huge mob around you right now." She said. "Oh, wait, we're the only three people standing out here. Maybe that's because your only groupie is like, 10 years old." She raised an eyebrow, flicking her long hair over her shoulder in an I'm-better-than-you kind of way before giving a cute smirk.
Dylan chuckled. It grew into a distinctive type of laughter that he was really known for, and he put a hand to half of his face as he shook his head. "Hey, at least it's someone. I don't see anybody loving your band," he said. "And I see you got your fire back, Miss Grey. Must have hit a nerve, hm?" Dylan said, picking up a lock of her hair to tease Emily even more. He was just enjoying this, seeing as how easily he brought out her snappy side again. "Aww, you missed us? How sweet," Dylan snickered, moving his hand away before Emily could smack it. "Y'know you could always just tell us right now and say how much you wanted to see me---pfffthaahaha!" he laughed at his own words, he couldn't even say or with a straight face.
She was This. Close. THIS CLOSE to just kicking him in the shins. He was irritating her on purpose, and it was working. He reached out and touched her hair, and pulled away just as she reached up to slap his hand away. "And how could I miss you? I can't seem to get the heck AWAY from you. And YOU, especially, are the LAST person I wanted to see."
Hanna wrapped her arms around Leigh's neck and stuck her nose between his shoulder and jaw. She inhaled deeply enough that it was not noticeable and smiled against his neck. I've got a problem. Hanna admitted before pulling back and wiggling her shoulders so the backpack moved. Inside objects cluttered around and rubbed against the cloth of the backpack. "I've got fun stuffs." She replied simply, her voice and manner returning to a normal 11 year old girl. She was easily able to ignore the other two people now that she was close to Leigh.
"Geez, woman, calm down," Dylan said, and his instigating smile fell into a straight-lined frown. "It won't be good for you if the creases on your forehead stay for too long. Lighten up a little," he rolled his eyes. Dylan noted how this girl was getting to her boiling point. When it comes to aggravating people on purpose this must be a new record, he thought. He smiled. Normally the beginning of Dylan's physical and vocal fights usually started out with him getting ticked off by something a person did on accident that he just found annoying. Or if he was just looking for trouble.
Emily opened her mouth to say something, but then Dylan was suddenly smiling. She didn't know what to say to him. It was so random, like he was just kidding around or something. She closed her mouth, still speechless. Her blush returned a little, but mostly from confusion rather than embarrassment. "I-....." She trailed off. How should she finish that sentence? Was he smiling because he enjoyed royally ticking her off, or because he was sincerely kidding? She looked to Yuzuke, hoping something on his face would give Dylan's intentions away, then returned her attention to Dylan.
"What kind of fun stuff?" Leigh replied trying to keep the silence between the two at a minimum. Leigh knew that the argument wouldn't likely escalate quickly but he always got extra protective around kids, he didn't have the best childhood but instead of letting that get him down his faint ambitious nature was determined to do what it can to prevent others from feeling as lonely and helpless as he did as a child.
Hanna lit up with childish glee, excited that Leigh was interested in what she had in her bag. She pried one arm away from Leigh's neck and slid her book bag down her arm swiftly, propping the bag up against Leigh's chest and her thigh. She had some difficulty opening it with one hand but finally managed to do it after punching Leigh in the chest accidentally with her little fist. She mumbled an apology and peered down inside her book bag. All kinds of colorful things were inside and her brown eyes lit up as she inspected each object carefully. Finally she settled on a bright red object and pulled it out. It was a stick of gum with a little plastic wrapped stick of candy peeking out of it. Hanna grinned mischievously. Once someone pulled that stick out they would get a rough jolt that traveled up one's arm and made them yelp. Sometimes for fun, and because Hanna was determined to stump whoever would happen to pull the trick on her if the time came, she would sit in her room and pull the toy to whatever song she was listening to. As long as it wasn't Metallica she rarely ever woke up with a sore arm. She held the object up to Leigh and was prepared to be dropped if it happened. "Want one?" She asked as sweetly as she could.

Yuzuke began to feel bad for Emily and almost wanted to stick up for her, but knew where his loyalties rested. Instead he pinched Dylan's elbow sharply and brought his hand back like it never happened, giving him a wide-eyed look of warning. He let the look fade and moved his gaze back to Emily. He let one corner of his mouth twitch upwards briefly and looked down at her feet.
Dylan felt the pinch on his elbow, and immediately jerked his arm away, giving a sidelong glance at Yuzuke without turning his head. He was surprised he did that but took it as a warning. "What," Dylan said, seeing how she still looked at him and being utterly wordless. It kinda confused Dylan himself but he brushed it off. "I don't lie that much now," he added. Sure, he had fun aggravating with the bassist girl and at the same time, he was joking. It was like an on and off switch. Sometimes he joked around, sometimes he really meant it as an insult. That time, Dylan was joking. But he didn't want to directly say it---he would let Emily debate on it and make her think.

