My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

Dylan let out a huff, hearing Hanna's voice call them over. Why not, he thought. He was kinda relieved Hanna was yelling at them to come over where her, Leigh, and Yuzuke was. At the moment he didn't want to have this apology session with Emily. As obvious as it seemed, he wasn't the type of person who made up with people so easily. He had so much pride and It felt too soft for Dylan.

He began walking, and shrugged his shoulders as he passed right by Emily with speaking eyes. That time he didn't say a word either. Dylan didn't have to say anything. It was a silent neutral truce without apology, which would at least satisfy Yuzuke for now.
Emily saw the look he gave her as he passed her by. She turned to see Hanna expectantly looking at her to come play, too. As much as she didn't want to let the little girl down, Dahlia and Nelly were probably already waiting for her by now. She was the late one, even though she was the one that had made the plans. It was very unlike her. "Um, maybe next time, okay?" Emily said to Yuzuke's sister. She sincerely hoped that there wouldn't be a next time, but if she mentioned that, Hanna would never be okay with her leaving.
"Ehehe, yup!" Nelly nodded and got out of the car, grabbing her bag as well. "Don't you wanna call her, though? Or maybe just text her. Maybe she's already waiting for us." She let out a quick laugh and crossed her arms, "Maybe she's at a pet shop," she joked, "You know, looking for cats."
Dahlia bust out laughing. "I bet anything that's what happened! She was on her way here and passed that dumb pet shop down the street and went A.D.D on us!! I'm gonna send her a text and totally call her out on it!!" She said. She pulled out her phone as they walked to the building, sending Emily a message.

EMILY!! Where are you? Don't tell me you got distracted by a pet shop or a stray cat somewhere? Nelly and I are already at the mall! Text me when you get this. -Doll

Dahlia hit send, then looked back up at Nelly. "I know that's what happened..." She said. "Well, either way, hope she's okay. It's not like her to just hang up on me like that." She crossed her arms. "So where to first?!"


Emily had finally escaped the group without Hanna attacking her. She'd been sneaky about it, waiting until they were all distracted by the little girl before taking off unnoticed. Her phone rang in her pocket and she pulled it out, seeing the text from Dahlia. She sent a quick text back to her, letting the girls know she was only a few minutes away.

She walked in the mall and wandered around, finally locating Doll and Nelly walking down a corridor full of stores. Dahlia had no doubt been dragging Nelly all over the place this whole time, shopping like her wallet was on fire.

"Hey, guys." She said softly. "Sorry for the delay... I .... Got distracted." She gave a shoulder shrug. She was eager to tell the girls about those slacker guys, but she wanted to enjoy the evening with her two besties before getting back into business.
Dylan looked behind his shoulder. Emily was gone. Hmm...sneaky girl, he thought. He figured she would've left anyway, it's not like their bands were the best of friends. Besides the comments made earlier, Dylan pondered on the reason why she scrammed without a final comeback or a narcissistic swish of her hair. He brushed it off, realizing he shouldn't have been worrying about it anyhow.

Dylan held out his hand toward Yuzuke who held the paddleball. "Let me try next?" Dylan asked.
Nelly laughed, putting a hand on her stomach, and the other one wiping away a tear from laughing. "Oh boy... that sure is a possibility!!" She put both hands on her hips and nodded. "Eh, I'm sure she's alright. We'll find her right away, I know it~! And she'll probably have with her another cat!" The white haired girl giggled and started walking inside. "Let's wander around, maybe we'll bump into Em soon enough." She smirked and winked at Dahlia, "And maybe we'll find a cute guy too!" Nelly giggled, "Just kidding!!"

After being dragged along with her friend around the mall, Nelly grinned cheerfully when she saw Emily. "Em!" She called out, "Gee, finally found you! Hehe, got distracted, huh? Did you find a pet store exposing kittens for sale?" She joked playfully.
Hanna jumped to reach Yuzuke's hand and snatched the paddleball away. Yuzuke was surprised but let her take it away. She put the toy down next to Dylan and scurried back to her book bag. She opened it and pulled three object out. One was a hot pink remote control, the second was a hot pink car with a polly pocket strapped in securely, and a small locket. Yuzuke had thought that each boy was going to get a toy but she scooped it all up and hurried towards Leigh, smiling up at him. Her dimples were deep and her brown eyes lit up as it reflected light off of the kitchen light.

