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Master and slaves(me and kittycat and woodenzebra and tragic dragon eyes )

Alison looked at her as she followed her" okay" she say as she didn't like when she was mad she just follow Monica she was scared of the ringmaster but she wasn't really scared of Monica she followed her master back to the auction house as she saw the bad vampire" someone in trouble" she say sticking her tongue out at him
Monica looked at the ringmaster and snarled "so you think that you can cheat me out" Monica yelled the ringmaster looked at her as if she was crazy "what do you mean I cheated you" he asked "you know exactly what I mean don't play games with me" he looked at her baffled she threw the table at him he tried to he tried to dodge it but it hit his arm and you could heard the snap of his bone he looked at Alison and smiled he said "I did it to punisher you should be glad" Monica didn't like that so she pounced on top of him and started punching him the ringmaster laughed hysterically The more he laughed the angrier she got she became so angry

that she ripped his throat out
Alison just was scared" he's a scary man" she say as she looked at her master" i'm sorry i didn't tell you earlier i didn't know what to say" she say looking down as she look at her hands" what am i am i vampire i'm so thirsty" she say as she place her knees to her chest as she sighed as she was nervous the sun didn't bother her at all (@Kittycat you can come out and see wahts going on)
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With all that was going on Yuko was albe to slip out o their running to the cosled mall in town she got their in 0.32 seconds and saw to girls a slave and master she ran to them and said hi well of couse the slave not the master @Zeldafangirl
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Monica licked her fingers and and gagged at the taste of the ringleaders blood "he was so bitter his blood turned bad" Monica said she turned around and looked at Allison "come on I know of a good vampire bar we can go to then you can quench your thirst" she held out her hand for Alison to take " don't be scared my little butterfly everything will be okay" Monica smiled
Alison just grabbed her hand as she smiled" okay" she say as she stood up and held her hand as she blushed as she giggled" i be okay" she say as she walk towards her" i'm sorry i ruined the day of buying clothes" she say sadly
"don't worry she said oh have you Mason and Emma and go out that way you can buy all the clothes you want without being disturbed" Monica picked Alison up and playful threw her over her shoulder Monica used her super speed to get to the bar inside it was dimly lit the smell of blood and alcohol filled the air " welcome bad master Monica" said a tall tan boy with black hair " it's good to be back" Monica said as she followed the boy to the red roped room in the back there you could see men drinking and girls sitting on them or dancing around them Monica took a seat in the middle of the long couch " boys this I Alison the one I've been telling you about" Monica said while pouring a glass of champagne
Alison just looked at them" hi" she say sitting next to her master as she looked down as she was thirsty all this was new for her as she smiled holding onto monica's shirt the bottom of it she was being shy towards the guys around her she didn't want to be touched by them she was a little scared
Monica use her telekinesis on Alison ' hey what's wrong there's no need to be scared they don't bite...hard' Monica laughed she called over the bar tender and asked him to bring you a tall warm glass of blood just then a girl in a shorts skimpy gold dress came over and sat on Monica's lap she flirted with Monica just to get on your nerves she started flirting and kissing Monica's neck Monica would only laugh and whisper back
Alison saw the girl as she got a bit jealous of her she just wait for the blood as she just was playing with her hands she had a crush on her master she haven't told her yet she looked at the girl with the short jeans on as she puffed her cheeks frustrated with herself
I looked over and noticed that Alison wasn't very happy at the choices I was making so when the bartender came back with her cup I told the girl to leave I looked at Allison see what her reaction was but it was like i couldn't read her so I pulled her over and sat her on my lap " hey I'm sorry okay" I said hoping to receive her forgiveness
Alison looked at her" its okay i don't know why i was acting like that" she say to her as she start to drink the blood as it was very tasty as she enjoyed as she liked being with Monica it made her happy" i forgive you nothing to worry about" she say smiling
Monica smiled with relief Monica started playing with Alison's hair she like everything about Alison her smile her laugh they way she walked and the way she talked but she realized that she could never fall in love with her because she was a servent and I am an alpha her master "oh I got to tell you that will be going to my moms house for a family reunion and so that they can meet you " Monica said informing Alison
Alison got scared' family runion' she asked trying to hid her fear she remember what her parents did to her she was remembring stuff about her' where is family' she asked she wanted to learn about her vampire powers' can you teach ali vampire powers' she asked as she smiled towards her
" yeah I can help you with that its not that hard" Monica said trying to reassure you Monica licked her lips and tried to hide her fangs but she just couldn't she didn't want to ask you because she drank some yesterday " do you want to go somewhere rather then being here" Monica asked you trying to get her mind off of food
Alison looked at you as she smiled" sure" she say smiling tilting her head in a cute way she was happy to get out of here she licked her lips as she was done with the blood" let go" she say holding monica's hand
Guiding Alison out of the bar she couldn't stop thinking about her blood and what it tasted like Monica shook her head to clear her thoughts ' you can't be thinking like this Monica get a hold of yourself ' Monica said to herself " have you ever had ice cream before " Monica asked curiously
Alison looked at her as she smiled" no mother and father forbid me" she say coviering her mouth when she said it she felt bad she is remembering bits by bits" whats ice cream" she asked looking around as she felt a little sad that she didn't tell her" my parents sold me cause i was a girl" she say sadly
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Monica felt bad and angry at the same time what kind of parents would do that to their own daughter she thought "don't worry I won't let anything like that happen to you again" Monica said to her if I ever meet her parents I'm going to give them a piece of my mind she thought to herself "ice cream is what creates memories happy ones ones that you keep forever cherish" Monica stated
Alison just smiled as she hold heer hand as she smiled" that makes me happy lets go get ice cream than" she say to her" what do you want me to do for you as your servant" she asked not sure what she was supposed to do for her she was her first master but yet she liked her master for some reason she was very pretty
"I brought you so that you could clean the house please me when ever I want you to and be my blood supplier" Monica said in a straightforward tone her eyes went dark for a second but soon turned back to normal she picked you up and ran using her super speed to run to an ice shop she put you down and opened the door allowing you to go first
Alison just smiled" i don't mind with the blood or anything just ask me and i be there for my master" she say smiling looking at you as she was in a good mood as she went inside the building for the ice cream as she saw there were so many flavors
" This is ice cream cold frozen

sweet delicious dessert that lots of people love to eat when there. happy or sad there's a lot of flavors as you can see which one do you want or do you want them all" Monica asked with a sweet but serious tone the cashier over heard Monica he thought that she was just joking but knowing her you know she was being serious you knew that she had no problem spending money it was like second nature to her
Alison looked at her as she looked at the ice cream as she wanted the mint chocolate chip flavor" i wants mint choloclate chip" she say to her as she smiled to her master" do we go back home after this Monica" she say her name for the first time as she smiled she was crazy for her master she just watch the guy to scoop up her ice cream as she was in awe she never seen an ice cream the guy looked at her as she was weird

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