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Realistic or Modern Masks: Thieves of LA

After consideration Dabiživ decided to take the mysterious syringe. He had no plan to really use it, but in case his curiosity got the best of him he would use it. "Thanks, I suppose. But don't worry about me and my lockpicks, I can always make new ones. Besides I have been doing this shit since 2002, I don't think I am going to be breaking these bad boys anytime soon." "Oh and if you want to know the name behind this big man it's Dabiživ Radulovic, but I currently am going under the alias of Dragoljub Arsenov either way you probably won't be able to pronounce any of those right, but I have to go around under an alias because INTERPOL is after me for being a member of the Pink Panthers and if my identity is found out and I get found out working with this gang, I would think this gang will get some bad attention from INTERPOL."
Leah had been zoned out for most of the conversation. She sat on the sofa and watched the TV, drama really wasn't her thing but for some reason, she just didn't feel as though she was included in the conversation. Overhearing the discussion going on not far away from her, she looked around and listened closer. Hmm, a gallery. Maybe it's the nice one I used to visit. Curiosity got the better of Leah and she walked over to Alex and the others.

"Am I in on this? I'm guessing so." Leah wasn't sure if she was needed or if they already had a computer guy, but she assumed that having more than one couldn't hurt anything. Regardless, she liked to double check these things, after all, the last thing she wanted to be was a nuisance.

Leah looked around at the people, she didn't recognise a few of them. Had she been that zoned out she didn't notice new people entering the room?

"Sorry, I don't think we've met." Leah held her hand out to a loud man who seemed to be taking over the whole conversation and going on about INTERPOL. Leah didn't know what to make of him.

@kaito9049 @The Omen of Death
Now noticing Leah obviously noting she was perplexed as to who he was. He could think of many things as to why this was true. 1. He was a 33 year old, surrounded by 20 year olds 2. He was born in Serbia back when it was Yugoslavia 3. Apparently he was big as well so that seemed to check out. He would then shake Leah's hand "No, we have not. My name is Dabiživ Radulovic, but I am currently going under the alias of Dragoljub Arsenov because I used to be a member of the Pink Panthers, and I need to keep my identity hidden. Especially since if I get linked to this gang, because if I am not only am I going to be hunted down by INTERPOL which I am having happen already but I would imagine this gang would get some unwanted attention from INTERPOL as well."
"Everyone's aboard for this one," Alex replied, finally tearing his attention away from the files. "Think of this as a practice run - initiation, if you will. I'll be watching to see how well you take orders, your manner in executing them, and how well you work together. On that note..." The young man paused to go and retrieve a briefcase from the equipment room. Returning, he opened the container to reveal its contents: several earbuds, transparent and nearly invisible, neatly placed in rows.

"I'm glad I made enough," he said, taking one and putting it into his ear. "I synchronized them before you arrived, but eventually I'd like to work with the computer experts on managing a new frequency and better hardware. But this will do for now. Keep in regular contact." He checked his watch again. Not too much time left. "Make your final preparations," he said, nodding to an address on the television screen. "You leave in a little bit."
kaito9049 said:
"Everyone's aboard for this one," Alex replied, finally tearing his attention away from the files. "Think of this as a practice run - initiation, if you will. I'll be watching to see how well you take orders, your manner in executing them, and how well you work together. On that note..." The young man paused to go and retrieve a briefcase from the equipment room. Returning, he opened the container to reveal its contents: several earbuds, transparent and nearly invisible, neatly placed in rows.
"I'm glad I made enough," he said, taking one and putting it into his ear. "I synchronized them before you arrived, but eventually I'd like to work with the computer experts on managing a new frequency and better hardware. But this will do for now. Keep in regular contact." He checked his watch again. Not too much time left. "Make your final preparations," he said, nodding to an address on the television screen. "You leave in a little bit."
Marcus turned and looked at the briefcase before reaching in and grabbing one of the earpieces. He stuck it in his ear and adjusted it before nodding. "Not too comfortable, but it'll do." He said, slipping his hands inside of his pockets. Hopefully they wouldnt run into any problems such as jammers there, it would make the job difficult without instructions. But more importantly... "Hey man, do I have to wear a suit? Will my clothes be fine?" He asked. The holes in his jeans might not be acceptable, but his shirt was nice enough!
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Thinking back Dabiživ, thought about the couple of art theft cases that he partook in with the Pink Panthers. As a result he had the idea of how this shit went down, he also knew that since leaving the Panthers he had been brought into a different thieves gang. He had to be more careful with the people there. Which reminded him of his pistol he needed to change his rounds for, Dabiživ would then take out his Zastava CZ 99 pistol he would then systematically check its safety which was on, he would then make sure the magazine had no bullets in it. Good nothing in it. He would then insert into his 15 round magazine, 15 9x19mm Parabellum rubber bullet rounds into it loading it keeping its safety on in case it was needed putting it back in its case. He would then go over to Alex at first glance not noticing the earpieces, then noticing it about a second later. "Ah, nice transparent ear sets. Don't remember if the Panthers used to do anything like this but at least if someone sees me on camera or in person stealing the art piece it will totally make me undetectable." "Also how is your policy on using these guns with the rubber bullets? I know obviously it should not be like running in guns blazing Rambo style, but is it for like simply temporarily taking out someone without giving them serious injuries or what? Also what is your policy on at least knocking people unconscious to clear an area? Is that a no no?" Doing so while putting on his finer gloves and his ear piece.
Alex glanced over at Marcus and frowned slightly. "It's a formal event. Open to the public, but a lot of rich people - investors - there. At the very least, change your jeans. Try something semi-formal, if it makes you more comfortable." Looking the part was important in any mission. During a burglary one had to dress in concealing clothing, during a heist intimidating apparel, and during a con something that fit in.

