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Peter didn't quite understand why sje was so angry all of the sudden. She had always talked about wanting to be a good hero. He thought she'd be happy thst he took the support role this time. He didn't have time to think more about it as he started getting people to safety. (BTW when she goes at him... She should probably immediately realize what she just said after the fact but it being too late becaise he'll habe already left)

He and the bald man were still fighting. Pinto was cut up and bruised and in his super saiyan form. The other man jad adrk purple eneegy surrounding him.
"Hey! You big pile of poo lava!" (XD she is not good at the insults and mocking). She yelled at it as she pointed at the Molten Man.

"pinto" Juvia gasped spotting him. She didnt known he was still battling, no one did.
"Hey! You big pile of poo lava!" (XD she is not good at the insults and mocking). She yelled at it as she pointed at the Molten Man.

"pinto" Juvia gasped spotting him. She didnt known he was still battling, no one did.
He looked at jer. "The heroes send a little girl to fight me!?"

He jadn't told anyone. He was clearly enjoying this fight
He looked at jer. "The heroes send a little girl to fight me!?"

He jadn't told anyone. He was clearly enjoying this fight
"Y...yes!" She said standing up stright and frowned at him her hand at her hips. "Now surrender and come in quitely and we will do a simple and quick prosses...they might even go easy on your prosecution"

Juvia was worried about Pinto but she quickly saw that he wasn't in pain of struggling but the complete opposite he was enjoying it. Juvia took a step back and kept to the shadows and watched.
"Y...yes!" She said standing up stright and frowned at him her hand at her hips. "Now surrender and come in quitely and we will do a simple and quick prosses...they might even go easy on your prosecution"

Juvia was worried about Pinto but she quickly saw that he wasn't in pain of struggling but the complete opposite he was enjoying it. Juvia took a step back and kept to the shadows and watched.
He started laughing at her. "Alright girl. Come on then. I'll let you have the first punch."

(Oh he's struggling and in pain. But he's also a saiyan its how they do,) Eventually he stood up straight. "Towa's gone nappa. Insiggest you leave too before I'm forced to step up to the next level and kill you."
He started laughing at her. "Alright girl. Come on then. I'll let you have the first punch."

(Oh he's struggling and in pain. But he's also a saiyan its how they do,) Eventually he stood up straight. "Towa's gone nappa. Insiggest you leave too before I'm forced to step up to the next level and kill you."
Aqua knew this was stupid what was she even doing here. She took a step back and frowned around she was not going to get close to him if she didn't have to. knowing she would definitely get burned. Thinking but not fully taking to count what the man cover was made out of until she tossed it at him, she picked up a man's cover with her tentacles and tossed it at him.

(oh right, he a tough Saiyan) Juvia watched with anxiety watching her beloved carefully.
Aqua knew this was stupid what was she even doing here. She took a step back and frowned around she was not going to get close to him if she didn't have to. knowing she would definitely get burned. Thinking but not fully taking to count what the man cover was made out of until she tossed it at him, she picked up a man's cover with her tentacles and tossed it at him.

(oh right, he a tough Saiyan) Juvia watched with anxiety watching her beloved carefully.
He took the hit like it was nothing and ran at her punching her hard in the gut.

"Right like you've got anything else up your sleeve." The enchanced Nappa saod. "As a matter of fact." Pinto powered up to Super Saiyan 2. His hair even spikier now. His eerfu cpuld he felt from fairy tail.
He took the hit like it was nothing and ran at her punching her hard in the gut.

"Right like you've got anything else up your sleeve." The enchanced Nappa saod. "As a matter of fact." Pinto powered up to Super Saiyan 2. His hair even spikier now. His eerfu cpuld he felt from fairy tail.
Aqua was a bit slow to react and took the full punch. It knocked the wind out of her as it sent her flying a few feet. She coughed getting up and rushing over to him with some punches and kicks.

(Juvia fan girling in the corner of the room 🤣) Juvia clasped her hands together as her eyes went wide watching as Pinto powered up to Super Saiyan 2.
Back on the ship Emma looked around "what was that?..."
Aqua was a bit slow to react and took the full punch. It knocked the wind out of her as it sent her flying a few feet. She coughed getting up and rushing over to him with some punches and kicks.

