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Fantasy Mrs. Evans' School for the Gifted

Alex snarled angrily "You really are a perverted kid arent you?" He would say as his hands ended up having claws and his face was more wolflike and he had grown ears and small patches of hairs "Spying on women and making lewd comments about them. You disgust me." 

@Deadly Darkness @raddish
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He raised an eyebrow seeing Alex run out to block her. He placed a hand over his stomach and laughed. "Look at you two playing hookie." He wiped a tear from his eye as he lowered himself into a crouch on the ledge. "And no need to be so modest, darling." He gave a cheeky grin, but it quickly faded as she asked what he was doing. "Just going out to grab a bite to eat that's all." His dark gaze shot over to Alex. "Careful wolfie about making comments like that. I'm not the one who convinced out of that cute little uniform, now am I?" His expression was cold as he stood up. "I can see tension is already very high, so I won't stick around. It was nice to see you two again." He waved a hand carelessly over his shoulder as he began walking away.

@raddish @ThatOneLunatic
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Andromeda stood, confused. There was food at the school, why was he out here? "Okay but breakfast was literally not even an hour ago." She said, raising a brow. When Alex accused him of being perverted and Sean retorted, she couldn't help but agree a little bit. The blonde grew anxious, turning around and getting away from the water. "I'm going back to class." She said as she jumped down a few rocks to find her way back.

( mentioned: @ThatOneLunatic @Deadly Darkness )
Alex reverted to his normal state and grabbed his bad jogging after her "Hey wait up!" He caught up quickly and he smiled as he walked with her "I told you I smelt something foul." He would say reffering to Sean "You know something doesnt smell right about him. Almost like death...." He would say as he could smell the past "meals" sean had due to his extremely strong sense of smell

Sorren listened intently as Azalea spoke while his claws gently tapped the wall behind her, he expected her to try and enter his mind but was surprised at the ease in which she was able to use such a power - he would have found it fascinating if it wasn't being used on him. Sorren's eyes shone more intensely as Azalea entered his mind, he had never felt something so surreal yet painless. His spirit felt like it had been lifted from his body and was staring down as all of his memories poured from his head and swam around the pair.

Before him, he witnessed his childhood and family: his mother, father, little sister, and him at their rather large estate. He came from a family that used their supernatural abilities to their advantage which allowed them to accumulate significant wealth. Sorren also began to see his transition to becoming a hybrid, he wasn't born one. Young Sorren was originally a werewolf and had been surveying his pack's outer perimeter alone, his father had given him the task while his parents patrolled the area of closer proximity to their family estate and took care of his little sister who was in constant need of attention and care. He remembered the night like it was yesterday. But couldn't, wouldn't allow Azalea to see it.

Sorren snapped back into reality and used his willpower to break the tether she had on his mind, he let out a snarl as Sorren pulled her hand away from his temple; he felt like a part of him was suddenly gone and had left a vacant space. He calmed himself and reverted his appearance back to normal while running a hand through his hair, he then prodded Azalea in the shoulder and kept his finger their for a few seconds with a smirk. "Almost". He uttered in a hushed voice, Sorren definitely would not be giving her another free pass and had resolved to make her actually work for something for once in her life.

"Maybe it was the mood, because I knlw for sure that died quickly." Andromeda said as she walked back to the school, fixing her hair a lot. She wanted to be in choir now, to be with the other girls. "Let's just get back to the school, Sean can go do his own thing without us intruding."

( mentioned: @ThatOneLunatic )
He nodded as he pushed his hair to the side "Hey...umm you know how you're in choir? I was sorta thinking about joining." He chuckled "I know you probably cant believe it but, I kinda sing when no ones around..." He was trying to make small talk but he was being truthful

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Sean eventually made his way into a local town. He stopped and took in a deep breath. A twisted smile stretched abnormally on his face. "The thought of being this close to eating is exciting!" He muttered to himself. With a quick scope of the nearby buildings, he entered a pub; it was place where lonely drunkards went. It was a place for those who wouldn't be missed. Sean flashed a charismatic smile to the bartender leaning up close as if to let him in on a secret. He quickly put on his shy charming act; he bit his lip and darted his eyes around anxiously. "Excuse me, bartender, do you know the girl in the back corner?" The bartender eyed Sean curiously before looking to the girl he was talking about. She was in her mid twenties with long brown hair, a curvaceous figure, and a sad expression. The bartender shrugged, "she's not a regular." Sean internally cackled. Perfect. He gave another nervous nod to the bartender before taking a seat across from the women. "Do you mind if I sit?" He asked politely, watching closely. She looked up in surprise, looking the obviously younger boy over. She gave a quick nod and looked back to the scratched wooden table. 