Much like the carefree blonde who never gave a shit, Dylan said something. "Neither of you are speaking. Why not?" he raised his brow again. Since when did his smile silence a girl---let alone the one from their rival band.
Emily tried really, really hard not to grin when Yuzuke pinched Dylan's arm. Unfortunately, Dylan's attention didn't stay on his friend very long. He seemed almost as confused as she did at this point, but about what she didn't know. She let out a silent sigh. She didn't know what to say, and she definitely didn't feel like she should stick around. "Guess not," she said softly. For once, she really didn't have anything to say. No insults, no clever comebacks, heck, nothing at all. She couldn't figure it out. Why did they have to argue so much? Couldn't they just stop, and let the better band win? Who ever it was - and of course, Emily believed her band was the better one- but why add so many insults to it? Didn't they get along at one point?
Leigh looked at the toy stick of gum with caution, it looked oddly familiar to something he had once seen in the items of confiscated items draw in his class, he shrugged it off thinking that if he waited too long the girl might get upset. Leigh pulled at the candy and his arm met with a zap, in shock he moved off balanced causing Hanna to begin to fall back, Leigh's hand - eye coordination kicked in full speed as he managed to grab Hanna with his hands under her armpits before she touches the ground, though by the look of her stance she was ready for it. Leigh smirked at the joke toy, it was the last thing he would expect from Hanna. He placed her down gently, "You got me!" he smiled before grabbing his diet coke on the bench and opening it. Leigh took a long sip of the drunk slurping it as he did, a habit of his that others found annoying at times.
Hanna giggled like a maniac as she was dropped and caught. She jumped up and down, looking up at Leigh. Stopping abruptly, she turned her head to the bag again. She dove towards it and grabbed the second toy that she could find. It was a paddleball and she held it up wordlessly to show Leigh. She dropped the stick of toy gum where it was (which was very rude being a guest in someone's house) and she ran ahead to hug Leigh's leg. She waited until he was done with his noisy drink and pulled back, squealing as she smiled up at Leigh, and showed him the paddleball. It was a smooth wooden one with pictures of cartoon children enjoying their own games on the paddle. In the handle was a little hole where a red foam ball connected by string to the paddle was wedged in. She popped the ball out and began waving her arm around like a crazy person. She didn't hit the ball once and shrugged. "You try." She said, holding the paddleball out to Leigh. This one wasn't a prank, she honestly wanted to see him use the paddleball.

Yuzuke screwed it all up. He could tell. Warmth rushed to his cheek and he crossed his arms, spinning on his heels to face Dylan. If he was going to say something to someone it was going to be his childhood friend. "I think you two should end this. I don't care how's not going to end well either way." He glanced at Emily and nodded, but the heat in his cheeks intensified and he rushed away from the two. He made his way over to Leigh and stood next to him. He stood there in silence and looked down at the floor in silence. Hanna ignored her brother and waved the paddleball.
Leigh couldn't help but chuckle at the little girls wild attempts with the paddle-ball. He grasped it out of her little hand and looked at the paddle-ball, one of the highlights of growing up with very few toys was that the ones he did have were often freebies, this toy he had used several times in the past, but that was years ago. Leigh turned the paddle to face ball side up, he then flung the ball up off the paddle, waiting for it to get to it's furthest point then pulled down quickly to bring the ball down with more force then finally moved the paddle in to the falling ball, he manged to successfully hit the ball three times before failing. He turned his attention to Yuzuke who joined them, "Your sister is showing me the many wonders in her bag." Leigh said to Yuzuke. He handed the paddle-ball in front of Yuzuke, "Do you want to show us how it's done?" Leigh asked.
Yuzuke looked at the paddleball and then down at Hanna. She was smiling up at Yuzuke and he sighed. She was too adorable to say no to, even though Leigh was the one who asked. He took the paddle ball away from Leigh and turned the toy in the other direction Leigh had tried to do it in. He locked his wrist in place and rapidly jerked his arm back and forth. The ball hit the paddle with a satisfying thwack each time and he continued to do this until he missed and the ball hit his stomach. Hanna cheered and could sense the way her toy had made Yuzuke happy, so she turned and inhaled deeply.

"Dylan, Emily! Get over here and play with us!" She bellowed, using her hands as a megaphone.

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