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Realistic or Modern Milk and Honey (OOC)

Yay! Now I don't have to clutter up the recruitment thread! :) Also, figured I'd repost my question here so it doesn't have to get answered in the recruitment thread.
My "watch" button hasnt been watching very good apparently lol. Anyway ill stary on a character right now- im struggling a lil. Is there an age range for a character- or how old they should be?
My "watch" button hasnt been watching very good apparently lol. Anyway ill stary on a character right now- im struggling a lil. Is there an age range for a character- or how old they should be?
pick a number between 12 and 60
Oh, I'll say this now, this is the first RP I've ever been in, so I'm sorry if I make any mistakes. Please don't be afraid to correct me if I'm doing anything beyond my scope or anything considered a no-no in the RP world. I won't be offended, so please feel free to critique me :D, I won't learn what's what if nobody tells me. Thank you guys in advance and sorry for the trouble :)
-Ah welcome! I see you have either just joined or coming for your monthly assessment

Lets start small, shall we? What's your name? we all have names you can just call me grand-dad.-

“O-oh, hi… grand-dad.” he shifts a bit nervously in place, practically whispering the word ‘grand-dad’, as if it felt strange on his lips. “My name is Abel Silva. This is actually my first assessment, so I believe it’s our first time meeting. Thank you for having me…”

-Ah nice name next question, how old are you? I am 77-

“I’m 23, sir.”

-ah I see next question what do you identify as there is nothing wrong with being a boy girl or ANYTHING in between I am a male-

“I’m a guy, and I've noticed how open you guys are here.” Abel smiled sheepishly, “It’s nice.”

-ah yes gender Identity is quite a beautiful thing ain't it?-

Abel nods in agreement, still wringing his hands anxiously.

-alright next question, even though no one will be able to see you and you won't be able to see anyone what do you look like just some necessary information in the event of you getting lost we need to tell the police what you look like and it's a LOT of paperwork. I have silver hair, I am 6'0, I usually wear a red suit and tie.-

“Ah. Um, I'm a 5’6 man with a golden skin tone. I have shoulder length dark brown hair and usually wear a hoodie and jeans.”

-Ah ok! next, how long have you been here?-

“A couple of weeks at this point, I think? I'm still having a little trouble with tracking time..”

-ah I guess that leads in perfectly with the next on what rank are you? Blue? Red? Purple or are you one of my birth kids-

Abel tilts his head and offers a polite but confused smile.

“I'm still Blue-Rank, and I don't think we're related by blood. I'll do my best to go up in ranks though!” He tried his best to sound confident in his last statement, but he feels it might have fallen a bit short.

-ok last question, how are you feeling? I'm ok-

“...I'm okay. Thank you for asking..”

-Thank you so much! make sure to grab a sweet treat and tell me what you garbed so I can restock!-

“Oh, that was fast.”

Abel said, caught a bit off guard with how quick the assessment was. He'd been racking up anxiety about this meeting for days now. He tentatively grabs a package of..something. He's still not at the point where he can tell what certain things are without sight. He's going to assume that whatever he grabbed was fruit snacks by the packaging.

“Thank you, I grabbed some.. gummies if that's okay.”

He nodded his appreciation and left.
I love the inclusion of their confusion due to their recent blindness! :D
Oh, I'll say this now, this is the first RP I've ever been in, so I'm sorry if I make any mistakes. Please don't be afraid to correct me if I'm doing anything beyond my scope or anything considered a no-no in the RP world. I won't be offended, so please feel free to critique me :D, I won't learn what's what if nobody tells me. Thank you guys in advance and sorry for the trouble :)
No worries! While I definitely do NOT consider myself a master, I have been rping for many years. Like, decades.. :P Anyways, if I see areas you can improve in, since you specifically requested it, I will try to help out. Also, feel free to ask me any questions you may have! Whether it's how to handle a particular scene between players, or if I prefer Ramen over bacon. There's a lot of ways to handle many situations, so I can generally offer several solutions to the same problem. That way you will be able to find something that suits your particular style. :D

Minerva is a cinnamon roll that we MUST protect

Undead Witch Undead Witch
Thank you! I'm glad you approve! Minerva can act as a sort of mentor to others. Also, I think it'd be cool to add in a member that's newer than Minerva, maybe even with less of an actual passion for the cult, yet had still made it to Purple rank. This can add some anxiety and feelings of inadequacy for Minerva. A nice bit of character depth and opportunity for growth methinks. I figure either you can just have one as an NPC, or if you prefer, I could create a second character. What are your thoughts?
I love the inclusion of their confusion due to their recent blindness! :D

