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Realistic or Modern Miss Evelyn Rosemary's OOC for Magical Girls (A Magical Girl/Boy OOC)

Oh Honkai? It's so good! I haven't had time to play it in a while.
Also sorry for ghosting y’all things just got stupidly busy
Yea I kind of left it as open ended just in case someone did want the beast to start acting out again but it seems pretty defeated!
Yeah, I meant that it could replicate being unconscious, lol.
It's totally cool. Writing is difficult on a good day.
My post is so low effort but hey, at least it's up.
Yeah, we need to keep this thing running somehow.
Y'all are spelling Shanon's name wrong. Admittedly, her name's only spelled the way it is because I misspelled Shannon when I created her god knows how many years ago.

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