My Heart's 4/4 Beat [Closed]

Emily's blush lessened. "Oh, okay. Thanks." She said softly. Her stomach let out a small grumble and the pink rushed back. "Sorry." She said, ignoring it. "No breakfast today."
"Oh!" Nelly said in surprise, "Hungry, are we?" she smiled and took Emily's hand, walking with her towards the door. "Let's go down to the cafeteria! I'm pretty hungry myself!"
Emily smiled. "Ok." She laughed. "But let me put my bass down first!" She quickly leaned her bass on the wall next to Nelly's white guitar. "Ok, let's go." She said, walking to the cafeteria with her friend.
"Ah, right!" she nodded and waited for her friend to put her bass down, then walking to the cafeteria with her. It was so nice to have moments like these.. A nice practice followed by a snack on the cafeteria. That was pretty nice!
Emily smiled at her best friend. "So many options!" She exclaimed,looking at the wide variety on the menu. "I don't even know what to order! But I know I neeeed this." She quickly grabbed a can of her favorite soda and sat it on her tray. She grinned. As if she needed any caffeine. She was quiet until she got sugar in her system. Then she'd be wired all night.
Yuzuke turned to Leigh quickly, flashing him a surprised look. While it was true that Yuzuke was thinking the same thing he would never even suggest sneaking around the school after hours. If some of the nuns found out they would regret ever being born. Yuzuke's own stomach moaned his opinion and he slid Elizabeth off. "Well... Dylan might be good at sneaking around. As long as you know how not to get caught we could-"

Yuzuke cut himself off, shaking his head. This was silly and immature. Leigh was probably right about the first thing he said and they had nothing to worry about but something still bothered Yuzuke. There was a cafeteria at the school after all, they could He would let the other boys talk it over and he would go along as always.
Dylan raised an eyebrow. "Might be? Yuzu, you're not giving me enough praise," he said, standing up. "Remember all the pranks I did before? Nobody even knew it was me," Dylan laughed. "Ah, those suckers..." he added, lightly shaking his head with a smug grin in his lips "But I don't think it's worth sneaking around just to hear those girls. Easy to predict they're not that good anyway," Dylan placed his hands behind his head casually.

"So, who's up for a barbecue place?" his stomach growled as if on cue.
Leigh scratched his head for a moment then laughed the idea off, it wasn't something he was exactly keen on trying anyway but he was still curious. "Barbecue sounds great to me!" Leigh shot back before turning off the amp that was hooked up to his guitar. He then genitally placed the guitar on the makeshift wooden stand he had hammered together one night, it wasn't the most pleasing thing visually but it worked. "Any place in particular?"
"The best there is," Dylan grinned. "Cerulean Wolf," he added. He was such a meat-lover most of the time. If Dylan were to be an animal, for sure he knew he would be a carnivore, which was entirely fine by him. Just the thought, of Dylan being a creature such as something like a lion and hunting prey with keen perception, sounded fit. Dylan clapped his hand together once. "We all pitch in for the bill as always," he said.
Yuzuke sighed as his appetite suddenly vanished. Yuzuke used to eat meat just like any other person, besides Dylan of course, but when he was 12 his mother showed him a documentary on how they slaughtered animals for food. Yuzuke can't even stomach a horror movie trailer and this documentary had him waking up in cold sweats every other night. He had never told Dylan he didn't like meat and ended up forcing the stuff down his throat for his friend. He nodded weakly in agreement and wrapped his arms around his waist as if he were hugging himself. "How are we getting there?" He asked.
"Same as always, we can always get my uncle's old truck. He doesn't care that I use it," Dylan said. He spiraled his keychained car keys around his index finger, tossed it in the air, then caught it in his hand. The car wasn't really that bad in Dylan's opinion, just several faults about it here and there. Dylan arrived at Leigh's garage on foot earlier, since he didn't live too far from him.

"Looks like we'll be taking travel on foot," Dylan told them. "Yuzu, Leigh. I'm all set," he nodded to them.
Leigh tugged on the old rusty chain in the garage killing the lights then locked the garage behind the three. A cool breeze flew past Leigh cooling the guitarist who was still a little sweaty from playing in the cramped garage, "I'm ready to go!" Leigh states happily ready to fill the growing void in his stomach. Leigh darts a look at both the guys and notices Yukuze's stance and expression, Leigh wasn't good at picking up on body language unless it was hostile, in which case he's had enough experience to tell what is what, "You alright Yukuze?" Leigh asks on a whim.
Nelly smiled at the options of food and drinks, and grabbed a can of grape juice. "Hmmm, now for the food, I don't know... So many options~!" she looked at Emily and tilted her head and grinned, "Heh, I'll prepare for a hyper Emily!"
Yuzuke, in a desperate attempt to hide his secret, flashed Leigh a (hopefully) genuine smile and walked over to him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it."

