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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School


"Well, Kev, you should know by now that I'm not like most girls," Ava told him with a wink before laughing a bit. "So how have you been? I never talk to you," she said with a genuine smile. Despite the social status difference, she had no problem talking to Kevin. Hell, she may even enjoy it. Glancing up at D when he handed her the picture, she stared at it in shock before reading the back. "This is amazing..." She said softly. "Thank you," she said with a smile, slipping it into her notebook.​
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Drake looked at both Dani and Matilda waiting for a response.But,he just looked away and started drawing again.He hoped that their plan would work,he really wanted to be with Willow.Hopefully she see's this new note.If not...The Roses would have to do it.
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Michael Kordell

This girl approached him and was all up in his personal space. Even though she was pretty, he didn't really like her getting all up in his business. "Umm, I haven't played Uncharted 4. It doesn't come out for a few months. I'm hyped up for it. Anyways, if you guys really want to make a gaming group we can start with some Bo3? Maybe even some trickshotting hah." He smiled at the girl and got all these introductions. He looked at the pretty girl and asked her for her name. "Hey I'm Michael. And you are?" He laughed while continuing to draw.
Willow had asked the teacher to go outside to take photos for the first portion of class. So, she took some photos of the class, her classmates, then finally went outside to take photos there. Technically, it was art. Photos had to use up the creative mind to take a snapshot of moments and meaning to everything around us.

After, she took those shots she came in and saw everyone finishing up their drawings. Her talkative nature wanted to come in at that moment. She wanted to talk to everyone and get to know them. But, she looked down at her photos quietly and sighed. She sat down and just grabbed a pencil. She slowly started to draw something.
Lina stepped back as she listened to the boys talking, eyes moving to each person who spoke. "Oh, I guess I got it earlier than usual," she shrugged, referring to the game.

"I don't know about an official club, but we can definitely hang out and play." She had the feeling starting an actual club would be too much red tape at the school but was always down for a gaming session.

When asked for her name, she smiled and gestured toward Damion. "Well, like he said, I'm Lina. But they don't just hand me out to anyone," she winked jokingly. "Damion and I will be hanging out over some pizza later if you guys want to join us for some games." She looked to her friend to make sure he was ok with adding more people. Regardless, they always spent more time together once anyone who was with them left.


Monday, 10:55

Deshawn had a pretty successful period. He didn't like how Kevin was flirting with Ava, but he couldn't claim Ava. She wasn't a piece of property. She was a human being, and she could make her own decisions. But Deshawn can impact that decision. He had thought about Ava so much today. He thought that he could ask for Dani's help with his plan. He told her what to do, which was a secret plan and then the bell rang. The same loud ass stupid shitty bell. At least it meant that he could go to Biology, one of his favorite classes. He decided that he'd sit next to Ava in Biology, it could help.

Deshawn picked up his materials and packed his bags to go to Biology. He walked up to Ava, and told her what he was thinking. "Hey, mind if we walk together on the way to Bio. Also, maybe could I sit next to you as well? Again, I'll be serious. I always am in Biology." He smiled and laughed.

Dani sat down her pencil and looked over her drawing. She nodded her head making a pleased face. It looked pretty good. She turned around a showed it to Matilda,"I think I'm getting pretty good at this." She giggled.(Drawing in attached.)

Dani gathered her things and headed to Biololgy. D had told her his plan and asked for her help, she had agreed. Dani believed this was the beginning of a great friendship.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.8c8b5afe0a54e7520912addd288e6a4a.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="96205" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/image.jpeg.8c8b5afe0a54e7520912addd288e6a4a.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Michael Kordell

Michael was drawing, when Lina told him that they could all hang out. "Hey Lina, if you're there count me." He laughed and smiled at her, showing his sky blue ass eyes. As well as his sexy jaw bone. It was suppose to be an attempt at flirting but Michael was not the best at that. He tried, and sometimes it worked. After he finished his drawing, the loud bell rang. He walked up and out of the room, picked up all his stuff. He thought that Lina was pretty cool so he invited her to walk with him. "Hey Lina, mind if you could show me the way to the Chemistry class. As well as accompny me?" He smiled and awaited her answer.​
Drake finished his picture and threw his pencil into his bag.He was going to wait for Dani and Matilda,but he had a idea.He jogged out the door and down to the lockers.He opened his locker then and waited for Willow to show up at her locker,so he can see if she actually gets the note.He actually needed to get something in his locker anyway,so it's a win win situation for him.He grabbed a few books.And put a few away.


Ava heard the bell ring and smiled softly at Kevin. "See you in a little while," she told him as she stood up and began gathering up her things. She looked over her drawing with a smile, rather happy about how it turned out. She looked up when she heard D's voice and hesitated. Why was he trying so hard? Slowly nodding, she offered a small smile as she finished getting her things and waited of him before heading to biology.​
As she walked down the hallway, Dani noticed Drake rummaging around in his locker seeming to pretend to be getting things. She knew exactly what her best friend was up too she shook her head, smiling. The boy was much too paranoid for his own good. But, considering what happened to the last note...she didn't blame him.

She continued to walk and spotted D walking with Ava. She smiled. She was rather glad she had had a change of heart. The boy looked genuinely happy, and he was just walking with her. She doubted Ava thought he had her best intentions in mind. She's have to talk to her about that. When D turned his head her way she winked at him and shot him a thumbs up with the ha d that wasn't carrying books.
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Michael's attempt at flirting wasn't lost on her and the girl couldn't help but smile. It was flattering - and somewhat refreshing - to feel like someone was interested in her again.

