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Fantasy Mutagen

XXXIwolf said:
Name: Danny Bishop
Gender: Male

Age: 20

Image of character: View attachment 313542 His hair color black and gray eyes, his clothing is basically a black jacket, and a black tank top, a red tattered scarf, black boots and cargo green pants, including the mask

Sexuality: Bicurious?/ Bisexual

Powers*: Ghostly fire powers (the flames are actually cold is what I mean it just looks like fire and the color is a cyan color, it does burn though after a long period)

Personality*: A cooperative, mysterious guy who can sadly carry a stern look all the time, but in truth he is very friendly. Danny has nothing but anger bottled up towards his enemies mostly towards humanity for their lack of empathy. When it comes to humans he tends to snap but manage his cool unless the person attacks. He doesn't like to be touched by one nor have anything with his enemies. He's always on guard unable to relaxed. Deep down he's soft towards women and children regardless of his tone.

Background: Danny was born a mutant but his parents were killed off trying to protect him. He watched his parents die leaving a mark but not a bigger mark as the one when he watched his younger brother die after an argument and could not take the words back. He has blamed himself for so many years. Revenge fuels him but through the years he's come to control some of his temper and constantly remind himself why he continues living.

Extras: He carries sword with him for back up
Everything is good, welcome to Mutagen :)
[QUOTE="Sugar Honey Iced Tea]
Name: Penelope 'Poppy' Starr
Gender: Female

Age: Sixteen

Image of Character:

View attachment 313490

Sexuality: Straight

Powers: Poppy has the ability to memorize anything she reads, making her extremely intelligent.

Personality: Poppy is an odd individual, often seen quoting random lines from books she has read. She's shy and not very trusting of people, but when she opens up, well... She likes giving people a hard time. She has anger issues and doesn't like to think of herself as smart, even though she is.

Background: I'm lazy. You'll find out.

Yeah, you can add her in whenever you want
Name: Clavis Monroe

Gender: Male

Age: 25


Sexuality: Straight

Powers: Superhuman agility(no super speed but his reflexes are quick enough to catch a bullet and he's flexible too) and superhuman endurance (he can do a ton of exercise without breaking a sweat or tiring). Shapeshifting (so long as he knows their face he can change into that person. He doesn't gain their powers he just gains their face, voice, height etc.)

Personality: Clavis is a true gentleman, he always wears a smile on his face and always uses his manners, even when pointing a weapon at someone, he has been nicknamed "Gentleman Gunman" by Seraph. He's only ever been angry once (during the attacks) and any mutants who saw that would have seen Clavis go on a killing spree.

Background: Clavis was born to a rich family, his mother was the mutant in the relationship and his father didn't care. Once Clavis turned ten his father started teaching him how to act like a true gentleman and how to behave. Due to the training he received he has learnt to keep his emotions in check and has only ever snapped once.

Clavis showed up at Mutagen at the age of 19, his parents had died in a freak accident (or so he'd been told) and he'd left home. He knew they'd been killed during riots in the town near their home pretty much all mutants in that area were killed there. When Clavis arrived at Mutagen he was tasked with guarding Seraph and to this day he still does that when he's at Mutagen.

Seraph sends him to pick up shipments from time to time but when he is a Mutagen he stands behind her wherever she is, unless she dismisses him. Clavis only ever snapped once and any mutant with Mutagen at the time would have seen him cut down a ton of enemies and, even though he is extremely polite and constantly smiles, people at Mutagen know not to mess with him.
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Name: Revnoir Kayrouz

Nickname: Rev (most common) Noir (a little less common) Reaper (due to his fighting style and weapon of choice) any of these can be used, though he responds to Rev the best.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb98b92c1_AyyRev.jpg.8c1c263538579affda192ef8a2be2f79.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141769" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cb98b92c1_AyyRev.jpg.8c1c263538579affda192ef8a2be2f79.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender: M

Age: 22

Sexuality: Bisexual (Though, he's hesitant to admit it)