"Do whatever you need to do," he told Dabiživ. "Just no killing or permanent/major damage."
Leah nodded, took one of the earbuds for herself and took one of the left over files. I hope no one is using this. She scuttled over to the sofa and scanned the file for important information, relevant to her. It was one thing she'd always prided herself on; her ability to read quickly and soak up information. The pages of the file were loosely slotted into the beige, card folder and as per usual, she wondered why it was on paper. In this digital day-and-age, why was anything on paper anymore? Leah closed the file, put it under her arm and carried herself, and her bag, over to small room with a cupboard full of equipment. She stood and wondered what she would need, everything she usually needed was in her own bag. Her laptop, cables, a small portable mic and extra hard-drives for copying information. What else would she need?

Leah stood, leant up against the cupboard door, trying to think of what she was forgetting she'd need. After a few minutes of frowning at the floor, she looked around and saw a few people in more formal attire. "Shit." Leah mumbled.

She looked down at her clothes and calmed herself with the fact she was wearing semi-formal clothing already, or at least she though it was acceptable. Though, after thinking about it, Leah decided her best bet was to find something new to wear. In the small room there was a second large cupboard, more like a closet, full of formal attire in all different shapes and sizes. Leah brushed over the numerous dresses with her finger, half looking for something in her size and half looking at all the shining sequins and bejewelled tops. Eventually, after 5 minutes of mindless searching, Leah found a fairly nice top and some formal pants. She bent down and picked some heeled shoes up in her size and hurried off to the bathroom.

A few minutes later she stood, staring in the mirror. Leah was wearing black, straight-leg pants with black 4in heels on and a nice long-sleeved blouse with black birds patterned all over the white base. The last time Leah wore heels was at her college dance, she hated every part of it, but for some reason, it came naturally to her. Looking nice and dressing up was something Leah always did with ease, but that didn't mean she enjoyed it.

