My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

Nelly smirked, "Maybe there's a scaaary movie~~" she said in a spooky voice. She had always been a fan of scary movies, well, all creepy things for that matter. The Exorcist, The Ring... she loved all of those. All she wondered was if Emily and Dahlia would agree to watch a scary movie with her. Probably not. Meh, might as well watch a Disney Pixar movie, that'd be good too.. Or a comedy! Comedies were great as well!
Emily flinched when Nelly mentioned a scary movie. She'd always been a huge fraidy cat, and that would probably never change. But she hadn't ever told anyone that she didn't like them. She was afraid that they would make fun of her. Dahlia let out a huge grin. "I love scary movies!" She shouted. "Great Idea, Nells!" She smiled and looked over at Emily for input. Emily put on a fake smile and nodded. "Sounds good to me, too. I like scary movies. I wonder what's playing..."
Nelly blinked in surprise. So they actually agreed with her?!? Well, amazing! In fact.. she'd never expected Emily to agree with that, but since she did, then why not?? "Let's see... Hmmmm... I think there are some movies with zombies.." she frowned and crossed her arms, "But zombie movies are boring.. I mean, they're nice, but not that scary! I think ghost movies are the best! Like Paranormal Activity!"
Dahlia nodded. "I've seen all of those! They're totally scary! The new one just came out, we should totally go for it." She grinned practically ear to ear. Emily gave a small smile as well. She could stand a scary movie on rare occasion if there wasn't much gore involved. She was just glad it wasn't a zombie flick. Though she hadn't seen any of the previous ones and hoped she wouldn't be left out of some continuing plotline. She'd probably cover her eyes half the movie anyway....

Doll led the way to the theater, which was luckily attached to the mall so they didn't have to drive elsewhere. "Three please!" She asked, telling the person in the booth what movie and time they wanted. "My treat, guys." She said, looking back at the others and handing them their tickets. "Popcorn time!" Emily smiled at Dahlia, poking her tummy. "You're an endless pit!" She said to Dahlia. "No fair, you don't even gain weight from eating so much..."
Hanna nodded, honored that Leigh would do such a kind thing for her. She took her brother's hand and squeezed his finger, excitement rushing through her. She had never been allowed to play with the "big boys" for this long and she promised herself she was going to make it the best day she ever had. She would follow the rules while bending them just enough to have fun and not cross the line. "You don't have to worry about me. You might need to save the scary games for Yuzuke though."

Yuzuke was going to protest, and opened his mouth to do so, but he closed it again. He was a wimp, it was true. There was no use denying it.
Dylan forgot to consider the fact Yuzuke was easily scared by his horror-themed video games. "Oh yeah, kid. And along with not breakin' my stuff, do not 'accidentally' overwrite my save files," he frowned. It was one of Dylan's worst worst pet peeves, when either someone or himself accidentally overwritten a file on a video game he owned, and had to re-progress through a lot. Hanna was nothing hut trouble, and Dylan could smell it. He was really going to regret letting her into her house. She might just break the television and blame it on Yuzuke---but of course that blame would never convince Dylan.

"So are we set?" he asked them.
Nelly grinned, "It did?? Oh, we should totally see it then!!" She giggled and followed her friends, so they could watch the movie. No matter how gory it was, Nelly would always like to see a horror movie. She liked spooky things a lot.

When they arrived the movie theater, Nelly smiled at the posters placed all over the place. "So many good movies.. but we''ve already decided~!" She put both hands on her hips and tilted her head, "Your treat? Why, thank you! How nice of you!" She giggled and looked at the popcorn stand, "Heh, you're gonna eat again?!? Woah. I do wonder how you keep your shape!!"
Dahlia grinned and bought a bag of popcorn, beginning to munch on the buttery snack immediately. "It's a gift from the Gods she said dramatically. Giggling, she led the way to the room their movie was showing in. "This better be so scary I pee my pants!" She said jokingly. Plopping down in a seat, she looked around. "There's hardly anyone here! This movie better not suck!!"

Emily quietly followed her friends inside. She was glad the theater was mostly vacant; she'd hate for a ton of people to see her reaction to the movie. She took a seat on the opposite side of Dahlia, leaving a seat for Nelly.
Nelly crossed her arms and pouted in a childish manner, "Aw, no faaaair!!" She had never been the type of eating unhealthy stuff, specially because she was a vegetarian, but some tasty stuff like popcorn or sweets were awesome sometimes! And as a regular girl, she couldn't eat much because she'd become fat. The only fat she needed was in her chest, only there. Upon entering the place, she looked around and let out a whistle. "Woah. Probably so scary that people don't want to come." She laughed and sat next to Emily, "This'll probably be good~!"
Emily nodded shyly. "Yeah, I'm sure it'll be... Great..." She said, shrinking back into her padded seat. She watched as the commercials came and went, waiting for the dreaded moment when the lights would dim...

Dahlia munched some more of the popcorn. "You guys want some?" She asked, holding it out to her friends. She watched the previews as well, deciding aloud which ones she wanted to see and which she didn't.
Nelly smirked and crossed her arms. She expected a scary movie, and when she meant scary, she meant really scary. That would be good. She looked at Dahlia and shook her head, "No, thanks. I'm already full!" She giggled, then looked back at the screen, waiting for the movie. The previews were a good thing, she thought, they were somewhat entertaining... kind of.
((Okay, Uncultured wants us to do a time skip, so let's try to wrap it up and skip ahead ^_^ ))

Emily hid her face nearly the entire movie. Afterwards, she sulked out of the theater with her friends, totally embarrassed. "It was scarier than I thought it would be," she said, still not admitting her phobia of the genre. "Well, I'll text you guys. I'm gonna head home and practice..." She smiled and waved as she started the short walk back to her nearby home.

