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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

"I didn't put a name on the note.I'm not sure if she likes me anyway..Maybe after a while I'll give them to her.But,I need to do some research.And you're going to help me!OK,so basically.Ask her if she likes me or if she'd ever go on a date with me..But tell her that you're just wondering and that there's no reason for it.Ok?Comprende?I don't know if that's Spanish but I tried.." He then put the Roses in his locker and started walking to math. "Also,C'mon.Math."
Matilda shrugged at Willow and half smiled, as to say she wasnt all that made about it. She shoved her phone in her bag as class was nearing an end. She looked back up at Devin. He glared. She shrunk under his gaze, thoroughly ashamed of herself. At least the lecture was not a difficult one to have taken notes on. Still, he was irritated with her. She liked him. So as she got up to switch classes and she got close enough to talk to him, she attempted to apologize and ended up saying,

"Je suis désolé de vous avoir dérangé."

She passed by to go to her next class without another word. a little frazzled.
"Bleh! I hate Math!" Dani groaned as she followed him,"Hey you know, D, asked me if he could make a move on Ava? Can you believe that?" She threw her hands in the air,"All this worrying for nothing!"
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Damion texted back with a smirk, "Always. I buy this time, right?" The class was ending and as was his texting conversation. Her next text was out of boredom, and he snorted out loud. The bell saved him from telling her a long tale about who knows what. He stood up and messed with her hair, laughing.

"Time for english? I refuse indulging your sick habits. Ill tell you story later"
"Really?Fair play to the lad.I say just let him.Like..I think he's telling the truth." He said as he entered maths. "Where do we sit?"
Dani looked around the room,"Over there." She pointed to two empty seats next to a certain blonde,"I told him it was okay, even offered to help by playing my guitar." She told him as she sat down.
Devin shoved his books back into his backpack and stood. Feeling someone beside him he looked down. The French girl. When she spoke, he stared for a minute, gears turning to figure out what she had said as he watched her walk away. He hasn't taken enough French to easily translate her words so he took a few long strides and fell into step beside her.

"Je ne parlez Francais," he spoke the few words he could think of. "So what was it that you said?" He didn't like being left in the dark, even about trivial matters, so actually talking to someone for a moment wouldn't kill him.
"Wow Dani,you suddenly had a change of heart in literally 1 hour.Good Job." He said and looked around the class. "I hope Willow got the note..It could've fallen out and blew away..." He said in a worried tone.
"Don't be paranoid, and I wouldn't have had a change of heart if I hadn't seen you know who." Dani smirked. Don't get her wrong, she still cared immensely about Ava, that would never go away. She just was...drawn to this new girl.
Matilda had certainly blundered. Practically bilingual and still unable to properly talk to a guy. She would never have expected that Devin would follow. She liked that Devin took things seriously yet, was a curious and smart person. She admired it. When he spoke some rough French, her lips turned up in the ghost of a smile. Her friends were neat, or, at least Dani was. So it would have been easier to act like she hadn't heard and try again tomorrow. Instead, she decided to answer.

"Par-I mean I'm sorry. I meant to say I am sorry for the disruption during class. Math can be difficult, I was rude and didn't consider how my actions would affect those around me." She spoke quietly and a little slower, as to not slip again.

"You seemed annoyed."
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"But..I just can't not be paranoid..And I don't know who..You haven't told me who..Who's who?" He asked. "Also,Dani,who's the funniest person you know?"
"Emma is who." Dani answered rolling her eyes at her best friends paranoia,"And I'm the funniest person I know, of course, why?" She turned to him.
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"Oh..I see.." He said and went back to the other subject. "Than-Wait a second..I thought..But..No..This can't be..I thought I was funny?" He asked in a confused and shocked voice.


Deshawn Gallo

He got an approval from Dani and Matilda. It was time to show Ava that he isn't the person she thinks he is. Well, he is not fully that person. He's like half that person and half the other. It's confusing ok? Anyways, Deshawn made it to English class and sat down at the back of the class. The reason for that was because in English he always got high. It was like tradition. He got out his class materials and then slid the pot brownies with his notebook.

He was so comfortable as he put one of the brownies in his mouth. He slowly chewed feeling the pot go down his throat. Mmm they were delicious. One of the best he baked so far. He thought to himself that he should hold back on the brownies since he has the lunch class with Ava. He'd rather not be high for that. He was pretty happy that he could try to impress her. And the fact that he could impress her, made him even happier.


@Riddler THANK YOU!!!!!!!
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"Dude calm down, I was joking, you are funny." She creased her eyebrows,"Why are you so worried about it?" She then noticed D in the back of class slipping a brownie in his mouth. Her mind ran back to this morning when he offered them to Matilda and herself, they had pot in them. Dani rolled her eyes, that guy always got high in English. She shot him a stare and mouthed,"If you do that with Ava..." She cut her sentence short for dramatic effect.
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"I dunno...I like being funny I guess..." He said and smiled at her. "When should I use the Roses you gave me?"
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Willow entered English feeling guilty for having the note fly from her hand. She couldn't ask a guy to get it since it was already wet and ruined. I hope it wasn't important.

She didn't even notice she was late until she looked at the teacher, a clear scowl on her face as she sat down wherever and gave her best apology smile.
Dani pulled her gaze from D back to Drake,"Well you are, and I dunno. If your so paranoid about the letter how bout you invite her for pizza with us tonight and give them to her then?" Dani suggested shrugging.
Drake just looked at Dani and said "What if she says no?It would just be awkward..." He said,not noticing that Willow was in the classroom. "Like,you have to ask her some stuff about me first.We work from there"
Dani smirked and nodded, standing up from her chair she approached Willows desk ignoring the death glare from the teacher. Dani took Willows hand and begin yelling,"Oh no, Mrs.VanBaun! Willow is bleeding I'm going to take her to the nurse!" With that she pulled Willow from the classroom.
Drake facepalmed.He didn't know what to say. "Typical..Just Typical.." He said to himself.He then looked around and saw Emma,the girl that Dani likes.He nodded at her,showing recognition.
Emma looked at the boy in surprise. He knew who she was? Dani had been talking to him just a second ago. Maybe that was Drake, the boy Dani had mentioned in the bathroom, she smiled at him, blushing and looking down at her hands.

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