It was a cool night outside and the breeze ran down Yuzuke's shirt to where he was holding himself by the waist. Slowly, as if that were the only thing holding him up, Yuzuke unraveled his arms and let the breeze pick at the small drops of sweat that formed around his tummy. "This place has a funny name for a barbecue restaurant." Yuzuke said.
Dylan noticed how Yuzuke was acting sort of...strange as they mentioned going to a barbecue. He was being vague again, not saying what his body language said. Yuzuke wasn't a very open person and tended to keep to himself, which was what Dylan always knew, but it was difficult to get something out of him. He brushed it off. "Yeah, it is," Dylan agreed. "But the food there definitely makes up for it," he said.
Leigh shines a smile back at Yukuze, accepting his answer quite easily. "Well if you have any issues, you can talk to me." Leigh replies in a some what sappy tone. "Well, let's go chow down!" Leigh cheers happily before checking his wallet. Leigh had more then enough to buy some food, he breathed a sigh of relief in the idea that he wasn't dealing the stress of money issues like he had been the past two months.
Emily blushed. "I'm not that hyper! It's just pop!" She crossed her arms in a cute grumpy fashion. "Hm. Maybe I'll just get pizza this time..." There were plenty of fancy options on the menu, but the veggie lovers pizza was calling her name. She plopped the soda and a slice of pizza on her tray and proceded to the checkout, waiting for Nelly to catch up.
Nelly laughed and put her free hand on her hip. "Right, right..." she only got the juice can, not being able to decide, so she just decided not get anything. She followed Emily, taking a sip of her juice.
Emily found a table near the window, sat down and cracked open the pop can. She took a big drink and started eating her pizza. After a few bites - and picking off the onions! - she looked up at Nelly. "How do you think the guys' band is doing?" She asked. "I hope they aren't better than us! Then again, those guys can't concentrate on anything for very long..."
A silence passed through the boys and Yuzuke rocked on his feet awkwardly. He didn't know where the restaurant was and he hoped it wasn't too far. The deeper into the neighborhood they went the closer they got to the school and the Catholics in the neighborhood. After all the concerts both the boys and girls played the religious people would close their shades as they passed and glare at them as they walked down the street. By these people they were no longer regarded as two separate bands. Instead they were just one big group of trouble-makers. "Lead the way Dylan!" Yuzuke exclaimed.
"Alright, now that's what I'm talkin' about, guys!" Dylan was glad to bring out their enthusiasm. Wolfing down food with his two friends Leigh and Yuzuke, was kind of like having a good party, just simply a smaller group. "I'm ready for a hell of a feast," he laughed. They got to his uncle's pick-up truck, and slid into the driver seat. Whenever Dylan didn't have to drive, he personally liked sitting at the back of the truck where he felt the air rushing ro him.
Yuzuke, as always, assumed he would be taking the back seat and opened the door. He enjoyed a couple of more seconds of the cool air and then stepped up into the truck. The inside seats and smell was familiar to Yuzuke and he almost felt at home remembering all the adventures he and Dylan had together in this truck and he had a feeling Leigh would be a part of that soon. As usual Yuzuke buckled himself in. Even though this was deemed "uncool" by the standards of teenage boys Yuzuke had a feeling that one day something reckless would happen and he would be just safe and sound. Of course, he trusted Dylan, but the buckling in had become a habit of his.
As Yuzuke was making safety precautions, Dylan didn't care or acknowledge the seatbelt to his left. He drove this car many times and didn't get in any accidents, so he saw no point in them. Hell, he didn't even care if it was considered cool or not, that matter didn't concern him one bit. Tightening the grip on the steering wheel he glanced at both of his bandmates annd friends that were now in the vehicle. "I'm ready to hit the road. I'm starving over here," Dylan said. He geared the truck into a steady reverse, turning his body to see what was behind them. And Dylan pulled out of the driveway.
Yuzuke smiled and gave a half-hearted "woohoo, adventure." before resting his elbow on the window and looking outside. The houses were all identical and extremely boring but it was better than no view at all. When Yuzuke sighed a small patch of the window fogged up and Yuzuke extended one finger to make the smiley face that Nirvana was popular for. He smiled, tucking the finger back under his chin and watched the picture fade away. "Can we put some music on?" Yuzuke asked shyly, hoping it wasn't the wrong thing to ask just then.

((Emergency parenthesis meeting! Lol seriously though, I feel like the girls are gonna get bored too soon with just the two of them and it doesn't look like the third girl will be posting. What do you guys think we should do?))
((Yeah I was afraid inactivity was going to happen :[ Though I wouldn't like saying this maybe we need a person we already know who's active on the site))

Dylan nodded, a lopsided closed grin to his face. "I gotcha, Yuzu," he reached down for the radio a little below all the while watching the road. He turned on the radio, which already had one of his CD's in it. The song Monster was playing with the strong, blaring sound of electric guitar as the introduction. Skillet was one of the bands which Dylan liked, but Nirvana still topped as his favorite. "By the way, guys. I hear there's a party going on soon. The hosts especially asked for us to come, on the flyer," Dylan picked up the flyer that was by his seat, showing it to them. "I think if we perform a little gig there and have fun afterwards, our reputation will grow," he told Leigh and Yuzuke. "Apparently, the girl's band are gonna be there too. So we gotta perform better than they do,"

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