Leah picked her bag up off the floor and hung it back over her shoulder before stepping back out into the lounge area.
Diana was able to make it back just in time with a couple of shopping bags, she went into one of the unoccupied rooms to changed into her outfit for the evening. She clipped on the long, wavy black wig that she had to admit — was much silkier than her actual hair; the blue contact lenses went onto her eye nice and easy, she then slips into her dark blue backless mermaid dress paired off with some silver daffodile heels and light makeup. Diana squealed with excitement as she wobbled towards the mirror, she stared at her reflection for a moment and wondered if girls shared the same excitement before prom. "Ok Dia, focus now, this is strict business, stop acting like a 15 year old." She couldn't help but squeal one last time before joining the others back in the lounge.
With a groan, he let out a sigh. "Might as well slip into a suit then..." Marcus muttered. He just hoped that they would have one for him in the back. Seeing Dabiživ check his handgun, Marcus decided to do the same. From within his jacket, he withdrew a M1911 pistol and ejected the magazine. It was fully loaded with normal 9mm rounds, which he began to remove from the magazine. After stuffing the rounds into a pocket, he pulled the box of rubber bullets from his pocket and began to load the gun. Once it was loaded, he passed the box to Dabiživ. "Here, load up. I got a suit at home I can wear, mind if I meet you at our destination?" He asked Alex.
Finally his face showed some relief knowing now how to conduct the use of force. He knew how to knock a man unconscious without hurting the man too much, he was fine with not hurting a man too much or killing them which he never did and never planned on doing. Noticing Marcus handing him over the box he turned it away saying "I already loaded my rounds in don't worry about me." Turning around he then said. "Alright, luckily I got my own formal wear so I am gonna go get set up with that. Also I should let my contacts in LA know I am in LA so they know in advance in case I or any of us need anything for getaways, resources etc." he would then step out of the room with his pretty basic suit he got for himself. Nothing special about it besides spots where he could hide his lockpicks, pistol, and now his mask etc. he would go to the area to change his attire. Now changed with gloves and his suit on, he pulled out his phone and would call his first contact whom happened to be Serbian as well. Dabiživ then put the phone to his ear, the person on the other line picked up whom sounded slightly younger than Dabiživ "Здраво?" (Hello?) Dabiživ replying "Да здраво Сретомир, ја сам Драгољуба." (Yes hello Sretomir, it's me Dragoljub) Sretomir lighting up "Ах, да Дабижив Сећам се да ми је рекао да је променио свој псеудоним. Дакле, шта се дешава?" (Ah, yes Dabiživ I remember you told me you changed your alias. So what is going on?) Dabiživ a little alarmed that on the phone that Sretomir said Dabiživ's real name, but did not want to make a fuss about it much. "Уобичајена, исто срање само различити дана. У сваком случају треба да знаш да сам у Лос Анђелесу, а ја вероватно ће остати овде неко време." (The usual, same shit just different days. Anyway I need to let you know that I am in Los Angeles, and I am probably going to stay here for a while.) Sretomir whom Dabiživ just remembered does not know that he moved on from the Pink Panthers ignorantly asked. "Дакле, имају Пинк Пантери одлучио да удари локације у Лос Анђелесу?" (So have the Pink Panthers decided to hit a location in Los Angeles?) Dabiživ lost in thought as to how stupid he was for not informing him about it not realizing he zoned out Sretomir said "Ли још ту?" (You still there?) Dabiživ realizing how stupid he was for not replying decided not to be even stupider and replied with "Жао ми је због тога, зони сам за тренутак. У ствари, иако, заправо оставио Пинк Пантери. Наши идеали сукобу и одлучио сам да одем, али нови лопови банда ме је регрутовао. Тхе Маске они се зову. Они су самозвани и познат у народу као Робин Худ врсте лопова." (I am sorry about that, I zoned out for a moment. In fact, though, I actually left the Pink Panthers. Our ideals conflicted, and I decided to leave, but a new thieves gang recruited me. The Masques they are called. They are self-referred and well known among the people as kind of like Robin Hood thieves.) Sretomir slightly surprised and thinking about the name replied "Хмм, звони звоно мали... Чекај мало. Сада се сећам! Три њихових чланова ухапсили пре пар месеци! Све што знам је да се прави велики корак уназад од места где сте некад били. Да погодим шта ти треба. Требаш ме да вас и вашу банду са средствима обезбеди ако буде потребно?" (Hmm, it rings a tiny bell... Wait a second. Now I remember! Three of their members got arrested a couple months ago! All I know is that you are making a huge step backwards from where you once were. Let me guess what you need. You need me to provide you and your gang with resources if need be?) Before Dabiživ could reply Stretomir read his mind and told him "Да, наравно, ја сам се са тим." (Yeah sure, I am down with that.) Dabiživ couldn't help but smirk and said "Добро, хвала као и увек, знала сам да си један зависити од. Ја ћу бити сигурни да те назовем касније." (Good, thanks as always, I knew you were one to depend on. I will make sure to call you later.) Stretomir obviously sounded like he was appreciated even though he knew they were only business partners a bit odd but nothing too odd. They exchanged their byes and Dabiživ had no time currently to call his other contact at the moment so he returned to the main area of the facility all ready to go.
Alex agreed. "If you're ready, you can leave now," he told Marcus, as well as the room in general. "Don't try anything until everyone else is there. Until then, enjoy the artworks. I'll stay here and monitor the situation. Good luck, and be careful." Satisfied that he had prepared his crew properly, Alex began to walk over to the conference room, where his computer was waiting. On the way, he noticed Leah and Diana, having dressed to suit the occasion. Nodding his approval, he entered the room and went over to his laptop, waiting with the GPS locations of the earbuds and a blueprint of the target building.

