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Realistic or Modern McKinley High (Rebooted!)

The brunette grinned devilishly. "I have some raspberry smirnoff in my room. One bottle's definitely enough for two people." She raised her eyebrows. It was only early afternoon, but then again, it was never too early to get shitfaced for Evelyn. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"
The young male laughed half heartedly and did a little dance around the brunette "Haha look at you! And I only git one thing to say on that note which is: hell yeah I'm thinking what you thinking! " he said smiling and waiting so they could go inside. He was just waking up and already about to get a little alcohol in his system.
Evelyn took Nate's hand, dragging him into her room, which was just around the corner of the hallway. Students of opposite genders technically weren't allowed in each other's rooms, but people broke that rule all the time. Especially when there were no hall monitors yet, at the beginning of the school year. "Sit down wherever you want." She motioned to the sofa, bean bags, and her roommate Ivy's bed. Evelyn then walked into the bathroom, and rummaged through the cabinet under the sink before pulling out the bottle of alcohol. She returned to the main room, grinning as she held up the bottle. "I don't know where my roommate is, but I'm assuming she won't come in here."
Nate followed behind her, into her room, plopping down into one of the nearby beanbag chairs. "Aye she got ghe bottle!" He said happily and clapping like a little kid "My hats off to you, and I'm sure your roommate won't be back for a while if everybody's MIA." He said as he took off his hat and pulled out his phone checking ghe time once more "so let's crack this bottle open."
Evelyn pulled out a bottle opener, used it on the bottle, and grinned enthusiastically as the cap came off with a satisfying 'pop' sound. "Cheers," She tilted the bottle towards Nate in a toast, before throwing the bottle back and chugging down a good four gulps of the drink. The fruity, yet vile taste of the vodka entered her mouth. Evelyn grimaced before handing the bottle to Nate. "Ugh. Vodka is definitely better for shots." She coughed, the warm feeling of the drink still in the back of her throat. "It tastes like shit, but it works."
Nate toasted with her, using the side of his phone as a glass substitute "Cheers." leaning back relaxed as the distant smell of the alcohol hit his nose he reached forward and happily took the glass and chugging a good amount of it down letting the warmth embrace his insides and fighting pass the bitter taste of it "yeah, vodka is way better for shots but hey I'm not stressin over it." He said whike handing the bottle back to her.
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She giggled, taking another big swig from the bottle. "I think I'm already feeling it." Evelyn handed the vodka back to Nate; the two of them had finished off half of the bottle. She hadn't eaten anything within the last six hours, and the alcohol was starting to effect her vision.
He smiled and took several more sips and handed the almost empty bottle back to her "Yeah I'm feeling it a little bit too." Nate looked up at her, his vision a bit blurry now "Haha, now you look like you usually do." He said laughing as he teased her, sat low in the bean bag chair "Aye you still smoke? " he asked a bit curious.
"Very funny," She snickered, pushing him as she rolled her eyes at his comment. Evelyn drank the last of the bottle, placing the now empty glass bottle om the floor. "Yeah," She replied to his question. "Make some room for me?" Evelyn asked as she crawled next to his spot in the bean bag chair.
Nate watched her finish off the bottle and applauded her "Good job, how ya feel?" He asked as he moved over a bit so she could sit next to him. "And I only asked because a few of the players rolled one up for me when I got here and I wanted to knock it out real quick, you down?" He asked as he reached in his pocket.
Grinning, Evelyn looked to Nate. Things were starting to get a little blurry, and she felt tipsy. "Better than before, that's for sure." Clapping in excitement, she nodded when Nate asked if she wanted to smoke.
Nate smiled and reached in his pocket pulling out the prerolled blunt,lit it up with his lighter and passed it to Evelyn letting her go first since it was her room "Haha that's good to hear." He said as he looked over at the slightly blurry figure.
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Evelyn gladly accepted the blunt, inhaling and coughing a little bit as the smoke entered her lungs and them exited through her mouth in a formless grey mass. "So," She passed the blunt over to Nate. "What's been happening? I feel like I haven't seen you in a really long time."
Nate patted her back lightly before happily taking the blunt and slowly inhaling the smoke and blowing it out in several rings "Eh not much I guess and we haven't been hanging out because you never gave me yo number." He said while passing it back to her.
Denise and Andrew were walking around and talking loudly as they both checked there phone both linking arms they weren't together "What you wanna do" Denise asked looking up and putting her phone away. Denise saw ate and stopped slowly as she saw the girl he was talking to. Jacob was saying hi to some old 'friends'
"Whaaat?" She exclaimed, pulling out her phone. "Oh my god, put your number in then." Evelyn giggled, then took another drag from the blunt. "We definitely need to hang out more." Sighing as she handed the joint back over to him, she closed her eyes and relaxed. "This is nice."

He would Finsh his homework he would get up and puts his textbook away. He would then go on and sit at his laptop desk and look at his phone for a Minute and go over to and look at his laptop. He realized that he was still on his game that he losses because of Sav Making out with hin
"Alright and make sure you actually call me." He said while adding his number into her phone and holding the joint in his other hand "there you go." Nate placed the phone gently on her lap and took another long drag on the joint this time playfully blowing rings in Evelyn's face.

He looks over to Ricky, who had just finished his homework. "So do you like kissing me?" he asked to his boyfriend, that sat on the floor. "I really like you," he said.
"Yep." Evelyn nodded, putting her phone back in her jean pocket when it was given to her. "Hey!" She waved away the rings that flew into her face, scrunching her nose up at the boy next to her. "Iss that how you treat ah ladyy?" Evelyn gave him a pointed look, her words starting to slur from the drink.
Nate smiled and wrapped his arm around her giving a half hug "I'm only playing around , you know I love ya." He said smiling as his vision blurred a little as he looked at her "Haha and you know all the ladies love me." Nate said sounding a bit slurred as well.


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