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Realistic or Modern Marble Hills High School

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Lina wrinkled her nose at Michael's words but didn't say anything. Her eyes kept looking to the clock as her stomach growled. Was it lunch time yet? Glancing around, she saw Kevin wiggling around and couldn't hold back a smile.

"You having a dance party over there or you need a diaper?" She hit send on the text and waited for it to buzz in Kevin's pocket. The class was excruciatingly long.


Deshawn Gallo

Monday, 11:55

He wanted to be alone. He didn't feel that good at the moment. It felt like a thousand swords had just been shoved in him. The same loud ass bell rang again. That means he had just skipped Biology, one of his favorite classes. He instantly regretted that... He took Ava's words into consideration. He decided to go sober, and not high at all for the next weeks. He would prove to her that he'd do anything for her. He picked up his bag, and walked out of the Music room. He then realized that he disregarded Dani. He quickly sent her a text, Sorry Dani. I don't feel that good atm, ttyl. Hopefully that could explain himself. H walked over to the lunch room, got his food, and sat on his table, sulking; waiting for alone that cares to come.​
"There's the bell,Want to go to the lockers and then to the lunch room?I swear,it'll only be a few mins at the lockers." He said to Willow.He just wanted to get it over and done with.He had a bad feeling she'd say no,but there was always a possibility she'd say yes.But he didn't know.That's why he needed to find out.
Kevin answered his phone. No, I just want to talk to Ava. I think she likes me. ;) Kevin grinned and ran to his locker to grab his guitar. Cole followed. "What's up with you?" "You'll see!"
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Matilda smiled, glad to know he wasnt a jerk. Other peoples family dynamics have always been confusing to her. Maybe Lina would make a good acquaintance as well, but if she started working with Devin, would that be weird? what were the boundaries? "I have heard a lot of siblings say they hate eachother. Being an only child, I would not want someone in my house hating me so Im glad hes kind." she said after a moment of serious thought? And did she want pizza? Her stomach knotted in protest. It seemed like fun but she didnt have time. She had to learn the english material. "I dont have the time.. I need to study, though any other time I truly appreciate it." When the bell rang, she got up, but started towards the Art room and not the cafeteria. She had to work. Food wasnt top priority.

She got to the art room and started working on her concentration piece again with her book for english out, texting Willow and Dani,

~Wont be at lunch. We talk later?~
Drake waited for her,but to pass time he texted Dani. Meet us at lunch.This could be big.-Drake. He pressed send and sent it.Could be big..Ha,he was right though.It was only could.


Ava heard the bell ring and sighed. D hadn't come back to class. Damnit. Getting up, she made her way to her locker and put her things up before walking towards the cafeteria. She wasted no time fixing herself a plate and sitting at an empty table. She glanced around before quietly beginning to eat, keeping her eyes on her food.​
Dani replied to Drake smiling,yea I just gotta talk to Av first. But I'll be their. Love you bro, good luck! ~Dani. She texted D that it was okay. She frowned, everyone was stumbling over each other, and here she was keeping her feelings secret. She stared down at her tattoo as she made her way to the lunch room,I suck at this whole feelings thing, she thought.

When she entered the lunch room she spotted Ava by herself. She maneuvered through the tables and took a seat across from her. "Hey." She said nervously tapping on the table,"Listen I'm sorry if helping D made you mad at me. I just thought what he wanted to do was really sweet...and you deserved it." Dani smiled waiting for a reply, praying to God that Ava wasn't angry. (At a wedding. Might not reply for a while.)
Ava smiled softly at Dani and shook her head. "I'm not mad at you. And it was sweet, but I just don't know. He's trying too hard and it's not working honestly. I just prefer things to happen on their own. I don't want to be forced into anything.
Kevin spotted Ava and sat down. Once he saw the conversation was over he casually slid a little closer. He had his guitar case in hand. He really wanted to make her happy. Then maybe all those years of being alone would finally pay off. Of course, he didn't want to force it. He smiled at her. "Hey, Av."

Cole saw Kevin was
busy and sat at a random spot, trying to be friendly to new people.
Ava jumped a bit when she felt someone sit next to her and smiled softly as she looked over at Kevin. "Hey," she said just as she noticed the guitar case. "If you plan on using that, please don't. I've already had D sing to me today and don't think I can handle anymore serenading," she said with a genuine smile. "Is that okay?" She asked softly as she looked up at him a bit nervously.
Kevin blushed nervously. "Y-Yeah. I just like to practice once and a while. If you'd prefer me not to I won't. D was probably better anyway..." He mumbled. What was he supposed to do?? Be himself? Who was himself? Was himself someone he knew? Oh well. He'll wing it. "We didn't really get to talk and I didn't want to disturb you and D. You guys are probably pretty tight by now..." Kevin already broke Rule 1 in the Rule Book of Kevin: Don't Talk to Attractive People Unless You Are One of Them.


