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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

Willow smiled and nodded. Matilda could probably score him. Her drawing, her passion, her smile. All things to swoon any guy. "You're welcome it's the least I can do." She said. "You don't have to repay me though. It's fine." She whispered to her. Honestly, she should just do something because it's the right thing. She didn't need someone to repay her for it.
Drake decided to text Matilda about what him and Dani were going to be doing.He took out his phone and Texted~ Yo,if Dani tells you anything about me and Willow,don't tell Willow.It's very important..So yeah..If you wanna know more about what we're doing just ask..But don't tell Willow anything!-Drake
Dani twisted her pencil between her fingers staring off into space. She couldn't get this Emma girls face out of her mind, she'd have to talk to her later.

She pulled out her phone and pulled up Willow's number and sent her a text. Hey did you know there was a new girl? I'm thinking I'm gonna ask her out. I need help though, you in? ~Dani
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Matilda Shook her head stubbornly and spoke quietly as to not get into trouble. She swore the teacher already had some weird vendetta against her. She didnt want to worsen an already strained relationship. "No. If you can help me, you will deserve all the best cookies." She stated, being a bit playful with Willow. Her phone buzzed and she looked down to check it, and smirked. Hiding it from Willows line of sight quickly,, she replied ~I am rooting for you ;) ~ and put the phone away again. It was already obvious he liked her. And Willow is very open and accepting person. It would work out eventually.
"Well thank you." Willow said with a smile to her before looking forward.

Willow jumped a little when her phone buzzed and quietly took it out. New girl? She thought.

'Sure thing. Matilda is also trying to get a guy and I need to help her out with her English. I can help you too. I think everyone should just call me a Romance Helper.' She typed and sent.
He just smiled when he saw the reply from her.Two supporters now.And they're her best friends too..Things were looking good.He believed that this was meant to be.But it was only starting.The note was the start.Hopefully she likes it.But,he just started listening to the class.
Dani laughed at Willows text but was curious as to who Matilda liked so she shot a text to said girl,What's this I hear about you trying to snag a guy?, she sent it to Matilda and smiled. One day they were gonna get caught texting each other. She laughed at the thought.
He then texted Dani to let her know the latest advancements. Matilda's in on it too,so feel free to chat about it with her.But don't let Willow now.Also,I left a anonymous love note in Willows locker.So,I've already started xD .

He then sent it to Dani.
Matilda looked down at her phone once again and turned completely red in the cheeks. She shot Willow a disapproving frown and shook her head. She watched the teacher maneuver for a good minute before typing out a quick reply. She should have known when telling one friend abot something, everyone would be bound to figure things out.

~It's nobody important. I just wanted some help for the future. He is just a guy. I barely know him.~

She sent the ambiguous message, but the phone let out a loud beep indicating a sent text just as the teacher broke between sentences. Matilda dropped her phone and looked down at her notes, feeling the glare and the silent request to talk after class.
Dani's phone buzzed twice in a row and she cringed, looking up at the teacher. To her great relief he was completely unaware and was currently pointing and talking about something involving Russia. She opened her phone and smiled at the text from Drake. Woo hoo! Way to go, man! She'll love it. Pizza on me after school? She typed quickly then proceeded to open Matilda's text. She frowned when she took notice of Matilda's avoidance of telling her his name. She decided it was best not to text her back, as Matilda hated getting in trouble and Dani knew the teacher in her current class had superhuman ears.
Was I not suppose to tell her? She thought. Another reason she didn't like someone to repay her is the possibility of her screwing up and suddenly the brownies once filled with wonder, now has poison.

Willow looked down at her notes as well and mouthed "sorry" to Matilda.
He replied back to Dani. Sure. He then sent it and put his phone away.He started paying attention to the class again.He was definitely gonna fail Science but who cares.It's not important anyway.
Dani glanced at Drakes reply, and nodded with a confident huff. She put her phone away and shoved earbuds into her ears, Fall Out Boy music ensuing. She smiled, and leaned back in her seat, I love my friends.
Drake was actually paying attention and started taking down notes.He just wanted class to end.He wanted out of this classroom.
Dani raised her hand, the snowflake tattoo in the base of her right pinky finger showing. The teacher closed her eyes seemingly annoyed,"Yes, Miss Oliver?" Dani smirked,"Can I go to the restroom." Dani did her best innocent kid look and the teacher nodded. She hopped up from her chair and exited the room. She hadn't lied she was going to the bathroom, but she was going to make a little detour to a certain Science class after that.

She approached the bathroom just in time to see Emma enter it. Dani smiled, alright dude first impression time! She entered the bathroom and directed herself to the mirror. A few minutes later Emma occupied the space next to her. "Hi." She said shyly,"I'm, Emma. Your Dani right?" Dani turned to her,"The one and only, it's nice to meet you. How'd you know who I am?" Dani had been surprised by the mention of her name. Emma blushed,"Um.. well my friend has gone here for a long time he told me you and your friends, Deshawn and Ava, were really popular so..." Dani laughed,and rubbed the back of her neck,"Yea I guess I am, but my main friends are, Matilda, Willow, and Drake, I don't hang with D and Ava that often." She gave the blonde and encouraging smile,"Oh" Emma looked down. Dani decided this was the time to make her leave,"Yea, I'll see you later?" Emma looked up at her her eyes shining,"Yea." She replied, and Dani turned and left the bathroom. Score! She totally digs me! Where was I going? Oh! Yea Science lab!