Apparently the art teacher didn't care as much about productivity as the others did, considering Lina spent the class doing basically nothing but talking. She's a good student, really, she just... Gets distracted easily.

As she was about to leave, she heard Michael's voice and turned to look at him again. With a grin she nodded. "Of course!" Before leaving she turned and squeezed a quick hug out of Damion. "I'll see you at lunch!" She then turned and walked out the door.

"So what brings you out here? It looks like you know my brother, so I'm assuming you play basketball." Her bright green eyes glanced up at his blue ones as they walked. Lina was fairly short, only about 5'4", so there was basically no one she didn't have to look up at.
Willow walked up to her locker again for her Biology notebook. She opened her locker and saw the note, which didn't fly out. She opened it and gave it a quick read. Dani is being so werid lately. She thought as she got the rest of her things and put the note in her pocket. "Hey Drake." She said to him as she walked by him.


Deshawn Gallo

As he walked with Ava to Biology class, he thought what she must've been thinking. She must've thought that he was being too nice or something like that. "Hey Ava, you know I was thinking about you and you might be wondering why I'm trying so hard. Well, I really like you that's why. I realized that being an asshole won't work to get your attention so I'm changing my ways for you... Also, you should read the back of the drawing. It has a note from me to you." He smiled as they were walking to the class.​
Kevin waved dreamily. "Hey, that was sick, right Cole?" He said before waking to Chemistry. Cole walked to biology, hoping he could meet someone new. Kevin shivered a little seeing he had competition. He'd have to try a little harder. Cole was routing for his friend but didn't have time to encourage him. He sat down in class and looked around for someone interesting.
Drake turned around and saw her. "Hey Willow,what's up?" He said and closed his locker.He then also started walking to biology.She got it.Yes!He finally succeeded.Dani just had to clear up this whole thing that she wrote the notes..She better do it anyway..Drake saw the familiar Swan Statue and ignored it.He just caught up with Willow because she was going to biology too.


Michael Kordell

As he walked with Lina, he saw that she was pretty short and she always looked up at him. He wanted to give her words that would boost her morale again. "Hey, don't worry I like short girls. And hey, I could pick you up with these guns." He laughed as he formed a gun shape with both of his arms. "By the way, that was an attempt at comedy. " He smiled at her, she was pretty cute after all. She also had very beautiful green eyes. "Lina, I like your green eyes. They're cute, and so are you. Anyways, well I moved here from D.C since my parents got divorced. Nothing serious or anything that impacted my life." He smiled again. "And yes, I do play basketball and I enjoy it very much. I was about to ask your brother who you were, but it seems like I figured that all by myself." He laughed and kept walking with her to Chemistry.​
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Ava listened to D as they walked and let out a soft sigh. "I read it," she said softly. At this point she was confused. Was he really telling the truth? Even if he was, she didn't want to get too involved just yet. She wanted to explore her options especially since she had her own best interest in mind. "That's sweet."​


Deshawn Gallo

"That's sweet." That's literally all that he got from Ava. He tried so hard and wasn't getting anything back. He didn't even get a full sentence, he was pretty disappointed. But, he wouldn't give up though. He still had his secret plan! "So, I'm really looking forward to our music class next period." By this time, they were both really close to the Biology class. They were talking for a bit and it was almost time for class. He really wanted to be with Ava. She was perfect, and Deshawn keeps emphazising that in his head. He thought of her every single second, and he wouldn't give up on her. He really was looking forward to trying to impress her in their music lesson.​
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Kevin popped up behind Lina. "You guys got chemistry too??? Awesome!" He put an arm around both og them. "We're the best of bros now." Kevin was a big third wheel. And hey, there are three wheels in a tricycle or else it'll fall over. "Lunch is next too. I'll show you guys my sick singing and guitar. It's gonna be awesome. Let's go!"

//I screwed up so I edited, sorry
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"Well, Biology is what's up." She said entering the class. She frowned as she saw a new face. When he talked he sounded British. Her eyebrows rose. Was he in the other classes and I hadn't noticed?

She had noticed Michael though hadn't talked to him. She could talk to this guy since her seat was by his.

Willow sat down and looked over at the British guy. "Hello. My name is Willow. Nice to meet you." She said sweetly.
Cole looked over at her and smiled. See, Kevin thought Cole was antisocial without him but that wasn't true. He only thought that because Kevin's friends weren't that easy to talk to. They didn't have much in common. "You as well. My name's Cole." Cole had been to many fancy parties in his time. So he was used to introducing himself to many people. "I'm a little new here."
"I can tell." She said. "It won't be hard to find your way around and if you need help you can ask me." She smiled to him.

He wasn't that bad. Usually new kids would not seek to talk to anyone unless they had been duct taped to a wall and had no choice in the matter, but he talked fine. "You have a cool accent though. Something that gets people attention quickly."


Ava smiled softly at D and nodded a bit. In all honesty, he really was a great friend, despite his flaws. "You should feel lucky. I'm taking time out of friends and good for you," she said as she raised an eyebrow and moved to a seat near the front as she always did. "What is it you need help on exact so I know what I need to do?" She asked as she pulled out her biology notebook and pulled out a piece of paper to take notes on.​

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