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Master and slaves(me and kittycat and woodenzebra and tragic dragon eyes )

Nate was at the shop next to his sister in their cage.It was big enough for both of them to stand and lay down.He was afraid but would do anything to protect his sister."Are you okay" Nate said with the cover over their faces.

(I really needed to think of a start I hope this is ok)
Monica's face was bright red ' did she just say that she wanted to stay with me till the end' Monica thought to her self Monica stood ther for a few minutes before calling the doctor back over Monica got off the phone she looked at Alison and said "when we get back home you can eat all the ice cream you want and we can play in the snow for hours" she heard a knock at the door and then it opened it was the doctor " why did you call me back" he asked Monica pointed to a bag on the floor in the closet the doctor went over to the bag and opened it he was shocked at what he found he took the bag and went down stairs to the kitchen and started making a cure he used the herbs form the garden as well "I'll have it done in about three hours" he yelled up to Monica Monica looked at Alison "now all we can do it wait" she smiled weakly
Alison looked at her" okay master" she say" i'm sorry i worried you i won't go anywhere i'll stay right here" she say as she watch the tv waiting for the doctor to be done with the cure for her leg" master what is love" she asked confused about the word" what is a milkshake" she asked too many questions" i think i like you but i don't know this feeling master" she say holding ont her shirt as she sighed @Tragic Dragon Eyes
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"Umm so like love it's a feeling you get when you truly like someone or if you really like a certain food or object" Monica stammered she looked at the tv "and a milkshake is a combination of ice cream and milk that has been blended together " Monica added she looked at the time ' only and hour and a half to go she thought' she went to the bathroom and rewet the washcloth in cold water to help numb the pain 'what do you want to do when this is all over" Monica asked Alison
Alison looked at her as she smiled even though she was going to die but she found the flower she always had a smile on her face " i wants to go ice skating i never been i don't know how maybe you can teach me master" she say smiling looking at her master" or you can surprise me" she say to her she just giggled when she saw her master blushed she poked her face as she giggled" your face is red why" she asked confused @Tragic Dragon Eyes

yuzyu just hiccuped as she held to her brother" i'm fine what about you" she say she was scared but it was okay as long she had her brother

Alexis just enter the shop spooting a girl and boy as she smirked she wanted them" i want those 2" she say to the shop owner
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"don't know" she said "I just" she stammered just then the doctor came in the room was a steaming pot of midnight moon lily serum "I got it" he said Monica took the towel off of Alison's leg "we have to put it on while it's hot or else it won't work" Corey informed us he took a big old spoonful of the hot serum and smeared it all over the infected parts of her leg you can kind of smell the burning of flashed Monica cringed at the smell she ran over to the window opened it and threw up Monica turned around and saw Allison's face was full of discomfort the doctor looked at Monica "it may take a while he won't instantly happen so we'll just have to wait now" he said "what if this doesn't work" Monica said not trying to be negative " we just have to have faith don't worry I'm positive it'll work " Monica one over to Allison and wrapped her in her arms "how do you feel" she whispered into Allison's ear
Alison looked at her as she smiled" i'm okay i'm tougher than i look" she say as she looked at her" i'm sorry i worried you master" she say as she was in monica arms as she closed her eyes she was relaxing as the medicine was working on her leg" i won't forgive your brother i just can't he made me suffer with this he almost killed me i just can't forgive him i'm sorry" she say as she was in your arms as she heard voices downstairs like an arugment as she just held onto you not wanting to let go" after all this is done what you wanna do" she asked you smiling after a hour or two she felt a bit better" i think its healed master" she say seeing the infection was gone as she smiled" can i please punch your brother i really want to" she say
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Monica said to Alison "that wouldn't be a good idea for you to punch him. My family is going to go to the beach tomorrow so we can with them and you've never went there before. I understand if you don't forgive him but Matthew is still my brother but still doesn't change the fact that he hurt you. you're gonna see him often it would help if you forgive him but I mean you don't have to its your choice and I know you're much tougher than you appear to be and it's kind of my job to worry about you I mean if I didn't have any know if you're okay"Monica said to her let's go downstairs and get some breakfast I think Emma made French toast with strawberries and bacon. Monica said as she went to the closet and picked out an outfit for Alison it consists of jeans and a flowy white shirt Monica put the outfit on the bed and went down stairs with the doctor to eat breakfast
Alison just listen to her what she had to say about her brother as she sighed as she went downstairs after she got dressed she saw the others she was fine" hiya" she say happily as she sat next to her master as she didn't trust sitting next to anyone except luca and monica as she just sat there as she was humming she had to forgive matthew as she just held onto the jeans she was wearing" how are you today" she asked her master family as she saw the food as poked at the bacon and the french tost as she was a little confused about them" um... Matthew i... uh...i...for...give you" she struggle to say it she just wanted to make her master happy she just looked down waiting for a response from him as she noticed monica was shocked it was hard for her to forgive him but it had to be done @Tragic Dragon Eyes
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Zeldafangirl said:
Alison looked at her as she smiled even though she was going to die but she found the flower she always had a smile on her face " i wants to go ice skating i never been i don't know how maybe you can teach me master" she say smiling looking at her master" or you can surprise me" she say to her she just giggled when she saw her master blushed she poked her face as she giggled" your face is red why" she asked confused @Tragic Dragon Eyes
yuzyu just hiccuped as she held to her brother" i'm fine what about you" she say she was scared but it was okay as long she had her brother