Physical Appearance: (No eyepatch, unlike the picture. His skin color is also a bit darker.) Standing at 5'10'', Revnoir definitely isn't short (though he's not unbelievably tall, either). The mutant blood in his veins caused him to be born with bright, golden eyes instead of a more natural color. Revnoir also dyes his hair with liquid shadows (oh the wonders shadows can be used for) yet his reasoning for doing so isn't a simple "I like having black hair" or "I wanted to", in fact it's much deeper. Though, he doesn't freely tell anyone what that reason is. (He's not emo, I swear)


Shadow Weaving (ayyyy): Revnoir has the ability to control shadows and use them to his advantage, and is able to turn the shadows into solids or liquids, but not gas. This ability does come in handy quite often, but there are times when he can't use it at all (ex. when it's too bright or there's no shady corners). This ability is mainly used to create weapons or momentary light armor, though the larger the item the less stable it becomes as he cannot control it as well as he may like.

Heightened Speed: Revnoir is able to move at unbelievable speeds, and uses this to his advantage. This ability is also aided by his long legs, though the downside is that Revnoir is only capable of using short bursts of speed (when running, attacking is a different story due to his fighting style)

Heightened Agility: Revnoir is able to move in any way he pleases, being able to dodge almost any basic attack such as bullets or simple slashes (his speed also helps with this). The only way this agility backfires is when he's in a tight space and can't move freely.

Personality: Revnoir isn't exactly the happy-go-lucky guy he used to be, though aren't all kids joyous? Revnoir changed along with his surroundings, and became a more quiet, thinking mutant after his parents had split up and each gone their ways. He's also quite bossy at times, and often uses violence to prove his points.

He may not be the smartest, but he's pretty damn clever. Though, that lack of book smarts cause him to make some pretty awful decisions sometimes. Even then, the fact that he knows he'll mess up at some point doesn't keep him from being protective of anyone he thinks is even mildly pleasant.

(Oh and did I mention he speaks pretty good french?)

Background: Revnoir lived in a fairly wealthy home with both of his parents up until the age of 13, but when his parents filed for divorce, things went... South. And things weren't the only thing that went south, as his mutant father had moved to a more southern area. He had stayed with his mother, who was human, and tried to take care of her in his father's absence. This worked for a couple months, but when strange people came into their home and took the young mother, Revnoir had no choice but to hide and hope the shadows didn't let the bad men see him. He had forced himself not to watch his mother be dragged out of the house, thus he wasn't quite as scarred as some may have been, but he still hates himself for not protecting her. He still believes himself a coward.

Likes & Dislikes:

+++Coffee (any kind, really, though he prefers it with a crap load of sugar)

++Computers & Tech

++Knowing his "friends" are safe (he's a little confused on the social ranking system or whatever and doesn't know when to call someone a friend)

--Silence (ironic, but it bugs him when things are too quiet. Whenever it's silent he often makes sure to make sound with his steps instead of muffling them with a small sheet of his shadows beneath his shoes)

---Spiders (he's arachnaphobic)

---Water (he can't swim...)

---Assholes (because assholes)

Extras: Ayyy references! (Please send help, I may have an addiction to references) Also, if anything's wrong with the sheet just make sure to tell me~


  • Ayy Rev.jpg
    Ayy Rev.jpg
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[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia]Name: Revnoir Kayrouz
Nickname: Rev (most common) Noir (a little less common) Reaper (due to his fighting style and weapon of choice) any of these can be used, though he responds to Rev the best.

View attachment 313622

Gender: M

Age: 22

Sexuality: Bisexual (Though, he's hesitant to admit it)

Physical Appearance: (No eyepatch, unlike the picture. His skin color is also a bit darker.) Standing at 5'10'', Revnoir definitely isn't short (though he's not unbelievably tall, either). The mutant blood in his veins caused him to be born with bright, golden eyes instead of a more natural color. Revnoir also dyes his hair with liquid shadows (oh the wonders shadows can be used for) yet his reasoning for doing so isn't a simple "I like having black hair" or "I wanted to", in fact it's much deeper. Though, he doesn't freely tell anyone what that reason is. (He's not emo, I swear)


Shadow Weaving (ayyyy): Revnoir has the ability to control shadows and use them to his advantage, and is able to turn the shadows into solids or liquids, but not gas. This ability does come in handy quite often, but there are times when he can't use it at all (ex. when it's too bright or there's no shady corners). This ability is mainly used to create weapons or momentary light armor, though the larger the item the less stable it becomes as he cannot control it as well as he may like.

