My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

(Sorry for the delay posting. Don't kick me out just yet.)

Carol hummed softly to herself as she tapped her drumstick alongside the wall. She made an emphatic "uff" she she banged it against a door's window. She laughed to herself when she heard a noise from somewhere. Someone didn't sound too pleased. Not that it mattered to Carol. She hated this place anyways. Break a window, get suspended. She wish she could do that.

But it would only lead to problems and she didn't want to put up with her parents nagging at her. She made her way to the music room, still tapping her drumsticks along the wall.

"Sorry I'm late," she said to an apparently empty room. She frowned. Had they practiced and then left without her? Oh well. She moved to the drumset that was in the room and started playing softly on it, trying to play a song she had heard a few days ago. It had a really good drum beat to it.
Nelly looked at Emily and shrugged. "Not sure." She grinned and threw a fist up in the air victoriously, "But I bet they're not half as good as we are!" She smiled and took another sip of her juice. Nelly wasn't the fighting type, and she really didn't enjoy that competition between them and the boys, but she couldn't do anything about it since everyone wanted to see which was the best band. So then, be it. But surely she wouldn't let the boys win just because she was an easygoing girl. She wanted herself and her friends to win if there was a competition!
Emily smiled and finished her food. "I guess I'm not all that concerned about it, just so long as we come out on top that is." She giggled a little and downed her overly-caffeinated beverage. Standing up, she crossed the room and tossed her trash away, returning to Nelly. "Now what?" She asked. There sure wasn't much to do around here. Then again, there were no classes today so they could always leave now that they'd finished practicing.
Leigh looked at the flyer with a grin, he was happy that the band was going to play but as always, the thought of playing in front of people made him feel a bit ill. He wanted nothing more than to play in front of huge crowds, so it not for the band than even for himself he was going to push past the anxiety he suffered. "Excellent, any ideas on what we should play?" Leigh asked pondering the thought himself. He wasn't sure on how many songs they'd be playing but these types of things didn't give too much stage time, he was thinking a cover of one of Nirvana's songs might give their band the image they wanted among the likely small crowd they'll be playing for, but he hated the idea of people thinking that they're just a cover band as well.
"You see, that's the issue. I'm not sure what song we should do, but we have plenty of time to decide," Dylan said. "This'll be a piece of cake, guys. You'll see," Dylan never really had a problem with stage fright, it didn't feel like it was in his blood. In fact he thought it was a good thing whenever they could snag a gig where there were more people to watch, it gave them the opportunity to show the crowd how good a band they were.

There was a slow-moving vehicle in front of them. "What's this idiot even doing..." Dylan muttered under his breath. He moved to the left, but the car blocked his path. Dylan frowned, furrowing his brows. He steered the truck to the right, but was barricaded again. Dylan speeded up and managed to get to the side of the slow vehicle. "Hey, bastard!" Dylan yelled through the open window, flipping off the driver.
Leigh thought hard about the songs they already knew how to play well when the thought of making a new song come to mind, the idea of playing something new with the band at a gig sounded awesome. His thoughts quickly trailed back to the fret he missed during their jam earlier which lead to the thought of stuffing up on stage, he dreaded the idea which made him feel uncomfortable. His thought path was broken by the truck slowing down, he looked at the car in front of them that did what it could to prevent them from passing. Dylan yelled to the driver and in Leigh's mind Dylan was in the right, the drivers attempt to prevent their pass was uncalled for and rude.
Dylan rolled his eyes, and grunted through his nose. He passed the vehicle who had just annoyed the hell out of him in a matter of moments. "I swear, these stupid drivers really don't know shit of what they're doing," Dylan shook his head. To clear that out of his mind, Dylan brought up more important topics that concerned their upcoming gig. "I'm thinking of a new song to perform for the crowd at the party," he eased the irritation on his left cheek by scratching it with his index finger. "Yuzu, Leigh. What do you think,"
His band mates words were coming out in slow mumbles that didn't concern Yuzuke very much. He was too busy looking out of the window in thought. He was brought back into reality with Dylan's yelling and he cringed as Dylan's middle finger was shot towards someone in the car next to them. Yuzuke stared out the window and hoped to catch the man's eyes. He was staring at the boys with his eyebrows set and a look of shock as he yelled unintelligible obscenities towards them. When Yuzuke finally caught his eye he held up a hand and mouthed an apology. Yuzuke couldn't hear the man but according to what he was mouthing he was telling Yuzuke to something to himself and Yuzuke pressed his back into his seat and looked down at his hands.