Deshawn Gallo

Deshawn noticed Kevin hopeless trying to win Ava over. He didn't have his phone number, if he did he would have texted him. Deshawn got out of his seat, from his empty table and walked over to Kevin. He didn't want to seem intimidating, but he sure was. He looked over Kevin, and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey man, don't feel bad. Want to come sit with me? I got some free space. Bring Cole as well if you like." Deshawn was just trying to be friendly. It seemed like he also needed a friend right now, after getting rejected. He wanted him to feel better, D quickly got over what Ava said. He just wanted to be himself, and be natural. If she didn't want that well, what can he say. Anyways, Deshawn walked back to his table waiting to see whether Kevin and Cole would join him.​
Kevin bit his lip. He really didn't feel comfortable now that D knew he was with Ava and even if he did go over to sit by D he'd risk being beaten up. Don't talk to attractive people. Kevin learned that the hard way. He sighed. He motioned Cole to join him. Maybe Cole could make it so his beating wasn't so harsh. Cole rolled his eyes and sat by D. He smiled. "Hello,"
"Stop always doubting yourself," Ava said with a small smile as she nodded a bit. And we never did get to finish our conversation. How have you been?" She asked with a genuine smile midt before Deshawn approached and told Keven not to feel bad. "There's nothing for him to feel bad abou. I didn't reject him just like I didn't reject you. I haven't rejected anyone and I'm not going to," she said simply before turning back towards Kevan and letting out a soft sigh, sensing Deshawn's presence leaving. "Anyway well?" She asked curiously. Too late. Sighing softly as Kevin went to talk to D, she stood up abruptly and walked over to them. "Damnit, can't we have a single damn conversation without you interrupting? That's the second time today and frankly it's pissing me off. I'm not yours and what goes on between myself and Kevin is none of your business. I'm allowed to have a simple conversation without you sticking your nose in. Or at least I thought." She snapped at Deshawn, turning and walking back to her seat, sliding her tray across the table and laying her head down.
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Deshawn Gallo

"Hey guys. What's up?" Deshawn said, while he was eating his food. He didn't want to hurt Kevin in any way. He could be harmful, but just didn't feel like it at this time. "You see you and me, we're pretty alike. We have the same goal." He said as he pointed at himself and Kevin with a plastic fork. "See, I'm not going to hurt you so don't tense up. I just want to be friendly." Deshawn laughed and then moved his attention to Cole. "So how has Marble Hills been to you so far? You getting a good treatment?" He smiled at him as well.​
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"I've been pretty good. My internet friend, Cole. Just started going to this school today. He's cool." Kevin had things running through his mind internally. Okay, myself. I know we haven't been pals in the past but please don't fail me now. You're going to do great because you're a cool, normal, and average guy. Though Kevin was sure he was far from that.

Cole nodded. He wondered why Kevin hadn't come yet. "Pretty good so far. My friend is pretty sure you want to kill him though. I can talk to him later about it. From what I heard he's pretty lady desperate. So I apologize for his attitude."
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"I told Dani to meet us in the lunch room" He said to Willow.He was kinda paranoid that lunch would end and they wouldn't get to go to the lockers.But that's just him worrying.


Deshawn Gallo

"Damnit, can't we have a single damn conversation without you interrupting? That's the second time today and frankly it's pissing me off. I'm not yours and what goes on between myself and Kevin is none of your business. I'm allowed to have a simple conversation without you sticking your nose in. Or at least I thought.". Deshawn was confused as hell. "What are you talking about Ava? One, I never said you were mine. Also, how can you be mine? You're not property. You are an independant woman, at least in my eyes... And two, it seemed like the conversation was over. Kevin here seemed pretty let down. And I wanted to help him cheer up. I'm sorry if that hurts your impression of me but I'd just like to help someone in my day. When I'm feeling down, I'd rather not see others down." He gave Ava a piece of his mind. He was pretty calm throughout, but he just wanted her to know how he would react to her screaming at him.

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Willow walked with Drake to the lockers even though the food seemed to be calling her name. "Uh, why are we at the lockers by the way?" She asked Drake softly. "I don't see a reason to be here honestly."
"It seemed the conversation was over? It wasn't. Maybe you shouldn't assume. All I got to tell him was that I really wasn't feeling anymore serenading especially after you dragged me to the music room in order to completely disregard my wishes. God! You're so inconsiderate," she said, her anger slowly making itself known. She didn't want to lose her temper now, but she wanted to talk to other people besides D as well. Turning to Kevin, she made herself calm down. "And no we aren't as tight as you think. We're just friends and if he keeps it up, that's all we'll ever be," she finally said honestly as she stood up and headed outside, laying on the cool grass.
He opened his locker and looked at her again. "Look..This is probably a waste of time...But I need to do this now...Willow..I like you..Like as in like like..I was the one who put the notes in your locker.Dani was just trying to help." He said.He was actually quite nervous.
She looked at Drake and slowly nodded. A love confession. She thought and felt herself get stiff. She should have expected this, but it felt like being expected to get hit by a car. "O-oh."
"Um..I got you these if you want them.." He said and took the Roses out from his locker.No turning back now.He was still worried and had that bad feeling in his gut again.

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