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Futuristic Multum the Mecha Planet


Time to murder the English language.

In the year 4301 humans left their homeland and set out to find more resources across space. Most found little in the vastness of space but one team managed to find a new planet that was filled with new materials and promise. The team named this planet Multum after the Latin word for plenty.


On this planet the team found remains large robotic creatures left by those who had once inhabited the planet. After further examination of the creatures they were able to see that they had seats and controls.


This lead the team to explore the not only the different robots but also the ruins that dotted the planet. Its was not long before the team found information left about the fallen civilization. In the bottom of a ruin they found a lab that contained the remains of a person clutching a book. From the contents of the book they learned the person had been an engineer who had helped to create some of the robots outside. In the book, was detailed information about the creation of the robots and how the civilization had not fallen to their own creations. With this information the team learned what waited for them on the planet.As the team made its way out of the ruins they were greeted by the sight of a large animal looking robot watching them from the top of a cliff.
The people of the planet had created some robots that were sentient, and it was in the fight to destroy one of these robots that the people had lost their lives.

After learning that the main threat to their survival had been destroyed along with the old civilization the team began to build a new society and other humans followed to the new planet. To combat the sentient robots that could be a threat, the humans used the information they gained from the book to create their own robots. As human spread out they began to form different countries and different robots. Soon the planet was full of them and they became a normal part of life.

In the current year 4673 the risk of roaming robot attacks are low and the large robots created to defend against them are used more for war against other humans and sport. The sport of mech battling has claimed many into its ranks, and has become a prominent figure all over the planet leading to world tournaments and competitions.

What will you seek to achieve on this new planet.Will you work your way up the ranks be the best pilot on the planet, will you steal and rob for your own gains, will you set out to create the greatest mech the worlds has seen, or will you just try to make the world burn. No matter what your desire anything is possible with enough hard work on the planet Multum, your land of plenty.
Leon walked out of his dad's shop wiping grease and dirt from his face. In his hands he held an object that looked like surf board but it was smaller and metal. "I'm going out to test the air gear pops," Leon yelled " Be back in a bit." With that said Leon ran out of the hanger onto the open plains. He threw the board out and walked on top of it. In a few moments the board lifted off the ground carrying him with it. "Yea this is as awesome as I thought it would be," Leon said with a smile " Now the fun part." Leon pulled down his goggles and shot off across the plains.

After about an hour Leon returned from his ride to watch the evening news. It provided the people of Multum with important information about tournaments, important team fights, mech sightings, jobs, and political world news. The news is said to be one of the most important things on the planet and it is a normal part of most peoples lives. As Leon power slid into the hanger kicking up dirt as he stopped his dad waved at him to hurry up. Leon shot the board up and into his hand, landed, and took off through the hanger to the shop. Inside the shop he and his dad ran up the stairs to their living area above the shop. They both took up seats on the couch, turned on the TV, and sat back to relax and enjoy.

"Hello and good evening as always people of Multum, this is Jack Daniels bringing you your daily news and info, live from the capital Athas. Our main story today is about the up coming match between the raining world champions, Asylum, and their challengers the up and coming Xan premier champions, Exodus. It promises to be a real crowd pleaser with the return of Asylum's team captain, Martial Strike, after his leave from the pro scene. Be sure make your way to the capital to watch the match live or tune in tomorrow on this channel to watch, this is a match you can't miss. In other news, a roaming mech has been seen off the cost of Ahmoud, so any brave hunters should head there and try to claim the prize for themselves and people living in the area should relocate to a protected establishment. The last in the news comes from the country of Zafir where in three days their amateur tournament will be held. Be sure to go and support your local favorites and tune in to channel 4 for coverage of the event. This has been Jack Daniels with Multum news and as always have a wonderful night in your land of plenty."

" So you going to take that piece of junk you've been working on and enter the tournament," Leon's dad said. " He's not a piece of junk, he is a work of art ," Leon responded " And yes I plan to enter it the only reason I build him." "You know that the tournament is a team competition, right" Leon's dad stated. "Yes I do, but I have no friends so I get to enter alone," Leon replied flatly "In other news, my prototype air gear worked should make travel easier around towns and stuff, so it should sell well if we can make more, blueprints are in the hanger's backroom. I'm going to go work on Hellcat for a bit and then I will turn in, night pops." Leon then opened a window and jumped out landing on his air gear and riding off to the back of the hanger.

