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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

"I've been able to find my way around. My friend, Kevin. He is who suggested this school. I think it's good to get a break for a moment. You probably know him. No one could miss him. He's the loudest kid there is." He rolled his eyes a little. He was glad Kevin wasn't here. He'd totally yell at Cole for talking about him like that.
"Oh. I know him, but I hadn't caught his name." She said and made a mental note of it. "Maybe you can come later to get pizza with me and my friends. Kevin can come too." She said with a bright smile.
Damion rolled his eyes as he watched another guy flirt with Lina. It wasnt unusual for her to get attention from the opposite sex. He was definitely more than used to it by now. Anyways she didnt seem to ever notice and as long as she wasnt hurt by it. They seemed cool. Cole could be an interesting companion as well.

"Hey hey! If Im paying for more pizza, you have to split the tab with me, alright?" He turned to Kevin and gave a lopsided grin. "Yeah, you're cool to hang out, right? Might be fun." He noticed Willow entered as well and talked about pizza as well.

"Ooor we can all get pizza and I can just pitch in a little? Maybe?"

Matilda broke her focus again to look up at Dani's paper and smiled to see a nearly fully rendered image down in graphite. She nodded and started inspecting the piece. "Nice use of low key value and attention to negative space. It is pretty." She said, happy enough to see others indulged in art as well. But some people were just conversing and socializing.. She had no right to judge. She looked back at her piece and frowned. It was near complete but not to her liking, so she took a piece of her own bristol and watercolors and restarted.

"It is no good."
"Sounds fun. I'm sure Kevin would like to attend. I'll be sure to ask him ASAP." He smiled at her warmly. Cole was a people sort of person. He tended to get along easy with just about anyone. He was annoyed by people like Kevin but they wouldn't be best friends if they didn't somewhat get along.
Kevin giggled a little. "Don't worry. I'll just get Cole to pay for it." He knew if Cole were here he'd roll his eyes as always.
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Willow looked over at Damion and nodded. "I'll pitch in with the cost too. And Cole, that's great you want to come. A lot of people are gonna come I suppose so you'll be able to meet everyone." Willow said.
Drake walked into Biology and sat by Willow,Kevin,and Damion. "Oh..Hello..Haven't seen you guys before,are you new?I'm Drake,a friend of Damion and Willow." He said and looked at them.He always liked meeting new people.It was always good. "Can't wait for pizza tonight lads,it'll be fun."


Deshawn Gallo

"Well actually, I'm really appreciative. I'm not sure if I showed that to you, but I'm thankful that you're taking time out of your day for me. Also, honesty? I just want to spend more time with you really. I'd still like to have a music lesson. Maybe you could play piano and I could dance? I really like the way you play the piano." He smiled at her, and sat right beside her. "You don't mind right?" He started to get his materials out from his bag, getting ready for class.​
When Dani sat down in Biology she began wondering what she and D were gonna do to get her in the room with him a Ava during their music lesson. She creased her eyebrows, and decided to ask him. As he and Ava entered the classroom, she pulled out her phone and sent him a text, not wanting to talk about the plan aloud, hey do you know how I'm supposed to get into the room when y'all are doing the lesson? She pressed send. (Sorry I'm doing this in my phone in the car and I had bad service :( )


Deshawn Gallo

Deshawn received a text from D. He immediatly responded. "Hey, D. How you doing. So, Ima slowly walk with Ava there. While we're slowly walking you'll go before us and hide in the room. I'll signal you when to come out ok?"​
Cole rolled his eyes at Kevin. "Sounds good." Kevin looked over at Drake. "Nah, I've been here forever but Coley here is new. I'm Kevin." Cole shrugged. "Hello, and it's Cole, not Coley." "Heh."

//I'm confused on where everyone is but I'm going to roll with it
Dani smiled and laughed at the text. I'm hiding in a closet...okay.Fabulous plan, Deshawn, fabulous plan. She sent her response and sighed, slumping in her seat she shoved her phone back in her pocket.
"Oh..I would've definitely recognised you but..Well..Let's say I don't take note of my surroundings.I'm usually running around doing my own thing.If you ever here shouting in the halls,that's me.I tend to shout a lot.But,I'm usually nice I guess..To friends anyway..." He said. "Right?" He asked Damion and Willow.
Matilda went to AP Chem, reluctant to stop working. She decided she would continue after classes and it wasnt worth being late for chemistry. She was actually decent in this class, never getting a grade below mid A. Something about math and science clicked fairly well in her head. She didnt share this class with many that she knew so it was also free from distraction.


