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Charcoal sighed. "Well, this is my last delivery before I leave town." He said. "So if you don't mind, I'll get going."
Pinkie blinked and she giggled, "Hey, are you hungry at all? Come on, let's get you all fed up!" Before he knew what was happening, he was eveloped by a pink blur. When it subsided, he was at the enterance ot Sugarcube.
Charcoal closed his eyes and shook his head. "No, I got to finish..." He opened them and saw that he was at Sugarcube corner. "What... but I was... and you were... and now were... what?!" He yelled in confusion.
Pinkie giggled and opened the door, "we have cupcakes and pastries and all sorts of yummy stuff! Don't even get me started on all the cookies!"
"Wait, I didn't even finish my delivery. Somepony ordered a bag of coal." He reached into his bag and didn't see the coal in there. "Where's my coal?" He said.
Charcoal looked and saw that there are more bits in there. He lets out a sigh. "Fine, I guess I can take a break." He said.
"What type do you want?" She asked, giggiling, "We have strawberry and apple and blueberry and all sorts!"
Pinkie nodded, humming what seemed to him like a peculiar tune (it was actually smile, but she wasnt sure if he knew of it). She jumped up, grabbed his muffins, then smiled, "Three bits!"
He reached in his bag and took out five bits. "Here you go, plus a tip." he said. Charcoal levitated the muffins and placed them on a table next to him.
Charcoal watched as she left. "Hmm, she seems nice." He thought. Charcoal put one muffin in his bag and picked up the other one and started eating. After he had the first one he got up from the table and left to his next destination which was Canterlot.

Later that day. Charcoal came back from delivering minerals in Canterlot. When he came back it was a bit late. Most ponies would be heading home like him. "Been a long day of deliveries." He said to himself. "Now to go back home."
Pinkie was washing the Windows upside down when she saw him, "oh hey!" She did a back flip and landed in front of him, "do you need a place to sleep?"
Charcoal stopped when pinkie landed in front of him. "Hi." He said, "No that's alright. I was just about to go home."

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