Heightened Speed: Revnoir is able to move at unbelievable speeds, and uses this to his advantage. This ability is also aided by his long legs, though the downside is that Revnoir is only capable of using short bursts of speed (when running, attacking is a different story due to his fighting style)

Heightened Agility: Revnoir is able to move in any way he pleases, being able to dodge almost any basic attack such as bullets or simple slashes (his speed also helps with this). The only way this agility backfires is when he's in a tight space and can't move freely.

Personality: Revnoir isn't exactly the happy-go-lucky guy he used to be, though aren't all kids joyous? Revnoir changed along with his surroundings, and became a more quiet, thinking mutant after his parents had split up and each gone their ways. He's also quite bossy at times, and often uses violence to prove his points.

He may not be the smartest, but he's pretty damn clever. Though, that lack of book smarts cause him to make some pretty awful decisions sometimes. Even then, the fact that he knows he'll mess up at some point doesn't keep him from being protective of anyone he thinks is even mildly pleasant.

Background: Revnoir lived in a fairly wealthy home with both of his parents up until the age of 13, but when his parents filed for divorce, things went... South. And things weren't the only thing that went south, as his mutant father had moved to a more southern area. He had stayed with his mother, who was human, and tried to take care of her in his father's absence. This worked for a couple months, but when strange people came into their home and took the young mother, Revnoir had no choice but to hide and hope the shadows didn't let the bad men see him. He had forced himself not to watch his mother be dragged out of the house, thus he wasn't quite as scarred as some may have been, but he still hates himself for not protecting her. He still believes himself a coward.

Likes & Dislikes:

+++Coffee (any kind, really, though he prefers it with a crap load of sugar)

++Computers & Tech

++Knowing his "friends" are safe (he's a little confused on the social ranking system or whatever and doesn't know when to call someone a friend)

--Silence (ironic, but it bugs him when things are too quiet. Whenever it's silent he often makes sure to make sound with his steps instead of muffling them with a small sheet of his shadows beneath his shoes)

---Spiders (he's arachnaphobic)

---Water (he can't swim...)

---Assholes (because assholes)

Extras: Ayyy references! (Please send help, I may have an addiction to references) Also, if anything's wrong with the sheet just make sure to tell me~
Nothing wrong at all :) welcome aboard :D
Katie Jensen]Nothing wrong at all :) welcome aboard :D [/QUOTE] <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-11_9-20-33.png.d46474ac7954d2d22bbd44922f01076f.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141780" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-11_9-20-33.png.d46474ac7954d2d22bbd44922f01076f.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> [FONT=Courgette]How do I start?[/FONT] [URL="/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-11_9-20-33.png.d46474ac7954d2d22bbd44922f01076f.png said:


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[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Like everyone else you have a choice, are you gonna be a new arrival or a seasoned veteran of Mutagen? xD

Oh? A choice? Noice, time to think long and hard about whether I should burst in like I own the place or take a more... Normal entrance. But seriously I'm just gonna read through the pages before jumping in~
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[QUOTE="Umbra Regalia] Oh? A choice? Noice, time to think long and hard about whether I should burst in like I own the place or take a more... Normal entrance. But seriously I'm just gonna read through the pages before jumping in~

Honestly not much has gone down despite 7 pages of content xD
Name: Alexander Mercy (Nickname: Alex)

Gender: Male

Age: 23

Character Description

  • Brown Eyes
  • 6'0
  • Longish Face
  • Thick and Long Hair
  • Slightly Crooked Smile
  • <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Alexander.jpg.b4a7c92b86cac8ad71f893990c317981.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142060" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Alexander.jpg.b4a7c92b86cac8ad71f893990c317981.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Sexuality: Straight


1. Telekinesis

Alexander, or Alex, has the ability of telekinesis. Or rather, the power to move objects or even people simply with his mind.

Telekinesis Strength

Alex has used his ability enough to the point where he can move things as big as semi trucks.

