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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

"You know what,look.If you feel that it's the right thing to do.Then do it.And if someone asks you who convinced you to do it,it wasn't me." He said and smirked. "But on a serious note,do what you think is right.Speaking of things..I need your help with something.But we can talk later.It's nothing to important though."
"I wouldn't worry about D." Willow spoke up. "Ava is well enough to handle him. She's a good and smart girl." She said as they walked. "Also, Michael can help. I know that he can handle it if Ava can't." Willow patted Dani on the shoulder.

"We all better hurry with our walking though. If we go any slower we will all be late. Though if we are, just say that it was my fault." She told everyone. She wouldn't mind taking the heat, though she hoped the teacher wouldn't know.
"Alright, thanks man, and I'll help you with anything you need." Dani flashed her famous smirk,"Later huh? Does it involve a certain girl?" Dani chuckled, she looked to Willow and started picking up her pace,"Yea I just, I don't know, feel protective of her." Dani shrugged before looking behind her at Matilda,"Hey, hon, come on we're gonna be late."
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It was time for the school day to finally start. Deshawn parked his motorcycle and walked up to the school building. He had been thinking hard while he was driving to school. He believed that Ava would be the first person He'd show who he really was. His real personality. Not a fake one, yet his real one. He felt it was just appropriate. He didn't only want her for sex, he wanted her as a companion.

He entered the school building and walked towards the Math class. Swiftly he entered, and walked to the front of the class. He loved Math. Most people thought he was a bad student but actually he was pretty smart. He had an average of As and B+s in all of his classes. The only thing that set him down was his bad attitude. But that's what set D apart from others, his bad attitude! Anyways, he sat down got his books out and leaned back on his chair and started to get relaxed.

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He looked at Dani and smirked. "Maybe..But not here,later.." He said and looked back at Willow. "No,I'll take the heat.We'll say that you guys went back to the dorms to wake me up because I overslept.Also,it's partially true so I'm not lying." He said. "And all it results in is another fight with the teachers.Possible detention.No bother at all." He added.His last sentence was affected by his Irish accent that he had for life.Which he loved by the way. "Anyway,let's go guys" He said and began walking again while smiling.
Dani laughed a little at Drake, but then frowned as she looked at her friends. They were practically running to get to school,"Guys, tomorrow we are all driving to school in my car, no buts, we're always late."
Matilda had taken to listening quietly. She agreed with Dani. She didnt want to see Ava get hurt. She was such a sweetheart and there was no way someone like her deserved what could come from guy like D. Not that she hated him. He was funny at times. Still, he was slimy and Ava.. well she could tell Ava was not entirely disinterested. She looked back up when Dani called to her and nodded, following to school.

"I will talk with him later, maybe?" She said, mainly to herself.

She got to English first, and taking out her work book and notes she prepared herself for a hard day. She was a home schooled middle schooler. She only spoke french until her freshman year of highschool. The teacher has always been less than sympathetic to this fact. Looking over she saw D. She knew he was smart. Sometimes she has thought of asking him for help. Bt now she could only look at him and see the problems that he was going to leave for Ava.

"Hey, I think it woulld be alright to intervene just a little? Maybe give him a scare?" Damion joked as he beat his fist into his hand softly. He was fairly strong. Good genetics. But he was still a pacifist so anyone who knew him would know the gesture meant nothing. He followed along, absorbed in the conversation, and noticed Drakes shyness towards Willow. Damions goal was to be a friend to both, considering they belonged to the same dorm. Silently he made a vow to help get them together. But, for now, math.

"Ill see you guys later, right?" He said as he left for his second favorite suject.
Delina yawned loudly and stretched, trying not to topple off the side of the bed. She had a habit of rolling around too much when she dreamt, usually resulting in her being face first on the floor before her alarm even finished ringing.

It didn't take long to get dressed - her go to was always jeans and a graphic tank top, today's being an homage to Halo. Grabbing the black backpack covered in random white and gold Sharpie drawings and a multitude of bracelets to wear, she headed out the door. First stop? She barged into her brother's room, frowning when she didn't see him.

"Where would he be this early?"

Looking around, she glimpsed the time on his clock. 7:55. "Aw shit." The campus and dorms weren't exactly a minute from each other. With a groan she slammed the door behind her and ran down the hall and out of the building. By the time she made it to the front door of the school, it was after 8.