(Juvia fan girling in the corner of the room 🤣) Juvia clasped her hands together as her eyes went wide watching as Pinto powered up to Super Saiyan 2.
Back on the ship Emma looked around "what was that?..."
He didn't seem affected. After a few more punches he got ready to deal the finishing blow. Peter intervened. A short fight later Molten Man ran away. Peter turned to Aqua to check on her. "I didn't realize he had... Are you okay?" (Nope she's nor)

"Feels like Pinto." Grey said
He didn't seem affected. After a few more punches he got ready to deal the finishing blow. Peter intervened. A short fight later Molten Man ran away. Peter turned to Aqua to check on her. "I didn't realize he had... Are you okay?" (Nope she's nor)

"Feels like Pinto." Grey said
Aqua felt humiliated

He didn't seem affected. After a few more punches he got ready to deal the finishing blow. Peter intervened. A short fight later Molten Man ran away. Peter turned to Aqua to check on her. "I didn't realize he had... Are you okay?" (Nope she's nor)

"Feels like Pinto." Grey said
She would normally keep quite, smile and nod. Fight through the pain and say that she was alright. But it was different she felt different and she could not hold back her frustration and anger, the frustration making it worse when Peter intervened and fought the Molten Man who then ran off.
Aqua got up bruised and burned as she glared at Peter. "Do I look okay?!...of course I'm not okay!..." she coughed.

"Who's Pinto?.." Emma whispered to Devon. "He is not here...is he still out there fighting?" Levy asked looking over at Grey.
Aqua felt humiliated

She would normally keep quite, smile and nod. Fight through the pain and say that she was alright. But it was different she felt different and she could not hold back her frustration and anger, the frustration making it worse when Peter intervened and fought the Molten Man who then ran off.
Aqua got up bruised and burned as she glared at Peter. "Do I look okay?!...of course I'm not okay!..." she coughed.

"Who's Pinto?.." Emma whispered to Devon. "He is not here...is he still out there fighting?" Levy asked looking over at Grey.
"I was just... I didn't realize how strong he had gotten." He said.

"He's a saiyan.' devon said. "or so I'm told."
"I was just... I didn't realize how strong he had gotten." He said.

"He's a saiyan.' devon said. "or so I'm told."
(I feel so bad X3 this isn't how Aqua normally is...poor Peter)
"You were what?! Assuming things that arnt?....no apparently you didn't realize did you?!....you should have just let him pulverize me...because clearly I am not ment for this!...I told you I wasn't ready... I told you that me taking him on wasn't a good idea! But you didn't listen! You pushed me to do something I'm clearly not ment to do....you clearly don't care about me to listen to me I'm just a joke to you...to everyone...me being a hero is nothing but a joke..." she pulled out her leissense "this
is a joke" she said tossing the card on the ground and turning away. She was shaking in frustration, she was in pain, embarrassed and angry at Peter for leaving her out there against the baddy.

"Saiyan?...so...he will be aright out there fighting on his own?..." Emma asked.
(I feel so bad X3 this isn't how Aqua normally is...poor Peter)
"You were what?! Assuming things that arnt?....no apparently you didn't realize did you?!....you should have just let him pulverize me...because clearly I am not ment for this!...I told you I wasn't ready... I told you that me taking him on wasn't a good idea! But you didn't listen! You pushed me to do something I'm clearly not ment to do....you clearly don't care about me to listen to me I'm just a joke to you...to everyone...me being a hero is nothing but a joke..." she pulled out her leissense "this
is a joke" she said tossing the card on the ground and turning away. She was shaking in frustration, she was in pain, embarrassed and angry at Peter for leaving her out there against the baddy.