Telekinesis Weakness

Much like most of his abilities, Alex's telekinesis, especially when it comes to moving bigger objects, takes a decent chunk of energy from him, leaving him fatigued if he uses it too often.

2. Invisibility

Alex's second power is the ability to turn completely invisible, allowing him to either sneak past enemies, or silently take them down.

Invisibility Strength

One huge upside to Alex's invisibility is that there is no ripple effect whatsoever, which, evidently, means that he can only been seen with thermal vision when he is invisible. However, another way people could see him is if they have an invisibility power themselves.

Invisibility Weakness

Any sort of pain Alex endures, even a minor cut, will temporarily disable his invisibility until he acquires enough energy to get it back, primarily due to the fact that this particular power takes more concentration rather than energy.

3. Time Manipulation

Finally, Alex's last and most recent power: Time Manipulation. This power, overall, takes the most energy and concentration when in comparison to his other two abilities. Aside from that, however, this power allows him to temporarily stop time, and also, if he has enough energy, go back a few minutes, or even forward, in time.

Time Manipulation Strength

One bigger upside to this ability is that it can sometimes happen naturally, most likely due to a bullet speeding towards the owner of the power, or Alex.

Time Manipulation Weakness

As mentioned before, Alexander's Time Manipulation power takes a lot of concentration and energy. Another weak point in this power is that it has trouble stopping people with super-speed, as they can sometimes be fast enough to outrun time itself (If that's logical
:P ).

Overall Flaw of Abilities

Alex, believe it or not, still has trouble managing his powers, or even controlling them for that matter, as if he was a baby learning to walk. Another bigger flaw is that his powers were actually formed to be charged by radiation, so if he's not exposed to it every few days or weeks, then his powers will slowly wind down to the point where he can't even move a piece of paper with his telekinesis.

Personality: Alexander is very straightforward when it comes to most things, but can sometimes show his sense of humor when he's around people he is familiar with. He is not necessarily a loner, but has a bit of trouble getting to know people. Over the years, however, Alex became more involved as he began to meet more people. Although, ever since he was shunned from the human race, this personality trait of his has not been so active anymore.

Background: Alex was born in a house with one brother and two parents. When he was six years of age and his body was accidentally exposed to extreme radiation, Alex gained his first ability: Telekinesis. Because of this, however, Alex's parents shunned him, sending him off to a research facility. He had been there for two years before he escaped at the age of 8, somehow. His life was a whirlwind of traveling and surviving, until he was eventually captured and put into a medically induced coma at the age of 20. Three years later, and he finally wakes up. More Background May or May not be Revealed in the RP.

Extras: I know my abilities are a little OP, so I decided to put more flaws than strengths. Anyways, hope this character sheet is okay (:



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ProRPer said:
Name: Alexander Mercy (Nickname: Alex)
Gender: Male

Age: 23

Character Description

  • Brown Eyes
  • 6'0
  • Longish Face
  • Thick and Long Hair
  • Slightly Crooked Smile
  • Use your Imagination :D

Sexuality: Straight


1. Telekinesis

Alexander, or Alex, has the ability of telekinesis. Or rather, the power to move objects or even people simply with his mind.

Telekinesis Strength

Alex has used his ability enough to the point where he can move things as big as semi trucks.

Telekinesis Weakness

Much like most of his abilities, Alex's telekinesis, especially when it comes to moving bigger objects, takes a decent chunk of energy from him, leaving him fatigued if he uses it too often.

2. Invisibility

Alex's second power is the ability to turn completely invisible, allowing him to either sneak past enemies, or silently take them down.

Invisibility Strength

One huge upside to Alex's invisibility is that there is no ripple effect whatsoever, which, evidently, means that he can only been seen with thermal vision when he is invisible. However, another way people could see him is if they have an invisibility power themselves.

Invisibility Weakness

Any sort of pain Alex endures, even a minor cut, will temporarily disable his invisibility until he acquires enough energy to get it back, primarily due to the fact that this particular power takes more concentration rather than energy.

3. Time Manipulation

Finally, Alex's last and most recent power: Time Manipulation. This power, overall, takes the most energy and concentration when in comparison to his other two abilities. Aside from that, however, this power allows him to temporarily stop time, and also, if he has enough energy, go back a few minutes, or even forward, in time.