Leon pulled a large tarp off his construct in the back. "Alright boy," Leon said as he rode up to the cockpit " Time to do a system check and make sure you are functioning fully." As Leon sat in the cockpit he placed the board behind the seat, pulled a keyboard from under the seat, and connected it to the main system console. With deft fingers he imputed command codes and other data to check the system, numbers and code spanned the entire cockpit display, and after a few minutes the mech roared to life. Leon disconnected the keyboard and stored it before putting his hands and feet into the controls. Leon took his cell phone and placed it into a slot in the command console, the words System Active appeared on the viewing screen, and moments after the once dark screen was replaced with a full view of the outside of the cockpit. "We got three days to get ready," Leon said as he rushed out of the hanger "Lets do this."
“What are you doing out here?” the little girl asked the silent monument that seemed crystalline as the icy snow glittered off of it’s cold steel exterior. “I’m lost and I can’t seem to find my way home… Are you lost too?” She slowly reached out and placed a hand upon the silver metal that reflected the moonlight. The dark sockets of the lion-like mech began to glow a bright blue at the touch of her hand. The little girl stared in awe as the great silver pinions spread out across to what seemed the expanse of the starlit sky. The mech looked down at the little girl slowly lowering itself to her level. The girl placed a hand upon the mech’s muzzle, only her hand was different, it wasn’t of flesh but the rose colored copper she had learned to become accustomed to, now a young woman stood in front of the great beast. She averted her eyes feeling fear as a great burning feeling engulfed her. All she could see was fire…


“Travis?” Serena woke with a start her cerulean blue eyes quickly scanning the loft of the hangar. Disoriented she found herself curled up on the couch with a book in her lap. “I must have fallen asleep reading again.” She smiled softly to herself closing the book and examining the cover like she had done so many times in her childhood. Upon the blue leather cover was the silver embossed image of a lion-like mech with bird-like wings, just like the one in her dream. The book was titled “Legends and Lore” the title of a common fairy tale book sold across Multum. Its leather-bound pages were filled with different stories about the ancient people of Multum and the sentient mechs that roamed the land. While it was just a book of childish stories Serena had always treasured the book and dreamed of what it would be like to meet the sentient mechs; her vision romanticized versus the reality and history of attacks.

The occasional clink of metal brought the woman back to her surroundings. Serena spun around on the couch peaking over the edge of the loft to the hangar below where her husband was tinkering on his mech: Vespa. Her eyes drifted to her own mech: the blink-cat. “I wonder if you are alive sometimes, and just hiding it from me…” she whispered to herself placing her head upon her gloved hand gazing at the large metal feline. Soon they would reach the capital of Zafir where the novice mech tournaments were to start. Serena felt a flutter of butterflies as she thought about the competition. She was nervous for sure, but it was a good nervousness. It had been a long time since she had competed in any competition and her practice had gone from routine to simply uneventful.

Since the accident three years ago she had to relearn how to use her limbs. No longer could she feel what her cybernetic limbs were doing, she only had to think it and it would happen instantaneously. At first this was the greatest struggle, having to learn to have faith in body parts with no sense of touch but at last it became a natural. The affirmation of sight had grounded the reality of her actions. Still, she missed the feeling of holding another person's hand. However, the new limbs were directly linked to her mind through the black and gold headband she wore so her reaction time had increased to nearly inhuman speeds. This new speed she had learned to use when piloting her mech, she chose one of the most mobile among the cheaper models considering her old one was burned to scrap metal three years ago. Still she had adjusted very well to the blink-cat. It was very mobile and while it lacked attack power had the capabilities to be upgraded into a great recon mech.

