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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

He smiled back before looking back at his desk.She probably doesn't know him,but he was going to meet her sooner or later.So,maybe she'd know him now?He didn't know.So he just waited for class to start.
Willow frowned as Dani said he hand is bleeding. "My hand is not—gah." She was now being dragged by Dani out of the classroom. Willow frowned even more. "As faltering as this is, may I ask what you are doing?" She asked yanking her hand free of Dani.
Dani smiled,"Helping my best friend." She dropped her hand to her side,"I wanted to ask you out for pizza with me and Drake later on tonight. Oh, and did you happen to get a secret admirer letter in your locker?" She asked an angered Willow.
"Hey!" Lina laughed and pushed Damion's hands away before running her fingers through her hair to undo at least some of the damage he had done. She then grinned and swung her backpack over a shoulder before looping an arm around on of his. As they walked to the next class, her bright green eyes scanned the faces around them.

"So why does it seem like everyone is falling on top of each other and we're over here as single as a lost sock?" She grinned up at her friend. Lina was the type of person to laugh at her own terrible jokes and force her friends to do so as well.
"If we are going for pizza we should just invite everyone. Ava, D, you, Drake, Emma, Matilda, Devin, Lina, Damion, well everyone!" She said.
Dani sighed,"You don't...okay yea whatever we'll invite everyone. But did you get the secret admirer note?" She asked impatiently tapping her foot.
Drake waited for them to return. "She better ask Willow if she likes me..." He thought to himself. "It would make things easier" He thought.
Damion snickered as she fixed her hair, instinctively running fingers through his own as though that was messed up. He followed in suit, going to class a tad bit late arm in arm with Lina. "I regret nothing!" He said, threatening to poke her in the side. when she mentioned the whole high school romance thing that has spread, he shrugged and shook his head, taking a seat beside hers.

"Easy. We have a good thing going. You're the brawn and Im the cute one. Its a power team. Also I dont see myself falling over for anyone. It would be too.." He tried to think of a word, and shook his head again.

"Its a cliche."
Devin considered her words. She spoke quietly, barely loud enough to hear over the sound of the other students in the crowded hallway, and she had an oddly soothing tone to her voice - maybe it was the accent.

"I don't see school as a place to constantly screw around and be disruptive to those who actually find a purpose in it," he explained. Education was a serious matter to the boy. He planned on becoming an attorney, like his father, and knew that focusing on people who you probably wouldn't speak to a single time after graduation was fruitless.

As they reached the English classroom, he held the door open for her before following the pretty French girl in and taking a seat. Still unsure finger name he scanned over her belongings in an attempt at finding it written somewhere.

Why do I even care?
"Uh... Yes and no. Why?" She said thinking about the note in the bathroom. "Wait, how do you know about the note? Do you know who put it in?" She asked.
Dani rubbed the back of her neck,"This is really childish. But I do and they really want to know if you like them. Did you read the note?"
Lina dropped her backpack onto the desk, her arms on top of it, and her head on top of those, turned towards Damion.

"Uhm, excuse me. I'm both the brawn AND the cute one, thank you very much." Her innocent smile never faltered. "It is cliche, yea, but is there really no one that you've liked or been remotely attracted to this year? Not counting summer flings, of course."

Lina had spent half the summer competing overseas and quickly learned that not all gamers are like the ones pictured on TV. Some where pretty damn hot. For a second she spaced out to her memories before blinking back at her friend with a bashful grin.
Matilda timidly walked into her worst class, nodding a silent thank you to the taller Devin who held the door for her. She caught his eyes wandering and in confusion checked her bag. Was there something wrong. She became sheepish when he talked about his seriousness with academics. She herself had to get into the top art school in order to believe she mounted to anything. Her mother was leaving this world soon and she could not let down the legacy.

"I understand that. I am really sorry. It was a um... selfish action." She said quietly, trying to figure out the word. "English is my worst subject and I need a better grade average. I could see how distracting it would be."

She took a seat by Willow, Dani and Drake, but avoided intervening on their conversation, then realized why he was searching her bag.

"You are Devin, correct? My name is Matilda. Its nice to properly meet you."
Damion fake pouted and tried to flamboyantly flip his hair as he settled into his seat and got his books out.