Time Manipulation Strength

One bigger upside to this ability is that it can sometimes happen naturally, most likely due to a bullet speeding towards the owner of the power, or Alex.

Time Manipulation Weakness

As mentioned before, Alexander's Time Manipulation power takes a lot of concentration and energy. Another weak point in this power is that it has trouble stopping people with super-speed, as they can sometimes be fast enough to outrun time itself (If that's logical
:P ).

Overall Flaw of Abilities

Alex, believe it or not, still has trouble managing his powers, or even controlling them for that matter, as if he was a baby learning to walk. Another bigger flaw is that his powers were actually formed to be charged by radiation, so if he's not exposed to it every few days or weeks, then his powers will slowly wind down to the point where he can't even move a piece of paper with his telekinesis.

Personality: Alexander is very straightforward when it comes to most things, but can sometimes show his sense of humor when he's around people he is familiar with. He is not necessarily a loner, but has a bit of trouble getting to know people. Over the years, however, Alex became more involved as he began to meet more people. Although, ever since he was shunned from the human race, this personality trait of his has not been so active anymore.

Background: Alex was born in a house with one brother and two parents. When he was six years of age and his body was accidentally exposed to extreme radiation, Alex gained his first ability: Telekinesis. Because of this, however, Alex's parents shunned him, sending him off to a research facility. He had been there for two years before he escaped at the age of 8, somehow. His life was a whirlwind of traveling and surviving, until he was eventually captured and put into a medically induced coma at the age of 20. Three years later, and he finally wakes up. More Background May or May not be Revealed in the RP.

Extras: I know my abilities are a little OP, so I decided to put more flaws than strengths. Anyways, hope this character sheet is okay (:
Just dont go using that time ability all the time xD welcome aboard
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Just dont go using that time ability all the time xD welcome aboard

Got it. Thanks :D
James Holt



Name: James Holt

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

  • Appearance

    Height: 1.76m

    Weight: 85kg

    Hair: Blonde

    Eyes: Blue

    Body: Average

    Attire: On the picture he is wearing his; Friday pretty good.

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Birdsie said:
James Holt


Name: James Holt

Gender: Male


Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

I like this character xD he reminds me of Dr Manhattan kinda. However the master and ultimate tiers of telekinesis are way too OP. I mean they border on God xD Without wanting to sound rude you'll have to get rid of those please just to keep it fair and fun for everyone :)
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]I like this character xD he reminds me of Dr Manhattan kinda. However the master and ultimate tiers of telekinesis are way too OP. I mean they border on God xD Without wanting to sound rude you'll have to get rid of those please just to keep it fair and fun for everyone :)

Aaaand done.

By the way, can you give me a short summary of what happened so far, and where I could hop in?
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Birdsie said:
Aaaand done.
By the way, can you give me a short summary of what happened so far, and where I could hop in?
Not much has happened yet, and you have a choice, your character can either be a new arrival or a long serving member of Mutagen.
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Not much has happened yet, and you have a choice, your character can either be a new arrival or a long serving member of Mutagen.

Sure, I'll go for a new arrival. Sounds good, but I'll make my post tomorrow. I'm gtg for now.
[QUOTE="Katie Jensen]Not much has happened yet, and you have a choice, your character can either be a new arrival or a long serving member of Mutagen.

So as a new arrival, I should simply wait at the gate. Yes?

Character Sheet


Mina Ashido







Mina is a girl who has pink skin and short, messy light pink hair. Her eyes have black sclera and yellow irises. She also has two yellow horns on her forehead.

She occasionally wears a sleeveless purple-and-teal unitard with a camouflage-like design over which she wears a sleeveless cropped jacket with fur-trimming. She also wears purple boots with yellow padding.






Acid: Mina's Quirk allows her to shoot out a corrosive liquid from within her body and can control the degree of solubility, as well as its viscosity. She can use it offensively, but has shown utility as well such as melting handholds for herself to climb with, she is even capable of using it to surf around with increased mobility



Mina is cheerful and most of the time seen with a smile on her face. She is easily excited. On the other hand, she is also very emotional and easily brought to tears in various situations, out of relief, out of sadness and out of frustration. However she is still very easygoing, having no problem being completely naked in front of other people, however, she does not like being peeped at.


