[Megalopolis V.2.0] The Spot

That seems reasonable...the literary style I was trained on is to 'give no quarter, take no prisoners'...I'll work on comprehension for you guys.
But isn't that the whole point of writing Xen? To show what's going on in the character's head to show their motivations as well as actions? :P Although I'll admit to being confused a little myself.

On an unrelated note, y'all please let me know if Alicia's characterization becomes stupid or off for no apparent reason.
I've just realized that becoming the antagonist figure for this scene would make the most sense.


Anybody opposed to being chased around by the 'helicopter'? It's too early in the game to be shooting at anybody, but a sense of urgency might do well considering the events of the assassination.
He, he, he. And there's me with red distress flares. Can I be Nick Cage in 'The Rock'?

Captain Hesperus
Oh boy, Calgori. I didn't realize at the time, but Alicia's on the roof. In full view of anyone above her. This's gonna get real interesting real quick.
Hesperus, chill. You made three posts in the same day and acted like I was inactive. You could try, y'know, waiting for a response.
Calgori, I'm assuming the 'blinding light' is just a powerful flashlight until you tell me that a weed whacker can carry a floodlight :P
1 million candle-strength lamp. Available at pretty much any camping store. The fun bit is, he's strapped it under his rifle...

Captain Hesperus
"Unless Aries has a power she never mentioned to you, it's either Alicia or someone else."

Insightful Aiden is insightful....

Well, he is Irish.

Captain Hesperus
Captain has it spot on...Those guys are pretty light and in my experience you can run one off a weed-whacker's engine.

My experience is weird, yes. Meanwhile, I don't think I'll shoot at all quite so early, but then again, both the light and the telescope I'm using are attached to it... >:]
What I'm trying to figure out is if Alicia is going to notice the gun or not. My answer is 'probably not' since her night vision is shot and with that light in her face, she's not going to be seeing much besides a hovering figure. (And if you want to shoot, feel free. It's the cherry topping on Alicia's 'perfect day' sundae xD )
*kicks back and acts awesome* I believe that answers your question about giving the boys in blue a run for their money.
You know... I think that I, in-character, managed to accidentally start a civil war. As a doctor... advising his patients to leave the city in case riots started...

What have I done?
I posit these: 1) The police are not actively going after meta's and 2) all they are currently trying to do is restore order.

So, my questions are thus: 1) Why are innocent officers being slaughtered? (I'll accept the answer 'because Cutter Kain is out of his mind') and 2) Who are we helping by doing so?
Well, I've armed myself and cleared an escape route for any Metas who are trying to escape. (long post was long)

Captain Hesperus
I've just been going along with Hesperus and Demon, I've not stated anything beyond a mention of possible corruption from Kain. I didn't bring up the idea of some civil war actively raging, just stated that it was a danger as Sienko.
Oh, by the way, don't worry about the proper spelling of "Cutter Kain". It's just an epithet, like "The Red Baron".

Still don't know how something I said went so... weird, though.
I always thought that it was Cutter Cain. In the best Marvel Heroes vein, Peter Parker, Otto Octavius, J. Jonah Jameson, Scott Summers, etc.

Captain Hesperus
I dunno, this whole situation has gotten away from me. And I swear I'm going to make Alicia the first openly-meta cop on the force, just to irritate some people :P
Oh the stress you shall cause Nazar as he is forced to decide between guilt and danger.

Naw Hesperus, it's literally just a name people have put to the man. He liked it enough to use it himself.

On a side note; I hope my main method of movement doesn't become murdering cops. I've killed enough for one thread.

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