Lina jogged to the classroom and nearly fell over herself walking in, bumping into someone's desk. With a bright smile, she threw a hand up. "Sorry! Sorry, I'm here." Slithering between the desks, she finally found her's and plopped down with a tired huff. "I'm ready to go back to bed," she mumbled.
"Fine,car tomorrow..Someone remind me to set a alarm please." He said and smiled. "Sure thing Damion.See you later dude" He said and kept walking. "Speaking of subjects..Where the heck am I even going..I don't know...Wait are any of you guys in my class?"
Dani sighed at Willows refusal to ride in a car,"I will leave you behind Willow." She threatened, but everyone knew her threats were harmless and she would do nothing of the sort, because she stopped to wait for her,"Come on, Will, we're gonna be even later than we already are!" Dani complained. "I think I am Drake." She absentmindedly told him as she watched Willow take her pictures,"History, right?"
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"I have English." She said to Drake. "But I think I have you for Lunch. If I do, I'll sit by whoever I know there. See you guys." She walked with Matilda to her classroom since they had the same first period.

Willow quietly sat down by Matilda and was thankful to see one friendly face, though soon those faces will turn into her friends. She was determined to be everyone's friend. She looked threw her bag and sighed softly as her pencil broke. "Matilda, can I borrow a pencil?" She asked.
Drake just watched her walk away.He then turned to Dani. "I'll just go to your class,I think that we're in the same one.I dunno though.It's worth a shot though..Eh.." He said and smiled slightly.
Devin had left the dorm by 6 that morning. He was used to going out for a run early in the morning, when it was still quiet and very few people were out. It made him feel exhilarated and ready to start the day. After the run, he headed to the locker room for a quick shower and change before heading to class.

After sitting down, he pulled out a pair of glasses that he only wore during class; they got in the way the rest of the day. His books were out and head rested against a hand, bored expression on his face. The chatter that filled the room as other students filtered in always annoyed him. Was it necessary to be so loud? It's school. Just get in and sit down. At least the start of class would bring some silence.

Or so he thought.

Just ten minutes into class he heard the door swing open, a bunch of stumbling, and a voice. What is wrong with that girl? He shook his head in annoyance, not even glancing back at his sister. Most if the time he preferred to ignore her. Today was definitely not an exception.

Glancing around, he eyed some of the other girls in the class. Somehow, the school had primarily good looking students, better than most public schools. Definitely not something to complain about.
After waiting only five minutes, Ava quickly and quietly headed inside the school and went straight to class so she wouldn't be late. Taking a seat up front, she watched all the students pile in and take their seats. A few minutes into the class she heard the door open and laughed softly as she saw Lina stumbling in and taking a seat. "It's about time you got here. I was scared you wasn't going to show up," she said with a small smirk.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.11f187b2a4fcc80df87400c0c771a2e3.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96048" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.11f187b2a4fcc80df87400c0c771a2e3.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Dani looked at him curiously, but started walking all the same,"How do you not what class your in, idiot." She playfully teased Drake. When looked forward again she spotted a blonde head of hair then looking down slightly she was stunned by the beautiful face she was met with,who is that? "Hey, Drake do you know who that girl is?" She pointed.

(Picture of her is above.)



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Deshawn Gallo

It was Math time and almost everyone had entered the class. While the teacher was speaking, Deshawn was in another world. He was thinking about Ava again. He had the hots for this girl. He also thought about how protective her two friends could be. Matilda and Dani. They were really nice, and he liked them but they could be protective as fuck sometimes. Deshawn then remembered how he offered them a pot brownie this morning, and Matilda told him later. Maybe later was now? This could be the perfect time to add a note with that pot brownie explaining himself. So, he did that. He cut a sheet of paper from his notebook, took his pen, and started to write.

"Dear Matilda, Hey wassup boo. I'm sure you and Dani are scared about your friend Ava. If you keep this between me and you that would be great. I'm a genuine guy. It might be a shocker but, I have feelings too and I don't enjoy when they are hurt. That's why I could never hurt someone else. I, as a person, have never hurt a female while sober. I've never had a one night stand. Okay cross that out, I might've had one or two but don't mind that. I can be kind, and nice. And that's exactly what I aim on being with Ava. She's a nice girl, and I want to be a nice guy for her. Anyways, if you could just keep this between us and in your mind when you think about me that would be great. Thanks, D"

He signed the note, and placed it above the pot brownie. He sent the pot brownie with the note to Matilda. She received the note, and he awaited her response.