"We should play a song we made... or not its your choice." Yuzuke offered. There were only two songs that the boys had made themselves and only one could be played without too many mistakes but it was better than nothing.
"Hm..." Dylan shrugged his shoulders at Yuzuke's suggestion. "Maybe, Yuzu. Maybe," he added. They would only have two choices for this gig, which was something Dylan didn't like because he hated having to choose between a number if things. He liked finding ways around one thing. Dylan spotted the Cerulean Wolf restaurant, and parked the truck into a free space. "Well, guys," he stopped the car engine and stepped out, sliding the keys into his pocket. "I'm ready for some barbecue!"
"Yup!" Nelly agreed with a nod. "Well..." She took another sip of the juice before speaking, "Should we check for the drummer? Maybe she is late for the practice? She didn't show up today, but what if she show up later today?" She tilted her head, sipping on the juice again. Nelly was concerned about the other band member, she didn't want her to feel forgotten or left out. It was true that she didn't have a strong bond with her like she had with Emily yet, after all Nelly had known her for ages, but regardless, she was still a member of the group.
Leigh took delight in the idea of eating. "Yuzuke is probably right. But I'd like to hear what you've got for a new song when we jam next." Leigh stated. Leigh walked in to the restaurant and the smell of BBQ filled his nose, his mouth began to water as he looked for a free table and took a seat. Thoughts of a song choice were no longer dominating his mind instead he was thinking about a meal choice, it seemed like the perfect time to relax and he planned on doing just that. "So how have you guys been doing lately? Been getting any trouble from the tight asses at school?" Leigh asked curiously try to set a relaxed mood.
Dylan smirked. "Well you know me. I nearly got in trouble for sabotaging one of the nun's chairs. And apparently, laughing out loud makes you the culprit," he replayed the scene where the chair collapsed under the nun's weight. It was still pretty funny in his mind, so he snickered softly. "Fortunately, my uncle bailed me out," he added as his eyes skimmed the menu. Dylan's uncle actually knew he performed the prank, but the man simply acted like his nephew had nothing to do with it, and convinced that to the nun. After they went to drive home Dylan received a high-five from his uncle. "What about you guys?"
Leigh let out a short chuckle imagining the scene, "Wish I was there!" Leigh added. "I actually managed to trap one of the nuns in to a debate on Noah's Ark, after a short protest she said that I'm a steady path to hell. I quickly changed the subject, the anger growing in her eyes intimidated me more than usual." Leigh laughed crunching his face up in to a scary look in an attempt to mimic the nuns angered look. Leigh reaches for the menu and starts looking through it as well, "Your turn now buddy!" Leigh states at Yukuze in a friendly tone.
"You guys think I could mess with the nuns like you?" Yuzuke replied, only now realizing he was wide-eyed with astonishment over all the boys dared to do. "Those women have me on a leash." Yuzuke said this last part with a hint of seriousness and put his head down on his crossed arms. No matter what he was doing the nuns could always count on Yuzuke to do something for him and before they dismissed him they always made sure he knew he still had sins to atone for. The way to do this, of course, was to do their dirty work at a moments notice. He remembered one extremely awkward moment and raised his head.

"I was using one of the urinals and sister Mary had the nerve to walk in and ask me to do something for her! She had to talk over my peeing and everything! It was so embarrassing I thought I was gonna throw up." Even now, remembering the horrible ordeal, made Yuzuke light headed and he needed to put his head down again so he wouldn't pass out. He must have been blushing an insane crimson red as well.
Carol tapped her drumsticks lightly on the drumset after she had stopped, looking around the room. Their instruments were left behind, but the girls who went with them seemed to be missing. So they had to be still in the school. They wouldn't just leave their instruments right? Carol only left the drums because they were too heavy to carry around with her. The image of her trying to do so made her snort.

She stood and was tempted to go over and try one of the guitars out. But no she wouldn't touch them. Instead she went searching for her missing bandmates. She eventually located them after evading a teacher who seemed to have it out for her.

