My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

Emily smiled at Carol. Though the two of them were good friends, Carol was more of Nelly's pal than Emily's. The two of them only just met when the band formed. They were getting closer as time went on, but Nelly could never be replaced. Not even close. She let the two talk as she zoned out, always in her own world as usual. Thinking about cats, no doubt. She snapped out of it when she heard them talking about practicing more, and that brought a grin to her face. She was always up for more playing. Plus she'd left her bass in the music room, might as well play a little when she went to retrieve it.
"It's gotta sound badass, no doubt. So they think we sound cool even before we play," he said. Dylan isn't a very creative person when it comes to conjuring up titles or names, so Leigh's question made him brainstorm for ideas. He looked out the window and saw his truck, of a jet black color. His heart was the only thing inside his body keeping him alive, so... "What about...Black Heart for a band name. What's the first thing you think of when you hear a band called Black Heart, hm? It sounds like a rock band to me," Dylan said. "But throw in a suggestion so we can vote or something,"
"Yeah, it's a good suggestion, we should make a list and eliminate what we don't want." Leigh replies as he pulls his wallet from his pocket. He opens the old leather wallet pulling out several folded notes of old and sometimes torn paper along with a penis that had been sharpened down to nearly a fifth of it's original length. He then sorted through the notes, most containing failed(In his opinion) lyrics and a rare few containing some pretty sappy and pretty dark poems(Those he dealt with hiding quickly) until he found a note with only the corner filled out with a date he had written out a few months back. Leigh would often come up with ideas on the go and after usually forgetting them he picked up the habit of storing notes in a spare pocket of his wallet. Leigh wrote 'Black Heart' at the top and began to ponder his own suggestions, but being his toughest critic none he could think of were worth mentioning.
Yuzuke exhaled heavily in thought. He wondered how past bands came up with their snappy titles and thought provoking lyrics. He also wondered how many were naturals at this and how many had just as hard a time as other people. One thing that always interested people were the supernatural. He thought harder. There was already a band called Incubus, a male ghost that had sexual intercourse with sleeping women, and they obviously couldn't call themselves Succubus because that was basically the Incubus's female counterpart. Blushing at this rejected idea, he began to think along the lines of mythology and cleared his throat. "I'm not sure if this has been taken before, but how about Pandora's box?" He offered, his voice trailing off as rejection occurred to him.
Dylan hadn't looked too much into Greek mythology but he only knew a few things about it. Like the story of Pandora's box. The other ones were vague to him. One thing he definitely knew about Greek mythology, was that the family tree of gods and goddesses held a lot of inbreeds. "Sure, why not. That one can be a choice," Dylan answered. Dylan liked the nighttime, so perhaps he could incorporate that somehow into a band name. "Ihave another one. Night Glass...hell, I dunno," he chuckled. The waitress arrived and brought them their plates of food. Dylan's mouth watered behind his lips as he looked down at his beef sirloin, just asking for him to eat. Dylan picked up his knife and fork, hungry for his medium-rare meat. "Dig in, guys,"
"Yes well it wasn't my fault," Carol said as if she was trying to defend herself. She then smiled and shook her head, jabbing her friend lightly with the end of one of them. "Hey missy you've gotten in trouble as well. Besides it was my first detention in a while. I've been a good girl."