Matilda was engrossed in notes, nervous about the teachers wrath when she heard Willow. She looked up at her and gave a warm smile, immediately willing to help. She handed the girl her whole pencil case.

"None of my pencils have erasers because they are for drawing, but I have a big one. Please hold onto what you need." She was quiet for a moment, looking past her at the boy wearing glasses, Devin. She looked back down and bit her lip. "I could get your help with something? You are liked by plenty of guys.. and I want help with my english from a classmate." She got a little stiff and formal. She saw the brownie be passed over to her and took the note. Reading it, she had to consider his words for a moment. because he even took the time and cared about she and Dani's approval, Matilda had to respect him. He sounded sincere. Writing back would probably not be the best, so she nodded at him with a thumbs up. If he went back on his word, they could talk later about it. Then she put the brownie away.

Damion watched Lina come in and almost started laughing. "Well done Lina. Most loud and non-discrete entrance!" He said when she was close enough. He moved through his bag and pulled out a poptart he grabbed earlier. His mile wide smile returned. "Im guessing you didnt eat breakfast either?"
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"I dunno...And I'm not an idiot!" He said in his defence. "I don't know that girl..Why?" He asked. "Also,I think I know that you know who the girl is that I need your help with.And no,I'm not discussing it now.Sometime later."
Lina poked her tongue out at Ava and Damion.

"Hush, you two. My alarm was set wrong."

Smiling at them, she pulled her notebook out and gave a sigh as she finally settled down. The hardest park of this class would be avoiding the teacher's annoyed looks. Glancing around, she slid her phone under the edge of her notebook, opening up the Call of Duty app to check any clan notifications. After confirming there was nothing new, she pulled up her texts and sent one to Damion.

'We have Chess today, right? My brain hasn't turned on yet.'
"Yea, yea, cool." Dani waved him off, she was too busy staring at the mystery girl. She heard a name being called out to her right,"Emma, hey, Emma!" She turned to the person who had called it out and saw a boy approaching the girl. Emma,she thought,"Pretty." She accidentally said aloud.
Help with English? Willow thought, but suddenly understood. "Oh yeah! I'll totally help." Willow said with a smile to Matilda. When Matilda was reading the note handed over by D, Willow glanced over at the guy sitting next to her.

She was tempted to say something, but the teacher glared at her, which prevented Willow from any communication.
Drake walked away sadly. "Cue the audience saying 'Awwew...'...I'm all alone and lost in the big school..." He said and kept walking.He was walking to the hall and saw Willows locker.He had a idea.He took out a piece of paper and wrote out a short love poem and quickly sketched a heart.But he put down 'From Your Secret Admirer'.He then slipped it in her locker and kept walking.

"Wait..I'm in science..Fuck.." He then legged it to the science room and walked in quietly and sat down.
Dani shook herself out of her reverie and noticed Drake was gone, she sighed,"Oh wait, class!" She took of in a sprint her converse squeaking in the hallway, she burst into the History class room and embarrassment ensued. Everyone was there and they were all staring straight at her. She shot some of the lower status students a glare, and because of her high social status, they turned away she smirked and took her seat. "Miss Oliver this is the..." Dani rolled her eyes interrupting the teacher,"Yea, yea I know, I'm sorry please forgive me." The teacher sighed but continued with her lesson none the less.
Drake noticed that a lot of people were looking at him.But he didn't care.He just sat down and carried on with the lessons.Hopefully he would be able to succeed with what he was trying to start with Willow.It was just a work in progress.Hopefully with Dani's help,it will make things much easier.It was gonna be a slow and steady approach though.
Damion took out his phone under the table as well. The work was easy enough to do with 25% of his concentration, not to seem cocky. It was just true. He rolled his eyes at Linas message. Of course she would forget. He quickly typed out his reply, "Yea. Walk you there later if Devin doesnt have an aneurysm over it."

Matilda was grateful for Willow, though a little embarrassed. She wasnt sure if the lnguage barrier was what stopped her from talking to people of the opposite sex. It was a fair excuse though. If your vocab is more formal than others, it makes you seem weird.

"Thank you. Ill pay you in food." She said, offering baked goods for later.

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