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Fantasy Ms.Reed's home for special children. (Open)

"Back up?" Jyn was a bit confused what does she mean by back up "what back up are you talking about?" he asked Ms.Reed this is the time Jyn became a bit curious.
"You'll see soon enough" Ms.Reed said before teleporting. She arrived at the front door with a smile "Hello kiddo" Ms.Reed said.
Max opened the door after a few moments of waiting and entered the building. She shut the door and turned around, beginning to walk forward.
"Then I am, uh, very glad that we never have to fight her." Nyo agreed with Raven, then thought back to what happened the day before. "Actually..." he changed his mind, thinking about how she said she would kill them. "Maybe we should worry, just a little bit."

He turned to the table again, looking again for something to eat. He wasn't exactly hungry, more like bored.
Emily nibbled on some bread happily, looking up at Nyo every once and awhile. She still didn't know where Richard was and honestly was getting a bit annoyed that her friend was nowhere to be found. "Um, anyone seen Richard? He hasn't been around lately."

@SecretRock @Aeshae
"Actually Nyo, i'd actually like to fight against her..." Raven always had a spirit for fighting people he knew that was stronger than him, and he actually beat most of them. Luck of course would have to be on my side again...

The events that had followed Richard were, to say the least, strange. After promising to take up the teachers lessons in training, he diverted himself from the group and explored a bit of the mansion. Upon arriving to what he assumed was his dorm rooms, he only discovered he needed a key and tried to track down a teacher to get one. This eventually led him to an extremely strict and pissed off man who looked fairly young, who scolded him for his lax behavior for what seemed like forever.

Rubbing the back of his head, Richard sighed as we walked into the eating hall some time later. It had appeared that the food had changed a bit once again, although the scenery hadn't. The air was still warm and welcoming, and the smell of the different foods didn't so much as repulse him, but actually blended together into a light waft scent.

Richard plumped himself next to his quiet friend as he laid his head on the table, ignoring the benevolent food in front of him. "I am exhausted..."

(Im terribly sorry for the absence. At first I was confused as to what was happening as there were so many side conversations so I said I'll read through them all later to catch up, then I graduated, then I partied, then I was back home at 5 AM, then I went to MORE parties the following day, and today I have parties in a few hours. Very busy so I do apologize!)

@Echo Dreamsong
Emily squeaked in excitement and threw her arms around Richard. Let's say she was ecstatic to say the least. "Guess what I did! Guess!" She cried with a wide beam.

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Pleasantly startled by sudden new volume from his friend Richard grinned at her, fatigue gone. "You realized how amazing I was and built a shrine in my honor, which has become a new faith followed by many." He then gave a miniature bow to her, joking.

@Echo Dreamsong
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Emily's face fell and she fiddled with her thumbs. "I-is that what I should have done?" She asked quietly, unsure of really what Richard would want.
Nyo watched Richard fall down and gently patted him on the back. Nyo hadn't felt tired in years, but he could remember what it was like and he was glad that it wasn't him in Richard's position.

"It was, um, a joke." Nyo told Emily quietly, then added loud enough for Richard to hear him clearly, "It wasn't a very good one though." He smiled at the other boy to show that he didn't mean any actual insult.

@Echo Dreamsong @Aeshae

(Sounds like a fun time.)
Richard laughed a bit in response to Emily's reaction and Nyo's explanation. "Sorry, sorry. So what did you do Em?" Richard smiled at her genuinely, showing interest in what caused a surge of confidence in the girl.
Emily perked up and summoned Chalice. Who sat on her arm looking ticked. "I created him! He doesn't burn me!" She beamed, looking up at Richard for approval.

Richard blinked at the the burning creature sitting on Emily's arm, dumbfounded. Out of all the abilities in the mansion, Richard's was the most mundane, and he had not seen much of this before. "That's... So cool!" Richard pepped up again, leaning in close to Chalice. "It's a he? How can you tell? Do you need to feed it? Is this new? Does everyone else know? Am I the only one excited? Oh man!" Richard looked from Nyo to Emily and back to Chalice again, absolutely astounded by the creation.

@Echo Dreamsong @SecretRock
Emily clapped her hands together happily before nodding. "His name is Chalice. He's a fire spirit, and though he can't speak, he uses sign language!" She gushed. "He listens to me and talks, just like a, um, friend?" She finished that with a puzzled expression, not quite sure if fire could be a friend.
"It's pretty, uh, amazing, right?" Nyo asked, grinning, as if Richard's reaction hadn't made it obvious. He put his food down and reached for a drink instead.

Richard nodded at her. "If they're someone you trust and can talk to freely, they're definitely your friend." Smiling, Richard agreed with Nyo. The fact she could create life with her powers was astounding. "I need to learn sign language now you guys." Richard commented, reaching out towards Chalice with his finger, similar to how one would react to a pet.

@Echo Dreamsong @SecretRock
Chalice touched him, intentionally burning who he called 'Mr. Crazy'. Emily shrieked and smacked him, effectively getting her hand burned. "CHALICE! NO!" She growled before turning him back into specks of fire that absorbed into her arm. "I-I am so sorry! Are you okay? I can find water!"
Waving his hand as if he had touched a stove Richard grinned at Emily. "It's alright, I kind of asked for it, honest!" Glancing at his finger, it was mildly red, likely going to heal in a few days or so. "Still pretty cool, I have to admit." Richard said as he leaned forward and grabbed a formed plate of fries. "What else can you do?"
Nyo winced a little as Richard got burned. It was the first time that he'd seen Chalice hurt someone and he was a little shocked, but he reasoned that it was a begin made out fire so it would undoubtedly be dangerous to touch. He smiled at Emily's joke and glanced at Richard's finger.

"Hey, I don't, uh, want to interrupt, but can I try something?" He asked, gesturing to Richard's hand.
Richard laughed heartily at Emily's joke, despite the girl's inexperience in what he called, the art of the joke. Richard leaned over to look at Nyo, before responding, "Yeah sure thing!" He held out his hand with the burnt finger to Nyo, wondering what he would do.

Location: Dining Hall

With: Nyo, Emily

@Echo Dreamsong @SecretRock
Nyo took Richard's hand, holding it palm up and staring at the burn. He pressed his lips together and wrapped his hand around the burn, his forehead creased in concentration. After a few seconds he let go and shook his head.

"Sorry, I thought that maybe I could help it heal." Nyo told Richard, letting go of his hand. He shrugged. "I guess, uh, it's just me, huh?"
Laughing it off Richard smiled. "Aw it's alright. It doesn't even hurt honestly." Richard took back his hand, taking in a few fries as well. "So have you guys gotten a chance to look around? This place is quite massive!" Richard added, already having toured the mansion for himself.

Location: Dining Hall

With: Nyo, Emily
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"Not really... I mean, I just go to the kitchen." Emily said with a small shrug. She had yet again gotten more fruit and was eagerly chewing it. The only problem at the moment was that mangos are supposed to be peeled... "Thwis ish kinda hairwy." She mumbled.

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