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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

Cole smiled. "Nice to meet you as well." Kevin hopped on Cole's back. "Westward! My noble steed!" Cole flinched a little. He should have expected Kevin to be like this though. He was just as crazy via text anyways. It was a little funny anyways. He chuckled a little bit. Cole wasn't really much of a sour apple. He knew how to get along with people after all. He just liked things to be organized and done correctly. He could loosen up a little bit though sometimes if it came to it. He was just glad he was not alone in this rather large school of people he barely knew. He considered himself lucky. Kevin looked at Cole. "Seriously dude let's go to art. Take me there I'm too lazy to walk." Cole rolled his eyes at Kevin and sat him down anyway. Cole wasn't going to make his first impression on seeming a little gay. Cole and Kevin walked to art. Kevin wiggled his eyebrows at passing chicks.
Drake walked out the door.He pulled out his phone and texted Dani. How did it go?What did she say?Did she get the note? :( ~Drake.He feared that she didn't..Maybe he should write another one.He was rights beside Willows locker he quickly wrote the same thing but added Just in case you didn't get my last note~He wrote from your secret admirer again and carefully slipped it in so it wouldn't fall out.He turned around to seek a statue of a Swan. "Stop looking at me Swan!" He said and walked away.He was walking to art,where he was currently working on a drawing of the Manhattan Skyline.He always loved Manhattan,and couldn't wait until the new World Trade Centre buildings would all be finished so that the skyline would return to it's former glory.He entered art class and sat in his usual seat.
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Ava heard the bell ring and got up from her seat. Art them biology the lunch. Ugh. Frankly, she wasn't really looking forward to her session with D. She figured it was just another plot of his to get with her. Walking out of the classroom, she made her way to her locker to check up on her appearance and switch out her books once more. Finishing up, she closed her locker and went to art, finding a seat near the front and waiting patiently for class to start. In all reality, she wasn't one to talk too much during school, mainly since she wanted to keep her grades up. So far she hadn't gotten anything less than a 97 in her lifetime and she planned on keeping it that way.​
Kevin strolled to art with Cole. He pulled Cole to a seat and sat next to him. This was also the seat next to Ava. He grinned a little, glad he picked this spot by chance. He leaned over to Ava. "Hey, Av, looking nice today." Kevin wasn't even sure if Ava knew he existed but at least now she did. Kevin knew everyone even though everyone didn't exactly know him. Cole simply rolled his eyes at Kevin.
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Dani made a face as she watched Matilda hurry away, toward art. She slung her backpack over her shoulder and went to walk next to Drake. Shifting her books uncomfortably in her hands, she wanted to tell Drake she was worried for Matilda, but she didn't want to have that impede on what had just happened in class. She turned to him, opened her mouth, but then closed it again. She would vent her feelings to him later, maybe.


Deshawn Gallo

Deshawn entered the art class only to spot Kevin trying to flirt with Ava. He was sure it was harmless, he didn't want to hurt the little weakling anyways. He seemed nice, but he just didn't know his place. Deshawn thought to himself, maybe I'll have to show him his place in this school. This wasn't the right time for that. He didn't want Ava to see him doing anything vulgar. He was sure she had doubts about what Deshawn was planning for their music lessons, but D was sure he'd hold back and be as harmless as a fly. He actually thought about making it a bit fun, and dance a bit. He smiled as he thought of it.

He spotted Michael, who just transferred here from D.C. That was cool, he'd be a great addition to the basketball team. Of course, Deshawn was the captain and nobody would be taking that position away from him. He approached Michael, and decided he'd make a fool out of him on his first day. He clapped his hands together to get everyone's attention. "Hello y'all. Right here is my friend Michael. He transfered here from D.C. I hope you all can be nicer to him than you are to me. Anyways, he's harmless and nice don't worry. He has nothing to do with me. This is just a friend looking after a friend." Deshawn smiled and sat beside Michael. All Michael could do was say a simple "Hi."

Dani liked art, she did. She just had never really been any good at it. They were painting the Manhattan skyline today, Dani smiled at the thought of the city. She had gone their on spring break once with some of her friends. Of course, she had ended up drunk and in some random girls apartment. But, other wise it was fun. She'd like to go see the World Trade Center once the towers were rebuilt, but that would have to wait till later.