Carol just laughed at herself. She knew how she was. She tapped on of her drumsticks on the table as she nodded. "Well now that I am here we can play all together. We need to get good so we can kick the boy's butts." She grinned wickedly. "Not that we don't already."
Leigh quickly wrote the two new suggestions down then put the note to the center of the table with the pencil to clear room for his food. Leigh happily dug in to his meal all the while thinking of suggestions, the guys were coming up with great suggestions and Leigh was yet to contribute, Leigh began to ponder something and after taking a gulp of his lemonade he pushed forward the question: "So guys, are either of you religious? I mean we go to a Catholic school, but do any of you take the word of the bible seriously?" Leigh's question came from his own curiosity and an idea for a suggestion of the bands name, he was sure to ask to ensure he doesn't blurt out something that could cause debate or unease among the band.
"I guess you could say...I'm neutral," Dylan answered, one side of his cheek already full. "I guess. I hate all the strict shit, yeah, but ah...dunno," he shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't ever able to explain it too clearly. To him, it was a matter of indifference, and caring a little. He jabbed his straw against the table so the paper could rip off. Dylan scrunched up the paper tightly, and it turned out shaped like a accordion. Dylan dipped the straw in his cherry Cola and put a drop of soda on the paper, watching it move like a caterpillar. This was something he always did as a child.
Yuzuke grinned towards Leigh. "Are you kidding? I don't even think you need to ask for Dylan. I'm only there because my dad says it's a good school..." He wanted to add Asian dads but said it in his head as he inspected the piece of meat he had cut. He turned it around on his fork and inspected it. Flashes of the documentary he watched as a child flashed through his head like a horror movie. Hanging the animals upside down, the grinding, the inhuman squawks and groans. A shiver ran up Yuzuke's spine and he gingerly placed the meat in his mouth, chewing longer than he should have and holding back a disgusted expression. He swallowed like he was swallowing a pill that wouldn't budge and gave a smile weakly, a tear forming in the corner of his eye as the food cut his throat.
"Hmm, well I was thinking a band title that hints at rebellion against religion might sound nice. I guess my first suggestion would be 'Working on the Sabbath', you know how some bands have those cool longish names and usually are abbreviated though 'WotS' sounds a bit iffy. I'll chuck it on the list when I'm finished eating." Leigh bites in to his ribs than trades back to his chips. The chef had added a generous helping of chips and Leigh looked at it with doubt, his eyes slid to his stomach and he began to think if he was capable of holding the meat AND the all the chips in his stomach with out taring his stomach. Of course the thought was absurd but it humored him. Leigh looks up to Yuzuke noticing the look on his face, he began feeling unsure again but took asking again, "Are you alright Yuzuke?".
Dylan turned his eyes from cutting his sirloin to Yuzuke, agreeing with Leigh. He noticed his friend was eating his dish longer than he was supposed to. "Meat too chewy for you?" Dylan questioned. It would be a shame if it were, Cerulean Wolf has not disappointed Dylan yet when it comes to their food. "We can ask for it to be taken back, if that's the case," he added, taking a sip from his cherry Cola.
Yuzuke shook his head quickly and smiled. "It's really good." Yuzuke said, fighting back a rasp with almost inhuman willpower. He tried to change the subject and worked on another piece of meat. "I like your idea, Leigh. I mean the whole long title thing like Panic At The Disco or Blood On The Dance Floor. Those guys are good and a mouthful."

When it came to coming up with a name like that, though, he had nothing.
Dylan has heard of the two bands Yuzuke mentioned, but didn't bother listening to them. "Well, I got nothing for clunky names like those," Dylan said to them. "Though it has to be done, this is a pain," he rubbed at his shoulder like it ached when it really didn't. Dylan distinguished the scent of perfume cutting through the air of roasting meat. A very pretty girl who caught his eye, was passing by their table. "You guys see something beautiful? Must be in front of our table," Dylan said it directed to his friends but purposefully made his voice loud enough for the girl to hear. She turned at winked at him, then continued walking along in those knee-high heel boots. A moment passed as Dylan watched her leave, and he looked back to the guys. "Sorry, what were we doing?" Dylan asked, smiling because he was simply joking.
Leigh wipes around his mouth with a napkin leaving bones and half of the generous helping of chips on his plate, he pushed it forward and drank the last of his Lemonade then let out a long, satisfying sigh at the end. "If you guys want any chips, go for it! Don't worry, I've been vaccinated." Leigh said at an attempt of humor. He pulled the paper over and wrote down his suggestion and began to think of more like it, ideas popped in to his mind for band names but he continually shot them down as stupid. Leigh thought about the book in the bible that he hated the most and the answer was pretty clear; Leviticus. "Loathing Leviticus..." Leigh spouted. He thought about it for a moment and wrote it down. The title of a band was pretty much the prefix of their performance in the eyes of the unknowing audience, Leigh wondered what type of image the other guys wanted over all.
"I can imagine you on one of those daytime television talk shows one day," Yuzuke said to Dylan, grabbing food off of Leigh's plate. He was grateful his friend had offered it because he had already gone through half of his meal in agonizing pain.