She was left by her parents on the front step of a small orphanage at the age of 1 year with nothing but a single note with her. "Dangerous". She was taken in and at first she seemed fairly normal bar her oddly pink-coloured skin and the two small horns on her head, however, it was soon discovered as to why she had been left. Her ability to create acid at will was simply terrifying, constantly burning her carers by accident and the occasional fight with other kids generally ending in horrible wounds. Eventually, after a long 14 years, she found out that her entire life had been spent in an orphanage due to her parents and decided to go out and begin travelling around the still-growing community they lived in, not knowing what would happen to her and not having any real objectives, just knowing that she should try and be helpful as much as possible

-Likes & Dislikes-




None (yet)


Trust said:

Character Sheet


Mina Ashido







Mina is a girl who has pink skin and short, messy light pink hair. Her eyes have black sclera and yellow irises. She also has two yellow horns on her forehead.

She occasionally wears a sleeveless purple-and-teal unitard with a camouflage-like design over which she wears a sleeveless cropped jacket with fur-trimming. She also wears purple boots with yellow padding.






Acid: Mina's Quirk allows her to shoot out a corrosive liquid from within her body and can control the degree of solubility, as well as its viscosity. She can use it offensively, but has shown utility as well such as melting handholds for herself to climb with, she is even capable of using it to surf around with increased mobility



Mina is cheerful and most of the time seen with a smile on her face. She is easily excited. On the other hand, she is also very emotional and easily brought to tears in various situations, out of relief, out of sadness and out of frustration. However she is still very easygoing, having no problem being completely naked in front of other people, however, she does not like being peeped at.


She was left by her parents on the front step of a small orphanage at the age of 1 year with nothing but a single note with her. "Dangerous". She was taken in and at first she seemed fairly normal bar her oddly pink-coloured skin and the two small horns on her head, however, it was soon discovered as to why she had been left. Her ability to create acid at will was simply terrifying, constantly burning her carers by accident and the occasional fight with other kids generally ending in horrible wounds. Eventually, after a long 14 years, she found out that her entire life had been spent in an orphanage due to her parents and decided to go out and begin travelling around the still-growing community they lived in, not knowing what would happen to her and not having any real objectives, just knowing that she should try and be helpful as much as possible

-Likes & Dislikes-




None (yet)



Welcome to Mutagen friend :)
Name*: Otto von Eisenbrecher but most people just call him old man



Image of character:

Sexuality: Bisexual but he really isnt looking for companionship anymore

Powers*: He can premonition just for a few seconds ahead of time, If he concentrates he can see trough solid materials but solid ones

Personality*:Hes just a kind old man but does get serious about people which he has near his heart, hes also very knowledgeable about things in life

Background: Otto von Eisenbrecher was and still a medically trained doctor, when the first bombs falled he was just a graduate of 20 years old at the German Institution of Medical science in Berlin, after he heard of the people in pain all around the world he decided to go around the world saving what people he can, he traveled from Siberia to the now ruined Chicago helping mutants and humans alike, now you may be wondering when did he receive his powers? He got in his fatherland Germany where he was there to restock before going to help other people at the time he was 30 years old, to his misfortune the place he lived was also one of the targets for anti-mutants terrorist groups and he was in the middle of it, the reason they targeted Berlin because it was one of the few City's that still had a nuclear power plant that wasn't broken or destroyed and they thought that if they blew it up they will erase all the mutants alive in the city well guess what? It did, everyone and everything got completely obliterated except Otto,or so he thought, after he finally got out of the rubble he seen a little kid with wings sitting next to what it seemed it dead mother next to a pond of radioactive liquid.As he seen this he went to help the little kid but he just bit him and said "Sie sind nicht von uns" which means you are not one of us and then to show how much he cared Otto went to the pool of radioactive liquid and washed his face with it, which resulted with his eyes showing a weird glow(which still happens to this very day) and he said to the kid "Ich bin jetzt" which means I am now, and as he said that to him and then extend his hand to help the kid.