She looked up and spotted Ava at the front of class. She was reminded of D talking to her early in the day. Dani quickly tore a piece of paper from her notebook, and scribbled down a question,Are you still planning on going to singing lessons with D? ~Dani. She rolled the paper in a ball and threw it at Ava. It hit her square in the back of the head. Dani chuckled.

She raised an eyebrow when D loudly introduced the new kid. She'd seen him walk in, he had the look of a typical player, but considering D asking her if he could advance on Ava earlier. She was seriously beginning to doubt her boydar.
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Kevin waved at the new kid. He was sure to properly introduce both him and Cole. Kevin liked having Cole around. Cole was a little on the handsome side too. Cole could maybe be a wing man in the future. Kevin smiled at the thought. Soon the ladies would be all over him. He looked at D and smiled innocently. More like saying game on. He could tell D had something Ava but Kevin did as well.
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Matilda immediately spread out her thumbnail sketches. She grabbed her substrate of choice, illustration board. She bordered with tape and got out her gouche and brushes. With the rest of the world completely tuned out, she started working on her next concentration piece for the AP portfolio review.

She hummed and blue eyes seemed wide but not vacant as she fleshed out the loose shape of hands with a pale blue to work over in warmer tones.

They were in the perspective of the viewer, shaped like said person was attempting to Frame the skyline with their fingers, she would have light hitting them to contrast a darkening day.
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Michael Kordell

Great, D did the one thing Michael didn't want to happen, get attention. D introduced him infront of everyone. All Michael could do was say "Hi." that's literally all he said. He was pretty happy that he skipped Math and English. Now all he had to do was finish Art class, and go to Chemistry. He smiled as he brought himself a piece of paper and a 4B pencil. He started drawing images from a trailer of Uncharted 4. Dayum he was hype about the new Uncharted game, it was perfect. He started drawing moments that anyone could recognize that played the previous games. He wasn't a perfect artist but he knew that anyone would know what he was drawing. He smiled as he saw what D was drawing. Deshawn was actually pretty good at drawing... D was looking at Ava, and drawing at the same time. Michael peeked over his hand to see his drawing, and he drew a perfect representation of Ava. He whispered to D "Do you like her?"
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Kevin leaned over to look at Cole's drawing. It was a cup of tea. It made Kevin laugh. "You're such a Brit oh my god..." Cole ignored Kevin. Kevin looked over at Michael's drawing. He wanted to know what he was in to. He recognized the drawing and his eyes lit up. "Dude, that's awesome. You're good at drawing." He smiled at him. "I have a feeling you and I will get along."
Drake saw Dani open her mouth and close it. "What were you and Willow talking about when you two left the classroom?" He asked. "I slept for all of Maths class.Best class ever" He said. "I like art.It's really fun" He said. "Probably because I like drawing,but it is fun."
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Deshawn Gallo

Deshawn was looking at Ava, and at the same time his hand was moving on the paper. He was drawing a portrait of her. He planned to give it to her at the end of class. He kept drawing, until he saw that Michael was interested in what he was doing. So, D moved his hand a bit so he could see. Right then, Michael understood and asked him. "Do you like her?". Deshawn immediatly answered with the only thing that popped in his head. "Of course fam. She's perfect, nice, kind, generous, and anything I could dream of. She's the greatest. Even though, I give her so much shit she deals with it. I also love how she plays hard to get. Anyways, what are you planning on drawing?" Michael didn't know so he just gave D a simple "Just some gaming shit." That was enough for Deshawn to stop conversation and return to drawing his queen. She was great, and he planned to prove to her that he was good enough for her. He didn't want to be an ass to her, since she didn't deserve that shit. Minutes later, he finished the portrait and signed at the bottom. "From D to Ava, much love. (<3)" On the back he wrote everything he just told Michael. "You're perfect, nice, kind, generous, and anything I could ever dream of. You're the greatest. Even though, I give you so much shit you still deal with it. Also I love how you play hard to get." He smiled, and walked up to her. "Hey Ava, I drew this for you" He then winked at her and walked back to his seat.

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Lina watched the two walk away before turning to Damion. She frowned slightly as they went on to Art, an expression that rarely crossed her face. "Sorry about Devin. I don't know what's wrong with him half the time. And he seems especially pissy today, for whatever reason."

As they turned into the art room, she happened to notice Michael. "Is it new kid day or something?" Walking behind him, she noticed the drawing and couldn't help but lean over his shoulder, head near his. Lina sometimes had no sense of personal space.