The young man let out a breath and popped his knuckles. He had plenty of experience, sure, but this was a new gang, with new variables. To be honest, leading a gang was quite stressful for someone of his age. But someone had to look out for the unfortunate, and it might as well be him.
Jeanne wasn't very satisfied with the answer she was given to her question, but she supposed it didn't matter, as there was no backing out of it now, her pride wouldn't let her. The fact that it was a formal occasion seemed to have slipped her mind, seeing other people start to dress, quickly made her realize her mistake. She got up and quickly got up, and grabbed an ear piece from the box, fiddled with it for a moment, and finally getting it comfortably in her ear.

She approached the room she had seen Leah slip into, and out of with a new dress, and found the room she had always dreamed of.

After a moment of looking through all the dresses in amazement, she realized she would need something with pockets, to conceal her lockpick, but the state of the woman's fashion industry seemed to have failed her, as she could only find a couple to suit her needs. After abandoning her hopes of wearing something without pockets, she searched for a few minutes, and decided on a knee length blue chiffon dress, and decided that her hair and makeup would be fine as it is, as she didn't want to run home and do it.

Deciding to change in that room, as it seemed everyone was pretty pre-occupied in the other room, she quickly undressed and put her new formal attire on, putting her old clothes in a pile in the corner of the room to retrieve when she returned.

She walked out to the rest of the room and sat back down, hoping that they would leave soon. Going back and forth between different rooms was really starting to make her dizzy.
Dabiživ sighed, being such an infamous thief had its benefits obviously though this was one of his bad parts adjusting his suit concealing his handmade lockpicks and his pistol etc. "I would have possibly considered going early, but I fear too many people know my face. And since too many people know me as a Pink Panther, my exposure in public is usually low, and has to stay that way but I pop my head out every once and a while. I just sport some nice looking shades and carry on. But I bet a lot of people at these conventions or exhibits know my face so I will hang out here until I must. Because that is why I am here."
As Alex finished his goodbye to Gina rather than Gina leaving there were small links of curiosity in her she stayed while the serbian man with a name she could not pronounce let himself in. this man seemed very experienced in the background. as Alex explained the plan she finally managed to let herself out of the room. She walked down the halls back to the real world which was currently the bowling alley. this was no prank no job, no real possibility in this being a setup. This man alex spoke no lie and told only the truth from what her deception showed her the only liar in the room was herself. She had no job and no income. sure she had money saved away from her previous one. but she needed income. now back to a real job she began to think where she would be able to fit her resume in.

as Gina walked back to her car she kept hearing him repeat these words inside her head. 'do not kill, do not fatally injure, we steal from the corrupt for the benefit of others.' she pondered the scam he was trying to break on this group of people but soon realized there was none. she opened her car and sat inside.

Gina stared at the bowling alley. she could not bring herself to leave. rather she drew out her phone from her purse and googled "masque gang." she began to research for the next half hour inside her car. rather than finding worse and worse information or negative things it seemed to be filled with question like, "who were these gang members, and. Why do they target the rich like a modern day robin hood." these questions caused her to delve deeper finding a few forums of interest. One these "gang members" really did not murder, unless they weren't caught they seemed very peaceful, and non violent. she recalled Alex bringing up the plan on the infiltration of the art exhibit. she recalled how he mentioned rubber bullets were all they were allowed to carry. regardless she couldn't quite believe no deaths occurred. From her past in crime stopping she was always the good guy to the court. she would be put in multiple tight situations where proper questioning and proper answers were vital to her cases. she did not argue her moral compass. she begun to believe that this so called group "the masque thieves," were not the bad people here. However illegal, they performed no real crime apart from theft from wealthy men and woman filled with corruptions. She found several news stories and interviews about this gang and several cases where they were all from people with poor backgrounds. one man was robbed his private collection and he happened to acquire his money through pimping. although she couldn't disagree that he deserved it, she did believe police should deal with these cases.