Extras: Hes currently traveling to help people around the world but he's expected to come soon
Judy Steins

I had enjoy my life before this mess up happens...
Judy Steins

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/FB_IMG_1436825479459.jpg.16236078386481638a442f0e1cd746fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142429" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/FB_IMG_1436825479459.jpg.16236078386481638a442f0e1cd746fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Gender :

Male (Androgyn i guess)

Age :


Powers :

-Summons a Beast that can protect Judy.The beast is about three human tall and can fly,breathing fire but is defense is really weak.The beast NEVER engaged first but when Judy is attack. (If it seems too op i can try to find other weakness)

-Enhanced vision.

-Can ice weapons if she get attack,but it's only work if the opponents weapons is rather weak.

Personality :

Logical,doesn't want to fight unless it's necessary.Judy accept friendship with honor,and doesn't like to see people kill.She certainly run away if one of his friends die horribly.


Will be reveal in the Rp,i will uptade this here.



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Name:Richard Woods



Image of character:


Powers:Intangibility:Rich can turn intangible, this means when he is using his power, his body can pass through physical matter, this being said, when using his powers he can't be touched by tangible beings, only really having to worry about other people who are or can turn intangible, leaving most attacks being unable to harm him when using his power but this is a two way street, when he is Intangible, if he was to try to touch someone his hand would just go through them. He can't turn others intangible, the downside to this power is...as said before he can't really interact with physical matter, he can still speak and be heard, and even be seen, just not touched, by physical matter when his power is in use. His powers may serve as a good defense, but trying an offense move can leave him open, if he isn't faking out to try and trick others. For whatever reason his clothes and whatever is on his person at the time seems to take this effect too.

Personality:Rich is the type of person who walks around intangible most of the time, but somehow if people play their cards right can lure him to be tangible again even if it is only for a little bit, most of the time not even taking a lot of things seriously, it is rare to see him taking anything seriously really, not even trying when people try to pick fights with him, just standing as they try to attack, him, when he is intangible, even so he can be a good friend, willing to help out if he thinks of the person who asked as a friend, but other than that he is looking for what he could gain by helping, he also tends to be the type of person who sleeps in as late as he can, even forcing himself to go back to bed sometimes most of the time keeping a portable game system in one of his coat pockets, to play when he wants something to do and he is bored.

Background:Rich was never really a normal kid he was born into life with two mutant parents, he didn't know of his powers or the ones his mother or father had when he was born, in his mind he his mother and father, didn't have them, they seemed to be just Human....nothing much really. His father would always get mad at him when he wouldn't take anything seriously he as always like that, he seemed to be a bit lazy from time to time too. Never really doing much work for the first five years of his life, but when he hit the age of six something happened, his powers woke up inside of him like a raging fire.

At first he had no idea what it was he couldn't touch anything! What was this? He started to cry, it was about time to eat for the night so his mother and father heard him crying, when they went to touch him, both of their hands would just pass through him they couldn't touch him. Until his father said "Son your powers woke up as his father talked to him he learned about his fathers and mothers powers, his father could expend his body, making his size and strength grow.

As for his mother, she could control sound waves, after this talk he seemed to be touchable yet again, he had no control over his powers right now, his mother and father started to train him. Years passed he was now at the age of seventeen he now had full control over his powers, but he didn't know what he had been trained for.

Until this day, both of his mom and dad came into his room, telling him he had to help them rob a bank, at first he asked things like why would we want to do something like this until his dad said "Money is hard to come by son, how do you think we had the money for you every time you needed something, his mother and father said "Whatever you do don't side with Mutagen his father glared at him as a way to tell him not to ask why.

Three years pass he had done lots of wrong things until the day his mother and father had asked him to kill someone, this was too far, he said "I'm done, you two." As he walked away as he did his father turned giant punching down at him, but it didn't work thanks to his power he said "I may not be able to beat you both at once, but I'll just walk away."

After that day, he seemed to be wanting to make up for all the wrong he did he would remember what his father said all those years ago, as he went to side with Mutagen, not wanting to see his mother or father again hoping it would be a safe place where he could relax again.


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