She waved at them, heading over. "Oh hey guys. Sorry I was late. Glad I found you."
"Oh, hey Carol!" Nelly waved at Carol as soon as she saw her. She had a small smile on her lips, and she didn't seem mad at her for being late. Rather, she had a playful expression. "Ooh, what were you doing that got you late~?" The guitarist asked with a mischievous smirk. "Were you on a date, hmmm~?" She crossed her arms behind her back and leaned towards the drum player. Usually, she didn't tease people like that, but she used that moment as some kind of "punishment" for being late. Not that she minded, though, it was only a practice day... And she did show up, only a little late.
"Oooh," Dylan made a sound effect, the sound people make when they see someone getting badly hurt. He shook his blonde head, all the while chuckling at how horrendous the scene must have looked. "Ugh, bro, that's terrible," his quiet chuckle turned into laughter, and he put a hand to his forehead. "This proves how all the nuns need to get off our damn case about everything," Dylan saw how red Yuzuke was, no doubt just so embarrassed by remembering the situation. He patted Yuzuke's shoulder with a heavy hand, but in a reassuring way. "It's alright, man. If they bug you like that again I'll tell them to f*** off. Simple," Dylan wasn't the least bit of afraid by the consequences of just that. It never concerned him.
"No," Carol said, making a face back at Nelly. She wished though. Kind of. Carol didn't get a lot of dates lately. Whatever. "I actually had detention," she admitted truthfully. She then shrugged as if it was not a big deal. "It's not my fault one of my drumsticks went flying and knocked over her stupid mug. If I wasn't startled I wouldn't have lost my grip."

Carol knew the teacher wouldn't listen though. She wasn't even suppose to have them on her really. She had gotten yelled at plenty of times for tapping on her desk or books, but it was a habit now. Not that she needed the sticks to do so.

"Did you guys practice without me?"
The thought of Dylan being in the restroom at the time of the incident made the heat in Yuzuke's cheeks intensify and he curled into himself tighter in embarrassment, letting out a low moan. Even worse was that sister Mary had pretended nothing was happening and that there weren't other guys in the bathroom checking her out. She was younger than most of the nuns and very pretty, so it had become a hobby of the other boys to imagine that she wore lingerie under her uniform. "She patted me on the shoulder." Yuzuke added weakly before deciding he would let the topic drop completely.

Just then a waitress showed up and rescued the shy boy from embarrassing himself any more. Her voice was pretty and cheerful and Yuzuke made only half an effort to lift his head, point at Dylan, and say "Whatever he's having." With that he let his head drop again and waited for the blushing to die down a bit.
Leigh couldn't imagine how awkward the situation would of been, "From the sounds of it she entered the boys bathroom pretty calmly, maybe she's hiding something?" Leigh spoke jokingly. He put his menu down making his mind up; "BBQ Pork Ribs with a side of hot chips and some lemonade to wash it all down!".
"O-oh...." Nelly replied gingerly, "I see..." She scratched the back of her head and sighed, "You and your sticks.. it's really a habit of yours, huh.. Well, at least that tells that you are really devoted to the music~!" The gutarist said cheerfully.

She had her own habits as well, like always humming her songs, even when it wasn't allowed or it was annoying, or playing an air guitar when bored, which made people give her weird looks and call her crazy. Oh well.

"Yeah, we did." She nodded briefly, "It was awesome! You should've listened to it! Now we gotta practice with the drums playing along~! Should we do it now..?"
"Wood-fired beef sirloin. The best you got. And a cherry Cola," Dylan told his order to the waitress, and gave her his menu. She walked away to put their order in. "Hey!" Dylan called out after her and she turned around. "Give my buddy Chris my regards," he said, and the smiley waitress nodded. Dylan was such a regular here, the staff knew his name, in fact they also knew Yuzuke and Leigh, since he always dragged them along here and it became like their usual place besides Leigh's garage.

Dylan folded his arms and leaned back into his seat, taking a deep inhale of the air surrounding them. Smokey, alluring scent of roasting meat of all kinds. Dylan loved it. He once considered working here, but then realized it would have been torture for his bottomless stomach, because being an employee at a restaurant means you can't eat the food.
While Yuzuke's embarrassment was slowly fading the snippets of Leigh and Dylan's conversation in the car came back to him he sat up and reached his hands across the table in a stretch. Taking them back, he sighed and smiled towards Dylan. "So where's this place you were talking about earlier, the one we are playing at with the girls?"
Dylan grinned. "It's actually that big manor on the hill. Somebody's sixteenth birthday, apparently. And the girl heard we were pretty good," he explained. He shrugged. "And...well the girl's band too, so that's why she both asked for us," Dylan said. "I think it's an opportunity for our band name to be more well-known,"
"Playing at a 16th Birthday party, in a manor, sounds golden to me!" Leigh spoke with a mixture of excitement and worry. Dylan was right, "Let's hope we do well and that our name gets passed around, that reminds me, we're going to need to decide on a proper band name before we play other wise we might be doomed to be stuck with the title 'the boy's band'." Leigh adds.

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