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Master and slaves(me and kittycat and woodenzebra and tragic dragon eyes )

Alison just follow the orders she was given as she walked over to her master" yes master i am here" she say not knowing what she was going to do she just look at her mother glaring at her she hated her guts for what she suffered through becoming half vampire and endoring the things she had to being a slave in the auction house" i hate you" she mouthed
Monica had read the thoughts of her parents way before they even set foot in the house 'so she doesn't want me to touch her daughter' Monica thought to herself 'well I'll just have to get on there nerves by doing this' she added Monica sent Allison down on her lap and begin kissing her neck softly Monica looked up and saw the Alison's parents were glaring bitterly at her she smiled while kissing Alison neck she ran her hand up and down Alison's leg she stopped kissing Alison's neck and looked into her eyes before kissing her on the lips after a minute she ended the kiss "Alison do you love me" Monica asked this time her eyes were a lavender purple
Alison was shocked at first as she smiled" i still don't understand what love is but i have feelings i hate it when you with other girls so i think i love you so yeah i do" she say she just looked at her eyes" so pretty" she say outloud" your very pretty" she say as she smiled as she play with her masters hair" i like being around you" she say
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Monica smiled but on the inside her body was full of fireworks and butterflies " I'm glad to hear that" Monica said she looked at Alison's parents and smiled a wicked smile "Alison do you want to ask you parents anything or would you like to punish them as well" Monica asked as half of each eye turned back to the electric blue she looked at Alison waiting for an answer she kinda hoped that you would be them but the thought quickly escaped her mind because she realized it was the wicked sadstic side of her
Alison looked down" no i don't want any more of this yeah what they did to me was wrong as long i don't see there stupid face again i'm fine they can die like i would care" she say to her" please stop this i just want happiness for once i want normal Monica back please" she say tears in her eyes" i can't endor this no more" shse say as she place her head on your chest
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Monica's eyes changed back to there normal grey color she hugged Alison "im so sorry to scare you little butterfly" Monica whispered in her ear Monica picked Alison up and walked to her bedroom when she entered the room she placed Alison on the bed and turn on the tv she put on spongebob she called Emma and Mason to the room and told them to clean up Alison's parents and give them a room on the other side of the manor near my mothers room when they left Monica took off her pants and then headed into the bathroom to wash the caked on blood off she showered for about an hour before getting out and getting dressed "hey Alison we're gonna go swimsuit shopping with the others so get your shoes on and meet the rest ov us downstairs" Monica said to Alison
Alison smiled" okay dookie" she say as she put her converse on" yay" she say as she smiled going downstairs as she was glad her master was back to normal as she grab a cookie as she ate it she wasn't really happy about going swimsuit shooping but it was okay anything to stay away from her parents" lets go come on" she say all excited as she tie her shoes
Everyone piled into Matthews BMW Matt raced down the road to get to the closest human mall "ok we made in only one hour" he said acting proud of himself "remember guys we are not you masters out in public" Luca said to the slaves well what are we waiting for to the swim shop once they got into the mall they looked at the directory and looked for the swim suit store once the located it on the map they made there way to the store at the store they split up the slaves went with their masters Monica picked out a cute one piece that was mint green and handed it to Alison here go try it on" Monica said you could see a little lavender in here eyes
ALison looked at her" okay monica" she say as she smiled she went and tried it on as she look at herself in the mirrow as it was kinda cute as she open the door of the dressing room" its cute right Monica" she say showing it to her as she was acting cute" what is the beach like" she asked
Monica turnt her head the other way to hide the fact that she was blushing "Ummmm yeah you look cute" Monica said " if you want to try on another one just let me know" Monica added Monica went to go look for a swim suit for herself she saw a black on and a white one she decided to try them on
Alison just looked at her as she saw her blushing as she blushed back as she went to change her clothes she liked the swimsuit as she came out with her as she smiled" lets go Monica can we get ice cream" she say smiling looking at her as she smiled as she looked around as she saw 2 man looking at her as she was scared as she went towards Monica" um monica some weird people man is looking at me its creepy" she say to her it was the same guys from the auction house as she held onto monica sleeve" they the same guys from that house" she say pointing to the boys
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Monica didn't like the fact that they were staring at Alison so she went up to them "could you do me the favor and stop staring she's mine not yours and if you don't listen I'll just have to teach you some manners" Monica smiled but her eyes said otherwise she turned around and walked back over to you " come on let's go pay for these" Monica said while grabbing your hand she guided you to the cash register and payed for the bathing suits " there's an ice cream stand at the food court we can go there if you want but before you can get ice cream you have to eat lunch" Monica told Alison
Alison looked at her as she smiled" okay lets eat lunch" she say as she smiled looking at her as she was grabbing her hand as she felt her stomach growl she relized she was hungry" i'm hungry" she say as she smile looking around the mall as it was big but not as big as the mall back at her new home" Monica what do you like to eat" she say
