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Fantasy Miss Ravenwood's Gifted Acadmey

Lucian Targery

Lucian nodded at the request,holding the temptation to hit his fist against his chest like he would have done to a general in the old times.

Will do,Headmistress. Let me know in case you need anything else."

He turned around and walked down the hall,quickly finding the smell of Cadence. He frowned lightly as he found her inside the Library.

Miss Cadence...I think we should be at the lunch room right now. Do you need me to guide you there?" He remembered his manners and added his name in a polite way. "By the way,I'm Lucian. It is a pleasure."

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Head mistress tried calming by quieting him down. "Everything is alright, come along.."

Cadence turned around and nearly jumped back in surprise. "Ah-I'm Cadence...No need to be polite and um, gentleman like. I'd like it if you could show me the way there. I'm supposed to get dinner for my friend.."
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*Pawool looked at the frightened student, then at the Head Mistress* "yes...sorry very" *He walked with her*

*Noctis bought Shay and him food. He then sat down*

Lucian Targery

Lucian's head tilted lightly to one side. He had no idea on how to act in any other manner,but he nodded anyway.

Of course. Come with me,then. We're not finding dinner in the Library."

He gestured to the corridor in front of him and walked forward,checking from time to time to see if the lady was following him to the lunch room.

Again,he caught the look of female students setting upon him. They didn't seem to mind that he was a teacher and that was mostly inappropriate.

Cadence looked at Lucian in confusion. "Why did you find me? And what is your ability, Lucian?" She said this before she was about to follow the mysterious stranger. "I'm in here for my... let's just call it... a death touch. It's a curse..." The teenager frowned and stared at the ground, wondering why she is talking about her ability in the first place to him. "Hm, you seem a bit older, so you must be a teacher..." She inquired. "May I ask what class you may be teaching-" She looked around in the lunch room as she saw girls staring at Lucian and rolled her eyes. Eye Candy for the girls, Cadence thought. She decided without bringing attention to herself or making the girls jealous by being with him, she stopped talking and strolled to the table of food.
Noctis waved Cadence over. Finally, a familiar face. he gave a smile, his cheeks looked like a chipmunk, full of food. The he realized this and got embarrassed, cheeks going red*

*Pawool looked at the Head Mistress* "why cant talk anyone?"
Head mistress lead the student to the dorm. "I need you to promise me you will not lure any student into untying your ribbons. Miss Cadence is delivering food to you in a moment or two and then you will get some rest. Only a couple minutes left until dinner is done and curfew almost breached. Miss Cadence isn't going to hurt you, so do not fret or worry. She doesn't know of you either. She will be one of the many students to chat and meet with. You aren't talking to anyone else until tomorrow.. I trust Cadence because she can't touch you, she is too scared to hurt anybody. Goodnight, Pawool." Headmistress walked out of the dorm and walked to the lunch room.
Following the voices Leah found what appeared to be a lunch room and had just arrived when a brunette girl and dark haired man had entered. With suitcase still in hand she looked around the room and smirked to herself as she wandered through peoples memories.
Lucian Targery

"I followed your scent." Lucian said immediately,only afterwards realizing that he should probably explain that. "I'm a vampire. I've had years to train how to track people. My abilities...they don't exactly belong in a classroom. Let's say I have a close relationship with darkness. Your curse seems like it could be an ability with the correct training."

The shadow of an smile appeared in his lips. He nodded as she asked about his classes,turning to look at the girl. He didn't seem to mind that people were staring at both of them.

I'm a history teacher,but I also give fencing instructions on my spare time."

He looked at the food tray with a slight frown,wondering how people even ate that.

Cadence notices this from Noctis and giggles, waving at him. She went to get a plate and picked out the foods for Vincent.She was listening to Lucian with interest and smiled. Until head mistress walked over to Cadence telling her to go and deliver food to the newcomer. "Why?" She asked and head mistress just told her to do it. Cadence grabbed another plate and excused herself from Lucian and head mistress and headed up stairs.

Head mistress looked over to Lucian. "How are you today?"
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*Pawool looked at the strange rectangular object and sat on it. His eyes widened at how soft it was, so he started bouncing on it* "boing...boing....boing"
Cadence entered the room where the new student was and got in a fit of giggles as she saw Pawool bouncing on the bed. "U-um" she continued to giggle. "Food delivery. I hope I'm not interrupting your play." She grinned.

Head mistress looked at Lucian. "I overheard about how her curse can become an ability, do you think you could help her with that? Her mental issues about thinking about the curse over whelms her no matter how much I tell her it isn't a curse but a gift..." She sighed. "She just ignores it, as long as someone doesn't touch her, she is okay."
(Cadence's memories was of only watching people die when she touched them. Death threats and attempted arrests from many different towns.)
"Yes." Lucian replied immediately,turning to face the headmistress. "Her ability seems to be quite similar to mine,although less controlled. The right training could spare her the suffering of not controlling her own ability. I don't see any powers as a curse,honestly. They are simply misguided."

*Pawool jumped off, landing on his hooves. He looked at her. The room already smelt like roses.* "Hi" *Pawool managed a small friendly smile, that looked a little goofy*

*Noctis shrugged* "sure....but do you mind if i join? there are some restricted areas"
(Lucian's memories are all about a medieval empire,where he is the knight protector of their forces. He thinks a lot about war.)
Leah couldn't help but be taken aback by some of the students memories, she was used to death but some of the horrors she saw in peoples heads was nothing she had yet witnessed in her short time of being a demon. Others were interesting with one being a medieval knight but even was plagued with thoughts of war.
"Ah, exactly, mr. Lucian. I agree, but she doesn't see that. She's stubborn and I am afraid if she doesn't get used to it, Cadence will fall." Head mistress commented. She simply then yawned. "Almost curfew, don't you say, Lucian?" @KaalysBR

Cadence smiled and held the plate in front of him. "I chose different kinds of meats, I didn't know what suited you. I am Cadence Xavier." She was tempted to just fall asleep right then and there because of the wonderful smell of roses always puts her to sleep, but she was cautious while staying awake, still grinning.
"I will make sure that she doesn't fall if she accepts my training. Oh? Of course. I didn't really pay attention at the time." Lucian didn't really sleep,after all. "Do you wish me to go check the corridors for any students trying to sneak out of their bedrooms?"

Ragna walks to his dorm,face covered in soot and disappointment.

He had spent the last couple of hours after class trying to see I he could push his psycho-energy into a ranged attack...apparently he couldn't

"Stupid explodey powers" he mutters his irritation causing a small purple bolt like effect mere seconds before a small explosion detonates off his body scattering trash and putting a crack in a nearby window

"Wu-saaaa,Wu-saaaa" he mutters as he enters the dorm his usual grin spreading back across his face.

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