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Charcoal looked back to see what she want and got startled by how she ran up to him. He stepped back and answer her question. "Charcoal. My name I Charcoal."
"Oh well I think you already know I'm Pinkie Pie!" She giggled, "come to Sugarcube for some treat s next time you come into town!"

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Pinkie seemed like she was going to leave, but then suddenly began to follow him. She called, "I can help mister!"

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Charcoal kept walking. "No that's alright, you go on with your business and I'll go on with mine." He said. Charcoal checked where he had to go next.
"I actually always am free, well kinda sorta unless I'm planning a party them I'm not!" She giggled, "but otherwise yeah I'm usually always well kinda sorta free!"
Charcoal looked at his paper and saw the name for the next delivery. He did not know the pony and didn't know where he lived. "Since she seems to know pretty much everypony in this town, then maybe she can help." He thought. Charcoal took the paper and showed it to her. "Okay then, do you know where this pony lives, Ms. Pie?" he asked.
"Lyra? Of course I do!" She bounced up to the small cottage where a little furnace was in the back, "She lives with Bon Bon which is probably why she's ordering them!"
"Bon Bon is a candy maker!" She giggled, "she rents this place with Lyra!"

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Lyra nodded and she quickly signed the slip with a little bit of a grin.

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"Thank you. Here is your coal." Charcoal gave the light blue pony the bag. "Have a nice day." He said as he left.
"Do I look blue?" Lyra turned, "nope, still green." She took the coals and quickly trotted inside, gave him th but He deserved, then closed the door.

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Charcoal finished his last delivery in ponyville. "Well, that's all deliveries for today." He said. Charcoal started to go back home near the mountains. Before he went he turned to face Pinkie. "Thank you for the directions, Ms. Pie. Have a nice."
Charcoal went home. He got a small meal and took an hour nap. Then he went grab his pickaxe and went to the mines.
((Well first let's do little time skip to the next day. Charcoal would have another delivery over at ponyville, Pinky would see him and bounce on over to say hi and get to know him more. Sound good?))
After a long day of mining and delivering, Charcoal put the resources that he gathered in a box and went to bed. The next morning he herd a crash outside. He went outside and saw the mailmare crashed into his minerals... again. "Mail's here." He said. The mail mare with the crossed eyes got up and hand him a list of order forms from other ponies. They were from ponyville. Charcoal thanked the mailmare and went to get the orders done.
"Oh Ditzy!" Pinkie hopped along beside Derpy, "make sure to watch the group...GASL!" She dashed over and jumped over beside Charcoal, "heyhyehyehey!"

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Charcoal got to ponyville and looked around. He took a out his deliveries and picked who to deliver first. Then he herd somepony yelling "hey," and it was getting louder. He turned to look and the pink pony from yesterday was right in front of him. "Gahh!" Charcoal backed up a bit. "Jeez. Where did you cone from?"

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