"but not everyone bad gets caught." she spoke out loud. She sat and slammed her head on her headrest. faced with an idea that seemed to be killing her insides but she could not avoid like a bee to pollen. She was no criminal, and she certainly was no bad guy. But Gina being herself she managed to conflict these ideas logically. He brought up the idea that this first plot would be an initiation. What could that mean? If things went sour would he let everyone fall. Why would they even fucking trust each other when all of them just met. he was connected though and never made a false statement. unless he was that could of a liar there was no way to tell about how things could pan out.

Gina looked over to her purse and grabbed her keys. She turned over the engine and put the car in drive and drove off.

Her home was about 20 minutes away on the freeway.

Gina got home surprisingly quick, she had a studio apartment in a quiet neighborhood in LA. She walked inside and sat down with a glass of water.

She pulled out her laptop and searched one last thing into her search engine. "alex m the masque gang."

No related search result... she knew he was good, he didn't even exist in phone books or any name relatively close to alex m in the LA region. she tried a background check filtering his age, name, last initial, crime affiliations, everything shes learned to narrow it down. he was like a ghost.

Gina closed the laptop and went to her room opening a drawer, it was her gym gear as well as her old free-running gear. She withdrew a black silk back and slowly opened it pulling out what lied inside.

A mask

Her friends in new york gave it to her as a parting gift from her old nickname nightowl. it was a beautiful table decoration worth a pretty penny hence why it was safely stored. she felt the texture of the soft real feather the way it curved and felt in her hands. someone put alot of time to create this, from the feathers, to the most likely real beak. the coloring of the mask.... "OH HOW FUCKING CONVENIENT!!!" she screamed out of frustration and dropped the mask and knocked over her table lamp along with most her other junk on top as it clanked on the ground. how fucking ridiculous, she could not pan this shit out as an act anymore.

Gina sighed and glanced down on the ground where the mask was.

She picked it up, staring at it, she glanced at the 6 foot tall mirror with her reflection in it. her character was not one to do this kind of stuff. The difference she could make without everyone knowing the alternate identity she could live because of it, the hours she would be freed from. she could live a new life, from scratch, for real. never deal with criminals, murders, rapist, and all the rest she had to talk to sweet talk question for answers. He fiance dying, Gina moving to escape her job, her once to be future husband, her poor job, all these horrible things she ran away from, this was her chance to create something better... something bigger.

She picked up the mask and walked out the door.

Dabiživ would by now be trying to clear his head, especially with this being a new beginning. Not a true new beginning... But noticing those 6 everlasting burning torches on the back of his neck with Братство и jединство (Brotherhood and Unity) underneath made him think back to his past deeply. He remembered vividly the tension that built in his own household with his father being Serbian and fighting in the JNA, especially in 1992 when he was sent to Bosnia and Croatia... Killing his former comrades... Especially as the tensions built up before the wars and genocide, his mother and father fought more often... Not about the political rhetoric of Milosevic that wanted to create the 'greater Serbia' in Yugoslavia but about him fighting for the JNA in such a turbulent time. His mother always said that as Milosevic rose to power in the Presidium that "Znam da je rat je piva... Naša braća i sestre idu na klanje jedni druge i Hrvatska i Srbija će biti samo jedan od tih naroda... A ja se ne osjećam ugodno se bori se za vojsku koja je najvjerojatnije opet početi ubijati ljude poput nas..." (I know that war is brewing... Our brothers and sisters are going to slaughter one another and Croatia and Serbia are going to be just one of those nations... And I don't feel comfortable with you fighting for an army that is most likely to start killing people like us again...) She completely saw it coming, then thinking about the TV spreading propaganda about Serbia's great victories against and promoting the genocide of Bosnian Muslims, and then jumping back to hard memories of NATO then beginning to bomb Belgrade. As the loud booms constantly lead him to fear the next bomb drop would be his end, and then the end of it all knowing his father was dead, and having to resort to stealing with his sister to put food on the table. The regret then of not being able to normalize his life completely, and resort to thievery to live his life. Almost like a drug, on and on and on he went on with the Pink Panthers, but now he was using his thievery skills for something a little more good. But he knew better than to think that by now he could end the lifestyle, he was in a gang that while he was cynical about, had ideals that got rid of some of those regrets he had. While he stayed in contact with his mother and sister, his mother was the one while still loving him obviously felt disconnected from Dabiživ his sister although was a more interesting story, they were surprisingly close. Stayed in contact and whatnot. She though ended up having the more crime free life afterwards.
Marcus nodded and waved as he left thd building. His home wasn't too far away thankfully, his motorcycle, a Ducati 1199, would get him there quickly. Hopping onto said motorcycle, he turned the ignition and listened with pleasure as it roared to life. After his helmet was secure on his head, he sped away from the bowling alley.