Monica had to think about it "while I really like pizza and you haven't had pizza let so let's go get some pizza" Monica said they arrived at the food court within 10 minutes Mason found a table for the four of them Emma went to the pizza booth and got a lurch A large cheese pizza for the four of them to split Monica couldn't wait to dig in but she let Allison take the first slice "Allison tell me how you feel about the pizza" Monica asked
Alison looked at the pizza" thank you Emma" she say as she smiled to her master and her friends as she ate the first piece of pizza as she closed her eyes as she enjoyed the pizza" yummie i like pizza" she say eating as she smiled
Monica smiled "that's good" Mason got up and went to the bathroom Monica just watched him go not really worrying about it she continued to eat her pizza 10 minutes went by and Mason didn't make it back yet Monica started to get real worried but just the she saw Mason in the distance she looked at him and was puzzled why he was holding his eye when he got to the table Monica saw that he was beaten and covered in blood at first Monica was confused at why he was like this then she became angry her eyes started to slowly turn red " who did this to you" Monica demanded Mason just stared at the ground "Mason I asked you a question" Monica said forcefully Mason cleared his throat " it was the 2 guys that were staring at Alison earlier" Mason said Monica was mad no she was beyond mad she was pissed " why do people think that they can just keep putting their nasty little hands on my slaves" Monica spat Monica called Jessica and told her what happened Jessica said that her and the others will meet her at the car Monica started walking " come on guys we gotta go" Monica said
Alison was sad that mason got hurt by those guys she just squeezed monica's hand very hard as she was mad she didn't know how to express it this was the first time she was mad' why do people do that they hurt my friend' she thought squeezing harder
As Alison squeezed Monica's hand the second time she just looked down and smiled a little to her self 'she's getting stronger I see' Monica thought to herself by the time they got to the car everyone else was already inside so they got inside to "Matt take us home we have some business to discuss about the Richardson family" Monica. Said bitterly Matthew drove the car just as he did coming up really fast but the time the girl who who is only 3:30 everyone piled out of the car and went inside the House The Quinn family gathered around the dining room table and Monica told him what happened "thoses are the Quinn boys alright" Monica's mother said they never did like her family they were just mad that we were told that our family was chosen as the next family to rule the vampire race" Damon added Monica knew that that was true their family has always hated us Monica thought "I always knew that we would fight them one day I just didn't know it'd be so soon" Jessica said " well if they want to challenge us the can we'll take them head on no problem" Monica said acting cocky
Alison just looked down at her feet as she didn't know what to do she was just sad that they had to leave so soon she didn't even know what was going just yet she looked around she been reading monica's thoughts appeartly she can read people mind her head was hurting from all those thoughts" master i'm going to lay down my head hurts" she say as she went to monica's room as she place her hands on her head as it was too much she didn't know how to block out the thoughts yet she took her shoes off as she lay on the bed
"I'll come check on you later" Monica yelled as Alison went up the stairs Monica thought to herself. " we should invite them over for a friendly dinner and talke about the matter at hand before things escalate" Damon offered everyone seemed to be in agreement with Damon's idea Matthew said as the oldest that he should be the one to make the arrangements so my mother left it up to him I quickly snuck away and went up stairs to check on Alison Monica knocked three times before entering "hey little butterfly how ya feeling" Monica asked sweetly
Alison just open her eyes as she saw monica" i'm okay it just i think i can read people mind it hurts" she say as she looked at monica" why does it hurt so much" she asked as she sat up as she felt the pain all over again as she place her hands on her head she felt the pain" after i sit up not so good can i take a medicine or something it hurts i have a headache" she say tears coming down her face as she was thirsty too" i'm thirsty" she cry
Monica thought for a second then it hit her " I can take away the pain away" Monica said remembering that she had a lot of different powers compared to a normal vampire like Alison Monica put her hand on Alison's forehead she closed her eyes the pain from Alison's head entered through Monica's hand and pasted though her brains turning them black for a brief period of time once Monica got rid of Alison's head ache pains she felt a little bit dizzy but quickly recovered Monica went over to the black bag and got a blood bag and a cup she poured the blood in the cup and handed it to Alison 'it's been almost two weeks since I drank Alison's blood I'm so hungry but I can't' Monica thought to herself making sure that her thought wasn't available for Alison to hear
Alison just drink out of the cup as she smiled" you ok master you know you can drink out of me anytime i don't mind master" she told her" thanks for taken the pain away your powers are so cool are we still go to beach" she say happily while watching mulan
"Yeah we're still going to the beach and I'm fine I don't feel hungry" Monica lied Monica went to the bathroom and came back with a bottle of grey pills she took out four of the and eat them once she was done she went over to a cabinet and opened it " pick out some movies you want to take with us on the trip" Monica said to Alison Monica left and went back down stairs to continue the meeting with her family
Alison just sat on the floor as she was picking out the movies she wanted to bring she looked at the frozen movie she haven't seen it yet she smiled she didn't know that her master lied she was excited about going to the beach she was worried about mason she thinks it was her fault for him getting hurt she just frowned

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