Alexis just enter the shop spooting a girl and boy as she smirked she wanted them" i want those 2" she say to the shop owner
"I'm okay" Nate said hearing someone talking then he scooted next to his sister and put the cover over both their bodies all the way ,but his tail was still showing.
Yuzyu just heard a lady as her brother put the blanket over her heads as she was scared as she didn't want a new master just yet they were scary
Yuzyu looked at her brother with her green eyes as she held to him as she saw girl the one that run reallly fast as she look at her she was scared

Alexis looked at the kids they looked scared she just smirked evily
Matthew looked up and was just as shocked as Monica was " do you really forgive and why the sudden change" Matthew asked Monica was speechless she didn't know how to respond she cut a piece of her French toast and ate it she grabbed for her orange juice after taking a sip she looked at Luca then at Matthew she coughed and then the three of them smiled a mischievous smile and looked back at Alison
Alison looked at the three as the smile was creepy" i only forgive you cause i know its the right thing to do i don't want my master unhappy with me plus i want to get to know master family more so i can't stay mad with you forever" she say to him as she smiled" why are you smiling that way master" she say" did i do something wrong" she asked as she was panicing a bit not sure what to do" why you smiling like that" she asked as she looked at them' this can't be good' she thought to herself she didn't know she was really ticklish she forgot she was going to the beach as she play with her fingers it was habbit when she nervous about something @Tragic Dragon Eyes
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"Oh it's nothing we're just smiling because we're...... just happy Monica said trying to hide the fact that she was lying "yeah that's right" Matthew added "we're just so happy that you decided to forgive me" Kendall came downstairs "so what's up everyone wow is that French toast"she said as she raced to the table and grabbed a plate "guys don't be silly the reason why we were grinning was because.......ouch" Luca yelped in pain as he rubbed his head both Matthew and Monica gave him a dirty look "oh right right we were just happy is all" Luca said trying to laugh it off Matthew and Monica rolled their eyes "way to go genius" Matthew said sarcastically under his breath Monica got a plate and put French toast with confectioner sugar and strawberries and syrup on top and gave it to Alison "here eat up" she said you don't want to be hungry Monica got some French toast down next to Alison just then their mother came downstairs "I'm so happy see my family getting along" she said all of them laughed you don't have to be so fake around company mother we all know why you want us here" said Monica bitterly their mother sent down at the head of the table she looked at Alison said "how do you like it here sweetheart and what do you think about the Quinn family?" everyone turned to look at her
Alison looked at her master mum as she smiled" i having a good time thank you whats a quinn family whats that" she say confused not realizing she was talking about the family" sorry i don't understand things i'm trying to learn master's mother" she say she tasted the french tost as she reacted to the new food" new food yummy" she say cutely she knew her master was lying but didn't say anything @Tragic Dragon Eyes
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Monica giggled "Quinn is my last name when my mom said how do you feel about the Quinn family she meant us but you probably didn't know because I never told you our last name" Monica informed Allison "tomorrow we're going to be driving down to the beach" there mother said "from there will probably be spending a week or more depending on how we feel so it's best if you will start packing your clothes now...... then again we have clothes at the Beachhouse so never mind" Luca stated "how about we go to the mall and get new swimsuits. the last time we even had suits was like five years ago pretty sure we won't even fit them now Monica said she looked at Alison and smiled "what kind of bathing suit do you want" Matthew asked Alison Monica's nose started to bleed at the thought of Allison at the beach in a bikini running through the sand Luca smacked her on the head with a rolled up newspaper "heyyyy what was that for" Monica said as she rub ther head "you know what that was for you pervasive remember we're twins what you invision or think of enters my head as well" Luca reminded Monica "ooooh yeah right" she said as she blushed a deep red
Alison looked at her" i don't want a swimsuit i'm emberressed with my body" she say as she looked down at her fingers as she had tears in her eyes as she heard someone ring the bell as she saw who it was it was her real parents anger filled her" hi sweetie" they say they were friends with Monica's mom Ali just punched her mom stomach as she was angry as she got slapped first by her mom as she gasped" I HATE YOU" she yelled as she got taken away from them" NO LET ME GO LET ME GO" she yelled as she was scared of her parents she wanted pay back for what they did to her sell her cause she was a girl" i hate them they need to pay what they did to me" she cried to her master @Tragic Dragon Eyes
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Monica placed her hands around Alison's face "hey hey don't cry and your body looks perfect just the way it is" Monica whispered she looked over at Luca he came over and picked up Alison " come on little butterfly let's go bake some cookies" Luca said to her while smiling when Monica heard the the door.close behind them she snapped raced over to Alison's mom and placed her hand around her throat "who the fuck do you think you are coming in here and placing your hands on my butterfly are you god are you and alpha..well are you no I didn't think so" Monica said while tightening her grip her eyes turned an electric blue color she smiled a sadistic smile " I'll just have to punish you Mason Emma take these two to the room at the end of the west hall" Monica said evilly "Alison can you please come here a second please" Monica called
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Alison heard her master call for her as she walked to her as she had fear in her eyes she was so scared of her parents she just went over to her master" yes master what can I do for master" she say trying to hide her fear as she walked up as she was looking down at her feet" am i in trouble master" she say sadly as she was trembeling in fear it was the last thing she wanted to see her mother and father she just cried