Serena sat watching Travis work away at his own mech the black and yellow metal parts sprawled about his working area. She really owed him everything. Travis had been the one to save her from the burning cockpit and stayed by her side during all of the operations. She felt her heart swell with a melancholy feeling. He really was too perfect for a sheltered spoiled girl like her. She smiled softly, it was all the more blessed that she was to have him in her life. "Are you ready for the our arrival Spike? I think we are only an hour away." She called turning around on the couch to call over her shoulder so he wouldn't think she was watching him the whole time.
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Spike looked out the window of their garage to the skyline of Zafir in silence. He was staring out at the buildings, hoping to find something that would catch his attention, anything to keep the one thought that lingered in his head from time to time, 'Why me'. Why had Serena given up so much to be with him, an Air Force pilot who was living in a dirty skyline loft that was selfishly gutted into a garage. The gal was nobility and although her family approved of him and thankful for saving her life, He could not help but to wish he could trade his own arms and legs for a heart as pure as hers.

"You jerk," Spike muttered to break his thought process, 'for mentally undermining the struggles your wife has been through'. Spike could not wait for the competition to start in Zafir. It would allow him to feel the rush of adrenaline he's always craved and get his mind off his own self loathing. Winning some money would also help get Serena a nice home and maybe a life she would prefer and that Spike himself could tolerate. His wife was adventurous herself, so the restlessness between the two could be felt in the air waiting to embark together.

"I Can't get this damn program to work Serena," Spike was yelling out of frustration. It had been a constant struggle to get his VESPA drones to accept his flight simulation interface. The problem had more to do with VESPA being the Host of the program than anything else. Spike had "borrowed" the flight simulation programs from the North Osatia Air Force to get a jump start on his elusive mech. The program ran flawlessly on VESPA, but trying to bypass so many firewalls to run the program on drones remotely, was proving difficult. Spike decided to run both drones as dual administrators, and for VESPA to serve as a Proxy Server for them both.

"BINGO BABY!" Spike cheered as the program sent and received data between the drones and his self-proclaimed pinnacle of Mech aviation. He got up from his workbench and scooped his wife into the air and gave her a twirl. "We are going to win this baby!" Spike chattered enthusiastically. The airship lurched to a landing and the two went to the ground in a heap. They looked out the window to see that they landed and let out a laugh in unison. "I thought they were going to shoot us down before we even got to compete, talk about sore losers!". Spike always had a way of making her laugh. He just wished for the next few weeks or however long this tournament took, he could be her champion again.
Leon decided to go all out. This would be a stress test to see just how far he could push his mech before it would break. Leon ran his mech back and forth, up and down. After a few hours the mech was creaking and steaming. " You did well boy," Leon said. The mech was perfectly functional but it would not react as fast as Leon could, so for now he could pilot it to the best of its ability but he could not use all of his skill. " You may not be the best but, your good enough for me," Leon said with a smile as he walked his mech home.

When he arrived at the shop he put Hellcat on the transporter, removed his cellphone, which functioned as a key, and went upstairs. Once in his room, he got in his bed and tried to go to sleep. His excitement for the following days was just too high so he ended up staring at the ceiling. Tomorrow was a high rank match involving Martial Strike and the day after that was the tournament. He kept thinking about all the different types of mechs he would see and about different tactics people would use. He ended up finally falling asleep while designing a new weapon system for his Hellcat.

The next day he woke to the smell of breakfast and the sound of the transports motor running. "Hurry up I want to be on the open road so I can watch the Asylum and not worry about hitting stuff," Leon's dad said. Leon ran down the stairs grabed his plate and jumped into the transporter. " God dad you take forever," Leon said with a smirk " hurry up I want to be on the open road before the Asylum match starts." After hitting Leon over the back of the head the two of them took off towards the main city where the tournament would be held.
Serena taken by surprise by Spike's outburst of enthusiasm gave an excited giggle as she found herself being spun about in her husband's strong arms. She held onto him tightly placing her head upon his broad chest when the ship suddenly lurched forward and the next thing the girl knew she was laying on the floor next to Spike. "I thought they were going to shoot us down before we even got to compete, talk about sore losers!" Serena let out a laugh at the thought of a bunch of pilots paying so much attention to new mech warriors. She scooted closer to Spike lightly kissing him softly before sitting up. The man had always been able to cheer her up and was always so kindhearted. She found it almost impossible to believe that this could have ever been the troublemaker racing motorcycles in the streets of North Osatia.