"I couldn't help but notice such a pretty girl sitting all by herself." His voice was soft and sweet like caramel. 

The girl let out a giggle, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear nervously. "Well, thank you."

She's talking. That's good. Hopefully this won't take long. Everyone's a sucker for a good romance. "My name's Sean Strickland, and what should I call you?" He let his voice come out like coo. Again she giggled, the alcohol and compliments making her cheeks go rosy. 

"I'm Jane Munoz, but you can just call me Jane." 

"How fitting: a beautiful name for a beautiful woman. So tell me, what brings you here, Jane?"

Her smile disappeared as she rung her hands anxiously. "W-Well, I don't usually share things with strangers, but you've been so nice." She took a deep breath readying herself. "I just recently lost my job, and my eviction note came in yesterday." The woman began to tear up. Sean quickly placed his hand on hers, a sympathetic look on his face. 

(I'm going to send this out in chunks so it's not a wall of text)
"Then join choir. If you want to do it then do it." Andromeda shrugged. "But don't join just because you like me, everyone hates that.." She said bluntly, keeping to herself. Choir was her favorite thing, next to cheer.

( mentioned: @ThatOneLunatic )
Azalea intently observed each memory that flooded through her from Sorren to herself. All too soon she was jerked out of his mind with willpower. Azalea flinched. When a tether was broken, which was uncommon for Azalea, it weakened her. Drained her. 

She he tried not to show her weakness, or her unsettlement with Sorren, smiling coyly up at him before her face turned into a mocking, childish pout, cocking her head. "Aww, and we were just getting to the fun parts." She said with childish disappointment, before her face turned into a grin, like a fox as it catches a prey. 

"Next time then. Naturally." She said in a soft, dangerously gentle voice. Azalea felt uneasy being up against the wall, especially after being weakened. Azalea took a side step, attempting to slyly maneuver towards the door, keeping eye contact with him the entire time. Azalea kept her sly grin on her face "I'm winning." She said coolly and amused.

Interaction: @Bowa
"I'm so sorry to hear that. Do you have any family nearby or any friends to help you?" Jane shook her head as she wiped away the tears with her free hand. 

"N-No, my parents died, and I'm an only child. I never knew my extended family. Who knows if they even knew about me." Her voice shook with emotion. He gave her hand a gentle squeeze. She looked up at him with large naive eyes. He offered her a small smile. 

"What about friends?" He suggested again. She shook her head, letting her gaze fall to the table again. "Well, I know we just met, but I can't bare to see people suffering like this, so if you'll let me," he bit his lip anxiously, selling it perfectly. "I'd like to offer that you stay with me. I know I'm younger, but it doesn't have to be permanent. Just until you find a new job and get back on your feet. It'll be like being room mates." Jane's eyes shined with emotion as she stared at the stranger who promised of hope. 

"I-I don't know, Sean, we did just meet after all." 

Sean gave a nod and looked to the table as if trying to come up with a solution. He snapped his fingers and smiled. "How about this. I'll show you my house and all I have to offer and you can make your final choice then, ok?" Jane sat there, thinking it over. She then smiled and nodded cheerfully. Sean smiled widely and stood from the table. Bingo. 

"Thank you so much, Sean." 

"It's no trouble at all." He smiled at her sweetly once more before leading her out of the bar.
"Thats not why I would join." He sighed at this point he had given up, she wont even talk to him without making it awkward now and he mumbled under his breath "Stupid Alex...ruin everything..." He would just walk in silence now, it was apparent that he was upset, and his past comment was just loud enough for her to hear so it was also obvious that he was upset with himself

Sean had led her down a ways into a remote part of town. He jumped, looking off into the woods. "Did you see that?" He looked back at the girl he was with with a shock look.

"No, what was it?" Before she got a response, Sean had run into the forest. "Sean, wait up!" The woman ran after him into the forest and out of sight of the others. A smile pulled at his face as he chased the imaginary thing. After a few moments of running and her calling out for him to wait, he finally stopped. Jane caught up and grabbed his shoulder panting. "I told you.. to wait up." She said in between gasps.

"Sorry, I thought I saw something." She looked up at him, successfully catching her breath.