Alison's mom just tried to get free she had chains on her" let me go" she say trying to get out that girl was scary as she just wait maybe is was wrong for her to give up the girl she really never named her she whiped all her meomries and what she liked her personality she whiped out everything
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"Come with me butterfly" Monica said she picked up Allison and carried her to the west hall to the room Emma and Mason locked up her parents and Monica took the key out of her pocket and unlock the door when she opened the door it was dimly lit she reached for the light turned on inside the room you could see the walls were full of whips chains knifes and other things used for torture in the center of the room her parents were tied up in chains Monica laughed evilly "so you think that you can damage things that belong to me" Monica questioned to see about that Monica one over to a table and grab a golden blade she turned to a wall that had a lever she pulled the lever and down came a set of cuffs she placed the cuffs on Alison's parents wrist a pulled the lever again so that their hands were above their head Monica took a knife and walked over to Allison's mom she use the knife and cut Monica's mother shirt off going to have some fun with you she laughed definitely Monica took the knife andput it down on the table she went to a wall and grab a whip of nine tails she walked back to Alison's mother and began to hit her with the whip after 20 minutes she stopped " Monica can you please go downstairs and get a bottle of whiskey for me" Monica smiled sadisticly she wiped her face from Alison's mothers blood she licked her fingers the immediately spit it out you taste terrible Monica took off her shirt she was in her bra and shorts now she waited for Alison to come back
Alison nodded" yes master" she say as she went downstairs with the whisky that her master asked for as she grab for it going back to the room" here master" she say as she looked at her she was a little scary with this but she knew she was just trying to hurt her parents for huritng her and the abandonment she didn't understand why she was here for the toucher

Alison mother had tears in her eyes" please not the whisky i promise i won't hurt her i won't touch your slave" she say as she had scars on her back" if you want to kill me than do it all ready" she say
"Kill you now why would I kill you" Monica laughed "to tell you the truth I just want you to suffer just like Alison did" Monica added Monica pulled out a chair and sat down she opened the bottle whiskey and drank some " looking little bit thirsty" Monica said she got up from the chair walked over and poured the whiskey all over Allison's mothers back Monica laughed while Allison's mother screamed Monica sat down she drank the remaining whiskey that was in the bottle "Alison come here I want your parents to watch something" Monica asked politely

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