[Mean Streets, Cruel Towers]The Dive

Are there still vampires around? And what's the deal with the afterlife? Is this Post-Dark Age, Post-Darkening Skies, or Post-Something Else?

I have no idea why these questions suddenly came to me, but they rise, unbidden, hungering for the flesh of answers.
Magic would make it easier, cleaner. You could do it the old fashioned way, but that'd take even longer.
So if I understand correctly, I'm rolling Logos+Willpower in dice at a difficulty of 9? Or iss it just Willpower dice with logos lowering difficulty?
Depends on the power of the spell. 8 for a basic spell, 9 for a more potent one. This is a 9, I'd say.
I spy with my eye two ones that want me to die. More powerful magic (at difficulty 9 generally?) requires a shock check from what I recall. Thaumic science replaces lore in this version of the game, yes? I have a 3 in it, so I imagine I round that down to a 1 when dividing by half.
Math time folks, this time concerning Credit Income~

Everyone bar Sawbones receives 2000 credits for a job well done. There's a bonus 400 creds that accounts for Arc's share, meaning that everyone receives 2400 creds for this mission.

For his part in the mission, Sawbones receives 10,000 credits for a scant two hours of work, plus whatever incidentals occur for looking Igo over. Pays to be a blackmarket doctor.

Finally, should Jack make on his promise of 1 million creds for Arc's augments, and assuming he takes his 10% service charge, everyone who had a hand in retrieving the body (So everyone bar Sawbones) gets 180 thousand credits. This is of course assuming that Jack does get the million, doesn't die, and that he doesn't screw us all over.
Okay, so you've got two weeks downtime before the next mission. Shall I let those of you going for drinks continue the character building for a bit (and if so, step up the pace pls), or post the interim thread for you all to talk about what your characters do with the break between jobs?
Apologies for the delays and absence on my part. Been tied down to projects and papers for the longest time. I will mostly have Thursday free to catch up everything site related. Will try to get something into interlude on Monday or Tuesday.

If it's still acceptable, I'll get the rest of my items list in to you at the same time, Grey. If not, I understand since I've been horrendously slow in regards to that matter.
Yep. Cirno is a bit slow sometimes but she always comes back. That said I'll move things along for the rest of you shortly (tonight) because she's been gone a bit longer than usual.
Okay, @Cirno if you're hella busy right now, I'll assume Arte is sitting out the very next mission but will be called in on the third.

I'll update the downtime thread today and see if I can find you guys a new hacker.
Grey said:
Okay, @Cirno if you're hella busy right now, I'll assume Arte is sitting out the very next mission but will be called in on the third.
I'll update the downtime thread today and see if I can find you guys a new hacker.
Ahh thanks Grey. I might have to sit out the next one due to workload. >_< Sorry for not giving proper notice.
That's cool. You have always, always stuck with me, so I wasn't going to just up and kick you.
As a heads up, I'm going to be gone from the site until Tuesday afternoon at the earliest. So expect activity from me around then or a couple days afterwards.
Say, has Jack paid us for the body yet?

And what's the deal with Igo's leg? Doc suture him up nicely, or is he still going to have a soon to be characteristic limp?

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