"What was it?" She looked at him curiously, but his devilish grin already suggested too much. She took her hand off of Sean's shoulder, realizing the mistake she had made. With a turn to run, she was stopped by his inhuman strength. He placed a hand over her mouth and pulled her tightly to him.

"Don't worry, I hate to see people suffer." He smiled maniacally.

Andromeda tried her hardest to ignore his comment, but she felt guilty. This was her fault. "You didn't ruin anything." She muttered. "I just.. I don't know. You said that one word, love, and I just-" Andromeda tensed up, balling her fists for a moment. "I don't do love, it's weird. I don't know, maybe I'm insane. I just can't do it." She tried to explain. But it was too much for words. Andromeda's demiromantic orientation worked in two ways. Either the person needed to introduce themselves in a romantic manner, or she needed to know them for a very long time before she feels any sort of romantic emotion towards them. She always got scared when someone told her they loved her, too. To Andromeda, if someone loves you you need to constantly impress them. She couldn't impress, she could barely be away from social media or any other interaction for more than two seconds.


( mentioned: @ThatOneLunatic )
"You dont do love?" He asked as he looked at her confused "What do you mean by that?" He stopped and put his hand on her shoulder "You know if its because you like Sean or someone else you can tell me, I dont want to play games..." He would say  his hand would be comforting as it touched her shoulder, and he looked into her eyes with a smile "You can tell me anything. It wont be a problem if you like someone else." He gave her a reassuring smile but on the inside he was about to break, he had no idea what to do, everything was fine until this, it was all fine until he went and screwed up while they were floating and his other hand that was at his side clenched into a fist 

@raddish ((Poor Alex :D  he just get broken more and more by meda xD))

"I don't know." Andromeda ran her hands through her hair. "It's too much of a commitment for me, I can't have people depending on me in that way." She shook her head, she did like Sean, but she didn't know him outside of his flirtatious persona, so that was bound to change. "I don't like anyone else, and I especially don't love anyone." She bit her nails. "This is something I've been struggling with for a while.. It's hard. I want you to be happy but it's just.. I don't know okay? I just can't do the romantic stuff with anyone. It's weird.."


( mentioned: @ThatOneLunatic she feels so bad rip )
He would sigh and nod and he said "Then its my mistake, I'm sorry...I should have kept my mouth shut. I-I'll see you at the g-game." It would look as if his eyes were getting bloodshot and water was forming and he turned away and a sniffle could be heard. "H-Have fun in class..." he would begin to walk away his normal cheerful happy vibe would be gone, instead replaced by this dark sad feeling it was cold and she could see his hands begin to grow into claws and ears popping out the top of his head and he brought his arm to his face wiping across it 

@raddish ((Hehe, its ok. He just gonna have a rough day xD))
Sean reentered the school with a satisfied smile on his face. His hunt had gone exactly to plan and he had eaten plenty to satisfy him, for now. He had taken off his grey shirt and was now carrying in a bundle. His jeans sat low on his hips as he walked past the main office with a smile. He had cleaned up well, so there were no traces of his hunting, except for the shirt in his hand. Jane had turned out to be quite a bleeder, but she was delicious nonetheless. The thought of her thick thighs made him lick his lips nostalgically. After making a stop at his room for a shower and a change of clothes he headed back for what was left of psychology. That class had really taught him a lot. It was crazy how easy it was to manipulate people once you understood how they thought and functioned. 
Sorren placed a firm hand on her shoulder and stopped her from advancing away from him, he wagged one of his index fingers in front of her and pulled a face that said "Where do you think you're going?". He stood still for a moment, he contemplated stabbing his claws into the back of her neck and tapping into her memories. It was an old werewolf method that could prove fatal, although he really wanted to win this game he wasn't prepared to potentially kill Azalea to do it. Sorren had to find another way to get something on her, find information about her somehow but he highly doubted she shared such knowledge with anyone; he was going to have to play dirty.

The Hybrid cupped the Whisper's chin, he had a playful look on his face as he spoke in deep and raspy tone, "There won't be a next time. Next time. You are going to wish you didn't say that". In less than a second, Sorren had moved Azalea to a different wall and smiled at her slyly, "You better keep your eyes open, otherwise you might just find yourself in a...situation you're not used to". Sorren smirked as he maintained eye contact with her, he knew that he was going to have fun unlocking her secrets. He hadn't been this interested in a person in a while, this unfamiliar feeling of sustained intrigue only left him reeling to know more of Azalea.


