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Master and slaves(me and kittycat and woodenzebra and tragic dragon eyes )

Alison heard her master as she went to her" yes Master" she say as she saw the other people" i'm Alison" she say to the others as she just wait for her orders as she keep close to her master since she didn't want her to be alone with the boys as she smiled she just look at the others" i'm 13 but i be 14 soon" she say to them acting shy" what your names" she asked
" oh I see you got my dress it looks cute on you "said a tall black haired boy who came up to you "Im Matthew the oldest" he smiled suductively while pulling you in close and twirling your hair on his fingers Just then a tall brunette walked up to you and said "hi I'm Jessica the second oldest" Monica growled at Matt and told him in a forceful tone to let you go he just simply laughed and let your hair go but continued to hold you close to him
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Alison was let go she was not showing any sign of nervoes she just looked at her master as she walked to where she was she just rebraid her hair as she liked it braided she didn't like it down that much" nice to meet you" she say to them

Kendell looked at her sister as she did skip since her mom told her too as she stick out her tongue at her sister" fine i did" she say telling the truth
" we're are the rest of the trouble makers " Monica shouted her mother pointed to the house " they're in their rooms" her mother informed her" well come on then let's go inside Emma mason and Alison take the bags in the house " Monica yelled as she walked up the stairs of the manor "I'll see you later little birdy" Matthew whispered in your ear before he left he licked your neck "you taste good " he added and with that he walked towards the house Emma turned to you and said "come on let's bring these bags in"
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Alison shivered when he walk away as she helped emma with the bag' if emma haven't said anything i would've punch him but master would be displeased with me' she thought to herself as she carried the bags in most likely she had to sleep with emma since Monica's family would think it was weird for a slave to sleep with her" emma how old are you" she asked while while she was carrying the bags
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" why does that slave of yours have this weird vampire scent" said boy with ombre blue hair Monica looked nervous " what do you mean Damon it's probably just the ringleaders scent I just got her like two days ago I haven't had the chance to mark her yet" Monica laughed nervously "anyway so what's the point of us being here mother" Monica said changing the subject " is it so wrong to want and have all of my children together all under one roof" she said while trying to act innocent "with you somethings must be up" Damon laughed
Alison just took her bag upstairs where she was staying at as she sniffed her shirt as she did smell like a vampire as she sighed' kay now i smell like a vampire' she sighed as she was kinda scared of Mathew she just unpack helping emma she wondered how long they were staying for" okay emma i'm finished" she say to her smiling
" ummm ok you can go see if the ma..." Emma said but was interrupted by Luca Monica's twin brother "hey Emma who is this lovely butterfly we have here " he said as he walked over and kissed your hand " hello young master Luca it's nix to see you again this here is Alison Monica's new slave" she stated as she smiled at you
Alison smiled at the boy she rembered her master said he was the good one" hi there" she say giggling" its nice to meet you yup i'm the new slave i'm 13" she say to him as she smiled looking around as she didn't know what to do stay here or go to her master as she heard her master calling her" i gotta go master is calling me" she say as she went downstairs" yes master" she say looking at her" i am done unpacking everything master" she say
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"Oh look she's trained goody I thought I'd have to train her myself" said Monica's mother "even if she wasn't train I wouldn't want you to be in the same room as her or even touch her" Monica said bitterly her siblings busted out laughing and her mom tried to quiet them down "mom she your so evil your children don't even like you touching their slaves" said Peter the fourth oldest as he was coming down stairs "so this is the great Alison" Peter added "yeah that's her" Luca said as he slided down the railing of the stairs
Alison just kept quite as she didn't know what to say as she just watch them talk about her as she smiled saying she was trained good' i jsut don't want to displease master' she thought as she wait for orders as her stomach growled from the long jouney she hadn't any blood or any food since yesterday hoping they won't notice her hunger she just put her head down as she look back up as she didn't want be touched by anyone but her master @Tragic Dragon Eyes
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" momo it seems that your slave is hungry" Luca said while using his super hearing Monica's eye widened she looked at Alison and smiled weakly " I'm starting to feel hungry too" Damon said Monica let out a sigh of relief "what's for dinner mother" kendell asked eagerly her mother looked at Monica and said "let's have Monica decide" Monica thought about it for a second "umm I don't know Alison what do you want you are the guest of honor" Monica said then everyone turned towards you and stared wanting to know what you were going to say
Alison just looked at them as she didn't know" um... hamburger i never had one before" she say as she smiled to them as she smiled" if you want something else we can i just like trying new things" she say" like the ice cream i tried and snow is all new to me" she say as she smiled towards them
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"Yes normal food I'll take that I'm tired of all that rich people food" Jessica said everyone agreed " that's a great idea little butterfly" Luca said "Quinn come here go and make us hamburgers French fries and milkshakes" Peter said to his slave "Alison come with me you smell" Monica said bitterly not really meaning it she only wants to sound mean because her family is around.she grabs your wrist tightly but not to tight
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Alison looked at Monica as she smelled her shirt" do i really smell" she say as she sighed" yes master i take a shower i understand" she say as her wrist was getting pulled upstairs as she just follow wondering if she was in trouble for not telling her she was hungry she just shrugged it off going up as she smiled
When they entered Monica's room she close the door and sat Allison down in the bed she won over to the small black bag and opened inside were ten blood bags "this is the only time you'll be able to eat it then all the other times we'll have to do the blood transfusion but try not to spill any of it or else my family will smell it trust me you don't want that to happen" Monica warned her she handed her the blood bag "sorry I didn't warn it up it tastes better warm but this will have to do" Monica added she went back to the door and locked it to be on the safe side then she went to the bathroom and turned on the shower "after you get done take a shower and wash up with this" she said as she handed you a bluish purple bar of soap " this'll help wash away the smell of blood and change your vampire sent to mine so no one will be able to tell that your a vampire" Monica said she sat on the bed and wait until you were done with everything
Alison looked at her master and the blood she just realized she was thirsty after all" okay i understand master will it get better i mean the thirst" she asked as she took the blood pack as she dranked the blood she didn't even spell it as she drink the blood pack as she smilied enjoying it as she finished she licked her lips" thank you Master you came prepared" she say as she took the soup" can i put my pjs on or do i still have to wear the maid outfit" she asked her before she went to take a shower she just got in the shower as she smiled as she start washing herslef with the soup she start to sing a song a lullaby she likes only her master can hear her since she was in the bathroom of her masters room