Ava raised an eyebrow at his words and let out a sigh. "I hope you realize that out of the fifty brownie points you gained with the picture, you lost about half of them just now. You know I don't like being lied to and that's what you did by saying you needed a lesson. I know it's not big but still. All you had to do was stop being a dick and just ask instead of letting your ego get in the way. No, I'm not mad even though I want to be, and you're a really good friend and all, but right now I just don't know. I just. Don't know..." She said as she put her head in her hands. This was too much to take in all at once. She knew D always liked her but damn. She wasn't expecting this.​
Kevin nodded. "Heh, you joining us for pizza? See? Cole you're already one of the popular guys!" Cole rolled his eyes. "If you say so." Cole found it weird how he could blend in so quickly.


Deshawn Gallo

Deshawn felt bad after what Ava had just said. "I'm really sorry that I made you feel that way. Don't worry I'll cheer you up." He says as he smiles at her. He had white ass teeth. So god damn white, but he dealt with them. He put his arm on her shoulder trying to comfort her nothing else. "Don't worry, I'm only doing this to comfort you." He didn't want anything sexual at the moment and it showed. "Sorry Ava... I didn't think you'd say yes, if I said I wanted to spend time with you. But I really do want to spend as much time as I can with you." he whispered to her.​
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Michael Kordell

"Uh-huh" is all that got out of Michael's mouth. He entered Chemistry class and sat beside Lina. "Hope you don't mind." He said and gave her a wink. "You and I are gonna get along just fine, and I don't mean as friends." He smiled at her. He wasn't even sure how he did this. How he was this confident infront of a beautiful woman like Lina. Maybe, it was because she was a gamer as well and he felt comfortable around her. Anyways, Michael got his Chemistry materials out and got ready for class.​
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Ava let out a soft sigh as she pulled away ever so slightly. She smiled at him in an effort to lighten the mood and took a deep breath. She knew what she had to do. "Look, you're a great guy and all. You're sweet and funny and everything, but I don't think I want you to raise my kids. With the partying and the drugs and stuff, it's just not me, but it's completely you. Look, I don't want to hurt you or anything and I love you as a friend, I just don't think I'm the girl for you." She said softly, preparing herself for him to lash out. "Not to mention I sure as hell don't want to take the chance of things not working out them everything be awkward between us then not be able to be friends anymore. I'm sorry.... And I understand if you're mad at me..."​
Matilda looked up to see a new face. Others had been chatting with him for a while and he seemed nice. D's friend. Lina was also in this class but she didnt know her well. She was the sister of Devin and a friend of almost anyone though. Putting her pencil down she offered a short wave, thinking she might get acquainted better with both after class.


Deshawn Gallo

He sighed at her approach to end things, but he wasn't going to give up so easily. "Hey if that's what's bothering you I can stop everything. I'll stop it all. No more drugs no more weed. You're more important than that." As he said that he picked up all the pot brownies he had and threw them in the trash. He talked so calmly, she must've expected him to be mad. He wasn't going to stop at all. "You know I won't stop till we're together, Avangeline Emily Wayne. You're the girl for me. You're the first girl I've put this much effort in. Why, you ask? Because you're perfect and the girl of my dreams." He sighed after, looking down at his feet. This put his morale down a bunch, but he still wasn't going to stop.​
Drake started thinking about something.He wouldn't want to give Willow the roses at pizza later and get rejected in front of everyone...It would be embarrassing..New plan.Just before lunch he would give them to her at the lockers.Might as well just get it over and done with..He had a bad feeling in his gut that he'd get rejected,but he needed to confess it to find out.He would also explain that it was him putting the notes in her locker,not Dani.The pressure was on...Ugh,God was he worried..
Cole smiled at all the newcomers. He was glad he could actually get along with people. Americans weren't as bad as he thought.
Dani heard Ava tell D she wasn't the girl for him. Dani got up from her seat, the teacher hadn't arrived yet and she had an idea. "Hey, D we gotta do this now." She said to him as she walked out of the room headed to the music room.
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Ava watched him in complete shock. He was putting this much effort into her. Wow. Then a thought occurred to her. "Just don't force it. If you care about me then you should care about what I want and I want everything in my life to happen naturally. Don't do everything in your power to get me to be with you because if you're doing all this to make me happy, then you're not being yourself and just let things happen. If it happens, it happens, and if it doesn't, then we'll still be friends."​
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