About ten minutes later, he arrived at his home, a one story house with a basement where he would build whatever it was he needed to build. The garage door opened up as he approached, allowing him to park inside next to a car covered by a sheet of black fabric. Dismounting the motorcycle, he undid the helmet and hung it on the handlebars before walking inside. His home wasn't very decorated, he never cared to do much. The living room had a couch, television, coffee table, and a chair. The place he spent most of his time was downstairs in his basement where all the goodies were.

Walking into his room, he kicked off his black converse's and shut the door. A few minutes later he emerged wearing a black suit consisting of black slacks, black dress shoes, a long sleeved white dress shirt, a black overcoat, and a thin, red tie around his neck. It was an outfit he kept for occasions like this as it had a sewn in holster on the inside of his jacket, which his pistol, as well as an extra magazine filled with more rubber bullets, rested snugly.

Marcus tried to adjust the neck trap but gave up and threw it into his room before shutting the door. For the third time that night, he strapped the helmet onto his head and mounted the motorcycle. Soon, he was speeding away from his home and towards his destination. He hoped it would go smoothly tonight, he didn't want to have to go and cover his tracks yet again.
Alex received a text from Wilson, informing him of yet another visitor - though it seemed that this time, it wasn't a recruit. Instead, it was a driver, one from a high-class limo company whose services Alex had often employed. Poking his head out from the conference room to the lounge, he called out, "If you don't have a method of transportation secured, there's a limo waiting outside to take you to the gallery. I advise you not to discuss the plan while in the vehicle. That is all." He sighed and sat down again, eager to get things underway.
Diana tied her hair up in a loose ponytail with a few strands of curls framing her face in order to make the earpiece less visible, she went through her clutch bag one last time to make sure that she had everything needed: her cellphone, a small bottle of pepper spray, a smoke bomb in the shape of an EOS lip balm, single pair of gloves and a gorgeous shade of lipstick called 'Sweet Dreams' she found in the equipment room labelled: Do not lick this, for temporary use only. She was curious of its purpose so she brought it along, hoping she might have a chance to use it.

"Since I can't ride in this outfit, I'll take the limo." Diana said before she exited the lounge via the bookshelf, as she moved from employees' back room into the main bowling area, she practised on her walking. It was difficult for her to walk while making that 'clack-clack-clack' noise normal people who wore high heels would, this single habit could ruin the whole plan, and she had very little time to make it work.
Gina did not have a photographic memory, however when it came to memorizing locations with seconds to attain the knowledge she remembered she had the place set into her GPS and sped toward the location. At this time she had no equipment other than her mask, which lied dormant in the trunk for her arrival. The thing was, back then Gina was a runner these people used buildings as a way of life she moved freely with the earth and stars. Like two unique friends that joined her in the night along with the other runners. She she'd a small tear at the past memories she once enjoyed somuch. Here was her fresh start her life was a little unusual especially for a girly girl like herself. But sports bored her, so running was what made her feel free and active.

She sped onto the familiar freeway taking a new direction this time toward the location. She was sure Alex and those others would be surprised at her presense. All she recalled was that there would be 4 groups. Hers happened to be conning. She had to savvy the people at the location make herself a highlight aquire information that could then be relayed. She couldn't fucking believe what she was doing in fact se didn't want to but the way she saw it, if she didn't like the results she would easily be able to vanish thanks to alex. These were risks she had come to terms with, a mental map of the building rose into her head. She begun to plot how the idea would work out to con people into home tours and questions to aquire desires responses. More or less. She needed to put on her work shoes. She glanced at the map. She was close. She pulled off the freeway.

Gina located the building with the artwork that was deemed to be inside. She planted her car several blocks away from the building and made her venture in her high heels through the streets. She had on the same outfit as before but paired with a fresh new pair of heels, of course not easy to walk in for most people. Of course things other than practice helped that. Besides the point she made her location. She waited out front and had the phone in her hand acting like she was texting. She made great blending in. Multiple high fashion people and high class men and woman littered the area. They made her look like a simpleton. Despite that she waited there would be alot of new surprises for everyone. She checked her email from Mr. M, she opened up the mail again and read it. Before it was blank and no more info was provideo apart from the main sentence offering a visit to him for gina.... but now there was something new. Yes.... Gina could reply....