"I got you a gift." She stated.
Dylan picked up the paddleball and lifted the ball in the air, to the point where the string couldn't let it go any further. He released it and started flicking his wrist very sharply and quickly, sort of like the way he played his drums. Dylan was smacking the red ball back into the air each time, yet he looked as bored as ever still. His uncle had taught him this trick when he was little, but Dylan was the type of kid who couldn't be easily amused when it came to toys. He didn't really ask for them, and only used his few toys when there was really nothing else for him to do. But Diana was Dylan's one and most favorite way to pass time, even when he was younger.
Emily blushed a little. "Not really..." She said. Looking at Nelly and Dahlia, she realized she totally couldn't hide things from her two best friends. She let out a sigh. "I was walking home and it just turns out the guy's bassist has a sister. She's ungodly strong and dragged me with her to Leigh's house. Something about wanting to prove their band was the best. Anyway, it took a while, but I finally managed to escape." She rubbed her temples with her fingers. "Dumb me, I should have stuck around. Maybe I could have gotten some important dirty info to totally take them down this weekend at the party. But I just wanted the heck away from there!"
Yuzuke watched Dylan play with the paddleball and inspected his face. He couldn't sense any emotion that said he was fine with what Yuzuke had done. He was afraid that he and his best friend would have a falling out and at school he would be utterly alone. That was a terrifying thought to have, the thought of being lonely when you aren't used to it. The idea that you would no longer have a friend to stick up for you or save you from embarrassment. Not having a friend to make you laugh and keep you company so you don't get that tight feeling in your stomach when others laugh around you and have a good time. No longer having someone to lean on or not having someone to lean on you. Yuzuke knew he was exaggerating but it was hard for someone like him not to. "Good job." He muttered, realizing how silly he must have looked attempting to use the paddleball himself.
"Hmmmm~?" She looked at her with curiosity and widened her eyes in surprise as she told her what happened. "Wh-what?!?! Y-you mean they actually dragged you into their nest!?!?" Nelly let out a soft sigh and crossed her arms in frustration. "Man, to just go and take you with them.. this is kidnapping!!!" She puffed her cheeks, then shook her head and smirked playfully. "Aaaanyway~," she began, "Did you find something interesting about them~?"
The blonde groaned. "Nothing at all, other than Yuzuke has a sister that's obsessed with Leigh, and Dylan likes to be on the roof." She crossed her arms. "I was so worried about getting away without hurting the little girl's feelings that I don't even have any dirty secrets of theirs to tell you guys!!" She frowned.


Dahlia's jaw dropped. "You were there that long and didn't even destroy their stuff! What a shame..." She shook her head sadly. "The kid seemed to like you, maybe she'll drag you back!" She laughed a little at the thought of poor, meek Emily being dragged into the boy's evil lair by an eleven year old girl. "Bet they were totally happy to see you!" She added sarcastically.
"Oh yeah? Thanks, it's not that difficult, really," Dylan replied to Yuzuke. Glancing at him he thought back to when they were younger. They were practically both the same, really. Dylan was a troublemaker pulling his elaborate pranks, and Yuzuke didn't want to get too involved with them and kept hos thoughts to himself most of the time. Dylan has protected his friend for so many years and sometimes got into physical fights himself when he heard people talking shit about Yuzuke. In honesty, Dylan could say their days went by like the way a cloud does, which was fine.