"Either your really like the concept art for Uncharted, or you might just be my soul mate," she joked, eyeing the piece. "Have you played it yet?" She got a copy a few days ago; being a world champ had it's perks. But she sometimes forgot actual release dates for games.
Kevin looked at the drawing. He snorted and decided not to worry about it for now. Kevin glanced at Lina, then at Cole. He threw Cole into the conversation like the dick that he was. "Hey, Cole loves that shit too. We should make a club only for awesome gaming pros, right, Cole?" He winked. Cole looked over at them. "Um...I suppose...?" The funny thing was that Cole never touched a game before. He was totally going to now because he knew Lina was into him. As of now, Kevin was the wing man and hoped Cole would return the favor soon.
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Damion frowned at the sight of Lina looking upset. He went to mess up the hair again and gave her only of his more affectionate smiles. It wasn't her responsibility to apologize for Devin. Damion and Devin were just near opposites.

"Don't worry about it, but he doesn't push you around when I'm here, got it? He can try to push me around instead. Come on. Watch me fail to draw a stick figure?"

When they got to Art he noticed another unfamiliar face. The guy was doing game art. Damion smirked. "Hey, welcome to the school. Have an honorary Lina." He gestured to his smaller blonde friend as she admired is art.
"Yes. Let's make a club. Kevin's Kool, with a K, As Shit Gaming Club. You're my new best friend, new guy." He grinned. Cole really didn't like the idea of being in a club he knew nothing about but just shrugged. "I suppose I can get to know people."
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Devin found his was into the art classroom and nodded to D. He noticed Michael and gave him a pat on the shoulder as he passed by, saying a simple, "Good to see you." They had met playing basketball and figured he'd see Michael later that day on the court.

When he saw Lina show up, hovering way too close to the guy, he sighed in annoyance. His eyes turned to his work, which wasn't exactly something to display in the Louvre, but it got him As. Probably just for the effort.

For the rest of class he sat silently at his station.
Dani looked from her drawing of...well...it kinda looked similar to a guitar leaning against a wall? She shook her head placing her pencil on the desk,"Yea I talked to her...it didn't quite go as planned." She smiled sheepishly, pushing jet black hair from her eyes,"Let's just say, I invited Willow to pizza with us and that turned into inviting everyone to pizza with us." She hesitated to tell him the rest,"Okay don't get mad but, I asked her about the letter she said it flew into the boys bathroom. She may or may not think that I put it in her locker." Dani whispered the last part rubbing at the snowflake tattoo on her pinky finger.
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Matilda glanced upward towards Devin momentarily. For a second she managed to distract herself from her work. She wanted to ask what he was working on, if he liked art, his medium of choice. The thought left her with unease though. He might find her passion silly or have less respect to know that was why she needed to improve her grade. Her art piece attracted her eye again as she worked to layer hues to decrease saturation level. It looked realistic but not enough yet. Overhearing Dani and Drakes conversation, she grinned.

"I could end up having to work late.. And Ava could be busy with D. Conveniently, you and willow could be stuck with each other?"


Ava smiled a bit when Kevin sat down next to her and complimented her. She could easily tell he was flirting, and she chose to point it out. "You're so cute when you flirt," she said with a small laugh. She was in no way making fun of him. She actually found it adorable. Kevin was completely different in his advances towards her. He was kind of quiet and sweet about it whereas D was always loud and obnoxious. But they were the same in the fact that they were definitely flirtatious. "Thank you though, you don't look bad yourself," she told him, a small blush gracing her cheeks as it always did when she was complimented.​

Dani smiled at Matilda, she had just saved Dani's life. She hated when Drake was mad at her and she'd rather not start the school year with him being so. "Oh mon Dieu , Je t'aime! That's a great idea, how bout it Drake?" Dani nodded to Matilda.
Kevin blushed a little. Whoa, did she just compliment back? Kevin held up a finger for his new club to wait a moment. He nudged Cole a little with a grin. "Why, thank you. I didn't expect you to compliment back. Heh, most girls think I'm a creep." And honestly, Kevin spoke the truth.
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"Well,no fear.Cause I had suspicions that she didn't get it,so I put another one in her locker.All of them are going tonight?No bother.It's grand.We'll see what happens.Maybe explain to her that you didn't put the note in,but you know who did.It should work.And sure,that could work.Let's go for it!" He said to both of them. "It should work,I'll give her the Roses too.Bam.I win at life."
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