Dahlia grinned and threw away her trash as they exited. "That was great!" She said giddily. She said her goodbyes to Em and led Nelly to her car, ready to take the other girl home. "Don't worry," she said. "I'm sure we'll come up with a band name by then too!" She climbed into the driver's seat and started the vehicle. As she pulled up to Nelly's house to drop her off, she looked over at her friend. "We got this." She said with a look of pure determination on her face. "By the way, my favorite was Quantum Kitten.... But don't tell Emily. It's totally embarrassing, but it IS a cute name.... I'll see you at the party, chicky!" She grinned, totally ready to take on the guys Friday night.

((Okay, y'all can post and respond and all that but I'm going to stop responses until everyone's on the same page. Well, at the party, I mean :3 ))
Nelly had enjoyed the movie as well. "It was indeed great!" She said cheerfully, then said bye to Emily and followed Dahlia to the car. With a confident nod, she held a fist close to her chest. "Yeah, we'll decide an awesome name!" Nelly grinned. She was confident that their band would rock. She entered the car and looked at Dahlia, nodding once again. Her friend's favorite name was indeed a good choice, and it was pretty cute! After being dropped off at her house, she thanked Dahlia and smiled confidently as well. "Alright! Let's do this, girl~!"
Leigh walked his guests out of the house and turned off all the lights and made sure there were no amps left on. He was excited to be hanging out with his friends some more and was ready to go.

((I'm ready for a time skip.))
((Yeah, I'm ready too))

Dylan pulled out his car keys. "Let's head out on the road, then," he smiled, walking out with Yuzuke, Leigh and Hanna to the truck. Some gaming session didn't seem so bad, hopefully this small girl wouldn't make Dylan throw a fit. I'm too nice around kids... he thought.
(Alrighty :D Skip away!)

Friday night rolled around quickly. Emily hadn't heard much from the other girls, but she figured they had been practicing just as much as she had. Emily's parents loaded her amp and guitar in the car, and her mother drove her over to the party where Dahlia stood outside, waiting. "Hey, Doll," she said with a smile, getting her things from the hatchback of the vehicle. She thanked her mom for dropping her off and watched as the car pulled away. Dahlia had come over earlier to set up her drums. "We're on right after the guys," Dahlia said. "Have you seen Nelly? I haven't heard from her all day." Dahlia asked. Emily responded with a simple shake of her head and shouldered the gig bag that contained her guitar. "I haven't heard anything either." She replied. Dahlia carried the amp inside for Emily and helped her get it all set up. "Should we call her?" Emily asked as soon as they were finished. "The guys will be going on any time now, and we won't be able to hear over them to call her." Dahlia nodded and Em whipped out her cell, calling Nelly.

(( [MENTION=4322]NellyAngelhive[/MENTION] ))
The stage was small and the crowd was nothing compared to the gigs some of Leigh's idols played for, but most bands started out like this and if Leigh learned anything from the interviews he's read and watched, it's that he should enjoy these small gigs because if the band kicks off, none of the band will be seeing them again. Leigh rushed around getting his amp ready and making sure Junior looked ready to please, he started to guess that he was just doing so much to keep himself distracted so that the anxiety would stop.

Leigh stood to the side of the stage ready to march to his position, but they still had a few minutes. "So just to confirm, what song should we do? I think Wrong ​suits this setting." Leigh muttered.
"Definitely," Dylan agreed as he stood by Leigh. "This party is sick. Just look around this manor and the people. This family has it nice," he said. "Just imagine guys. An M.C pronouncing our names to the crowd and they get all hyped and excited," he smiled. Deepening his voice a little, and adding the dramatic effect in his words, Dylan said, "Now, approaching the stage is a new group of musicians, here in our town. They've got talent, they don't mess around, and their music kicks ass. Give it up for Black Crow!" he then put a hand to his forehead as he laughed. Of course, Dylan wasn't too loud to attract all attention. He was simply joking, and easing up the mood.

"But really guys, let's give this our A-game. I know we will," Dylan added.
Nelly picked up her phone, "Hey!" she said, smiling behind the phone. "Sorry, I'm a little late. I asked a friend of mine to drop me there, but he got a little late. We're almost there, though." she said. Indeed it was true, they didn't last long until they arrived. The man helped her to get the guitar. "Sorry for the wait!" she said with a goofy grin and scratched the back of her head.
Dahlia grinned when she saw Nelly's friend pull up to drop her off. "We were getting worried! We each only get one hour to win over the crowd! The guys are going on in about 15 minutes, I think." She explained what was going on to fill the guitarist in. "We got this, though, right?" She grinned goofily. "But uh... We still don't have a name for our band! Geez, we're always late with this stuff. Time won't wait for us to catch up, I guess..." She let out an exasperated sigh.
"Right." Nelly nodded and crossed her arms. A name, right? Hmm... a hard choice indeed, and they didn't have the time to think too much about it. However, that was the only problem. They had practiced a lot for that moment, and Nelly knew they were ready. "Well then..." she began, "We thought about the cute but badass cat related name, right? Let's see..." She frowned in thought and closed her eyes. That sure was a tough decision.. "What about.. Lionhearted Girls? I don't know..."
"What about just LionHeart?" Emily chimed in. She shrugged a little. "It's cute, has cats, and it's short, sweet and to the point." She smiled the tiniest bit.
"Hmm." Nelly raised her eyebrows and tilted her head a bit, "LionHeart, huh..." she grinned and made a thumbs up in approval, "Sounds nice! What do you think, Doll?"

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