"Try it. Flick your wrist in a steady rhythm," Dylan held out the paddleball to him.
Nelly nodded, agreeing with Dollie. "Doll's right!" She smirked and tilted her head, "Maybe she even put a tracking device on you~, like a spy would do!" She looked at her for a few seconds, then looked away and bursted out laughing. "Juuuuuust kidding!!" However, having a kid to e a spy was a good idea indeed. Maybe if Emily started to befriend that girl, she would get to know the boys better, and then find out any weird secret they might have.
Emily nodded. "I see that plan hatching in your head, Nelly! I don't think I'm the right girl for the job though... Send Dahlia!" She quickly volunteered the cute asian. "Little kids like Doll even more than they like me!" This got a stuck-out-tongue reaction from Dahlia. "Don't make ME go, it's obviously you the freaky little kid wanted around!" She argued back.
Nelly sighed and crossed her arms, "Alright, alright.. no spy kiddo then." She tilted her head and blinked, "By the way, Em, did anything.. weird happen there? I mean between you and the guys?" She grinned mischievously as if making an evil plan, "I mean, you're pretty cute. Did something happen~?"
Emily stammered a little, her face turning red. "I-what? No! Of course not!" She said, waving her arms in front of her defensively. "Nelly, no!! They.... They're our enemies!" She hugged her arms, still blushing. "Don't be weird.." She said quietly.
Leigh looked at the gifts Hanna had presented, "Why thank you! But I can't take all of these, I'll tell you what, how about you just give me the locket and I'll wear it all the time." Leigh added. He didn't want to reject her offer, especially with the cute look she was using, but he had no use for a pink remote control car. Leigh braced himself, if the girl had indeed liked his idea she'd likely drop the car and remote, Leigh was ready to catch them at a moments notice, they looked like they could break easily after all.
Yuzuke took the paddleball from his friend and tried to mimic his movements. After failing a first time, and nearly whacking himself in the head a second time, he managed to get 5 good bounces in. His face lit up and looked at Dylan excitedly. "Did you see that?" He asked, his voice high with enthusiasm. He tried to do it again and stepped closer to Dylan like a child. Just in case he didn't see Yuzuke make some kind of progress. Dylan was a father figure to him at times when he needed one and an older brother figure when he had no older brother to look up for. For that he was grateful but never could voice his feelings the right way.

Hanna nodded and dropped the car and remote with a crash. She flinched as the Polly pocket slid away from the car and then shrugged with that childish carelessness that was prominent in all kids her age. She would pick it up later anyway. She turned back to Leigh and held the locket up. It was a small gold one shaped like a heart. She had only seen these kinds in movies and would not stop bothering her mother for it. Finally the poor woman gave in and Hanna treasured it. One day she decided she no longer had any use for it and stuffed pictures in it to give to Leigh. She had a hard time fitting more than a person's eye in there and settled on drawing a bunny and a guitar with crayon. She held her arms up so she could be returned into Leigh's hold.
Dylan chuckled. "Yeah, why wouldn't I?" he said. He didn't have any idea what it felt like to have a sibling, but if he had to say it, he'd say Yuzuke was like one to him. "Now you're getting the hang of it, yeah?" Dylan had that lopsided smile, except it wasn't devilish, no. It was more like a praising look toward Yuzuke.

Dylan took his hands and put them behind his head as he leaned his weight against a wall. Of course, Dylan wasn't the sort to be kind to most people so easily. But since he knew Yuzuke practically his whole life, his black-haired friend already knew what to expect from Dylan and how he acted. That and the fact Dylan became more loyal. He wasn't simply going to let Yuzuke down after all these years, no.
Nelly giggled and put her hands on her hips, "I know, I know," she said between laughs, "I'm just teasing you~"

But even if she was only teasing... why did Emily sound so defensive over that matter? What did they call it again? Being "tsundere"..? Yeah, something like that. Maybe there was something hidden, something secret she didn't know about, and it probably had to do with the boys from the rival band.
Emily's blush lessened when Nelly said she was only kidding. "Oh, yeah I knew that..." Emily replied. Of course she'd though her friend was being serious. But now that girl was giving an even weirder look to Emilyx like she thought she was hiding something. Emily crossed her arms. In an attempt to get off the subject, she asked the girls, "Where to? The mall closes in two hours."
"Oh, uhmm.." That was a good question! Nelly didn't know a lot about shopping spots, as she usually went to the same stores everytime she wanted to buy anything. "Maybe... I don't know, a cafeteria? What do you guys think?" She tilted her head, still looking at her friends, hoping they would suggest something nice.
Emily giggled a little bit. "A cafeteria?" She asked, tilting her head to the side. "Well if you're hungry we can go to the food court. I imagine Doll probably already wore you out from shopping!"


Dahlia stuck her tongue out at Emily. "I did not!" She exclaimed, but inside she knew it was probably the truth. "Oh well. I could eat, my stomach's been talking my ear off for the past half hour!"
"Ah, n-no, it's alright!" Nelly giggled, looking at Dahlia. She was tired from walking around that mall, yes, but she didn't mind it at all. "But yeah, I guess I'm a little hungry." She scratched her head and blushed when she heard a soft growl from her stomach. Probably she'd go to a vegetarian place, as she didn't like eating meat.

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