Guilt overcame Andromeda and she walked to her class, breaking into the school and sitting in the bathroom until the bell rang. She didn't know how to fix this, she wanted to see Alex happy but anxiety brewed inside her whenever she even thought of a relationship. Not just with him, with anyone. When the bell rang she left the bathroom and walked down the hall, gripping her binders and quietly avoiding some students. She wasn't in the mood to talk anymore, yet her constant need for attention was hurting her. She sighed and sparked up a conversation with the girl next to her; Luna Deluca was her name. She was a freshman, and a banshee. She looked a bit shaken up about something, but Andromeda wasn't one to ask. She instead talked to the banshee and  followed her to her next class, smiling kindly at her.


( plot twist i'm bringing in a third character and her name is luna deluca )
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With the ringing of the bell, Sean exited the class he hadn't spent more then twenty minutes in. A content smile was still stuck on his face as walked through the halls. Wonder what happened between Alex and Andromeda? He thought for a moment, but then shrugged finding he didn't really care. It wasn't really his business anyway. He figured why bother getting stuck on someone else's situation when it had no bearing on him.
Alex didn't want to go to his next class, it was strength and conditioning, but he had to or he wouldn't be warmed up for the game, he quickly got himself together and entered the school heading into his class where he began drowning his sorrow by running on the treadmill to condition for the first 10 minutes then moving to his weight training and then back to conditioning for the rest of the class, he had the setting on the highest speed and he was running on it without a problem, he was used to this amount of running at this pace, but something was bugging him, he couldn't keep his mind of her, he seriously couldn't, all he could think about was how beautiful Andromeda would look at the game and then he remembered Sean and his fist clenched around the rails of the treadmill, without noticing he had squeezed the bar crushing it with his hand both bars now bent inward. He noticed what he was doing and stopped and just kept his mind on running. (Open for interaction)

Andromeda gave Luna a warm goodbye, letting her go to her class as she made her way to her own. She couldn't help but notice that the banshee's eyes were darker and seemed more dilated than normal. She sighed and walked to the english wing, pushing her way through crowds of chattering students as she finally found her classroom and had time to sit down.


Luna felt it, she didn't know what, but she felt it. Someone, or something, was killed nearby. She spent a majority of her last class restraining herself from screaming. It was painful for her not to do such as it was her nature to do so. The banshee walked into the history wing and looked in the window of an empty dark room, looking at her eyes and seeing the difference. Her eyes would change back to normal soon enough, but her eyes burned. It was from her restraining herself. So not only did it look like she was high because of her pupils, but it also looked like she'd been crying. The bluenette moved into her class and sat down, bringing her knees to her chest even in the small space the desks allowed.


Rhea stopped in the bathroom between classes, fixing her makeup and touching up her hair. She made sure to use the mirror the furthest away from anyone to avoid getting water splashed on her legs. She made her way to her third class with ease, looking around for someone to talk to as it had been a couple hours since she spoke with anyone other than Lilith. Rhea sighed, pushing through the crowds of people and trying to find her class.


( all three of the babies are open! )
Azalea drew in a sharp breath as he put a firm hand on her shoulder, stopping her from moving back inside. Azalea realized, among the midst of pushing people away and making sure she was in control, she attracted someone much worse. Her smile was gone now as he waggled a finger at her and she scowled angrily. 

Azalea flinched as he cupped her chin in his hands, wanting to pull away. Having no choice but to look straight back into his eyes, Azalea pressed her lips thin in anger and a mix of fear at his tone, not matching his face. 

Azalea found herself pressed against another wall in seconds and Azalea drew in another sharp breath, backing herself against the wall to put as much distance between herself and Sorren as possible. She looked away from his burning gaze, turning her head so she was looking anywhere but him. 

Azalea's chest rose and fell at a rather rapid rate, although she tried to keep herself calm. She felt cornered, which she was, and trapped in a situation she couldn't get out of. And she hated it. She clenched her jaw at his words. A situation. What kind of situation? 

Azalea couldn't back herself further into the wall if she tried. Azalea wouldn't let him see her fear, although he was sure he already did. She knew she wouldn't lose. But she also knew she had to tread carefully. Very carefully. "Game on." Azalea said in a dangerous time, but her voice choked slightly, unsteady. And she still kept her head turned, not facing him. 

Interaction: @Bowa

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