No worries! While I definitely do NOT consider myself a master, I have been rping for many years. Like, decades.. :P Anyways, if I see areas you can improve in, since you specifically requested it, I will try to help out. Also, feel free to ask me any questions you may have! Whether it's how to handle a particular scene between players, or if I prefer Ramen over bacon. There's a lot of ways to handle many situations, so I can generally offer several solutions to the same problem. That way you will be able to find something that suits your particular style. :D
Thank you! I was getting so wrapped up in making a more in-depth CS/Backstory(idk if Cola will need it, if not it'll be helpful for me to remember at least) that I nearly forgot that the majority(if not all) of the characters won't be able to see. So that's going to be a fun thing to navigate in the storytelling! There's a lot of potential for some spooky stuff along with some good ol' psychological analysis's from different characters pov for the same situations. Like, that's prolly something you experience in every type of rp, but I think it has a higher chance for character distortion since a lot will be left up to each characters imagination and pre-set bia's. Plus there's gonna be a lot more focus on things like sound, smell, taste, and touch- I just think that could pan out to be really cool in terms of character introspection :D --I'm rambling

And don't mind if I take you up on that offer! I'm used to writing on my own and being able to control all characters and situations, so my main concern going into rp was that I'd become overbearing and become an annoyance to the rest of players(which the thought of that made me violently cringe away from the idea of rp for a while now lol). My sister wanted me to get into it though and has repeatedly brought it up so I finally decided to just go for it and hope for the best XD. So thank you for being nice :)
Thank you! I was getting so wrapped up in making a more in-depth CS/Backstory(idk if Cola will need it, if not it'll be helpful for me to remember at least) that I nearly forgot that the majority(if not all) of the characters won't be able to see. So that's going to be a fun thing to navigate in the storytelling! There's a lot of potential for some spooky stuff along with some good ol' psychological analysis's from different characters pov for the same situations. Like, that's prolly something you experience in every type of rp, but I think it has a higher chance for character distortion since a lot will be left up to each characters imagination and pre-set bia's. Plus there's gonna be a lot more focus on things like sound, smell, taste, and touch- I just think that could pan out to be really cool in terms of character introspection :D --I'm rambling

And don't mind if I take you up on that offer! I'm used to writing on my own and being able to control all characters and situations, so my main concern going into rp was that I'd become overbearing and become an annoyance to the rest of players(which the thought of that made me violently cringe away from the idea of rp for a while now lol). My sister wanted me to get into it though and has repeatedly brought it up so I finally decided to just go for it and hope for the best XD. So thank you for being nice :)
Excellent points on the senses and psychological aspects! I also imagine players will, at times, entirely forget about it and/or not even attempt to utilize the fact to further enhance their character's growth. And, of course, as far as I know, there's nothing stopping people's characters from getting frustrated and peeking or taking their blindfold off entirely. Maybe even getting caught and getting in trouble for it. :O

Yeah, writing with others can be frustrating at times. There are some unique challenges. I found when I first started that conversations and combat were the most challenging things to navigate. Though there are several approaches to both, it can be tough to keep a decent pace when there's no real recourse for your character but to give a quick response or movement. Though for me, my solution to both is the same, as well as any situation in which requires quick, short responses between players. Especially useful in groups where you don't want to hold up the character doing their own thing because you're having a conversation with another, since time can't really advance much during that conversation. All I do is discuss them with the other player. For conversations I like to have them with another player in a DM, then copy/paste the conversation in the rp. Since it's using the words and actions the other person wrote, there's no godmodding.

I also DM others for combat. Essentially I turn it into a script, though others may prefer the spontaneity of reacting to another characters actions in turn. If there's importance to the fight, I discuss whether one or the other should ultimately end up winning the fight. If it's not important, I still like a little bit of surprise, though, like conversations, writing back and forth can be tedious and time consuming. To avoid godmodding, I ask how their character would react to my attack, then I write in their reaction to my attack. That way I can write multiple attacks/reactions in a single post.

Of course, my way requires a bit of legwork, but it avoids godmodding and can condense posts so there's not thirty posts between two players while another can only get out one due to the time passing between actions.

Essentially, rp boils down to avoiding godmodding other people's characters, and finding ways to deal with the passing of time. Though the second isn't as important in one x one rps. Also, don't be afraid to say no to others, or to correct them. It's very likely that with time, people will misinterpret your characters and posts, leading them to misrepresent your characters in a way you don't want. There will definitely be people that do this regularly, though I find it's not too often, but there can sometimes be some bad luck in finding a partner.

Well, now I'm rambling. :P I'll leave it here for now. I also suppose if you want more, or if others get annoyed, we could move it to dms.
Excellent points on the senses and psychological aspects! I also imagine players will, at times, entirely forget about it and/or not even attempt to utilize the fact to further enhance their character's growth. And, of course, as far as I know, there's nothing stopping people's characters from getting frustrated and peeking or taking their blindfold off entirely. Maybe even getting caught and getting in trouble for it. :O

Yeah, writing with others can be frustrating at times. There are some unique challenges. I found when I first started that conversations and combat were the most challenging things to navigate. Though there are several approaches to both, it can be tough to keep a decent pace when there's no real recourse for your character but to give a quick response or movement. Though for me, my solution to both is the same, as well as any situation in which requires quick, short responses between players. Especially useful in groups where you don't want to hold up the character doing their own thing because you're having a conversation with another, since time can't really advance much during that conversation. All I do is discuss them with the other player. For conversations I like to have them with another player in a DM, then copy/paste the conversation in the rp. Since it's using the words and actions the other person wrote, there's no godmodding.

