[Megalopolis V.2.0] The Spot

Paranoid enough, yes, but every paranoid person who thinks like that has a dozen plans on what happens when it does.

He's not worried :D

Meanwhile I have forgotten everything that makes a narrative good. Sorry to have rushed this, but HEY, here's my ultimatum, etc. etc. etc.
@Xenthriss: How is Vsevolod smelling blood on Aiden? He's not been even remotely in contact with Cain's victims. And even if he had, somehow, gotten 'blood and viscera' on himself, Eve's enhanced smell would have caught it and he'd be in cuffs right now, taking a trip Downtown.

Captain Hesperus
Xenthriss said:
Would you rather I say "the cologne"?
What? What does that even mean? What the Cap was asking was how could this guy smell blood when someone with the nasal receptors of a dog (which is a thousand times more sensitive than a human's) standing right over him couldn't pick it up. It's not the word used, it's the entire concept and way it's phrased. Are you saying this guy has some more powerful sense of smell than a dog or even a wolf?
I'm simply saying that he came into contact with Nazar in both his Kain persona and as a civilian. It's a smell he'd recognize once the topic is brought up. This is assuming the events of the main thread only happened a day or two ago.
What smell, is what I'm getting at? If you can smell a scent that is familiar to Vsevolod that reminds him of Nazar/Cain, then that's all that it needed. But then the scent would have to be very strong, since Aiden has also been in much closer contact with Alicia (carried her), Daris (made physical contact with him), Aries (same again) and he currently lives in a (admittedly blocked up) sewer.

Captain Hesperus
Let us for the sake of discussion assume Nazar puts cologne on like a douche, almost to the point of it being suffocating. Makes sense, masks the blood.
And I maintain, how the hell is he supposed to smell all of this on Aiden at all?? If Eve didn't make any notice of these smells then the duke sure as hell isn't going to be able to.

You're giving him abilities he doesn't have. There is no way he can smell this on him. And don't you think Eve would have noticed that he carried scents on him from other people... who happen to be in the same bloody building as him?

If you're setting up for something then you're using the wrong blasted ability. You can't use the sense of smell for this when Eve's abilities are going to be a million times better than his. And one of the reasons why Eve changed her nasal passages is because a dog/wolf can easily associate scents and link them. She can smell that they are all metas and if she can do that then she'd have sure as heck smelled that he had the scent of a fox that happens to match the girl in the corner drinking a soda, she'd have smelled the sewer on him, she'd have smelled Daris on him and recognized that scent when he moved past her as she was talking to Forrest!

Are you seriously telling me that he can smell on Aiden what Eve could not?
Xenthriss said:
Let us for the sake of discussion assume Nazar puts cologne on like a douche, almost to the point of it being suffocating. Makes sense, masks the blood.
Would he really do that though? Would he wear a ton of cologne and then go out and about as a mass murderer? It would have been something Aiden would have noticed, remarked on it to Eve and she would have made a note of that... and then, when the good surgeon went past, she'd have smelled that on him and when she investigated the type of cologne Aiden smelled on Cain then she'd have made the connection and the surgeon would be in her interrogation room.
This is where I come in.

I would like to ask that this argument cease where it has started, and devolve into polite diplomacy. As a staff member it is my duty to keep the peace, and I would like you all to remember that this is a cooperative effort, not a competitive one.

Let's keep things fun in Mega. No need to let the rioting spread into the real world.
Thank you, Calgori. Now, alternatives I can clearly see at the moment:

Have Wizard delete the post, I can just sit out the rest of the thread. Not like I was interacting with anyone.

Change the recognized subject, although you would have to think of that, seeing as I don't have any alternatives... I don't believe Aiden picked up the knife I left for him.

Live and let live; I made an honest mistake, but not an easily rectified one. Stories are always going to have small plot holes which most people just glance over.
Okay, a compromise?

How about a slight edit to your post wherein he notices a change in Aiden's demeanor after Eve leaves. Vsevolod's an old, experienced man, so I can believe he can see when something is nagging at someone's conscience. He sees that in Aiden and calls him on it. Then Aiden comes clean and spills about what Cain said.

How's that?

Captain Hesperus
You guys seem to have resolved this quicker then I expected.

Xenthriss stop getting people angry at you.
I don't understand why anyone ever reacts like that to the small stuff, I was trying to find a reasonable solution but at every turn it was just more and more anger.
Hey Miz, wanna bring back one of your old NPCs as a character? Could totally bring Lt. Kitty back so everyone can hit on her, Eve's kidnapping just opened up a very nice opportunity.

Sidenote: Hesperus jumped in a burly, old dude's truck at the offer of eyecandy. All I have to say is:

@Xen: Aiden hardly had the choice. It was get into the burly old guy's truck or be carried into the burly old guy's truck while kicking and fighting ineffectively...

Captain Hesperus
I want to try to get Albatross Island moving a bit faster, I will try to post Episode 2 in a few days.
Is sorting of waiting on Wizard, who is having power problems with dat there hurricane...

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