The girl found that in the tousle that one of the long sleeves of her dress had traveled up her arm to expose the rose gold copper. Serena's expression darkened slightly as she pulled the sleeve down to her gloved wrist to conceal the metal once more. She had always been self-conscious of her appearance ever since the accident it made her feel alienated and somehow less human. She always wore tights, sleeves, gloves, etc to cover up the fact that she had cybernetics. She looked to her white mech suit (As seen in character sign-up sheet) which lacked all of the previous coverings for her limbs due to regulations requiring mech suits to be skin tight to reduce hazards should accidents arise. When she had tried to wear the mech suits to cover her the metal they would be lose in areas and get caught on some of the smaller metal pieces. Despite her feelings Serena decided to not break these regulations due to the fact that she had a near death accident herself where she could see these issues being factors in safety.

"Looks like we are here. Come on, let's get our tournament hangar numbers and then see the town!" changing her train of thought Serena smiled getting to her feet and trotting over to the large garage doors opening them with a bit of effort. The light streamed in the garage to reveal the quaint little town that was bustling with people for the tournament. They had to wait a few minutes for the coordinators to come down the street to give them their hangar numbers where their small garage would be inserted and they would be staying and preparing for the tournament in a quarters block of the arena sector. Serena smiled locking the door in place waiting for Spike to come to the doorway. She raised her hand to shade her eyes as she scanned the crowd for the placement general who would be wearing a bright uniform of the National Mech Tournament Association, that would be where they would get registered which would be their next step after getting their hangar number and locking up.

Their hangar was a cheap, small, but mobile garage that could be placed upon the transport caravan system which was a specially designed air-train system meant to attach different compatible rooms together in a caravan and fly them to a destination once they were linked to the pilot. Serena liked getting to spend time with Spike on the road and work on their mechs during their travels even though the longer trips could be expensive. Still it was a lot cheaper than buying a transporter ship of their own, which they would need to go over seas back and forth to North Osatia and the small garage full of parts and pieces had become their home sweet home.

"Hmm, well it looks like that is the representative for the three team sign ups..." Serena spoke pointing to a man shouting above the hustle and bustle of the station that he was accepting sign-ups for teams of three. "But I can't seem to find the two team sign up representative..." she spoke out loud pensively scanning the area.

"That is because there are no two person teams in this tournament missy." an old gruff man who had overheard her making his way down the street stopped for a moment looking up at her quizzically (The floor of the hangar is not level with the street). "Didn't you see the announcement three months ago? They were cancelled due to lack of sign-ups, as well with the one person teams. They are only doing three man teams this year." Serena shook her head looking a little embarrassed as she looked to Spike. The man continued on his way to the registration representative. "Ahaha! I guess pilots these days just don't have the balls to go it alone! You can still sign up with two, but you probably won't get very far. Well good luck figuring it out girly." he laughed waving to them over his shoulder.

"What are we going to do Spike?" Serena looked up to him with a worried expression her hands trailing up to her heart subconsciously. "It has been so long since I have done real combat, and without a high-end mech like in the military... going it two against three scares me..."
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Serena was right, all things considered. Going into a mech battle without a third teammate was reckless. Even though they were entering the novice tournament of the year, no one ever really knows who is a true novice and who is pairing down for some easy wins and experience. Spike had heard stories of gamblers and swindlers who would place a fighter in a lower tournament and make millions of credits off of uneven bouts.

Serena's safety was also a concern. Spike knew she could care for herself, but he would only feel comfortable if the odds were slightly better. "We came here to fight Serena and fight we shall. I think it's best if we wait here at the sign up center and see if we run into anyone else who was expecting a one v one or two v two tournament."

This solution was the only plausible idea to gain entry into the tournament. It was dangerous to think that their mechs and their lives could be entrusted to a complete stranger. He mulled it over and thought of the types of people who they may encounter as a teammate. Spike was most worried about a rogue player who may have been interested in the one v one aspect of mech battling. " whoever our third teammate is darling, we better let them take the lead since you and I can count on each other. That way, we don't have some rogue going off on their own . "

Spike knew Serena could count on him for tacticians that they both were. Spike just pictured the most unlikely scenarios and laughed at the most unlikely of ideas.

