My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

"Well then, let's go." Emily said. She walked with the other two to the food court rather than a nice restaurant since she knew all three of them had different tastes. "Pick a table and we'll just meet back there when we all have food." She said. She found a table big enough for them and then headed off to get food from the italian place. Dahlia gave Nelly a smile before heading to the chinese place.
Yuzuke watched the ball bouncing up and down, amazed. He almost felt like he was watching himself do it. It was so surprising that he was actually using a paddleball correctly. When he missed the smile slowly faded to a small lip curl and he put the paddleball back in Hanna's bag. He turned to Dylan, who was leaning back on the wall. His friend seemed at ease and Yuzuke wondered how the argument had ended.

"Sorry about Emily again, my sister is..." He wanted to say bossy but he knew that was going to be rude with her standing right there.
Nelly followed them to the food court. It sure was crowded, but they were lucky to have found a nice table. She flashed a smile at both of them and started heading to a salad restaurant. Many people found her taste for food weird, since she didn't like meat, but she didn't care. She had been a vegetarian since she was small, so she didn't bother not eating meat.
Dylan smirked. "Yeah, I know," he said, already guessing what the word Yuzuke wanted to say but didn't. Emily had slipped his mind until sue was brought up again. The conversation was ended without any words at all, which wouldn't have made much sense saying out loud. "But hey, at least she didn't stay here long. If given the chance we don't know if she would sabotage our stuff or learn our secrets or whatever," Dylan shrugged his shoulders. If anybody had even dared to hurt Diana, it's just crossing the line---he would explode and go on a rage attack. It was something from his childhood, and to him, irreplaceable.

"Hopefully things won't turn to shit like that," Dylan said.
Yuzuke smirked and couldn't help but laugh. "What secrets? Are our band secrets so secretive that even I don't know them?" He asked. He understood what Dylan was trying to say but there was no use bringing up the topic of Emily and the girls band if negative emotions went along with them. Who knows what would happen in the future. While he knew this was technically a kind of betrayal, Yuzuke thought maturely and accepted the idea that the girls may be better than them. Sore losers (who shall remain unnamed) will most likely get violent with the other boys. Playing fairly would save Yuzuke and Leigh the trouble that the sore loser would cause. Oh, yeah, Dylan too. Okay maybe the sore loser does have a name. Yuzuke thought.
Emily got her food and was the first one back to the table. She felt rude eating before everyone else started, so she sipped her drink while waiting on the others to return. For some reason she couldn't get what happened earlier today out of her head. Why had she acted the way she had? She should have never went to begin with, and she shouldn't have given dumb old Dylan the satisfaction of getting her all upset and angry. She let out a sigh. When had things gotten so rough between all of them, anyway? Her thoughts were interrupted by Dahlia returning to the table. Emily gave her a smile as she took a seat across from her.
Nelly came back to the table as well. She had a bowl of salad and a cup of grape juice. "I love eating there, it's not crowded!" she pointed at the direction of the place she had got her food from and grinned. In fact, there were only two people waiting to get their food. Not many people liked salad, and they'd usually eat fast food instead of something like that, so the salad place was always empty.
"Mehhh.... I got a salad, too," Emily said with a grin. She pointed at her plate. "But I also can't resist italian!!" She pointed at the pastas on her plate. Now that everyone was here, she began eating.


Dahlia just shuddered. "Girls, that rabbit food crap is nasty. I'll stick with people food!" She said. Chopsticks in hand, she began gulping down noodled and chicken soaked in who knows what kind of weird sauce. Grinning, she looked back up after a few bites. "I vote we hit a movie. And before that, I vote we start working on this-here band name! We only have a couple days before the party, and we can't have them announce us like, 'and here's... That one band!' We need a real name!!"
Nelly laughed at the 'rabbit food' comment before eating her salad. She was used to that reaction, so she didn't even mind it. "Oh!" she began, "You're right! We have to choose a name for our band!!" It really was a good point, since they were going to show themselves soon. It's not like they could be an annonymous band. They had to have a name, and a good name! "Something cool, badass but cute as well."
"And something to do with cats," Emily said very softly, obviously trying not to be heard.

The comment from Emily was just a little too loud, and made Dahlia burst into a fit of giggles. "You were right!" She told Nelly. "This chick is so predicable." She looked at Emily with a joking expression.

"Ok, ok, it doesn't have to involve cats, I suppose." Emily said grumpily, crossing her arms. "But you're right Nelly, it should be a totally awesome name that puts our competition to shame! But cute at the same time."
"I knew it!!!" Nelly giggled and crossed her arms. "Hehe, I knew you'd suggest something about cats. Well, maybe we can pick something about cats that is cool and cute..? Do you guys have any suggestions?" She tilted her head and looked at both girls, as if expecting a name. "Any suggestion is welcome!" Nelly wasn't the brightest person when it came to picking a name for something. She was good for picking names for horses, but that's all.
Dahlia crossed her arms. "I'm terrible at this stuff!" She exclaimed. She and Emily both went quiet for a while, trying to think. Emily was usually too shy to mention anything, even if it was really good, and Dahlia wasn't good at coming up with things on the spot. She was more of a "think about it over night" person. Emily picked at her penne pasta, wondering if she could somehow work cats into the title. Dahlia, not quite as concerned about the cat part, was more interested in finding a badass name.
"Hmm.... let's see..." Nelly held her chin and frowned in thought, "Maybe we could use the name of a big cat? Like tigers, or mountain lions..... I don't know." She looked at Emily and pointed at her. "You're the one good with cats! Can you think of a name from a big cat kind?" It would be pretty badass if it was something like that, but she needed the approval of her friends first.
Emily thought for a moment. "Well, lions, bobcats, tigers, cheetahs, leopards.." She started naming off big cats. Dahlia shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. Then, Emily went into a babbling spree, naming off cutesy names that had different cat words in them, along with random crap she threw out. "Uhh, Cobalt Kitten, Quantum Kittens, Lovely Disgrace, Femmes Fatales, Kalypso Kitty, Broken Dolls, Drop-dead Gorgeous, Nelly and the Fat-Cats," Dahlia let out a huge giggle at this one, more amused than anything by Emily's ramblings.

