[Mean Streets, Cruel Towers]The Dive

He got nicely fixed up but will still be limping for a few weeks.

You should ask Jack where your money is.
Right as constant torrential rain. Why you might even be running marathons as recently as tonight! Pending on any more unwanted mishaps...
Goddammit Igo, I'm trying to steer you clear of edgy cliches. You can have your slang and issues, but for fuck sake, steer clear of the cliches.
@Grey I am somewhat confused when I reread the post. So are we seeing from street level that the first 3 storeys or is that from the terminal? I'm guessing the flophouses are full of test subjects and the rest above is our area of focus?

As for the rest of you, still alive?
From the terminal you know the first three storeys are flophouse, and the stuff above that is the actual business which interests you.
@Grey Roughly speaking, how quickly or how slowly would it take to get this bomb out of our dear egghead? After locating it and assuming I'm being magical as can be with my toolkit backing me up. Asking to determine my response to Igo's suggestion.

@Teh Frixz Distractions! Or does our dear mummy have nothing much to say atm?
My suggestion is causing a riot by pretending that someone inside is giving out free drugs to anybody who wants them, but only while stocks last.

Might require Igo and Ritz to do a little dress up acting, but I feel as though a riot of screaming crackheads trying to gain entry into a building for free drugs would be quite a large distraction. However, if it's not big enough, it just serves to increase security...
Thank goodness Ritz is mostly healed up. She's really got no idea on the situation. Her usual routes of access include maintenance tunnels and rooftops three or four days before the target shows up. She's never tried dress up acting.

And three stories of flop house? Yeah, it'll be big enough.
Well, does anyone else have any ideas with how to get a bunch of crackheads to start rioting without significant investment?

Doc, you got any drugs to start as bait?

Provided it's just a start, yes. Don't have enough to keep a whole riot going. If needed, Doc can do the dress up acting in Ritz's place. I gave him some social at least. Doc's main concern is that if we do this riot we might have most of the sec go down to deal with it. Especially if we take out the generator first (assuming, no back up is installed). However that might make a personal guard on the egg head tighten if it exists.

So if we go with this plan, 2 teams? Doc and Igo go in to start the riot and try to gain entry from the front or another means. Shrei and Ritz take out the generator and find us a way in? Ritz could scan the windows one by one I guess for our egg head. Since they are open offices, she'll have a great shot if Shrei gets her on top of an opposite building. Or hell, maybe camo herself on the truck roof if we're desperate.
Heck, Ritz would be comfortable stuffed in a barrel and rolled into the place. She's sort of an extreme infiltrator but lacks common methods. I'm sure it wouldn't be hard for her to act like a crackhead though, since half the time she is one.
Silvertongued said:
My suggestion is causing a riot by pretending that someone inside is giving out free drugs to anybody who wants them, but only while stocks last.
Alternative take, same idea is to simply herd them together and offer a small sample. Tell them there's more if they cause a distraction for us and make a big fuss. Could also try and make a 2 front distraction with a small fire. Only question I have at the present if we decide to cut the power first is, who else besides Doc can see in the dark if it comes down to it?

Either way, suggesting giving it about 20 mins of IC time for Shrei/Ritz to get themselves in position and do some scouting if they are so inclined.

The drugs are a lie.
Taking out the mains and whatever backup generator would be pretty good. Leaves no sign of us, and cuts out our problem with hacking (as in the fact that we have no hacker).

Let's do that plan. Doc and Igo, Shrei and Ritz. Igo can see in the dark because of his mask. I'm not sure about the others though.

That latter plan is more reliable, but that does leave a few good descriptions of the pair of us.
Team 1: Takes out the gennies, scans for eggy initially, and finds a way in from the top or sides. Can give cover, come in for a 2-3 pronged attack, and our ace in the hole. Can also grab the van and has quite a bit of options to respond to anything. Main idea is they are the flexible group with the most leeway.

Team 2: Starts the riot, gets in following team 1's route or on their own, and moves in 1's directions towards the target. Possibly starts a fire to distract remaining sec if needs be. Snarks the hell out of each other while getting the bomb out of eggy, and getting her outside to the van. Does their best to not die in the process.

Sounds about right? I tried to come up with something that gives us all plenty to do and options to do it with. Biggest problems I can see here are the back up generators being underground (unlikely due to 3 floors of slum), or sending out an alarm by dint of being offline. Minor place, allegedly, so I'm not sweating it there. Lastly, just the issues of a possible personal guard on eggy or bomb complications due to electricity going off (unlikely, and that would be on Jack anyways...) the grid.

The possibility exists that I may horribly botch the rolls to get the bomb out, but I'm going to be positive here. Igo seems to have the negative part down pat anyways :V.

When everyone chimes in with no issues here, I'll summarize post this suggestion and we can keep on trucking. Thank magic for go go gadget boots of speed.
Action Replay] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9148-grey/ said:
@Grey[/URL] Roughly speaking, how quickly or how slowly would it take to get this bomb out of our dear egghead? After locating it and assuming I'm being magical as can be with my toolkit backing me up. Asking to determine my response to Igo's suggestion.
@Teh Frixz Distractions! Or does our dear mummy have nothing much to say atm?
Less than an hour.
Silvertongued said:
"You got your game face on?""
Some days you have to work hard to resist the urge to mutate your face into that of the joker because you can. Some days are harder than others. Post to follow after I get home and through the tundra of a city. Then hopefully things, excitement, storming the castles to rescue the princess for the dragon, etc.
Post tomorrow after work guaranteed and I finish work five hours early.

I am inclined to say DexLetics, @PixelWitch, since the augs are doing the heavy lifting [snigger snigger Ritz is fat kek lel]
Not coming up with much atm for keeping the big guy down but not off the mortal coil. Sort of tapped on creativity today. At most I can think of giving the expendable mouse I brought along a temporary change then sic it on the guard? Jury rig it's saliva glands to produce a powerful sleeping agent (which it is impervious to...) then have it nibble the guard putting him out? Kind of want to save on juice, so only other option is warp step sucker punch him with shock gloves and hope it goes well.
A few minutes of personal mutation can give you a sedative handshake. Modified Mouse would also work.
Willpower+Logos dice, aye? I'd go for the handshake, but cameras are why we crouch and wait for Team Ritz to take them out. @Silvertongued Do you want me to go ahead and take out the fellow now, or keep sitting tight and eventually mummycat doing their thing?

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