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Monica put out a midnight blue casual dress with flats she left a note on the dress telling Alison to put it on Monica went downstairs only to find her family in a heated argument over something silly so she went in the kitchen to look for her favorite blood type A/B negative it was nothing compared to Alison's blood Monica thought but it'll do until I do get to drink her blood again but I'm afraid that I'll drink too much and kill her and I don't want that to happen not now not ever
ALison just finish with the shower as she smiled looking at the dress it was better than the maid outfit she put on the dress as her hair was wet from the shower as she dry it as she went downstairs" Master" she say as she looked at her as she smiled as she saw the others as she just smiled at them" hi again" she say as she went to her master in the kitchen" master whats a milkshake" she asked curious tilting her head as she was happy to be here with her glad none of the guys really touched her except for one that licked her neck
Monica looked over at Allison and thought to her self you look stunning without realizing it she put them into Luca head go left the table and went over to Monica he grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her into another room " l knew it you like her I could her your thoughts for the past few days I just didn't know who they were about " Luca exclaimed Monica try to pretend like she didn't know what he was talking about " whaaaaaat no those thoughts weren't and about her" Monica laughed nervously luca being her twin brother and all knew that she was lying "it's OK I won't tell mom or will l" he laughed mischievously after about five minutes the both of them came back in the room when they came back Matt had yelled that dinner was done so they sat at the table Luca purposely left the seat next to Monica open so Allison could sit there
Alison was getting a little bit tired as she sat in the chair as she saw the hamburger and milkshake as she poked it not sure what it was as she wait for her master to get downstairs alison was scared of matt but she didn't show it she just yawn a little bit she just watch the others coming to the table as she wore the dress
"Is this seat taken " Matt asked he didn't wait for an interview he pulled out the chair and sat right down next to you just been Monica came over and told him that that was her see him being the oldest he didn't listen he just rolled his eyes he turned around Monica decide to sit next to Kendell under the table Matt put his hand on your leg slowly moving is and closer and closer up your thigh ask the food was coming to the table Damon opened a bottle of champagne and began pouring it in his glass Monica did the same " this is going to be a long night" she said before taking a sip
Alison just closed her eyes as she wanted to whimper as she just open her eyes again he really wanted to punch him for touching her as she kicked monica' monica he's touching me' she thought to her since she had a connection with her as she didn't want to be touched by him she try to move away but nothing was working

Kendell looked at her sister she just dranked some juice as she wasn't allowed to drink" mother do i really have to go to school tomorrow" she whined" i wanna stay with sissy" she say hugging her sister
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Monica took a quick glance under the table and saw his hand Monica cleared her throat " umm if you don't mind Matthew could you please get your filthy hands off of her" Monica barked Matthew laugh " or what" he taunted " or else I'll rip your throat out with my teeth and then I'll take you eyes out and....." "Enough can't we just eat in peace for once" Jessica shouted " fine" they said in unison Matt took his hand of your but not before he dug his nails into your skin and scratched you he licked the blood off his fingers and smiled "yummy" he laughed
Alison yelped in pain as she fell on the floor as blood was dripping off of her leg as she just stood up as she ran to the bathroom as she locked the door as she try to calm down she didn't even eat yet she just put her legs to her chest she just cries siletnly so they can't hear her cry as she had a scar on her leg as she wanted to leave and hurt him she didn't know if her master followed her to the bathroom but she don't think she can cheer her up now she probaly won't eat

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