Emily inhaled to start up again, and Dahlia leaped across the table to cover her mouth. "Uh, good suggestion, Em. But Nelly and I can't get a word in edgewise. Okay, Nelly, what you got for us?"

(( [MENTION=4322]NellyAngelhive[/MENTION] ))
"Ah, you knew what I meant," Dylan said to his bass-playing friend. There weren't any words at all that ended the argument between him and Emily. Dylan didn't really feel like talking about it either, sometimes arguments filled with sharp comebacks and saracastic tones even drained out his energy every once in a while. Plus, it was a strange thing the way neither of them had something mean to say to each other before walking away. Dylan just felt like forgetting that for now and to just kick back to retain his collected side.

"Are you and Leigh up for some video games later at my place? Or do you still gotta babysit the little one over there?" Dylan nodded his head to his left, gesturing to Hanna.
"Count me in!" Leigh added. He was kind of a geek when it came to MMO's(not so much now) on the computer, but he's never had a proper console and thought he'd probably end up leaving the band and living in a cave with it if he did get one. Leigh picked Hanna up and helped her get the necklace on. He looked at the golden heart and opened it, the picture pulled a smile to his face. Leigh took another loud slurp of his diet cola, finishing the can which was starting to get warm, crushed the can and placed it in the half full bin not far from their old electric oven.
Hanna could feel her little heart beat faster as a smile formed on Leigh's face. Her mind raced with different thoughts and she went numb, unable to think and sunk into his hold. She pressed her ear into his shoulder and looked at her brother from this spot. Yuzuke shrugged. He was never really into video games, and whenever he did bother to play them he usually failed...terribly. He would still come because his friends were there and his shame would bring them a good laugh. Hanna, on the other hand, perked up when Dylan mentioned the video and bumped her forehead into Leigh's chin. She ignored the contact, even though it kinda hurt, and smiled.

"I wanna play, please don't make me go home!" She begged.
Dylan squinted his eyes as Hanna insisted that she come along. He was debating whether or not to agree about bringing her. Just like Dylan, this young girl attracted some trouble---despite her looks. It looked like the descision was going to affect Dylan most, since this video game session would take place at his house. He put in his vote. "Alright, kid, as long as you don't break any of my stuff then you're good," Dylan said. "Got that?" he ruffled Hanna's hair a bit. I might have to kick myself in the ass tomorrow if this kid actually does, he thought. "Hope you can handle the games I got though," Dylan added. He might just have to check them over when they got there, for a game that still had action but was bloodless.

"What's say you guys? You want to bring Hanna along?" he turned to Leigh and Yuzuke.
"Hmmm..." Nelly thought for a while, and tilted her head. "Well, I like Cobalt Kittens and Quantum Kittens.... but.... let's see, for my suggestion.. I don't know, Untamable Girls?" She suggested, remembering the horses and how some of them were untamable. Right, it wasn't such a cute name, but it was still something! It came out of her mind, and she just suggested it randomly. "Or maybe Untamable Kittens..? Whaddya think?"
Dahlia raised her hand. "Oh, oh! I have to make suggestions, too!" She giggled a little, glad it was her turn. "Normally I'm really bad at this stuff, but we're all in this band together and so we should all contribute. Although, I really loved the Quantum Kittens, and Femmes Fatales. Plus, we are totally untameable, so we gotta work that in! But Kittens are pretty tameable, so that might seem contradictory. Emily suggested Tiger stuff, maybe 'Tigers Untamed' or.... 'Wild Kittens'!" She laughed a little. She knew her suggestions weren't wonderful, but would feel left out if she didn't have any input. "What are synonyms for 'untamed'?" She asked. "If nothing else, it should sound cute. Maybe two words starting with the same letter."
"I don't mind!" Leigh added. Leigh placed Hanna down noticing some of her toys, he gathered them all together, including that devilish stick of gum, and turned to Hanna "Can I put these back in your bag?" Leigh asked.
"Haha, good ones!" Nelly giggled and tilted her head, "Hmmm... synonyms for untamable..? Wild is kinda one.. unstoppable.. not a synonym, but it's got a similar idea.." She crossed her arms and sighed. Damn, thinking about a name was harder than she thought! But if they mixed up their ideas... "Um... um... Charming Cheetas?" Nelly frowned a bit and waited for her friends' reactions.
Dahlia giggled. "We'll figure something out. I never knew it would be so hard." She said. She picked at her food some more and finally stood up to throw away her trash. "I'll just be happy knowing our songs are awesome enough to kick the guys butts at the party! Who needs to worry about a fancy name when you play awesome music, right?" Emily nodded in agreement, threw her trash away, and then they waited for Nelly to finish up.
"Right?" Nelly finished her meal and went to the trash as well to throw away the leftovers. "Well, yeah. We'll show them who's the boss!!" She threw a fist up in the air in a victorious motion and grinned at the girls, "Even though a name is important, I'm sure we'll figure out something by the day of the show." The girl looked at her friends and tilted her head, "Alright, where to now?"
Emily smiled and nodded, simply going along with whatever the other two said. Nelly finished her food and the girls stood up, ready to go somewhere else. "I wonder what movies are playing?" She asked quietly. She was so focused on throwing out band names that she'd forgotten exactly where they were.

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