"Saiyan?...so...he will be aright out there fighting on his own?..." Emma asked.
"Aqua. I didn't... I wasn't..." (She has to say the words. Something about mever wanting to see him again)

"Well he's probably the strongest guy on this planet."
"Aqua. I didn't... I wasn't..." (She has to say the words. Something about mever wanting to see him again)

"Well he's probably the strongest guy on this planet."
"No...stop I don't want to hear it..don't touch me just stay away...." she said not looking over at him as she averted he gaze from him as she hugged herself. "Just stop Peter you done enough...just leave me alone! I really cant...I don't want to see you again!" She said angrily closing her eyes tightly as she yelled it out digging her fingernails into her arm.

"Right...he is nothing close to those in this world that's for sure.." she said not knowing much of the world Pinto was from, but she knew they were crazy at fighting.
"No...stop I don't want to hear it..don't touch me just stay away...." she said not looking over at him as she averted he gaze from him as she hugged herself. "Just stop Peter you done enough...just leave me alone! I really cant...I don't want to see you again!" She said angrily closing her eyes tightly as she yelled it out digging her fingernails into her arm.

"Right...he is nothing close to those in this world that's for sure.." she said not knowing much of the world Pinto was from, but she knew they were crazy at fighting.
"Aqua..." He turned away and started walk away. "I'm sorry." He let a webline fly and swung away without another word. He quickly reached Aqua's house. Politely explained that the party was over and everyone was free to take a slice of cake home. When Aqua eventually returned his room was empty and his belongings were gone.

The fight had basically turned in favor of Pinto entirely. Nappa couldn't stand up to him is Super Saiyan 2.
"Aqua..." He turned away and started walk away. "I'm sorry." He let a webline fly and swung away without another word. He quickly reached Aqua's house. Politely explained that the party was over and everyone was free to take a slice of cake home. When Aqua eventually returned his room was empty and his belongings were gone.

The fight had basically turned in favor of Pinto entirely. Nappa couldn't stand up to him is Super Saiyan 2.
(Aww my heart 💔😭)
Aqua didn't return home until later that night. She couldn't bare to return home, once she calmed down she greatly regreted everything. Aqua has said things that she didn't at all mean. She entered the dark quite home and noticed that not only Peter but everything of his was gone. Her heart shattered she completely lost everything and it was all her fault, what had she done.She had driven Peter away and it hit her hard. Her legs buckled and she dropped to the ground crying in complete sorrow.

Juvia did not move from her spot in the shadows watching everything unfold infront of her.
(Aww my heart 💔😭)
Aqua didn't return home until later that night. She couldn't bare to return home, once she calmed down she greatly regreted everything. Aqua has said things that she didn't at all mean. She entered the dark quite home and noticed that not only Peter but everything of his was gone. Her heart shattered she completely lost everything and it was all her fault, what had she done.She had driven Peter away and it hit her hard. Her legs buckled and she dropped to the ground crying in complete sorrow.

Juvia did not move from her spot in the shadows watching everything unfold infront of her.
The days leading up to the camp no one saw Peter but everyone saw Spider-Man frequently stoppong crimes and fighting villains. Frequently cracking wise as he did. It would seem like nothing had changed. Except that no one ever saw Peter anywhere anymore.

Pinto defeated Nappa and sent him away with his tail literally between his legs. With a deep breath he returned to his base form.
The days leading up to the camp no one saw Peter but everyone saw Spider-Man frequently stoppong crimes and fighting villains. Frequently cracking wise as he did. It would seem like nothing had changed. Except that no one ever saw Peter anywhere anymore.

Pinto defeated Nappa and sent him away with his tail literally between his legs. With a deep breath he returned to his base form.
(Aqua is a very emotional bean. She loved Peter so much I could see her completly going into a depressed stage after she drove Peter away).
Aqua completed isolated herself from the world outside. Keeping to her families home, on the third day even she gotten her self up to eat something. Only a single tentacle reaching out her front door to bring in a bag into her home.
Their friends from class A-1 had no idea what had happened just that after they had left together they only saw Peter return before leaving. After that day which was ment to celebrate they never saw Aqua and Peter together or individually. They did see Spider-Man but they couldn't manage to talk to him so far. The girls tried to go and speak to Aqua wanting to know what had happened but they would never get a reply.