Alex you'll find a welcoming gift at the rendezvous point. Have fun tracking.


After drifting into his thoughts about his past a little too much, he decided it was time to head out. He was prepared clearing his head, knowing the objective he got himself moving towards his car. He saw the GPS address that needed to be put in and inputted the coordinates, he briefly made a little test into his ear piece. "Unless you got the ear pieces from the cheapest ass store on the planet, you should be able to hear me." Not being able to stress himself enough about the alias. "Please also remember, to refer to me as Dragoljub last name is Arsenov. No one can know that my name is Dabiživ, Under my alias I am from Podgorica, Montenegro as well. For the sake of the operation and the masques, you are all going to want to remember that." He then approached the site. Parking close enough to the place. He then said. "Alex, unless you got a place where we can stash the painting once we get it outside. I can get a contact of mine to get a vehicle to get it out of here if need be." He stayed in the car and would have his hand on the phone in case.
"Ideally," Alex replied, "you'll either be quick enough to go out the back and stash the painting in the van, or somewhere else where it won't be noticed until later retrieval." It was always a little weird to hear someone else's voice in his ear, but that's the way earbuds worked; they had to pick up enough noise to make conversations sound like they were being had in the same room.

Truth be told, Alex could care less about Dab's old identity. As long as it didn't interfere with the mission, he figured that the man's skeletons could remain in their closet. Besides, the Masque gang had always been good at covering their tracks; it wasn't like some of the previous members didn't have some sort of shady history. But to placate the veteran, Alex said, "Don't worry. No one will be looking for you - or this frequency." He had changed the encryption of the communications after the old Masque gang got busted, just in case the police were trying to listen in.

The young man then noticed a new email, from one of the recruits. He quickly went to a new tab on his computer and read its contents. "Be advised," he said urgently to his team. "Gina is on-site. She doesn't have access to coms, so she may be out of the loop. Try to keep in close proximity to her without giving away your connection." He then sent a copy of the mission details to the recruit via email. He wished that she had checked with him before going to the gallery - he wasn't too fond of sudden changes in plan - but that was just how things happened sometimes.
"Aye, got it. Just remember I got my own little contacts if needed." Dabiživ then thought about going in to make sure Gina was not completely out of it, since she had no comns on her. Then he remembered that would be too risky to go compromise the mission. So he stayed in and hoped someone else could go set her straight. He then checked the mask he got for this group... It was not too shabby, maybe something that would give the wrong idea but other than that good for concealing identity. He hoped it was good enough and that he would be quick enough to not be noticed too much. The fact that if his identity got heard by the wrong people, someone recognizing his face, and realizing the gang that he was now apart of. Or anything of that nature was to happen, then the safety of the gang was questionable... He did not want to fuck this up and dick over everyone involved this had to be done right.
Tyson grabbed an earpiece and a few items from the closet. "These will do." he said to himself as he walked out. He got into his Hellcat and drove to his house. The night sky embraced his gaze as he stepped out of the vehicle and migrated to his room. Ty got in the shower and began recapping his previous thefts. As the water fired at him, he pictured the layout of the shop in his mind. It should be simple, as long as no one trips on each other's feet. After showering, Tyson picked out a dark blue suit and put it on. Satisfied with his look, he played a quick game of Madden to clear his mind. Afterwards, he got up and walked to a picture frame and picked it up. It was a picture of Marianna from when she graduated from the academy. "Who would've thought that I'd be one of the good guys...just like you. I'm proud of you, sister, and if you knew what I was about to do, you'd be proud of me too. However, you'd arrest me if you found out, so we'll be walking in the dark, but we'll be heading in the same direction." He put the frame down and headed to his car and got inside. The car turned on, and he was on the road seconds later. Tyson decided to take the long way so that he can spend more time mentally preparing for this heist. It wasn't like the ones he's used to doing. Usually, he's by himself and relies only on himself, so the fact that he had to trust in others bothered him a little. However, he also knew that if this team of people were able to be as effective as the old Masque Gang that he had heard about, everyone would need to have faith in each other, including him. He parked his car a block away from the toy shop. He put the masque on and the earpiece in. Less than five seconds into putting in the earpiece, he heard Dabiživ speaking. "Testing, testing, 30-30. Ty's got eyes on the building. I heard Arsenov. Who else is online?"

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