" Let's just hope for the best, it's not like we will have to babysit our teammate. I've never heard of a kid entering these things. " Spike crossed his fingers and hoped their teammate would walk through those station doors.
On the inside of the transporter Leon did pull ups while his dad drove. " We got..... about ten minutes..... before... the match...pops," Leon said as he pulled himself up over and over. "I know I know," Leon's dad said as he pointed his remote and turned on the TV in the front. Leon's dad got up after setting the transporter to auto pilot. He fixed himself a stiff drink and threw a towel to his son. "Thanks pops," Leon said as he dropped down and caught the towel. He then walked over and stole a swig of his dad's drink before going to the kitchen to make himself his after workout smoothie. After finishing his drink he plopped down next to his dad to watch the match.

"Hello and good evening as always people of Multum, this is Jack Daniels bringing you live coverage and commentary of the match today, live from the capital Athas. Today's match is between Asylum and Exodus and will be fought here in Athas Premier Stadium. The pride and joy of the pro mech world will be making his return today, what surprises are in store we will have to wait a see. Exodus is entering in now through the bottom entrance there team, you can hear the loud cheers from the people of Xan who came to watch their home team. Unlike Asylum, whose members come from different countries, all of Exodus' members originate from Xan. The team is composed of Ricky Kheen in the Gaia, Daniel Sharp in his Vanguard, and their leader Stanley McElereth In his Wing Zero Ex .


From the northern gate Asylum makes its way into the stadium. First is the sky king Ryuji Meji in his Storm Sworder. Followed by Alexis DiAngelo in her custom long range Konig Wolf.


Last what you all have been waiting on, the king himself in his signature custom red...blade. Ladies and gentlemen it seems that Martial Strike will not be using his famous red Blade Liger. In stead he will be using a mech named the Liger Zero Ceaser. Well I don't know what that is but here it comes along with Martial Strike out the north gate.

That mech seems to be a wild mech and not one of his custom creations. Could this be what has kept Strike out of the pro scene. Well folks it's almost time to begin the match the robot judge should give the call as soon as both teams are ready. They will be fighting on the open plain field giving a clear advantage to Ryuji and his Storm Sworder in the sky along with the more mobile Asylum team as a whole. The fight will begin after this commercial break."

"Of course they stop now," Leon's dad said. "I know but, did you see Strike's new mech," Leon said with cheer " The man is a magician when it come to building mechs and his Blade Liger was the best of the best. If he got rid of that this thing must really be something else." Leon felt like a kid in a candy store and that joy disappeared when the transport pulled into their destination. "We are here and you have about three minutes to go sign in before it starts again. Leon jumped out the side of the transport, rolling when he hit the ground, and took off towards the registration officer. He made it there in one minute, record time. "Hey I am here for the tournament," Leon said quickly while taking in air and stealing glances at his watch " It's just me, that's my transport here is my information go, the match is about to start." "You do know so that the matches have become a regulation 3v3 to comply with..." The man said as he was cut off by Leon. "Yea I know my pops told me already," Leon said quickly stealing another glance, another minute passed. " I don't have friends," Leon said " No time, I'll go it alone if I have to, here is the entrance fee." "Alright then if you know what your getting into," The man said " You know there was this..." Leon cut the man off again, another thirty seconds " The bay room man," Leon snapped " Hurry, I have twenty-nine and counting seconds left." "Everything's in order," the man said as he checked his papers. As the man caught Leon's burning glare he jumped and said " Hanger four!" "Thank you," Leon said as he ran off leaving a cloud behind him. "Hanger four, go go go," Leon yelled to his dad. The transport moved towards the hanger and rather than having it stop he jumped onto the moving transport and climbed inside.

Leon plopped down on the couch the match had already begun. "Stupid sign ups closing early for the match," Leon said in between cursing." I understand why but really, so inconvenient." "At least you didn't miss much you were only ten seconds late," Leon's dad said " The real show starts now."

