[Megalopolis V.2.0] The Spot

Just don't go riling up the crazy man. Be nice, smile and don't make direct eye contact.

Captain Hesperus
And the first side adventure would be Kain & Co. hunting down police officials/politicians/crime lords.

Want me to take a potshot at Forrest for you, Rose?
I feel bad for some reason every time I expound on personal fame of any kind. Not sure why...but all the same, I should have pushed this earlier. I would like it if Forrest's reputation proceeded his every word. It adds to the TRAGEDY SO DELICIOUS.
Is it reasonable that Alicia has no clue who you or Kain are? (Re: Out of Touch--see profile)

Why is there no delete button for posts? -Sigh-
Yep! It's more of setting up any subsequent research or "Hey I saw this guy and he flew around" than the actual conversation in the now, so when you DO find out, it's that much more memorable.
Just can't wait to get back and start swapping stories.

Aiden: I bumped into Cutter Cain and came away with my liver intact!!

Alicia: I met the Metakiller, and he's okay too!

Daris and Aries: :confused:

Captain Hesperus
Alright guys, I think we've got a slight problem. I don't think we're actually paying attention to the details of what everyone else is writing. Currently my character is in Schrodinger's Apartment--one that's in quantum flux between an unoccupied one on the top floor and Aries' and Daris' place -- on quantum furniture which is a couchair that may have a dust-cover depending on how you look at it. xD

Let's remember that people place their characters in certain places for a reason and treat them like pieces on a gameboard: try not to move them unless the rules say it's OK.

Since she's my character, I'd like her to still be in the random apartment that I put her that Aiden probably shouldn't've just happened through. :P
Fair enough, I'd always thought fire escapes served every apartment in the building. <edit> I re-read and yes, it's unlikely Aiden would have lumped someone up several flights of the fire escape to casually fall through the right window.

Posts edited to reflect Roses' request. All we need is for Demon to edit Alicia's name out of his second post and all should be well with the world.

Captain Hesperus
No problem to me. I can dig keeping to continuity: You know, leave room A to go to room B wearing a red shirt, arrive in room B in a blue shirt and a new haircut. :D

Just means Alicia's going to start going into MODS that little bit sooner...

Captain Hesperus
Hmm, I feel like I might at some point need to make my own body guards ala drug-induced mind control. Would have to run experiments on them, though... try to figure out a "cure" for abhumans. Or a serum for humans.


Yes... they would be disfigured... and all be badass.
Is it bad that when I think of duel threads, I envision one of those Capcom games where the characters appear and trash-talk with a flourish before beating the snot out of each other?

The kind where Amaterasu from Okami faces off against Marvel's Thor.
Makes sense for Sienko to want a neutralizer, after all his mutations are a serious risk to his continued survival.
It's a reasonable thing to make, cancelling out the 'negative' Meta-powers, but of course, such things are open to abuse...

...Not that you would ever consider abusing such a plot device.... /evilgrin

Captain Hesperus
I'd also probably try to make a super-soldier serum, for my bodyguards once they are thoroughly brainwashed.
Combination of being in the business of killing people for a long time, all of his attacks so far happening without being detected first (allowing him to line-up shots easily), the weapon being a police-grade rifle, and Nazar having something to actually protect. Really, grab a good-quality hunting rifle and take it out to the range. Easier to use than you'd think, just try not to gouge out your eye with the scope.

He'd get the bodyguards out of victims of his anti-abhuman serum tests. they would simply be so addled by all the drugs that they wouldn't be able to do much beyond obey him. Probably would also have some control implants or something. He would also likely discover the roots of the abhuman condition and be able to produce an enhancement serum as well, due to it being the same research applied differently.

I don't really want to kill anymore in this thread, but the only alternatives would either be for me to bust into the apartment and fight Forrest or to exit the thread ala "Disappearing into the night".
Just be careful, it seems like your character is bordering on anti-hero Marty Stu territory. And what happened to Dr. Sienko? Is he not going to go back to the apartments? Check on Daris and Aries whom he was apparently so concerned over a few pages ago? Help treat the numerous wounded in the complex?

Your character isn't just a killing machine.

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