"Come on. I need one redeeming feature to claim. And I have the better hair." He rolled his eyes and listened to her speak. He knew this was a question that would not go over well if he answered sincerely so he deflected.

"I mean, maybe.. but I only thought some were kind of hot, or funny. I have a family to take care of, school, a job, college. And, I cant just date a girlI think is hot with that much going on." He realized how serious the topic turned out to be and backtrack. "I dont halfass. Dating included. What about you? Any pretty people I need to set you up with?"
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"No. It flew out of my locker, then flew into the bathroom. I didn't get to read it before it got ruined... Why?"
Dani's face fell, shit Drake is gonna be so disappointed,she thought. "Uhh, haha, n-no reason." Dani said sheepishly rubbing her neck again. Wait what? Why are you so nervous, it's not like you put the note in her locker, Dani thought to herself.
Did she put the note in my locker? She thought. "Oh... Alright. Let's just go back to class." She patted Dani on the shoulder before walking in.
Devin nodded at her words, somewhat surprised that she felt in anyway similar to the way he did about academics. When she introduced herself, he gave a faint smirk.

"Matilda. Good to know." Flipping open his notebook, he scribbled something down inside a corner of the page before ripping it out and handing it to the girl. "I'm a pretty good tutor, especially in English. If you're truly interested in your academics, text me." Devin had been a tutor since junior high but only ever helped those that cared. Whenever he got someone who was forced into the tutoring session he immediately handed them off to someone else. After all, he only did it for the high points on college applications, so why waste time with those who didn't care?

Turning away, he shot an annoyed glance at Damion before pulling out the assignment that was due and starting on the notes.
Dani sighed and nodded,"Yea lets go." When Willow turned away from her Dani she hit herself on the side of her head,What the hell was that? "Way to go you blubbering idiot!" Dani's eyes widened. Had she said that aloud?
"Screw it..I'll talk to Willow myself at lunch..That'll work." He thought to himself. "For now..Sleep.." He thought and let his head drop to the desk.And bam he was sleeping.

(I'm actually gonna sleep now irl,so see you guys later :D )
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Matilda noticed the slight change in expression and looked up, surprised when he gave her his contact information. She wanted to get to know him but in actuality she really wanted and needed a good tutor. Her eyes nd slight smile gave away her appreciation and enthusiasm before she even said a word.

"Thank you! I really appreciate it." She tucked away the contact carefully as she saw Dani and Willow walk over, seeming distraught. She frowned and tilted her head.

"Is everything alright?"
Lina smiled softly as her friend explained, knowing all too well that he was more focused on the important things in life. When he changed the subject, she shook her head slightly. Damion didn't like to make things too serious, which most people liked, but Lina didn't mind their conversations, regardless of the turns they took.

"No one's caught my interest," she replied, going along with his change. "There's no one fun in this school. They're all so boring," she jokingly complained as her eyes searched the room. Before she could say anything else the teacher stepped between them, glaring down at her. Lina grinned and waved a hello, acting completely innocent - which she thought she was. The teacher simply shook her head and walked away.
Dani smiled at Matilda and nodded. Before sitting back down in her desk and quickly sending the other girl a text message, containing the truth of the situation, I think, Willow thinks the stupid secret admirer note from Drake is from me, now. Cause I couldn't fucking talk correctly. She hit send.
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Damion knew he took one step forward and two steps back in these talks. He just hated the idea of the pressure weighing on him affecting anyone else. He was sure Lina knew this too, and he silently thanked her every time she let it happen. He f.rowned a little at her response.

"This school isnt providing enough beautiful and talented people to satisfy you? I see your point though. They are boring." He shrugged and looked up at the teacher, giving her his most cheeky and shit eating grin. She couldnt hate a straight a student, right? He glanced at Devin, catching eye contact, and kept the same facial expression.

Matilda checked her phone, before glancing back at Devin and turning the device off entirely. she shook her head and stated, "Devin has offered to tutor me but I think I should pay attention... but hey.. Dont worry. It will work out and

Je vais trouver une façon d'aider." She winked and turned her eyes to her book, but kept listening in case she was needed.
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