"Exodus has split into a two rush maneuver with wing taking to the sky to provide long range support while Gaia and Jug advance. Wing is raining blows on Konig wolf to prevent a focused shot from her sniper rifle and the combination with Buster Eagle. That is a good play on his part, if she gets her buster cannon attached she will blow right through Jug and his near impenetrable armor before he even gets close. Will the focusing on her and leaving(A sonic boom goes off)... There he is the sky king coming in from directly above wing, he is strait vertical! He used cloud cover and the sun to block visual and a jammer to prevent radar. Ryuji has pulled out his wing blades and.... cut the wing neatly in half!!! What a move from the sky king I can only imagine the g-forces he was under in the dive. I think we have just witnessed the end of the match with that move, as Exodus' leader was forced to eject. Here it comes, Alexis has called in Buster Eagle and.......what is Sharp doing." Juggernaut turned around and headed back towards the wings rifles "O wow he has dove and grabbed the Wing's two buster rifles cumming up after a roll, how does he move like that in such a big mech." Sharp then pulled them up and fired both at the same time one at the Buster Eagle and another at the retreating and recovering Storm Sworder. "Two hits he has shot not only the Buster Eagle but, has also clipped the wing of the Storm Sworder!!! What kind of shot was that, it seems that Exodus is still in this... wait Sharp is not finished." He put the rifles together forming the Wing Cannon from the two individual rifles he aimed at the shocked and still recovering Konig Wolf and fired." Hes fired the Wing Cannon at Alexis who was waiting to combine with Eagle. Alexis barely manages to dodge but the side of her mech was caught, her back leg has been blown off." Konig then immediately dropped down to all fours and took a shot at Juggernaut. Her shot did not hit the mech which would do little to no damage it instead hit the buster rifle causing it to explode. "What a shot it that situation she was calm and took away the main advantage Exodus gained, but with one leg gone it has become a 2v1." While Gaia distracted and singled out Strike with smoke screens and jammers, Juggernaut walked through Konig's shots crushed the mech's center forcing Alexis' ejection. " He just crushed that mech like it was a toy, Sharp has really shone himself when his team needed him most." A light then came from within the smoke screen and vanished soon after replaced by the sound of an ejection pod. Out of the smoke a different mech appeared.

"That's........thank's not real........it's just a story........it..."" Sorry folks Jack seems to have fainted I am Sam Max, and I will pick up where he left off. It seems that Strike has managed to get something that looks like the Legacy mech, or he has really gotten the real mech described in the histories of Multum. Either way we are in for a real sight today" The mech shot off towards Juggernaut wings extending like blades. As he go close Juggernaut delivered a strong punch towards Strike's mech. The mech just jumped on Juggernauts arm and then jumped and spun cutting the mech and all of it layers and layers of armor in half. "......................Wherever this man goes legend will always follow. There are not enough words to describe what happened here today. Here are the only words I have left, Asylum wins."

"Holy shit," Leon said jaw on the floor.
As time began whittling down Serena began to become more and more fidgety. They had their hangar numbers and locked up the portable garage and gathered their things. She stood on the cobbled street watching as their hangar was taken away. "Well Spike, it looks like we just have to make do." she frowned taking his hand reminded how she couldn't even feel it as she saw her body complete the motions her mind set forth. "I suppose we could just register and let them know that we are open to one more person if anyone comes along. I don't think that there is much more we can do at this point and we can go it alone if we have to." she cheered up giving him a hug. "Plus, you are on my team so you'll beat them all up!" she winked at him releasing him and making her way to the registration coordinator.

After standing in line a few minutes and talking to the coordinator Serena was able to get all her paperwork set up, it was then her attention was drawn away by a young man about her age rolling out of a moving transport and running up to the coordinator adjacent to her. She couldn't help but watch the odd occurrence as she waited for Spike to fill out his portion of the papers. She was shocked to find the man so rude to the person just doing their job, especially over some match on TV. It struck a nerve with her, and she thought about saying something to the man, but she was shy and often times just kept her frustrations to herself. It wasn't long until he was gone again jumping back onto the transport. She simply smiled apologetically at the coordinator who had to deal with all of that before turning to Spike whom she assumed saw what just happened.

"What a jerk. He probably hasn't ever done any real mech combat." she muttered haughtily crossing her arms as she looked up to Spike. "But then again I guess most people don't join the militia out here." she sighed, she could often tell when she was getting frustrated for no useful reason.

"Oh my God..."

The coordinator assisting them stared in awe at a monitor he had at the side of the table that he had been watching while they were filling out the paperwork. It was a televised tournament from Athas. Serena froze in disbelief as she stared at the silver lion-like mech on the screen. It was the one from her book of fairy tales; the mech from her dreams.

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