When she made it to the lab she looked through doors window and spotted Drake she sent him a text, Hey look at the door:).
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The science teacher was just writing random things on the board.Meanwhile at the back of the class,Drake and some other random students were dancing while sitting in their seats.It was fun.They didn't know why they were doing it...But they did anyway.
Delina smiled down at the reply on her screen. Her brother was ridiculous when it came to her. Although he acted like a complete ass most of the time, he was pretty protective of her. She didn't mind, but it could get a bit annoying.

"I'm sure he'll get over it. Pizza and some games after?"

Glancing up at the board, she scribbled whatever the teacher had added into her notebook. The class was extremely boring. Math and Science were easy subjects for her, which seemed a bit backwards considering her brother, who had problems with decent conversations with others, was great at English.

Looking back to her phone, she sent another text. "Tell me a story?" Several emojis followed the question. She was obviously bored.


Monday, 8:55 (Dismissal-English Class)

Finally Math class could end, this was a productive period. Matilda gave him a thumbs up about his pursuit for Ava. All he needed now was to ask Dani. He just wanted her approval nothing else. He wanted her to say that it was okay. As the bell rang for their next period, Deshawn ran over to Dani to stop her.

"Hey Dani! Can we talk real quick? Okay well, if you could keep this between us that would be great. Anyways, I know that you and Ava are great friends. And as a respectful and honorable man, I'd like to ask if you are okay for my pursuit of her. Like, I have feelings as well. You might not think that I do have them, but I do. And I do not like them to get hurt, like anyone else wouldn't. Which is why I would never hurt Ava. I couldn't, even if I tried. She's beautiful, kind, generous, and just great. I'm never going to do something she doesn't want to. So?... Do you think I have a chance with her?" He ends his talking with a smile, and again asking her to keep this between them. He talked to her on the way to English class, which was in 5 minutes.

Phones were going off in every direction. Even the girl next to him was texting or something, the phone emitting a loud beep. Devin almost growled, the sound audible enough for anyone nearby to hear. Math was a subject he actually had to pay attention during and these idiots were making that difficult.

His green eyes darted a glare at her. What was her name? Melissa? Marissa? No, something French. She had an accent, after all. But she was pretty.

Glancing back, he saw both Damion and his sister staring down at their phones and frowned. Why couldn't that kid just find some other friends? Devin had no clue what bothered him so much about Damion. Maybe that he was a guy. Most of Lina's male friends were online through her games, so they weren't an issue. But this one was here. Everyday. All the time.

Drake walked out of science class.He looked down the hall.He was really looking around to make sure everything was in order and that there was no fighting.Everything seemed ok though.He just kept walking and headed to-Wait..Dani texted him to look at the door in science but he not in science..."Wait!" He said in a loud voice that would probably be heard around the school.He ran the opposite direction.Straight back to science.
Dani's face fell as she stared at D. Could he possibly be completely innocent in his intentions? Her giddiness from her conversation with Emma faded and concern for Ava washed over her again. She didn't believe D, she couldn't, could she? Dani looked at him then down at her feet. This was it. She was going to have to make a decision,"You know what, D? Go ahead, if you honestly like her, if not I'll punch your pretty boy face in. Got it?" The threat wasn't menacing at all, she was even smiling.
Drake just saw Dani talking to D.So he just leaned against a wall,waiting for her to finish up.Nobody ever questioned Drake about his craziness and Nonsense.A lot of people loved it actually.It made people laugh.Everyone knew Drake.Yeah,The Crazy Irish Kid.And boy was Drake proud of it.He loved to entertain people.


Ava heard the bell ring for the end of math and let out a small sigh of relief. Now all she had to do was get through English and then it would be art. Smiling softly, she pulled her phone out without a word and stood up, brushing off her skirt before heading to her next class, her eyes glued to her phone the entire way there. Occasionally she would look up to see where she was going, though it never lasted long. She did stop by her locker to switch out her math books for her English ones and even took the opportunity to touch up her hair and makeup. Checking over her appearance, she turned and closed her locker, locking her phone and walking to class with her head held high as she always did when she wasn't paying attention to her phone.

Dani spotted Drake and waved at him finishing her conversation with D,"I'll see you later. Oh,and if you need any help I can play guitar." She winked and headed off in Drakes direction, "Hey I got something for you," she lead Drake around to her locker and pulled out a bouquet of roses handing them to him,"I know you have her the note already, but I know she likes roses. So if you can find a time to give them to her....ba da boom ba da bing you got a date."
Willow got up and proceeded to her next class. Math. So it would seem. She walked to her locker and started to roll the dial. All the while, she was staring at her phone. She looked up just in enough time to see the paper fly out of her locker.

Suddenly, the paper disappeared in the crowd of people during passing period. Willow scrambled through people only to find the paper... Wet and in the boys bathroom. She eased her way away from the door and just walked to Math instead of worry about the paper.

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