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Fantasy Mutagen

Os1r1s said:
Isaac Aminta





Image of character:





The Angrier Isaac gets the stronger he gets.

After a certain point in Isaacs anger, his fist will cover in fire doing fire damage.

When Isaac is at his angriest point fire will cover his back forming wings and his head forming a cracked halo letting him fly.


Isaac is strong willed and strong headed, once he puts his mind to something it is very unlikely he will change his mind. Isaac is seen by others as a hothead but viewed by his friends and family as caring and loving.


When Isaac was seven years old him and his older brother got into a fight and Isaac killed his older brother on accident, When Isaac's father saw this he called the police. Isaac was taken by the United States army and tested on, he was tortured for years for the purpose of the United States making a super soldier after years of this when Isaac was 18 he broke out of the facility killing everyone there. Isaac ran to his home killing his father for the betrayal and stole some of his dad’s clothes and his dog tags after Isaac changed he ran to the airport and got out of the country. After Isaac landed he heard rumors of a safe haven for mutants that was in some place that used to be called the united kingdom, Isaac turned nineteen while heading out to the safe haven.
All looks good :) Welcome to Mutagen
Name*: Emily

Gender*: Female

Age*: 19

Image of character: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images-119.jpg.a4d2cb85fc12e798c2991d002eac8c13.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147077" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/images-119.jpg.a4d2cb85fc12e798c2991d002eac8c13.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Bisexual

Powers*: Rapid Regeneration. Heightened senses (touch, smell, sight, and Hearing.)

Personality*: Emily is a Typical Sarcastic person. However she doesn't always use sarcasm. She tries to hide it, but she is realy a sweet person.

Background: to be revealed

Extras: She doesn't know any of her own powers. She was outcast from human sosiaty because her extremely pale skin and bright green eyes. This prompted doctors to look at her DNA. They found that it was mutated and soon she became a Surgical Playground for the humans.



  • images-119.jpg
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[QUOTE="Aurath Moonblood]Name*: Emily
Gender*: Female

Age*: 19

Image of character: View attachment 325651

Sexuality: Bisexual

Powers*: Rapid Regeneration. Heightened senses (touch, smell, sight, and Hearing.)

Personality*: Emily is a Typical Sarcastic person. However she doesn't always use sarcasm. She tries to hide it, but she is realy a sweet person.

Background: to be revealed

Extras: She doesn't know any of her own powers. She was outcast from human sosiaty because her extremely pale skin and bright green eyes. This prompted doctors to look at her DNA. They found that it was mutated and soon she became a Surgical Playground for the humans.

Yay another regenerator xD character accepted


Gender: Female

Age: 22

Sexuality: Straight


  • Toxic Blood: Her blood acts as a harmful acid to any living thing other than herself. It is able to burn quickly through vegetation and slowly through flesh upon contact. It can be neutralized with any fruit juice however, her toxic blood is only harmful to living things and cannot burn through objects or clothing. She carries a dagger with a serrated blade which she coats with her own blood for use in combat.
  • Low level Telepathy: Eva is able to read an individual's thoughts for as long as she has physical contact with them. She is also able to touch an object and know the history of it, where it came from, who used to own it etc. However, Eva has no control over how much or how little her telepathy will show her so she chooses to keep the ability's use to a minimum and wears a pair of black leather gloves all the time. However, on some rare occasions of extreme emotional distress or anxiety, Eva has been able to use her telepathic abilities without the condition of physical contact


  • Soft Spoken and a little shy
  • Book Worm
  • Intelligent and Calculated
  • Afraid of spiders and the dark

Background: Evangeline is the daughter of the highly-respected doctor and medical researcher, Vincent Moreaux and although she was born into a privileged family, her father always taught her to stay humble and not to boast her intellect or her talents. Hence, Eva became accustomed to a quiet life in a small suburban house on the edge of the city. Upon her father's request, she was enrolled in an educational institution fit for children with the same social status and there she mingled with the offspring of various authoritative figures in society or, in other words, "the rich kids". She was not fond of school and didn't fit in well with the other children because they all spent too much time trying to figure out who's parents were more powerful and so on, so she chose to spend most of her lunch times in the library, acquiring knowledge. It was here where her abilities became the most potent.

She had accidentally cut her finger on a scalpel before a toad dissection and her blood had dripped onto the toad. She and all her classmates watched in horror as the toad's skin began to sizzle and decompose slowly, and she was immediately sent to the Principal's office. While she was waiting outside the office, she placed her hand on an old basketball medal that had been pinned on the wall and image flashed in her head of the basketball game. Afraid of her own abilities, she ran straight to her father. It wasn't long before word went out about the doctor's mutant daughter and in order to protect her and his family name, Dr. Moreaux sent Eva to Mutagen HQ.
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EmiliaReignx said:

Gender: Female

Age: 22

Sexuality: Straight


  • Toxic Blood: Her blood acts as a harmful acid to any living thing other than herself. It is able to burn quickly through vegetation and slowly through flesh upon contact. It can be neutralized with any fruit juice however, her toxic blood is only harmful to living things and cannot burn through objects or clothing. She carries a dagger with a serrated blade which she coats with her own blood for use in combat.
  • Low level Telepathy: Eva is able to read an individual's thoughts for as long as she has physical contact with them. She is also able to touch an object and know the history of it, where it came from, who used to own it etc. However, Eva has no control over how much or how little her telepathy will show her so she chooses to keep the ability's use to a minimum and wears a pair of black leather gloves all the time. However, on some rare occasions of extreme emotional distress or anxiety, Eva has been able to use her telepathic abilities without the condition of physical contact


  • Soft Spoken and a little shy
  • Book Worm
  • Intelligent and Calculated
  • Afraid of spiders and the dark

Background: Evangeline is the daughter of the highly-respected doctor and medical researcher, Vincent Moreaux and although she was born into a privileged family, her father always taught her to stay humble and not to boast her intellect or her talents. Hence, Eva became accustomed to a quiet life in a small suburban house on the edge of the city. Upon her father's request, she was enrolled in an educational institution fit for children with the same social status and there she mingled with the offspring of various authoritative figures in society or, in other words, "the rich kids". She was not fond of school and didn't fit in well with the other children because they all spent too much time trying to figure out who's parents were more powerful and so on, so she chose to spend most of her lunch times in the library, acquiring knowledge. It was here where her abilities became the most potent.

She had accidentally cut her finger on a scalpel before a toad dissection and her blood had dripped onto the toad. She and all her classmates watched in horror as the toad's skin began to sizzle and decompose slowly, and she was immediately sent to the Principal's office. While she was waiting outside the office, she placed her hand on an old basketball medal that had been pinned on the wall and image flashed in her head of the basketball game. Afraid of her own abilities, she ran straight to her father. It wasn't long before word went out about the doctor's mutant daughter and in order to protect her and his family name, Dr. Moreaux sent Eva to Mutagen HQ.
Welcome aboard :) I'll be posting soon
Katie Jensen]Oh wait xD This isn't the reboot...Here's the link: [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/threads/mutagen-reboot.255389/ said:
Mutagen: Reboot[/URL]
put your character there, we're gonna start soon :3
Wait for me please! I won't take long ....
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]This is the old sign up tara xD

-__- It does seem that way. Well I still am asking you to wait. Please.

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