"Some girl doesn't know who the father of her baby is and another is absolutely positive it's you."

Even though it was only a joke Yuzuke had remembered all of the girlfriends Dylan had growing up. Those were sad times for him because if he ever did tag along with Dylan and his girlfriend he would be an awkward third wheel. At first some of Dylan's relationships ended this way and once Yuzuke caught on he distanced himself from Dylan whenever there was another girl in the picture. He leaned back and sat cross legged in the booth.

"How about you, Leigh. What's your dating status look like?" He asked.
"Uh huh." Nelly grinned and placed a hand on her hip, tilting her head slightly. "Well, it's alright. You're a good player after all, so I'll forgive you~" She said in a teasing manner. Of course she'd forgive her for simply being late for a practice day.

"So then, let's go to the music room already, shall we? Our instruments are waiting for us~~" Nelly said and sprinted towards the music room, not even waiting for Carol's answer.

((Sorry for the late reply! I was waiting for Legend to reply and ended up falling asleep x.x))
((lol it's ok. I wasn't trying to sound rude. I just don't have a life so I just get bored of waiting too easily lol))

And Nelly was gone. Emily was the one with a ton of sugar in her system, but Nelly was always the excited one. Emily looked at Carol and sighed a little with a smile on her face before trailing behind Nelly to the music room.
Leigh took Yuzuke's question in realizing he didn't think about it much himself. "I'm not much of the dating type... I don't really see myself as the right type to get in to that whole 'coupled' scene just yet." Leigh replied. Leigh always thought that he couldn't get in to that side of things because of how fractured his life is at home, he has always had his issues with his family and he didn't want to bring someone else in on to that. "Well, actually I had a girlfriend once, It would be nearly two years ago now. I won't deny it felt pretty awesome to be with someone you really liked and having them want to be with you too. But it just really wasn't the right time for me so things ended pretty quickly." Leigh stated with a faint smile remembering the good times he shared with her. Leigh really was the sappy type deep down, a feature most guys don't like to show but Leigh wasn't one for lying or hiding those types of things.
((Guys, one of the tags for this role play is cat. Dammit Emily! xD !))

Yuzuke could almost reach out and feel the depression, so he lid closer to Leigh. He pat him on the arm kindly and smiled at him. "Don't worry about it, one day you'll find a nice girl. You'll date the hell out of her, marry her so hard and then raise the f*ck out of your kids." Yuzuke was shocked that those words had left his mouth and not Dylan's. The meat must be doing something to me. He thought and snatched Leigh's plate, going back to his spot and pushing his food away. Yuzuke honestly didn't think he would ever get married because he would probably faint before getting down on one knee, or forget english and say his vows in Japanese.
Dylan nodded. "You'll find your girl," he said to Leigh. He himself hasn't been in a relationship for a while, he stopped getting interested in them. Though Dylan may flirt sometimes, but that's for a little fun. Dylan never thought of a serious relationship---it hadn't occured to him because he simply didn't care for them and he knew he wouldn't encounter one, being the way he is. Dylan took a chip and popped it in his mouth, the crispy snack breaking under his teeth. "I know I've basically stopped with the whole dating thing. It isn't something I need,"
Yuzuke's comment bought a smile to Leigh's face "Thanks for the kind words guys.". Leigh slid his hand down his pocket pulling out his wallet once more and places it on the table in front of him. Tapping his fingers on the leather wallet he looked around the restaurant with it's pleasing odors and stylish look, Leigh enjoyed spending time here; it was the type of scene that brought back memories of his early family life when his Step-Father and Mother weren't at each others throats they would take him to places like this often. "So, what should we do after this?" Leigh asked, the only activities he could think of usually involves walking to some damp park, laying on the grass and cloud gazing like he often did when he was alone.
"You got me on that one," Dylan answered to Leigh. "I dunno, actually. I was hoping you guys knew," he said, helping himself to another chip. He didn't feel like going home just yet, it seemed like a boring thing to do. And plus, Dylan is a night owl and he loves everything about nighttime. Hanging out with his two friends was good enough, which in Dylan's head, definitely sounded too sappy for him. Since neither he or Leigh had ideas for what they should do after exiting this restaurant, Dylan's eyes automatically turned to Yuzuke.

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