I also DM others for combat. Essentially I turn it into a script, though others may prefer the spontaneity of reacting to another characters actions in turn. If there's importance to the fight, I discuss whether one or the other should ultimately end up winning the fight. If it's not important, I still like a little bit of surprise, though, like conversations, writing back and forth can be tedious and time consuming. To avoid godmodding, I ask how their character would react to my attack, then I write in their reaction to my attack. That way I can write multiple attacks/reactions in a single post.

Of course, my way requires a bit of legwork, but it avoids godmodding and can condense posts so there's not thirty posts between two players while another can only get out one due to the time passing between actions.

Essentially, rp boils down to avoiding godmodding other people's characters, and finding ways to deal with the passing of time. Though the second isn't as important in one x one rps. Also, don't be afraid to say no to others, or to correct them. It's very likely that with time, people will misinterpret your characters and posts, leading them to misrepresent your characters in a way you don't want. There will definitely be people that do this regularly, though I find it's not too often, but there can sometimes be some bad luck in finding a partner.

Well, now I'm rambling. :P I'll leave it here for now. I also suppose if you want more, or if others get annoyed, we could move it to dms.
Conversations and quick-time events(like fighting, or reacting to an action that includes multiple characters) were my main concern actually! So it's really helpful to know that DMing ppl is an option. My other concern was how lengthy posts are expected to be, but looking through the site a bit shows me that(at least here) people are more worried about the post being too short than too long, so that eases my worries a little(I like to be descriptive of how my character is feeling, how they're positioned, hand movements, etc and I didn't know for sure if other people wanted that kinda constant info).

Anyways, your probs right, it's best not to clog up the feed with my questions/our convo's, so if you spot anything I should fix or if I have any questions I'll be sure to DM you!

PS: Feel free to dm me to just talk about writing, characters, or even the weather if you feel like it! I like talking to people that share interests and actually read my giant blocks of text lol

Thank you for all the help!!
I love the inclusion of their confusion due to their recent blindness! :D

No worries! While I definitely do NOT consider myself a master, I have been rping for many years. Like, decades.. :P Anyways, if I see areas you can improve in, since you specifically requested it, I will try to help out. Also, feel free to ask me any questions you may have! Whether it's how to handle a particular scene between players, or if I prefer Ramen over bacon. There's a lot of ways to handle many situations, so I can generally offer several solutions to the same problem. That way you will be able to find something that suits your particular style. :D

Thank you! I'm glad you approve! Minerva can act as a sort of mentor to others. Also, I think it'd be cool to add in a member that's newer than Minerva, maybe even with less of an actual passion for the cult, yet had still made it to Purple rank. This can add some anxiety and feelings of inadequacy for Minerva. A nice bit of character depth and opportunity for growth methinks. I figure either you can just have one as an NPC, or if you prefer, I could create a second character. What are your thoughts?
add as many as you want!
Do kids get blinded at a specific age? I need to know if i can let parents be npcs lols
Do kids get blinded at a specific age? I need to know if i can let parents be npcs lols
From my understanding, members aren't forcibly blinded, like, medically. They just wear blindfolds. Also from what I understand, it's a fairly strict rule. Though I don't know the consequences of taking it off. So, everyone can still see, unless they're naturally blind. Naturally fully blind people aren't required to wear blindfolds. The blindings are done to outsiders that disrespect the members.
I am starting the rp but should it be threads or PM's?

👨‍🦯 for Threads
✉️ for pm's
StaleBread StaleBread
Undead Witch Undead Witch
_Yua Watanabe_ _Yua Watanabe_
Whichever is cool, I think a good way to start would be to have a gathering or something we're grand-dad gives a speech to the whole cult. That would give all our characters opportunities to meet each other if we want :D, up to you tho.

Also, I won't be able to start until a bit later tonight when I get off work, but I'll be back then!

Another also, mystery box said she's gonna get her character sheet done tonight if that's still okay? She was just a little busy the last couple nights and couldn't get around to it. But I've told her to hurry up :3(if you're still cool with that)
Hey sorry I'm late! I've been a bit busy lately being a lazy a**. I've been working on my cs and just realized my characters age might be a problem maybe? He's 15 and he wasn't born I to the cult, is that okay?
who should start?
Well, I think you should start it off. I like StaleBread StaleBread 's idea of starting us off in some sort of meeting/gathering where Grand-dad gives a speech or leads some sort of exercise for the group. Tough I'm unaware of the direction you had in mind for the rp. But a gathering of sorts lets everyone be in the same place at the same time.

Since Minerva is a lifelong veteran of the cult, perhaps you could even have Grand-dad introduce her as a sort of guide/helper? It'll give people a reason to approach her, especially for the newer members who may be struggling with some confusion.

Also, what's the building/compound like? Is it built with blindness in mind? Such as braille signs, tactile floors, etc? Or are they expected to just manage through memorizing the building and figuring out how to manage things with their blindness?

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