After a while Juvia steped out from the shadows in her solid form. "Pinto dear?...you alright?.." she asked cautiously, as she watched him return to his base form.
(Aqua is a very emotional bean. She loved Peter so much I could see her completly going into a depressed stage after she drove Peter away).
Aqua completed isolated herself from the world outside. Keeping to her families home, on the third day even she gotten her self up to eat something. Only a single tentacle reaching out her front door to bring in a bag into her home.
Their friends from class A-1 had no idea what had happened just that after they had left together they only saw Peter return before leaving. After that day which was ment to celebrate they never saw Aqua and Peter together or individually. They did see Spider-Man but they couldn't manage to talk to him so far. The girls tried to go and speak to Aqua wanting to know what had happened but they would never get a reply.

After a while Juvia steped out from the shadows in her solid form. "Pinto dear?...you alright?.." she asked cautiously, as she watched him return to his base form.
Eventually the day of hero camp came and Peter as a pro hero was required to attend for security. He rode on top of the bus in the outside not taking of his suit. He was still plenty friendly with everyone and acted as though nothing was wrong.

He looked at her. "What are uou doing out here? You should be celebrating.'
Eventually the day of hero camp came and Peter as a pro hero was required to attend for security. He rode on top of the bus in the outside not taking of his suit. He was still plenty friendly with everyone and acted as though nothing was wrong.

He looked at her. "What are uou doing out here? You should be celebrating.'
(Just trying to figure out of Aqua should be there with class A1 or ended up coming along withclass B? Or what do you think of her being family friends with the wild wild pussycats. Her mother could have been best friends with the boys (can't remember his name) parents as they were water based heros)
(Just trying to figure out of Aqua should be there with class A1 or ended up coming along withclass B? Or what do you think of her being family friends with the wild wild pussycats. Her mother could have been best friends with the boys (can't remember his name) parents as they were water based heros)
(Yes to the friendship idea. And I'd say 1A with the intent of trying ti fix things with Peter. Who will be constantly avoiding her)
Eventually the day of hero camp came and Peter as a pro hero was required to attend for security. He rode on top of the bus in the outside not taking of his suit. He was still plenty friendly with everyone and acted as though nothing was wrong.

He looked at her. "What are uou doing out here? You should be celebrating.'
(I know Kota hates everyone but I am going to make the little boy Kota like Aqua. Thought it be cute he sees Aqua as a big sister)

The bus soon stopped at an overlook and all the students exited the bus. "Finally a break!" Mina said as she exited with the others stretching and looking around. "This is strange?...why did we stop?" Ochako asked looking around confused. "you don't think we just stopped here so you all can stretch your legs now did you?..." Eraserhead spoke in a monotone voice. "Hi, there Erase," A voice said as two women stepped out of a car with tinted windows that no one had noticed. "your feline fantasies are here! say meow! Perfectly cute and cat-like girls! You can call us the Wild Wild Pussycats!" women in red and another in blue dose a little routine and pose for everyone.

Aqua sat inside the car looking out of the tinted window, she gently smiled seeing her friends from within the car "are you coming Aqua?" Kota asked before stepping out of the car, Aqua was going to step out only to stop when she caught sight of Peter "I think I'm going to stay here Otouto" Aqua said softly. "whatever... you are being weird nee-san" Kota said before stepping out of the car looking unimpressed with the two women doing their routine.

"Juvia ...I well I came looking for you Pinto....I didn't see you at the ship...and its only right you be celebrating as well"
(I know Kota hates everyone but I am going to make the little boy Kota like Aqua. Thought it be cute he sees Aqua as a big sister)

The bus soon stopped at an overlook and all the students exited the bus. "Finally a break!" Mina said as she exited with the others stretching and looking around. "This is strange?...why did we stop?" Ochako asked looking around confused. "you don't think we just stopped here so you all can stretch your legs now did you?..." Eraserhead spoke in a monotone voice. "Hi, there Erase," A voice said as two women stepped out of a car with tinted windows that no one had noticed. "your feline fantasies are here! say meow! Perfectly cute and cat-like girls! You can call us the Wild Wild Pussycats!" women in red and another in blue dose a little routine and pose for everyone.

Aqua sat inside the car looking out of the tinted window, she gently smiled seeing her friends from within the car "are you coming Aqua?" Kota asked before stepping out of the car, Aqua was going to step out only to stop when she caught sight of Peter "I think I'm going to stay here Otouto" Aqua said softly. "whatever... you are being weird nee-san" Kota said before stepping out of the car looking unimpressed with the two women doing their routine.

"Juvia ...I well I came looking for you Pinto....I didn't see you at the ship...and its only right you be celebrating as well"
Peter warched the two. "So you must ve two of the famous cat heroes. We haven't met yet." He held out his hand. "Spider-Man. Buty friends cally spidey."

"Well." He said thinking. "I am hungry now that I think about it."
Peter warched the two. "So you must ve two of the famous cat heroes. We haven't met yet." He held out his hand. "Spider-Man. Buty friends cally spidey."

"Well." He said thinking. "I am hungry now that I think about it."
"Indeed we are, you are...." Mandalay (the red one) said getting cut off by Pixie-Bob that frantically started to circle Spiderman "oh my your the new cutie I've been hearing about! meow, I wouldn't mind playing with you!" She said grabbing onto his arm and nuzzling her face on Spidy's arm. "Pixie- Bob!....sorry about that but welcome students...We own this whole stretch of land you see before you and right over there" Mandalay said pointing off in the distance. "...is the summer camp you all will be staying at, right there at the base of the mountain" she added. With Mandalay pointing out where the camp was everyone in class A-1 started to talk amongst them feeling very uneasy about why they stopped so far away.

"you know Fairy tail always has plenty of food...and with it being a celebration there is more food than you can imagine" Juvia replied
"Indeed we are, you are...." Mandalay (the red one) said getting cut off by Pixie-Bob that frantically started to circle Spiderman "oh my your the new cutie I've been hearing about! meow, I wouldn't mind playing with you!" She said grabbing onto his arm and nuzzling her face on Spidy's arm. "Pixie- Bob!....sorry about that but welcome students...We own this whole stretch of land you see before you and right over there" Mandalay said pointing off in the distance. "...is the summer camp you all will be staying at, right there at the base of the mountain" she added. With Mandalay pointing out where the camp was everyone in class A-1 started to talk amongst them feeling very uneasy about why they stopped so far away.

"you know Fairy tail always has plenty of food...and with it being a celebration there is more food than you can imagine" Juvia replied
(I don't remember why they stopped so far away) He looked at Pixie-Bob. "That's real flattering kitty cat. But I'm what you might call emotionally unavailable right now."

He nodded. "Yeah. Lets go eat." He said.
(I don't remember why they stopped so far away) He looked at Pixie-Bob. "That's real flattering kitty cat. But I'm what you might call emotionally unavailable right now."

He nodded. "Yeah. Lets go eat." He said.
(they literally send them over the cliff and Pixie makes these giant rock dirt monsters to attack them. The class has to fight their way over to the campsite to get lunch...but I think they make it to the site late) (also is class 1-A going to try to get Aqua and Peter back together?)

"oh poo your no fun..." Pixie Bob said turning over to Mandalay and smiling mischievously as she left Spidys side. Class 1-A was starting to feel uneasy as they nervously started to question why they were so far away from camp and they all started to head back to the bus. Mandalay also smiled mischievously as her tail flickered "current time is 9:30 in the morning...and if your fast about it, you might make it to the camp by noon" Mandalay said with a sly smile as she stood in front of them. All of the sudden the whole 1-A freaked out and started to run back to the bus at full force. "where are you going little kitties?...you know kitties that don't make it there by 12:30 won't get any lunch!" She yelled as the class ran. "I bet you all have guessed by now students...but the training has already begun" Eraserhead chimed in. Pixie-Bob jumped right in front of them blocking the way into the bus as she smiled and let out a small chuckle. She placed her paws on the ground and they glowed blue and a huge landslide came out of nowhere and washed the students over the cliff down to the forest below.

Juvia smiled and quickly followed after him. "Juvia has to say you were amazing as always Pinto" she said with a dreamy sigh

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